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Video / Sapo In My Soul Book
« on: December 18, 2014, 03:25:12 PM »
New book coming out on Kambo.
Sapo In My Soul: The Matsés Frog Venom Medicine - The story of the Western world’s discovery of Sapo/Kambø, and a guidebook to using the medicine traditionally by Peter Gorman; Author of Ayahuasca In My Blood: 25 Years of Medicine Dreaming.

There is a link on the above page with info on pre-ordering a signed copy for $25 US domestic and $35 outside.

Peter Gorman is not affiliated with this website, I'm just sharing. I enjoyed and have his book on Ayahuasca.

Journals / Ordeals / Re: An Experience With Shamanic Soul Retrieval
« on: December 15, 2014, 04:26:08 AM »
I don't know much about Reiki, but if the Reiki system explains that the practitioner is intentionally open to help from the spirit guides and healing energies, it does sound like you and the crystal were in a position to allow some healing to happen which could be called soul retrieval.

 the concept that the shaman is a 'hollow bone', a conduit for the healing energies, and that being hollow and open is what we can take credit for when we witness something beautiful as you have described. Being open and ego free, to the best of our abilities, that healing can come through us for the benefit of another.

this^^^ powerful. i feel this  ;)

Journals / Ordeals / Re: An Experience With Shamanic Soul Retrieval
« on: December 14, 2014, 04:33:52 AM »
Thanks for taking this so seriously, but not sensationalizing.
I humbly see this path as one that I will always continue to learn on. I worried my posts might sound too metaphysical and unsubstantial, but realized my goal was not to make everyone that reads this believers. Just that I am seeking knowledge/experience from those with the right eyes, so to speak, with whom benefit can come.

Sometimes after a soul retrieval, people will become agitated, or experience agitation in their surroundings. While I have no idea whether this is true for your friend or not, sometimes this happens because an entity with a person (one who has previously been comfortable dwelling within the person) is interacting with the energy of the returned soul part, and is not comfortable with the new state of health of the person

Although true, on the whole she has been in a much better state after the healing. What you stated above may be what's happened and were my thoughts as well. She was never one who I would look at think, could have a full/fullish? (not sure how it works) spirit inside of her. Tho I've thought it about other people. For example a family member who is an alcoholic, carries baggage through the years, has a bit of a split personality, focuses mostly on the negative, sometimes looks distant, not there, or something else in the eyes, makes big deals of everything and can never let go, etc. Anyway, although this girl has told me I'd never really seen her angry side, I've been very close with her for a few years and have never seen much of what I've stated. Tho through the healing and on I've seen more of herself and her light come out.

I just searched but have never heard the term "psychopomp" and will research further.

The work would best include helping that spirit get to where they need to be in a manner which causes no fear, anger, alarm or shock either for the entity or your friend.
That's the way I see it and have thought with that intention on the prospects of entity release with Kambo. Though not sure how effective, when I was doing the mental intentions I was telling about I was thoughtspeaking that it was probably best that the spirit move on, that the house nor its occupants were a hospitable place for it. That it's not what we could call the living, on this plane. That it should move on, go toward the light, etc. Here is a link to the Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram. I have not yet read it but I very much revere Paganism and Wicca.

Something I have found beneficial for people, which likely helps them retain that soul energy and move forward with it, is to also bring back that person's animal ally, when available, and when appropriate. Something else I have found beneficial is that after the return of an ally or a soul part, that I allow the person to sit with it while I rattle, drum or sing. A lot of work is going on with this, but simplistically, I am sealing it in, helping to 'lock in' the new position.
This is basically what my book says.

There is also, in some systems, the 'lower world', which is safe and earthy, and generally populated with spirits appearing as animals.
This sounds like the one I was referring to. I believe it was described as earthy.

but you did ask, and I do want to share. ;P Feel free to pm me if you like. I'm sure we have stuff to learn/teach from each other.
Please go right ahead. I don't mind long posts. Or pm works too. No doubt!

Do you take intentional 'journeys' when looking for information? Are you aware of or do you call on your own good guides and allies to not only keep you safe but inform you of steps you might take?
I do, as well as feel like I am guided without them, though sometimes am unsure how much I delude myself. For a while I was at a stage where I felt dissapointed to not have learned more on my journeys. I have learned a lot but have journeyed very many times as well. Then came to the realization that I was not bringing enough ceremony and most-especially, intention. And was not appreciating them in a sacred enough way. I feel that my results will improve duly.

