Author Topic: New ways of Administering Kambo (Other than via Skin Burns)  (Read 111848 times)

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Re: New ways of Administering Kambo (Other than via Skin Burns)
« Reply #30 on: April 29, 2013, 06:08:59 PM »
I was wondering if kambo could be rubbed on the tips of acupuncture needles before they were applied into the skin.

That might work, but don't forget that kambo is not a sterile product (it comes from the skin of a live animal), so this would be highly inadvisable, as you may introduce a microbial infection into the body.

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Re: New ways of Administering Kambo (Other than via Skin Burns)
« Reply #31 on: April 29, 2013, 09:36:40 PM »
another good trick is to add say mandarin, balsam fir needle, lemongrass, peppermint, cinnamon essential oils 1 drop each under the tongue with the kambo this will dramatically enhance the absorption and potency of the kambo and your bodies sensitivity to it

I suggest if you just take kambo sublingually (with or without essential oils), you will get no effect whatsoever. Kambo does not seem effective when taken sublingually.

i am just going to let you know, you are wrong, not my opinion somebody told me to let you know that.

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Re: New ways of Administering Kambo (Other than via Skin Burns)
« Reply #32 on: April 30, 2013, 06:10:50 AM »
i am just going to let you know, you are wrong, not my opinion somebody told me to let you know that.

Peacefull Warrior, have you actually tried taking kambo sublingually (without simultaneously using any other routes of administration such as intranasally, etc), and if so, did you get an effect from sublingual kambo?

If you have not tried taking kambo purely sublingually, then try it for yourself, and see if you can get it to work. I'd be interested to hear your results.

In my own experiments, I measured out 1 mg of kambo powder for snorting intranasally (which I scrapped of my kambo stick and ground to a very fine powder using a mortar and pestle).

This low 1 mg dose is enough for a very light kambo trip (for a full kambo trip, though, you need to snort about 15 mg of kambo).

On each occasion when I snorted 1 mg of kambo, I got very rapid and very definite effects within a minute or two: a racing, pounding heart, and I had blood flushed to my face so that I looked bright red.

However, when I took the same 1 mg dose of kambo under my tongue, I got no effect whatsoever.

So if you can get sublingual kambo to work, then I will believe you. But until then, my impression is that you cannot take kambo sublingually.

One person (see HERE) tried putting kambo on the gum line and the cheeks inside his mouth (the cheeks inside the mouth are mucous membranes too), and he said that, quote: "using an extremely small amount in between the check and gum line….it swelled up like a balloon but the only effect I got was extremely lethargy similar to an opiate without much euphoria".

So the gum line / cheeks do seem to work to a degree.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2013, 10:50:11 AM by Hip »

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Re: New ways of Administering Kambo (Other than via Skin Burns)
« Reply #33 on: April 30, 2013, 12:22:26 PM »
I can only encourage such efforts.  I would like to especially encourage Peaceful Warrior, he has done many advanced studies in reporting via PM form, I hope we can believe and know that such things are possible.  As you can imagine people are pesstimistic in his studies which discourages him sharing.  I can only say that I'm a believer.  I think there was a misunderstanding or maybe not.

I think every time PW has it sublinguilly he has the EO's as well.  So many PM's he has shared that they could be a book.  I'm very grateful for his efforts and I hope we can be optimistic as this will help him share more.  I know for myself when people doubt such risky and avante garde experience-meants it makes me not want to share. 

Sorry for my delay in PM'ing back in promptness my brother life has gotten too busy to make clear responses ATM. 

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Re: New ways of Administering Kambo (Other than via Skin Burns)
« Reply #34 on: April 30, 2013, 02:51:04 PM »
"I think every time PW has it sublinguilly he has the EO's as well."

this is not the case, i get effects without EO's, with EO's is stronger and slightly different, but without EO's it still works just fine, there may be something wrong with your guys mouth tissues, possibly with all the EO meridian and chakra balancing and clearing for so long and pressure points perhaps i have cleared my lymph channels and nodes really strongly and maybe i am able to feel the effects kambo is supposed to impart sublingually wile possibly many who are not getting effects sublingually have lots of lymph congestion especially in the mouth area.

if you guys used EO to balance and clear your chakras and meridians frequently enough you could stop and kambo would still impart stronger effects sublingually because the oils actually make the system of entry and exit of the body for all forms of matter and non-matter, its hard to describe, it was worse before i did it, and i feel healthier now, and i am developing really obvious extra-sensory functions the more consistently i clear and balance my chakras and meridians, before you clear them something in your body is broken and nothing will work right until the overall system is healed

its not "PW is doing other things that are activating it that we don't know about"

its "you are all doing toxic things that prevent you from being able to notice what is supposed to be the default potential

"I know for myself when people doubt such risky and avante garde experience-meants it makes me not want to share." 

this is true, for me it is fine though, because for me it tells me that the person is not certain about what they are claiming, otherwise they would be able to trust it enough to have full confidence the truth they encountered will prove itself to other people regardless if you communicate the idea effectively or not.

