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« on: February 07, 2013, 09:06:27 PM »
Hi all,

a member of the forum Hip, who also has CFS, has asked me few questions regarding Kambo and CFS/FM/ME. I am more then glad to answer the questions, since so far I haven't find any interest for the topic. I have put in the title FM and ME in hope that in search engines will pick it up, so some can benefit form this info.

Hip aks:
Incidentally, when you first started taking kambo, how long did it take before you started feeling better, and your CFS symptoms started going? From what I read  in your threads, it was a matter of a week or two. Is that right? Did you go from bedbound to heathy in a week or so?

Actually yes, I would say that it took two treatments, two weeks to get out of bed.  But over all this is how it looks:

I do the treatment in the morning, and generally, and especially the first day I am in terrible pain, I take some pain killers Metamizol Sodico, not avilable in the USA, but here is over the counter, it is many times stornger than Advil. This night sleep is OK, or same as before.

It is difficult too, the more points I do, the more difficult it is, so I don't plan anyting for the following day. This night sleep is WORST, even with same meds, and I take very strong meds,  It takes me two hours to get to sleep, and I tend to wake up. (which in never the case when not on Kambo)

The third day you start to feel much better. I can do 35% more activity then normally.

I feel really good. Sleep goes to normal, or standard I would say...

As good as 4

The symptoms seem to creep in again: more blurry vision, body odor increases, overall pain increases, the sinus problem is back, and the afternoon fatigue is stronger, I sweat for no reason, my feet and hands get cold, even when very warm outside, and my lymph nodes start acting up, and my Irritable bowel syndrome gets back again (IBS) stronger ....

and guess what?        I am ready for the new treatment.... DAY 7... lol ... and it has been the case ever since last April 2010.

Over all my partner says that I have less down days then usual.  He sees my face "drops", and I look tired and angry, he says I have much less days like that.  So it is not like addiction situation, since I do progress over all a lot.

I just want to say that sometimes I do even do it two times a week. Any viral condition in my case gets worst, like a common cold, intestinal infection, or a flu... then I would do more often...

Has your sleep got better from the kambo treatment?

Actually NO, it only does if I add Caapi to it, 3 days after. If I do it the following day... that night I can't sleep at all, and it doesn't feel right, It has to be 3 days after Kambo to induce deep naps in the afternoon: I have to say I NEVER HAVE GONE TO SLEEP WITHOUT THE MEDS FOR 25 YEARS, any kind of sleep.... so in my case this is revolutionary...

Hip asks:
Did your other CFS symptoms improve from kambo too? Typical CFS symptoms are: memory problems and forgetfulness, brain fog, noise or light sensitivity, anxiety/depression. Did you have these, and if so, did these symptoms all improve or disappear on kambo?

I don't have: noise or light sensitivity, anxiety/depression, but I do have a pain in the eyes, and blurry vision (this symptom decreases a lot, and then it does come back), as well as brain fog. I especially get it in the afternoon, I almost don't get it at all...

More then anyting I don't want to make false expectations. It did take me 2 weeks to get out of the bed, but I had been in bed by then some 2 months, which would have happened by that time. It could have been one month more though. But I would say it cuts my bed time in half I would say.  In past few years I have 2-3 months of bed time 2 times a year, which is already good for me, since since 2001 to 2006 I was bed bound, so I got better on my own body forces (which is already good for me), but now with Kambo, the change is "magical".

I think I am one of the worst cases, I am on disability, but others who work, either part or full time will get full health with few treatments with no doubt.

I am eager to see some of us CFS use the treatment.

good luck

« Last Edit: February 07, 2013, 09:28:11 PM by Jox »

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Re: CFS FM and ME
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2013, 11:59:59 PM »
Thanks very much for writing that detailed account of your chronic fatigue syndrome recovery, Jox. It is quite amazing how quickly kambo seems to work for CFS — just two weeks!