Although I feel like I have some, I have never experienced contracting helping spirits. I don't know how to retrieve a power animal, and don't know what mine is. I have felt that Kambo was a power animal ally.

I recently had a Salvia experience where I felt in direct communion and communication with her. The girl whom I have been talking about was taught by her family that a dream involving teeth falling out means that someone is going to die. She has had this happen to her twice and I recently had the same type of dream and then 3 people (none very close to me) died very soon after. When in commune with salvia I mentally asked about the dream. She showed my a visualization and her response was basically that pulling people out of this plane i.e. physical death was "like pulling teeth". hence the dreams.

At one point a raggae song came on my stereo about loving marijuana where the word marijuana repeated. I felt that she was slightly offended in a lighthearted way. Like that she gives respect to the cannabis plant but that it was her moment. I had a vision of a shadow figure creeping behind green leaves, a sort of comedic identity crises. (both feminine green leafed plants).

She made a very startling and crazy synchronistic connection about the salvia death transition helping and dreamworld entities being connected with the dmt entities who oversee and control certain things. This would be long to explain and there's a background story.

I asked her if we would evolve fast enough in time to save the planet, and I was shown a vision of a ufo flying over the earth and sucking people and trees up into it like a vaccuum cleaner and going somewhere else. LOL

So I do/have had some deep journeys with some guidance. I once experienced my grandfathers presence who had past on, in a healing manner. I was forgiven for guilt I had little realized I had been carrying, about not being around enough during his last days.

Do you remember your healing dreams?
My dreaming lately has been pretty strong, but that one, no. I believe I was holding sticks, but that's all.

I redouble my effort on being open, without ego, clean, and in service. So many spirits willing to help someone with this posture. Also, I find the energy of 'gratitude' creates an environment ]
I feel this way as well. and feel very allied to tobacco. You can find my thread on it, in this forum, linked at
I consider it very sacred and smoke only true organic I make myself with unbleached papers. I won't even smoke american spirits. I also use Peruvian Ague de Florida. I mean I work with a lot of medicines/methods but, in the context of shamanism.

Thanks for the opportunity to talk on this, and thanks for the work you do.
Likewise, thank you. And not sure I ever got a chance to welcome you to the forum so, welcome.  :)

Journals / Ordeals / Re: An Experience With Shamanic Soul Retrieval
« on: December 12, 2014, 09:46:15 PM »
I honestly don't know much about Reiki either. I've not gotten around to my "reiki shamanism" book on the subject. Anyway I was pointing the wand at one chakra at a time starting at the root and making one-directional circles. I believe clockwise? I would do each chakra for a while then move to the next. sometimes while doing one I'd do half circled upward motions to the next as if pushing the rotating energy upwards.

Is this something you are interested in working with?
Yes, very much interested in learning this in a more complete way.

Could it be that she is again in her power enough to be either seeing or creating these experiences again?
I believed that it was something external that was drawn to her because of her state.
She has felt the presence at home, at a friends location, and felt followed in her car by it.

Since my original post I have also felt what she was talking about at her location. The air felt heavier, almost like it was on fire. I was seeing more visual phenomena in my visual field. almost like short little shadowy movements. I was seeing some breathing and the heats energy coming out of the radiator felt more visible then it would normally be? I felt strange and like I was tripping. colors were brighter. My mind felt dulled like in a daze. I humored that because she lives close to NYC that it could be some kind of electromagnetic pollution, radio waves or something. But that wouldn't explain her having seen her phone floating in mid air and etc.

I felt tension building as if something were right about to happen or become more visible but then her mom called me into the other room to try and get her TV to work which was oddly just not showing channels for about 15 minutes. Don't think I got it working, seemed to have just returned. ..I went back into her room and smudged and spoke some mental intentions in a mantric way, stating that good/positive/healing spirit is welcome but that bad/negative/controlling spirits were not, that negative energy and sickness is also cast out. That she, and everyone in the house is autonomous and won't be influenced except by higher divine spirits, etc. I then began a meditation. I felt positive at this point and felt that it left but that my third eye felt a little more open which I was thankful for.