"Sorry for my delay in PM'ing back in promptness my brother life has gotten too busy to make clear responses ATM."

dont worry brother we all know your crazy busy with so many things, no rush, much love

all the things we know about the physical universe, were learned studying the non-physical universe. because there is no physical universe, what we identify as the physical universe is actually a non-physical universe disguised as a physical one.

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Re: New ways of Administering Kambo (Other than via Skin Burns)
« Reply #35 on: May 05, 2013, 07:15:16 AM »
Hi all,

I have been consulting with one of my Kambo teachers about these issues and trying to get some more info. He is Kaxinawa by the way

Firstly, Adding dry kambo to rape' and Frog Disease.

By my best interpretation - he told me that frog disease is a viral type illnes that cannot be gotten rid of. It is unknown to the outside world. Amongst other things, it can apparently weaken the heart muscles and cause cardiac arrest and have some effects on the brain - he described it as 'eating the brain'!. Indians who snort snuff with kambo in it do so only very occasionally and always in conjunction with heavy kambo sessions so the live kambo acts as a kind of anti venom/viral. Even so, it is still considered risky he says and only for those with strong hearts and systems (eg, regular kambo users). His view is that kambo taken orally could also cause the same problem. In order to do its work, Kambo needs to enter the body via the Lymphatic System. The only way to achieve this in sufficient quantity is by breaking the surface of the skin. Whilst some may absorb through mucous membranes you may simply be releasing toxins into your body (see below)

Secondly, microdosing with Kambo. This practice will almost definately cause more harm than good. Small doses of kambo cause a release of toxins into your body which are not then expelled but are instead absorbed back into your cells. The point of purging is to release the toxins so they are out of the body and don't cause any more harm.

Thirdly, Dermorphin dosing. Check out Opiod/Opiate Induced Psychosis. Usuallay resolves with a few days but has been known to occasionally trigger more lasting mental health problems (my background is psychology by the way).

Not sure I understand what the issue is with the skin burns. They can be very small - ranging from 2 - 4 millimetres across. You can do tiny ones with an ultra fine incense stick - just do more burns or do two back to back treatments on the same burns. They heal pretty much invisible.  If you are taking Kambo on a regular basis you can reuse the same points over and over. Just wait until they are fully healed -2-3 months and use them again. I have burns that I reuse 4 or 5 times a year.  If you are doing cigarette sized burns and spacing them out then that's a little ugly. Small burns, strategically positioned (if you need discretion) and close together in a pattern are no worse than a tattoo. I love mine and I'm very proud of them. For those of us that have used kambo to aid our recovery from illness, they are a reminder of what we have overcome on our journey.

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Re: New ways of Administering Kambo (Other than via Skin Burns)
« Reply #36 on: May 05, 2013, 12:08:32 PM »
I have been consulting with one of my Kambo teachers about these issues and trying to get some more info. He is Kaxinawa by the way

Firstly, Adding dry kambo to rape' and Frog Disease.

By my best interpretation - he told me that frog disease is a viral type illnes that cannot be gotten rid of. It is unknown to the outside world. Amongst other things, it can apparently weaken the heart muscles and cause cardiac arrest and have some effects on the brain - he described it as 'eating the brain'!. Indians who snort snuff with kambo in it do so only very occasionally and always in conjunction with heavy kambo sessions so the live kambo acts as a kind of anti venom/viral.

Very good work, Galega! Your information from the Kaxinawa Indian, about the frog's disease that you can catch from taking kambo intranasally or sublingually, is very much appreciated.

It certainly sounds very inadvisable to take kambo intranasally by snuff, or by the sublingual route. This infectious frog's disease may be some unknown virus, bacterium, fungus or parasitic organism. Definitely not something you want getting into your body, and eating your brain for lunch!

The interesting question is why this infectious microorganism from kambo does not infect the body when kambo is administered by skin burn. I suspect the skin burn method may protect you from infection, as a result of the inflammation at the site of the burn (inflammation is in fact the immune system working on overdrive). This inflammation probably destroys any infectious microorganism in the kambo before it gets a chance to enter the body. It is amazing that the Indians have been able to devise this safe method of kambo administration. 