I know that when CFS patients take antiviral drugs for chronic fatigue syndrome (antiviral drugs such as Valtrex, Famvir, Valcyte, Nexavir and oxymatrine), the health improvements obtained in these patients are usually considerably less than what you have achieved with kambo (and often those antiviral drugs yield no improvements at all). And with those antiviral drugs it usually take 3 to 6 months for the improvement to manifest.

Yet using kambo, you have manifested a really enormous improvement in your CFS symptoms within two weeks, which is quite remarkable. It seems that your improvement is virtually a cure for CFS (at least while you keep taking the kambo treatment on a once weekly basis). It is quite amazing.

Note: Jox's other threads on his kambo treatment for CFS can be found here: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2013, 05:43:48 PM by Hip »

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Re: CFS FM and ME
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2013, 01:16:48 PM »
Hi Jox

Can I ask you a few more questions please:

Above in this thread, you explained that you feel bad on the kambo DAY OF TREATMENT and on DAY 2 (the day that follows the treatment).

• So now, after 1 year of regular weekly kambo treatments, do you still feel bad on the DAY OF TREATMENT and still feel bad on DAY 2?

• Does kambo always make you feel bad for these first two days after a treatment?

• What exactly are your symptoms on these two bad days (the DAY OF TREATMENT and DAY 2)? Is it just fatigue, or do all your CFS symptoms return on these two bad days after taking kambo? Are you still well enough to leave the house if you want to on these two bad days?

• How is your general health on the two bad days (the DAY OF TREATMENT and DAY 2), compared to how you were before you ever started kambo, when you were very fatigued with CFS and bedbound for most of the day? In other words, on the bad two days on the kambo treatment, how do these bad two days compare to how you were before you tried kambo?

« Last Edit: April 29, 2013, 01:29:08 PM by Hip »

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Re: CFS FM and ME
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2013, 04:43:04 PM »
Hi Hip,

your questions are so precise and to the point that I see that you understand CFS/FM very well. I saw your question couple of days ago, but it came exactly when I was going through that process, so I waited to see exactly how it was going to unfold:

1. I have been struck with a common throat infection, which made my doc. give me antibiotics. This was three Fridays ago. Today, the day of writing this is Wednesday, and I did Kambo past Friday.

Here it is important to note that in my body reaction to common infection is different than the normal folks' would have been: I don't get a strong immunological response, high fever, ext, but I have increase in CFS/FM symptoms and drag on like this for a month up to three months, pretty much in bed  all of the time.  With Kambo this is changing.

2. It is important to note the condition I am in, if I am under some infection that goes around or I am in my "normal" CFS/FM state of health. If I am in the later one, the recovery form Kambo is much more difficult. Since this is the condition that I am in now I will elaborate on that one.

My "normal" state reaction will be one day house bound, with increased body pains, increased lymphs node pain, maybe diarrhea. The following day I would be better functional, yet I would have some body pain.

3. So I will be back to the symptoms of Kambo and common infection:

day 1Friday: I felt horrible, couldn't even move arrround the house for the first few hours. My nose got very congested. My lymph nodes, especially behind my ear was very sore. My body was changing temperature from cold to hot all day and night.

day 2. I could function in the day, but I felt very weak in the afternoon, the throat was hurting me, as well as the sinus, I was sure I was getting sick again, full blown. I decided to take Caapi brew in the afternoon (this is becoming fundamental).

day 3. I didn't feel well, and even worst in the afternoon, BUT because of the Caapi brew of last day, I felt very, very tired, so I had to go to bed, and I could't move for a couple of hours. My body was feeling very tired BUT NOT PAINFULL. I just want to digress and say, that I always feel worst in the afternoon, much worst, and I have overall fever like states, in the past I would have jumping fevers, or febrile: my body temperature would go from 35.0 C to 37.2C within one hour. That would make me totally fucked up.  All this is happening now but to a much smaller scale.

day4. I felt tired again in the afternoon in the same way, and had sore throat, and stuffy nose, I was thinking that I was getting sick again. I spend the afternoon in the bed, same as day 3.

day 5. Suddenly I felt OK all day at night I felt little off, but really well

day 6, or Today, Wednesday, I feel OK, yet I know that underneath I am still sick in a common way....