A part of soul retrieval work is in the post-care
Yes, my book talks about this too and I've been trying to focus on it. When she was bothered by the above situation^^ I pushed her to go take a shower and then I was left in the room alone. This phenomena makes her very sort of paralyzed and listless. I was trying to get her to stare into my eyes as a sort of strengthening and comforting connection during the beginning of it, and really couldn't get her to. At this point I was worrying about a reversal or regression of the soul retrieval work. But she's still been great. And she has never experienced this "entity" at my location. I feel that it would be too powerless here. I have no fear of it and I also believe my room has a sort of charge to it from positive energy works and frequent smudgings and such.

She has not mentioned anything about paranormal visitations since. But at the sameish time we were experiencing it, well her first, she got text/calls from her friend saying he was experiencing stuff, and that he couldn't get work done because his mouse was moving by itself at the computer and stuff. At first I wasn't sure what to believe, wondered if maybe it was his burden and was affecting those who came close to him, or if it had to do with both of them or what. I've recommended that if it persists, since no good has seemed to come of it, that they could do a Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.

What do you think?
I do have experience in soul retrieval, and I have witnessed shamans perform them, and heard them speak about them as well.
I'd love to hear anything you'd wish to share, even if through PM.

I've also had dreams of healing her, while she slept alongside of me. Thanks to Kambo, I believe, I've been having a lot of vivid and meaningful dreams lately.
I should really try and look up their meanings.

Introductions / Re: New Ottawa (Canada) Member
« on: December 08, 2014, 05:01:29 AM »
Hello again Kraken,

Very cool that you received Sapo from a Matse. Sapo is also another common name. Feel free to express it.
Dream medicine it is indeed.
After every kambo use, my dreaming becomes stronger.

how best to connect with the spirit,
My advice here is to always have an intention. That is you initializing dialogue with the medicine and respecting its sentience.

For ceremony, I do drumming and chanting to guide participants into a meditation to clarify their intention and invite the spirit of Kambo
Great. I've seen some shamans use certain kinds of palm leaf rattles that are also used to smudge a person by wiping them off.
Sometimes hard to manage making your own drumming, or rattling when juggling Sapo stick, burning stick, knife, spray bottle, smudge, ect.
I had one friend who I must have applied like 20 or 30 burns too, till purge, and even then only purging through sweat and a bowel movement.

To the indians, a purge might not be necessary. But their diets are cleaner and they consciously do things to purge themselves of toxins.
I would recommend pushing the person till they purge. This is a significant part of the healing.

I think a shower following is a fine idea, it is grounding. And cleansing to the largest organ in the body, the skin.

Sadly it would take me about a 7 hour drive as well to meet you at the edge of N.Y / Ontario.

Again, welcome to the forum, and others will chime in soon.

Journals / Ordeals / An Experience With Shamanic Soul Retrieval
« on: December 08, 2014, 04:35:18 AM »
I've been researching online and am reading a book on the concepts of "soul loss" and "shamanic soul retrieval". "soul loss" is a term for people who have been through really traumatic emotional experiences or perhaps terrifying shocks, like even perhaps a car accident. It is a kind of spiritual term for what Western Medicine would probably call Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Basically, soul loss is described as a condition where part of a persons self or spirit energies have been lost or fragmented.

Recently, I was doing some "Reiki" energy healing work on a friend with a Rose Quartz (love energy) polished crystal wand. She'd taken some empathogenic/entactogenic medicines as well. At one point, judging by her facial expressions, in which she seemed to have a small fit, then a look as if she was kind of possessed or not there, then a snap, out of it. We had a long therapeutic talk soon after where she explained to me the things she had been through in her life.

She had become quite numbed at an early age.

Anyway, after this experience I had with her I believe I somehow did some sort of, or a portion of "soul retrieval". She's renewed, has more light in her eyes, is much more positive. she always told me how she has very little sense of herself in her body, that she could burn herself and not feel it. There were times I'd ask how she felt, physically, and she'd say she didn't really know. She's told me since the experience she's been gaining back sensitivity in her body, and that her eyesight has improved. She hasn't felt this way in years and strongly feels that she is in a process of integration.

