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Offline avocado

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some questions for my first experience
« on: March 28, 2015, 03:17:05 PM »
Hey Kambo friends,

After 4 years working with the teacherplant ayahuasca I heard really good things from the medicine kambo.
So many people speak in this time from kambo and I am really interested to try it. unfortanaly at this moment I dont have the possibilities to go to a ceremony with a shaman or leader. so I bought a big stick from maya last week. Now I try to find enough infos for the ritual that I need, but I cant read good english. So I asked in an extra topic my questions.  :)

1.) I read that kambo can do very danger when the aplication is not right, but why is kambo danger? can kambo dead people, and when yes, with how much dosis?

2.) What do you think is enough points in the first experience? I have a ceremonyroom and want to do it for a sacred sacrament.

3.) I have seen movies from kambo aplication and the persons have do the kambopoints next to the burningpoints, is that right must I do it also ? and why?

4.) Can my girlfriend do kambo when she is in breastfeeding time? my son is 6 month old.

5.) I have an other question for the frogvenum hervesting, why the frog must pinioned on the arms and legs by the harvesting? is that ok for the frog? He don´t must suffer? that shows a littlebit crazy.

6.) maybe anybody knows a real introduction or a thread for a kambo aplication?

thank you very very much for answer my first questions :)

the avocado

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Re: some questions for my first experience
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2015, 12:00:13 AM »
Hello avocado,
welcome to the forum  :)

1.) I read that kambo can do very danger when the aplication is not right, but why is kambo danger? can kambo dead people, and when yes, with how much dosis?

Kambo is a pretty safe medicine but is quite an ordeal. A good kambo practitioner will have have good knowledge and experience.
This includes techniques to make the experience go smoother and be easier. Kambo can have possible contraindications when mixed with drugs or during pregnancy. With respect for kambo and it's status, practitioners take harm reduction very seriously. Although pretty rare, some users may faint during the experience. Kambo must be taken in application to burns on the skin. Other methods can cause "Frog's Disease" which is a fungal infection.
From another post, here is an example of a dangerous reaction to kambo:

For some reason my intuition went into overdrive and I got a message to go slowly with him. I put on one point to test his sensitivity and within less than 30 seconds, his throat swelled completely closed.  He was basically suffocating - it was pretty dramatic! I removed the point and washed the area with water and administered basic first aid (something all practitioners should know) and used a special 'opening the throat'  breathing technique to keep him breathing until it wore off.

Not typical but it just goes to show how careful you need to be.

2.) What do you think is enough points in the first experience? I have a ceremonyroom and want to do it for a sacred sacrament.

First apply 1 dot as an allergy test. Typically 6 points is an average dose. The goal of dosage is to initiate vomiting.

3.) I have seen movies from kambo aplication and the persons have do the kambopoints next to the burningpoints, is that right must I do it also ? and why?

Please look further into kambo application. One burns the skin with the ember of a stick. Then scrapes the dead layer off and applies moistened pre-shaped globules of kambo directly to the burns. This is because kambo is applied to the lymph system.

4.) Can my girlfriend do kambo when she is in breastfeeding time? my son is 6 month old.

I am unsure of this. Although one website says women breastfeeding children under the age of one can not take kambo.

5.) I have an other question for the frogvenum hervesting, why the frog must pinioned on the arms and legs by the harvesting? is that ok for the frog? He don´t must suffer? that shows a littlebit crazy.

They actually do this ritual so that they are not harming the frog. Their belief is that harming the frog will bring bad karma to them.

6.) maybe anybody knows a real introduction or a thread for a kambo aplication? here is a general summary of application. I'd also recommend reading more of the forum.
I learned in the early days by reading all the posts here.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2015, 12:03:16 AM by λlτεrηιτγ »

Offline avocado

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Re: some questions for my first experience
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2015, 10:20:06 AM »
Hey alternity

thank you for the answer :)

Ok I do in the next days my first experience with kambo, I never tried it and I never seen the aplication before. I will burn on my left shoulder first time maximum three dots. or is better more in the first experience? I do it in main because of panema and my imune system.
I read that I must drink 2 litres water direct before and after the experience, is that right?.
I would like to do it in the evening, alone.
I understand it so in other threads that I must do one drop water on the stick and than mix with the kambo an than roll small balls. how large must they do? I can not imagine how big?

is my nutrition important the day before and after? There are food I can not eat?

to what I have to think also ?