Thirdly, Dermorphin dosing. Check out Opiod/Opiate Induced Psychosis. Usuallay resolves with a few days but has been known to occasionally trigger more lasting mental health problems (my background is psychology by the way).

Very interesting, Galega. I conducted a test where I took one single low dose of 100 mcg of pure pharmaceutical grade dermorphin as an experimental treatment for my chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). For three days after this single dose of dermorphin, many of my CFS symptoms were noticeably improved. However, on the fourth day, I experienced some mild psychosis, which was quite horrible, but fortunately cleared up by the next day. Although I have experienced days with mild psychosis before, as I had anxiety disorder, and this is known to precipitate anxiety psychosis on bad days.

This mild psychosis experience has made me more careful and cautious about taking dermorphin as an experimental CFS treatment. Having said that, I think I may have worked out the biochemical mechanism by which dermorphin (and other opioids) can precipitate psychosis, and I may have a remedy that prevents this from happening.

You can read about my experiences with dermorphin as an experimental CFS treatment HERE and HERE and HERE.

There interesting thing about taking pure dermorphin was that I did not feel any bad effects at all when I took it (in fact no mental or physical effects manifested whatsoever from taking this dermorphin), and I did not feel bad in the first three days that followed (apart from some emotional flatness). This contrasts to what I understand about taking kambo for CFS, where you in fact feel worse for one or two days after taking kambo, before you feel better.

In your post here, Galega, you confirm this:

Every person that I have treated with CFS (or any compromised immune system) has felt sh*t the day after and improved over the next 5 days. I have found that as they progress with kambo, this drops from 5 to 4 to 3 etc until eventually it starts to kick in.

Have you treated many patients with CFS, by the way? It would be very interesting to hear your general observations on kambo as a CFS treatment, and any "dos" and "don't" that you have learnt from your experiences in treating CFS patients.

What did you mean when you said "I have found that as they progress with kambo, this drops from 5 to 4 to 3 etc until eventually it starts to kick in," incidentally? Are you saying that with repeated kambo treatments, the number of days that CFS patients feel bad after taking kambo reduces?

Not sure I understand what the issue is with the skin burns. They can be very small - ranging from 2 - 4 millimetres across. You can do tiny ones with an ultra fine incense stick - just do more burns or do two back to back treatments on the same burns. They heal pretty much invisible.  If you are taking Kambo on a regular basis you can reuse the same points over and over. Just wait until they are fully healed -2-3 months and use them again. I have burns that I reuse 4 or 5 times a year.  If you are doing cigarette sized burns and spacing them out then that's a little ugly. Small burns, strategically positioned (if you need discretion) and close together in a pattern are no worse than a tattoo. I love mine and I'm very proud of them. For those of us that have used kambo to aid our recovery from illness, they are a reminder of what we have overcome on our journey.

That is interesting that you can reuse the same burn spots several times a year.

In talking to other people with chronic fatigue syndrome about the possible benefits of kambo, a lot of people seem to be put off by the fact that you have to use skin burns to take kambo. But from what you are saying, it seems these burns can be very small — and reusable.

If you ever get a chance, it would be great to see some pictures of these small 2 – 4 mm skin burns that you make with an incense stick, and how the burns look after several months of healing. The pictures of the kambo burns I have seen (such as the pictures HERE) show cigarette-sized scars.

I would have thought, though, that with smaller sized burns, you would absorb less kambo? Is this the case, or are smaller burns equally as effective?

« Last Edit: May 05, 2013, 01:16:22 PM by Hip »

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Re: New ways of Administering Kambo (Other than via Skin Burns)
« Reply #37 on: May 05, 2013, 03:15:15 PM »
Hip, yes that's exaclty what I'm saying. I have treated several people with CFS. They way that the treatments are given is very important. I start low to guage the persons tolerance. You can see how weak or strong a person is by how long it takes them to recover after Kambo.  The key is to build up slowly but to treat frequently. I have learnt this through experience. The first people that I treated were wiped out for days afterwards. I noticed that with subsequent treatments this period of time got shorter. So first few treatments, it was maybe four/five days before the person started to feel some benefit and the benefits wore off within another four or five days. With subsequent treatments this recovery period reduced and the benefit period increased. In most cases the person felt worse after the treatment than before. This puzzled me and din't fit what I know about how Kambo works until it occured to me that maybe the Kambo was working so hard in their body that it was wearing them out. So, more recently, I started with 6 tiny dots and encourage them to purge as much as possible, masses of water, rape', rattle work and even fingers down the throat if need be. They didn't feel so great after but they felt ok the next day. I started to slowly increase the dose at each treatment and it solved the problem. The client grew stronger as the dose was increased. As she grew stronger, she was able to cope with a higher dose.  And as she received the higher doses, she was feeling better and better and the good effects started to increase.  Once you reach this stage, you should space the treatments out a little more. Moving them further and further apart, whilst increasing the dose by one point each time and if possible, moving the points closer to the heart.  I have used this technique a couple of times now - I think its unique in the kambo world and it works. You can also improve the efficacy by thoughtful use of the meridians but you must ensure that you get this right or you could be setting up a kind of self-defeating energy circuit. Every person will have some key issues in CFS, whether it be pain, depression, fatigue or some other issue. Pick what's most prevalent and work with that as far as meridians are concerned. Eventually you will be taking kambo once every 2 - 3 months which is easily sustainable and you can reuse the points. Because of my background, I think its also important to address the emotional aspects of CFS - life with it and life without it - especially for a long termer. I tend to do this alongside of kambo treatments and I also use other plant based remedies and supplements too.