So practically Kambo made me sicker for 3 days.

To things to take a note:

Caapi brew:

is fundamental, if you see I take it a day AFTER, the Kambo, since the same day it kinds of clashes  ( may be different for others), but the following 3 days, I have SPONTANEOUS naps, and my body goes to relaxation mode...

THIS IS REVOLUTIONARY, my body has not been able to do so in past 25 years. Instead of this, my body would have gone to pain and sweating, and increased head acke. And actually I am writing this now, and it is 15:31 and I have a head acke, slightly sweaty, but my body doesn't go to relaxation, tiredness mode, but tension and pain.

This lasts only 3 days after Kambo. Caapi only without Kambo doesn't produce this effect at all.  Also this time I took smaller dose, had it been stronger, I would have been sleeping, which for me is impossible act, I am on prescribed sleeping aid for past 22 years.

Also this has to be seen from the perspective that without Kambo, I would have been bed bound for all this past 3 weeks, and I was in bed only 3 days...

hope it is of some use

ps. Hip, I wrote this, before rereading your questinos, which are how it has improved.  Since I am in this stage, I am writing what is happening now. When I get out of it, I will write to you the answer to your questions: how it feels when I am "well".
« Last Edit: May 01, 2013, 04:47:08 PM by Jox »

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Re: CFS FM and ME
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2013, 06:04:55 PM »
you could add microdoses of San Pedro in your daily menu: i'm not joking.
SP is another good universal medicine and for your conditions is probably better than ayahuasca:
I think it is possible to have shipped the flour from Peru.
Another useful plant would be coca leaves or mambe to take regularly.

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Re: CFS FM and ME
« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2013, 10:58:06 PM »
Hi Caiano,

When I was microdosing Iboga with Kambo I have not noticed anything. I don't anything about San Pedro microdosing, nor Mamob, can you tell me more? I saw on internet that Mambe is tosted coca leaves... in which way these plants can help? 

thank you for the response

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Re: CFS FM and ME
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2013, 12:02:25 AM »
I would request a thread on Mambe, I was waiting for C to mention it rather than ask him to.  Fascinating, I've yet to develop a close relationship with Coca, my few encounters filled me with promise though. 

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Re: CFS FM and ME
« Reply #7 on: May 03, 2013, 07:04:46 AM »
San Pedro cactus ( or even  peyote cactus)  taken in low doses has notoriuosly many health benefits: it can be taken every day, say 1 or 2 two capsules  of about 500 mg each. The potency of different strains vary a lot, but here we are not searching for its psychedelic or entactogen properties; instead it is the complex of substances in the raw cactus that will help the healing and the well being, improving the strenght and and the energy of all body functions.

San Pedro\Peyote flour  can be added to the Mambe mix at 10 or 20 % and used along the day, at least after the meals. One have to keep it in the mouth until it dissolves. Coca flour gives you a light 'friendly' anesthesia in the gum, whereas the cactus material when moisted swells and helps the coca to dissolve much slowly than it could happen without the cactus.

The Mambe activation  (-> freebasing)-  I've found optimal, is obtained adding a 25% of carbonates, composed of 2:1:1 mix of [respectively] Calcium Carbonate:Sodium Bicarbonate:Potassium Bicarbonate.
The natives use withe ashes, or grinded and toasted shells, but then more than 25% is required to a good activation, because the farmaceutical carbonates  I suggested are more pure.

Coca in its raw form is useful for everyone's health and well being, but it 's mostly recommended for recovering from any debilitating illness.

There is a good reliable vendor in the States who has an high quality of coca flour (search " pijamacafè mate de coca" - BTW they sell also Mahuang\Ephedra and raw ayahuasca ingredients): he suggests to drink it in the morning with grapefruit juice, but i find the Mambe method more comfortable to carry everywhere, even to share with others at wish and suitable to adding other herbs,  as indeed San Pedro.