From what I have read on the subject, soul retrieval requires a shamanic journeying to the underworld to retrieve the essence, which has fled to the protection of Pachamama. It involved drumming, journeying trance, and using one's helping spirits and power animals. I did none of this. Well, I had music on which contained drumming. lol

Anyway, I thought the experience was interesting and felt like sharing. I've repeated our experience but don't believe anything else was retrieved, tho perhaps it helped to cement and keep intact the retrieved energy which I feel is also vital.

At almost the same time she began experiencing paranormal phenomena, with a friend at each of their mutual locations, which I found strange. She's continued to smudge both locations and I did my own sort of cleansing and meditations at her location. She says that she used to experience paranormal phenomena at a young age and that this was another returning phenomena. I am not sure if something negative was expelled in correlation to the essence retrieval or if something could be trying to contradict her new energy composition/body.

Anybody have any experience with soul retrieval or has witnessed a shaman perform or talk about them?

Kambo was not involved in this, but am planning a session with her soon. This experience inspired me to start on a master herbalist certification course. Quite excited for that.


Application / Re: Application and change in intensity of effects
« on: December 07, 2014, 04:28:24 PM »
Ahhhh, I'm sorry I accidently edited and wrote over your post instead of responding. I have extra abilities as a moderator and some times click the wrong button.
I'm so used to going back and modifying my own posts.
I wish there was a way on this forum to undo or undelete things. Feel free to re-ask any questions from your post. As far as making the burns a "one one hundred" or "one Mississippi" duration should be perfectly sufficient. You're just trying to adequately burn and remove the top layer of skin, to the full shape of the tip of your burning stick.

Precautions / Re: Not overdoing it with the burns
« on: December 07, 2014, 04:11:51 PM »
I don't think most local herb stores would carry it as it is sort of a South-American specialty. It can be ordered off which is what I do.
Shake tincture and apply dragons blood to the burned points after washing the Kambo globules off. Allow it to dry. Sometimes I wash the dragons blood off and re-apply to points if it bubbles or looks square shaped or something. so that the Dragon's Blood fills the point like a water filling a pool and keeps the shape, and is satisfactorily aesthetically pleasing to me. or ill moistened and roll the corner of a paper towel and wipe the excess off by some up and wiping and run-off around it.

Dragon's Blood is anti-microbial and has tissue healing compounds in it. It also forms a scab almost exactly as your skin would except a bit more reddish in color. and this scab is never as deep as a regular scab and you never really run into picking and bleeding issues, unless you purposely pick it to make scars more prominent and lasting.

Dragon's blood once dry will not wash off in the shower. My last shower left dried whitish coloration on my points from shaving with a certain soap, and I rewashed them with my natural Dr. Bronner's soap I shower with to remove the whitish soap and the dragons blood stays dried and in place fine. I originally avoided washing them in the shower, but now do it everyday, and they only come off when healed.

Redness around the areas are normal and somewhat common for me. After my last application I had a red patch of skin near a point which lasted about 2 days.

Only thing I do after the dragon's blood has dried is rub a little oil on them when I'm making a smoothie each day. Olive, coconut, and/or hemp etc. just to keep them from drying out and the edges peeling up prematurely.

Application / Re: Application and change in intensity of effects
« on: December 07, 2014, 01:01:54 AM »
Hello Kraken,
welcome to the community.

Fast from food for 6 hours beforehand or apply after a nights sleep. Drink 1-2 liters of water beforehand (more like 2).
An enema beforehand makes the purge come easier and will hydrate you without needing to drink so much water as I mentioned.
Smudge the area. If you wish, lowish volume music may be comforting. If you have one, keep a 5 gallon bucket for puking nearby, if you're indoors.
Keep drinking water near by.
After misting the Kambo stick use a knife to scrape the Kambo into globules of even size. Don't put so much water that it keeps dripping off the Kambo stick.
Too much excess water run-off may possibly cause some loss of potency. When you scrape with the knife it takes a minute of working it to form the globules.
Apply even burns, scraping dead skin off. apply moistened Kambo globules to the burns. lie back and let the worst pass (head pressure, possible face swelling, hot flushing sensation, etc.) Keep the globules on as long as you can to at least cause a sufficient purge. You can mist them on the skin, to get some more absorption from them.
It will cause you to feel like you hadn't drank lots of water and will cause dry mouth. Continue to drink water so the purge comes easily.
A follow up enema is beneficial to those that wish. The Kambo puts toxins into the elimination passages. And your next shit will probably be pretty foul if you wait and don't follow up with an enema. Smudge again after cleanup.