It's true that you absorb less kambo with smaller burns but then you do more of them. Its a choice, less bigger ones or more smaller ones. I tend to use small on sensitive areas and for 'pretty' patterns. You can also mix the size of the burns. One central larger burn and a circle of smaller burns. Another way to get more kambo into small burns is to do one treatment, remove the kambo after the purge and replace it to bring on another deeper purge. I don't recommend this until you are strong with kambo though. The burns on the guy's back in your link are what I would consider large, the ones on his arm are normal. If I could work out how to upload pictures on here I'd show you. As you get healthier, the burns heal faster and I make plasters from plant extracts to heal them even faster. When they are fully healed and faded to white, you can reuse them, no problem.  The other thing that I see, especially with self administered burns but also with some practitioners is deep burns. This is not necessary, you only need to scrape off the top layer of skin - there should be no blood or redness, just a small white patch. The burn is so 'on the surface' that it will heal really well.  This just takes practice. Its a light touch and a downward flick of the wrist rather than a pressing in action.

Have a look at this video - this is nice burn work and notice the wrist action.....

As for the Indian disease, I think that one of the functions of the lymphatic system is to beat anything nasty to death as soon as it tries to enter the body so that may be part of why it needs to go in that way. When the skin is burnt, all the bodys' defences rush to that site and attempy to anihilate anything dodgy. There are many stories about how they worked out how to administer it but mostly they say that it came from the spirit of intelligent plants in the forest - can't argue with that.

Will PM you too

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Re: New ways of Administering Kambo (Other than via Skin Burns)
« Reply #38 on: May 06, 2013, 12:08:28 PM »
Hi Galega

It is very interesting to hear that in the long term, maintenance treatments of kambo are only required every 2 to 3 months for CFS patients. That does make it much easier than I thought. This contrasts to Jox's account of treating his CFS: it seems Jox requires kambo every week, even after a year on kambo; but then Jox started taking kambo when he was in a bedbound condition, so he began at quite a severe level of CFS. Myself, I am semi-housebound with my CFS.

What sort of health gains do CFS patients make after many months of kambo treatment, by the way? Usually in CFS, measurement scales like the Energy Index Point Score or the Karnofsky Scale are used to quantify a CFS patient's health and abilities. Any treatment which can improve the health of a CFS patient by even one or two steps on these scales is considered a worthwhile and effective treatment.

Another useful scale for quantifying a CFS patient's health is this one:

0 - Bedridden constantly
1 - Mostly bedridden
2 - leave house once a week, concentrate 1/hour a day
3 - leave house several times/week, two hours work/activity at home a day
4 - three to four hours of work/activity a day
5 - four to five hours/activity a day
6 - six to seven hours/activity a day
7 - able to work full-time but with difficulty
8 - near-normal activity level but still symptomatic
9 - normal activity level, mild symptoms
10- fully recovered

For a CFS patient, moving up these scales even by just one step is a very welcome improvement. I just wondered roughly how many steps up these scales you would estimate the kambo treatment provides in CFS patients, in your experience

Incidentally, the tiredness and worsening of symptoms that CFS patients experience in the days immediately following a kambo treatment might in part be explained by the fact that any form of strenuous exertion or physical exercise worsens CFS for a few days. That is to say, all CFS patients get worse after exertion; this phenomenon is a part of the disease, and it is given the name PEM - post exertional malaise. Since a kambo session will produce lots of physical exertion and expend lots of physical energy (via repeated muscle contractions from the purging), this exertion may be wearing out CFS patients, and giving them PEM for a few days.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2013, 01:36:15 PM by Hip »

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Re: New ways of Administering Kambo (Other than via Skin Burns)
« Reply #39 on: May 08, 2013, 07:42:55 AM »
Yes, you may be right about why Kambo makes CFS patients worse but then you need to add into that paradigm the fact that Kambo actually increases energy levels fairly fast in most people. I don't know the answer to this one. It's my intention, when I get time and some technical help to put together an anonymous online system for recording outcomes for Kambo users so maybe we will be able to see clearer patterns emerging in the future.