A thread on Mambe... yes DONE ! but I would have nothing more to add: it's a good medicine, but it is antinausea, so don't use it before kambò because it could undermine the purging process.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2013, 07:15:19 AM by caiano »

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Re: CFS FM and ME
« Reply #8 on: May 06, 2013, 12:03:09 PM »
Jox have you ever been able to take a full blown dose of caapi plus DMT plant brew?  We also used syrian rue which was a cheaper MAOI.  I participated in a few aya ceremonies, not in a jungle but in a studio setting with other people and usually the day after I had a good afterglow lasting 1-2 days.  I suffered fatigue off and on from HIV but it didn't get worse until my infection progressed.  I am utterly shocked how debilitating CFS is from the way you are describing it, for something that is not very well understood what the underlying cause is.  It sounds like a virus is causing all that.

For teas I tried the various caffinated herbs:  green tea, yerba mate, guarana.  I even tried decoconized coca tea, but not enough to gauge the effects.  But the one that stood out for me was guayusa.  It was very sustained energy and no crash.  Usually caffeine from various sources gives me a 1-3 hour max productive period and I usually crash or start feeling tired again.  I don't know why the caffeine effect in guayasa is different, but most reports I read people describe the same thing.  It just works better.  Some tribes use guayusa as a purging agent by drinking large amounts.  I'd like to try coca if I could get the full leaf effect, it's not legal to sell it with coca in the US.

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Re: CFS FM and ME
« Reply #9 on: December 19, 2020, 10:38:52 PM »
Poke root is indicated in the treatment of the lymphatic system. Supporting this system is basic in most anti-cancer treatments as well as cleansing programs for a whole range of health problems. As an alterative, Poke root plays a role in helping to maintain the healthy functioning of the lymphatic system. It is especially indicated in mastitis, where it can be used internally and as a poultice. It is also an indicated remedy in the treatment of adenitis.

Changes can be induced in lymphocytes by certain plant mitogens, one of the most important being phytohaemaglutinin (PHA). It is termed a polyclonal T-cell activator because it reacts with the T-cell surface nonspecifically (i.e. not as an antigen) and produces the same series of cellular events as does antigen, locking onto its specific surface receptor. Unlike the situation with antigen stimulation where only a small fraction of the cells are sensitive, PHA transforms a major portion of the T-cells. Additionally, some B-cells are affected although their response appears to be T-cell dependent. The picture is emerging that helper T-cells are preferentially stimulated by PHA> Poke weed activates both T- and B-lymphocytes.

It appears from the above discussion on the effect Poke root has on lymphocytes that its beneficial role in cancer is a legitimate one. It may be surmised as well that a number of other opportunistic infections and diseases, such as Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) may also be beneficially treated with Poke root as one of the therapeutic agents. In lymphatic disorders, Poke root is often used in conjunction with Cleavers or Blue Flag.

It's potential preventive effects are due in part by its enhancement of chemotaxis" (movement of cells in response to chemical stimulus)", phagocytosis" (the ingestion of a smaller cell or cell fragment, a microorganism, or foreign particles)", and increased total lymphocytes and T helper cells when extract G 115 or an aqueous extract is given in 100 mg doses twice daily for 4-8 weeks (PO in human clinical study.

Herbal Contraindications and Drug Interactions Plus Herbal Adjuncts with Medicines: Expanded fourth Edition
Francis Brinker, N.D.

The primary benefits of cleavers revolve around this herb's ability to tone the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is responsible for the drainage and cleansing of fluid from cells, tissue, and organs, as well as for part of the body's natural anti-microbial activity, which occurs in the lymphatic glands. Therefore, lymphatic well-being is a foundation for overall well-being. Drinking a cup of cleavers herb tea, blended with marigold or echinacea, is a perfect remedy for swollen glands, tonsillitis, or any other ailment that would benefit from lymphatic drainage support like respiratory infections. Cleavers have also been traditionally used as a lymphatic tonic to alleviate ulcers and tumors, possibly because of the stimulation of fluid drainage.

Cleavers herb tea can be drunk up to three times a day during healing. It blends well with poke root, echinacea, and marigold to tone the lymphatic system.