Psychoactive Plants: Natural Psychospiritual Entheogenic Medicines or Otherwise Psychoactive Plants > Ayahuasca / Yagé



A breif synopsis on my first ayahuasca ceremony, I had taken it on my own about 4 times prior and grew ayahuasca and mimosa hostilis for about 2 years. But this was my first experience in a proper ceremonial setting with a shaman from Columbia who referred to the medicine as yagé.

It was a long time coming
I was greeted by familiar shapes and colors
Tickling my spirit and in a blissful fashion
Then came the first purge
And it began
A golden pyramid rose through the room and above the house
Metaphysical forces began to massage through my pain
Orienting my body with the four directions
Pushing my spirit into the fifth dimension
Showing me how to let go, and what to let go of
Quieting my mental chatter, by allowing me to see it
It was agonizing, and necessary
Curled on the floor coved in blankets shivering
Visions emerged from the subconscious of my family
Providing empathy understanding, sometimes anger
Use the anger for change, for construction
The music guided me, I rode the waves as they soothed my soul
It grew so intense I begged "please make it stop"
And in an instant it did
I was shown the habits that no longer serve me for what they are
Not how I saw them
From the most seemingly innocent to the most obviously dire
I knew I could have prepared better
But the vine gave me what I needed
And out of nowhere I came back
Given our past relationship, I felt a second cup was appropriate
A poem was read
In the tongue of the land the medicine is native to
Although I could not understand, the words spoke to my heart
As the songs did
The Earth mother calls us back home
We are this prodigal species which has separated itself
However, we will return
I am endlessly grateful for the medicine yagé
As well as the medicine rapé
And each and every soul present in our ceremony
For bringing me back, to myself

Nice writeup. Thanks for sharing.  ;)


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