Thanks for the info about measurement scales. These are really usefull. I think its difficult to say how many steps a person would improve as a general statement because everyone is individual and responds differently but I would want to see someone that I was treating move 4-6 steps up your scale over the period of a year. I've certainly seen that in a few cases. Certainly there will be some corelation between where you start and how far you can go in that timeframe.  And, this is a long term thing. If you are at the top end of the scale you need to be prepared to commit to a year or even more of treatment before you can settle into a routine 2-3 monthly treatment.  You also need to be aware of what you're doing in terms of how much, how often and where you place it. These can all make a huge difference, as can the level of drive and desire to recover. This is something that I look at with the person and we put together a treatment protocol that they can go on with in my absence.  In this situation, I like to do the first 3-4 treatments and then, where appropriate, teach self application so that the person takes over responsibility for their own treatment but uses the plan that we have agreed. I then follow up with them and we make whatever adjustments we need to along the way. I work like this because I'm usually not in one location for more than a few months at a time and the cost is prohibitive for most people anyway.

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Re: New ways of Administering Kambo (Other than via Skin Burns)
« Reply #40 on: May 10, 2013, 09:22:56 PM »
Thanks for the info about measurement scales. These are really usefull. I think its difficult to say how many steps a person would improve as a general statement because everyone is individual and responds differently but I would want to see someone that I was treating move 4-6 steps up your scale over the period of a year. I've certainly seen that in a few cases.

Hi Galega — a CFS patient moving up 4-6 steps on the scale is an amazing achievement. In all the various CFS treatment protocols that I have seen (and I believe I am familiar with nearly all of them), a response as good as that is uncommon.

Generally speaking, for any given CFS treatment protocol, there tends to be a large variation in response: one CFS patient can do extremely well on a given treatment protocol, but the next patient may have no response at all, or just have a mediocre response. So if kambo follows the same tendencies as other CFS treatment protocols, you might also expect a significant variation in response to kambo from one CFS patient to the next.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2013, 09:16:43 PM by Hip »

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Re: New ways of Administering Kambo (Other than via Skin Burns)
« Reply #41 on: May 13, 2013, 06:58:26 PM »
Yes, I'm sure here will be variation in response to some degree because everyone is starting from a different place but kambo is not a 'normal' treatment protocol. Its not a combination of interventions, its an holistic treatment that is pretty miraculous in my view and very few people will have a mediocre response to it if it is properly administered. You are right that peoples response to kambo is uncommon but that's because its unique in its make up and its healing power. There is no other treatment like it.

This is just my experience of it and of course, I grant you that we are not talking abot thousands of people going through a clinical trial. I'm planning to start properly collating all these outcomes and have been asking people to keep records so that I can compile some facts and figures on this but like everything it takes time.

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Re: New ways of Administering Kambo (Other than via Skin Burns)
« Reply #42 on: May 17, 2013, 01:07:39 AM »
I'm planning to start properly collating all these outcomes and have been asking people to keep records so that I can compile some facts and figures on this but like everything it takes time.

That would be amazing if you could do that, Galega. I imagine that if there were some statistical evidence demonstrating that an intense year of kambo treatment stands a good chance of producing a substantial improvement or even remission in CFS, then I'd expect many CFS patients might take the plunge and commit to taking kambo for a whole year.

It would not take that much time to gather this info: you could just email out the CFS measurement scale questionnaire to your clients say once every 6 months, and ask them simply to return a figure from 0 to 10 that reflects their current CFS status.

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Re: New ways of Administering Kambo (Other than via Skin Burns)
« Reply #43 on: May 30, 2013, 04:13:23 PM »
You're right Hip so I've started asking people with CFS, ME or Depression to fill in a questionnaire every three months for me. I'm gonna focus on those for the moment as they're the most common issues that I come across and I seriously don't have the time to do more yet.

Thank you for showing me the way on this one.

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Re: New ways of Administering Kambo (Other than via Skin Burns)
« Reply #44 on: May 30, 2013, 11:42:10 PM »

why do you have CFS, ME and Depression in the same category? Do you know that we are fighting for nearly 30 years to have it separated? and have it in neuro-immunologic, post viral syndrome disfunction and not psychiatric condition as depression...

Any chronic illness is depressing, but doesn't mean it is depression.