P.S. when I mention enemas I don't mean store bought mineral oil enemas, this is not healthy. I mean warm water with possible herb teas or coffee added that may assist in detoxification.

Finally I tend to hold the red bamboo for about 5 seconds on my skin.
It seems to me that a full second to a second and a half should be sufficient? Just make full contact with sufficient pressure. The skin will snub out the ember and it's heat.
In my experience as the stick burns the tip gets thinner. I use a knife to cut off the charred tip after every one or couple burns so the burn marks are of even diameter.

Best regards.

Complementary Modalities / Re: Powerful blenders
« on: December 05, 2014, 05:39:39 PM »
Not so. If you have ever taken a course in anatomy and physiology you understand better. The entire body should not be acidic. You can feel the difference when your body is too acidic.  Water is best for you at a perfectly balanced pH of 7. Cancer is caused by blood that is too acidic and and not oxygenated enough. Yes some acids can be handled by the body and are also healthy. The stomach is extremely acidic while liver bile (pH 7.6 to 8.6) and pancreatic juice (contains bicarbonate ions) are alkaline.
The blood pH is usually about 7.35 to 7.45.

Your body is acid and can self regulate it's acidity all by itself.
By releasing and losing alkaline minerals like calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium.
They function as buffers.
The urine removes excess acids or alkaline substances.
The system can be overwhelmed and lose this ability to buffer.

Have you ever tested your urine or saliva with pH strips? The range can go from below 6.5 to above 6.8.

Alkalines are dangerous substances... think of caustic soda that can melt one's skin in a matter of seconds.
How about Hydrochloric acid? Would you want to consume it or touch it? Anything in the extreme ranges is corrosive.
Calcium carbonateand Sodium bicarbonate can be taken for heart burn.
Baking soda has long been used as a remedy because of its alkalinity which buffers excessive stomach acid.
Spices increase stomach acid production while consuming acidic foods like high sugar will increase the acidity.
I'm talking about the differences on blood pH of say a diet of pizza and pepsi vs kale leaves and spring water.
I'm not saying ones pH should be 14. I'm saying that a more alkaline diet is healthier. Nevermind the nutritional value, and the fact that natural foods are generally more nutritional and alkaline, a more alkaline diet.

General Discussion / Re: KAMBO ceremonies around the world
« on: December 01, 2014, 07:19:52 PM »
Kampum, I thought you moved to Africa. lol

Kambo & Other Sacraments / Kambo Synergies
« on: December 01, 2014, 03:00:38 AM »
Figured this could be important to share.

While doing 4 herbal enemas I decided to do 1 Kambo point. Not looking for nausea, but to help push toxins into the elimination passages and assist in lower purging.
The herbal enema consisted of: a small amount of Acacia confusa root bark (this is an ayahuasca analogue that contains both dmt and maoi), a squirt of cilantro essential oil, a drop of garlic oil, the fresh juice of a lemon, and a small handful of dried red clover herb.

I did one deep enema, held it and applied a Kambo point. 1 point almost reached full strength dose which for me has been 6 points. I got very frog faced. and actually had to remove the Kambo after a while. Released the enema, did another deep, and 2 more laying on right side to detox liver and gallbladder.

Just pointing out that Kambo can synergize with the right medicines, so those combining modalities should be aware of the potential.

I did not drink water beforehand, and felt no nausea. The medicines and my intention worked in unison to perfectly purge through the desired passage.

General Discussion / Re: Popularity of Ayurveda
« on: November 28, 2014, 07:00:58 AM »
Much reverence for the practice of Ayurveda and it's healers.