I am really excited and I have a little fear. I never had fear before aya, but before kambo I have.

thank you very much

much love
avocado :)

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Re: some questions for my first experience
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2015, 04:52:00 PM »
Hello avocado, you are very welcome

Ok I do in the next days my first experience with kambo, I never tried it and I never seen the aplication before. I will burn on my left shoulder first time maximum three dots. or is better more in the first experience? I do it in main because of panema and my imune system.
I read that I must drink 2 litres water direct before and after the experience, is that right?.

I would say, do one dot anytime a while before the experience as an allergy test. Get a feel for the application process and the kambos effects.
Then I would apply enough for a purge. Kambo starts pulling and releasing toxins from the body. They will be reprocessed from the gastric tract back into the deeper organs with a half dose, and some will probably come out from urination and bowel movements. The protocol is to drink 1-2 liters of water beforehand, I would say 1.5-2 liters, as 1 is really not enough for an easy purge. Once applied it makes your mouth and throat feel dehydrated. Water seemed to get sucked into the deeper tissues of the body, and with only 1 liter some have real difficulty purging.

I would like to do it in the evening, alone.
I understand it so in other threads that I must do one drop water on the stick and than mix with the kambo an than roll small balls. how large must they do? I can not imagine how big?

You need more than 1 drop of water. mist or drip drops of water on to the stick and work it back and forth with a knife, scraping, scraping. It will become snottty and you separate them into balls. They only need be large enough to fit over and fill the circumference of the burn marks.

is my nutrition important the day before and after? There are food I can not eat?

to what I have to think also ?

Nutrition is not particularly important the day before, or after.
Eating healthier of course is beneficial but not something I worry too much about.
After 6 hours of water fasting and application of kambo, the purge should be deep.
You will usually notice the taste of the purge is unlike other vomits, and will taste like very bitter battery acid.
This is a deeper cleanse than other things that may cause vomiting.

Eating healthier after the experience I would recommend. It will help enhance and extend the benefit from kambo.

I am really excited and I have a little fear. I never had fear before aya, but before kambo I have.

It is important to have trust in the medicine. Kambo is not psychedelic like ayahuasca is and you will remain sober.
The most difficult part in my experience is right before the purging.
It's a kind of shitty and helpless state but is over quickly at which point purging feels pretty good.
It will test you, but will not last long.

I also recommend burning smudge before and after, and during if you'd like.
Traditionally used plants are White sage, Sweetgrass, Cedar, Palo Santo, Wormwood or Tobacco tho I am against commercial tobacco products.
Make sure to scrape the dead skin off the burns.
Misting already applied kambo will help more of the medicine leech into the body as well, this may be done after the first strong wave of effect subsides.
The kambo balls can also be turned in place so that another side of the ball contacts the skin, tho I find this to be a pain in the ass, as the kambo balls tend to fall off and out of place.
Whole new kambo balls can be applied to already made burns, and this will be stronger, as if you made entire new burns.

thank you very much

much love
avocado :)

You're very welcome!  ;) I hope my responses are helpful to you guys
Being that it seems I'm the only one left at the moment to give responses
If you have anymore questions feel free!

Offline SVibesRREF

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Re: some questions for my first experience
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2021, 04:45:44 PM »
Going on my first solo journey tonight at 9PM! Thanks everyone for your answers to these questions, as they have helped me decide how to go about things. Fasting for 8 hours. Starting with 1 dot at 830 and assuming I am not allergic I will go for the full 3 at 9. I will be burning mapacho and have taken Sananga, 1 drop in each eye a few hours ago to clear bad panema. I will mix some mapacho with water and sniff if I have any blockages, to help me purge. But only if needed. Otherwise I will just be burning it as incense. Thanks again, everyone! I know this forum is basically dormant but the knowledge already posted was plenty to answer any questions I may have had. My wife will be with me in case there are any issues, for my safety.

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Re: some questions for my first experience
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2021, 06:58:22 AM »
hey, I read this when you posted. How'd it go?
Yeahhh, a bit dormant right. Wish more of the visitors would sign up and post;
Users as well - many users visit that're registered and don't post.
It's also a job for me to remove spam. Many nonsensical posts with links in their signatures for bs spam - online "casino" websites for example.
Most of my activity here is behind the scenes, but I try my best to check in daily, like I do email, or a social site.
I'm pretty much the only administer active to run the site, at the moment, unfortunately.
It's a bit sad, cause I'd like any subjects of the site to be active. There's many subjects that can be communicated about here.

Best regards!
« Last Edit: May 28, 2021, 07:00:43 AM by ―λlτεrηιτγ⇀ »