Kambo Experience > The Glow (After Effects and Affects)

How Long with Frog Face?


What's the longest period of time anyone has been stuck with frog-face for? Unfortunately, I have three appointments the day after a kambo session... Oh well... But I hope it's gone after a week, as I have to show up in court...

I was waiting for someone who's treated more people than I tho chime in.

For me it goes away in like a half hour. It might have lasted a few people a few days to a week? If I remember correctly, I may have heard Kambogahuasca saying that like one person in almost a thousand had it last a month? I don't know but I believe the likelihood of it lasting more than like a day is pretty slim.

Yeah, thanks. It went away after like 6 hours. Phew!

Also, I felt like I was dying. Very unpleasant. But, so it goes, right? It was really scary...

I guess that's what happens when you don't have any aerobic exercise for a year. (Due to crippling arthritis)

Proper recognition for getting through something most people would never consider experiencing/attempting. =)
Yes it is scary but after the first experience at least you know what to expect and what the experience consists of. You don't have to wonder if you're going to die again!  ;)
That's just how the effects of kambo feels.

First time the swelling was down in an hour. Second I could notice some minor swelling still present by the end of the day.


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