EDIT: I've let this post stay and have not deleted it as spam, so please no more double posts or registered usernames, or all will be deleted.
We have to first accept users first posts before they will show up on the forum. Thank you

Journals / Ordeals / Re: The Kambô, Iboga, Ayahuasca Spiritual Fast Track
« on: November 20, 2014, 03:52:00 AM »
I'm all about raw and vegan foods. but if you choose to be vegan there's no reason to focus specifically on low fat. plant fats are all healthy. they're very good for you. And i believe if someone is going to eat meat they should in some way earn it (like hunting for it yourself and facing and being a part of that process) or earn it through physical exercise. And give thanks for it. I also eat meat in moderation and look for sources that are wild (fish) or free-range organic. Cholesterol is a pre-cursor to many anti-estrogens and androgenic hormones in the body. I enjoy dairy when it is cruelty free as in free range goat milk or organic free range eggs. Factory Farming is sickness & pain. If your spiritual choice is to eat vegan, have some avocado and coconut and/or coconut oil for fats. Hemp oils high in omegas and has the perfect ratio of 3 & 6. fats are good for lubricating the joints and brain health.

Plant diets are very healing, nutritive, and cleansing. They raise our intellect. Plants are intelligent and they transfer that to us. you are what you eat. To see the intelligence in plants and nature is very important. And to connect with it. Different plants and their compounds are designed for us as medicines. Everything has a purpose. Everything has to die. The most important thing is that we don't become a part of the problem and contribute to species slavery, through factory farming. We ourselves are experiencing what it is like to be slaves, to government, negative entities, sickness, addictions, corporations. Every animal seeks freedom.

Plants have been shown to communicate. Plants hooked up to lie detector tests (polygraphs) have been shown to register fear when someone would come in the room with scissors with the intent to harm them. the polgraphs would go crazy. Plants when eaten by bugs, give off pheromones to attract predators, to signal them that there's food for them to come and eat. they signal predators to come and eat what is eating them. So plants are intelligent creatures. Tho I am not sure whether they experience pain like us but I believe it is important to use them properly, to not destroy them for no reason. I believe they want to be used as medicines and in magick rituals. That gives them purpose. Plants live a very low karmic existence if they have to deal with karma at all. They are givers.

At the same time wild and free range meat is good for us. They live out life in and connected to nature, which is why we all are here. At the same time there are buddhist monks who can and have gone months living off the energy of the sun. look up the documentary buddha boy. I believe dairy farms should take care of their animals as pets. I believe animals raised for food should be taken care of and given a natural life. I believe we should eat high % raw plants foods, and get lots of sunlight. vitamin D is actually a hormone and not a vitamin, and raises hormone levels like testosterone. But animal meat is more yang (warming) than most plants, and benefits those more that have to deal with long winters. They're slower digesting and satiate people for longer periods of time when the harshness of winter has made plant foods desolate. I believe animal sacrifices for meat should be older animals and thanks should be given to nature and they should not be used in wasteful manners such as trophy hunting to make plaques on the wall. As much as possible of them should be used.

People need to reconnect with nature and tribalistic culture. hunting can help with that. If people ate bugs world hunger would be eliminated. And gardening of course. Be sure to give intention to helping to create and helping to allow life to reproduce, more than what we take and consume. It's time people start giving back to nature, plants, and animals.

We must also fight back against GMOs. because corporations like Monsanto do not have our best intentions at heart.
We have been like a virus on the earth but through genetic modification science has shown us that viruses can be changed to be used as anti-cancer medicines, for example; scientists have experimentally genetically modified a strain of HIV and claim it can attack cancer cells. So viruses could potentially be transformed into a positive. We too must seek our transformation and become butterflies.

At least that's my perspective.

Complementary Modalities / Powerful blenders
« on: November 18, 2014, 09:30:04 AM »
The vitamix is a $400-something blender that is made specifically to blend and liquefy fruits and vegetables without adding water and without leaving chunks of unblended pulp. It allows you to take in a ton of vegetable matter which would otherwise be too strenuous and boring to eat. A pure green vegetable smoothie does wonders for cleansing, remineralization, and alkalizing the system. You get the fiber which is good for the intestines. And it is much faster, requiring less cleaning than a juicer.

Here it is being used:

There's a blender called the Osta Versa on amazon which reviews claim is as good as the Vitamix, for $200. I just ordered a used one for $150.
I've read lots of reviews and nothing else seems to compare to these as a full size blender.

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