Kambo Experience > The Glow (After Effects and Affects)

After effects

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I've had some interesting after-effects from Kambo. I don't know if some of these may be in my head. But being that our thoughts help shape reality, I follow my intuitive feelings as truth unless proven otherwise.

* I felt more positive and energetic. Waking up earlier has been easier for me. Something I've never done naturally, my whole life, if I didn't have to.
* After the first strong use I felt as though my energy was different. My mind felt more digitalized. I don't know how to explain this. Maybe it was tho my brain was computing things better as if a new memory card had been installed. (computer analogy) I also get visuals a lot, not just from psychedelics, but from many things like energy transference (e.g.; sex) And I may have felt that visuals I commonly see were somehow more digitalized.
* I felt as if my energy was different. Not necessarily a good or bad thing. But something I was like hmm, I have to get used to this.
* For a short while I also felt as if there was another intelligence in my own head. Not a judgmental feeling but as if there was a presence in me, with me.
Has anyone notices similar effects, namely the last three?

I would also say I feel cleaner afterward but I have been doing a lot to cleanse myself for awhile. Juice fasting, herbal enemas, liver & gallbladder flushes, taking detox supplements like Spirulina, Shilajit, MSM, Zeolites, drinking pure spring water, eating high % raw vegan foods when possible, ect. So feeling cleaner wasn't a big change. All these things have also made my blood feel less acidic. Which was a feeling I'd have when waking up in the morning, which made it more difficult to spring out of bed enthusiastically.

peacefull warrior:
"For a short while I also felt as if there was another intelligence in my own head. Not a judgmental feeling but as if there was a presence in me, with me."

without a shadow of a doubt 100% i experienced this strongly, this i feel is the actual entity of kambo working within you to give guidance, it is alive and it is extremely sentient.

one way i can describe the experience and some time after is, the electrical like feelings many other entheogens produce but many times stronger and that the electricity/energy has a mind of its own and goes ware it wishes to inside of you, its sort of like having surgery done wile awake, but with energy/electricity instead of utensils.

Kambogahuasca Panacea:
I gotta be honest I've been doing some new Kambo eperience meants and I'm not real sure what to share.  In brief I've been doing less dots namely before I take Ayahuasca and achieving amazing results.  But the thing is the more I dive into Kambo the less I want to share.  I don't know why this is other than the intelligence of Kambo is something very personal and maybe over sharing takes away from the power of the medicine. 

While I'm unsure what to do about this new sense of keeping experiences secret or sacred, it would be a disservice for me not to connect on this seldom seen forum.  So for now I'll do my best. 

--- Quote ---After the first strong use I felt as though my energy was different. My mind felt more digitalized. I don't know how to explain this. Maybe it was tho my brain was computing things better as if a new memory card had been installed. (computer analogy) I also get visuals a lot, not just from psychedelics, but from many things like energy transference (e.g.; sex) And I may have felt that visuals I commonly see were somehow more digitalized.

--- End quote ---

For sure I know what your talking about.  This is why if you take it before Ayahuasca you will get visions through the spheres.  The fractal symmetry and beauty of the visions of Kambohuasca is something out of this world.  The energy transference as well yes makes acts much more clear and apparent sex becomes somehow not only more instinctually wild but at the same time more sacred.  Those two ideals are usually in two separate camps but somehow Kambo pairs them together as one.  Digitalized visions is a concept I can understand but I think the wording does not exactly fit for instance to say "digitalized" seems to fit more.   

--- Quote ---I felt as if my energy was different. Not necessarily a good or bad thing. But something I was like hmm, I have to get used to this.
--- End quote ---
Yes for sure.  One can really delve into a level of purity where actions become a precognition and one is so on point that it is akin to a ninja.  This ninja esque wise energy usage is also best tapped into by micro dosing with small amounts of Iboga before and after Kambo ceremony. 

--- Quote ---For a short while I also felt as if there was another intelligence in my own head. Not a judgmental feeling but as if there was a presence in me, with me.
--- End quote ---
Yes, if you ever get the chance to do multiple Kambo in short time frames it will be more than obvious. 

Sorry for answering in a more subjective fashion than the objective way in which your questions were posed.  I can only say from my experiences. 


I can completely relate with your comments 100%!

I took my first Kambo medicine as I was getting a cold.  Had push myself really hard at work and my immune system went out of balance.

Here are the effects I noticed absolutely clearly:
- after about 20 minutes of cleansing (feeling the Kambo really working my guts and also my throat), the way of clear energy starts to build and build.  I am now out of the charge and I am feeling GOOD! 
Like all my system has been rebooted and my energy is absolutely clear, radiant, and expansive.
This expansion gives a tremendous feeling well-being, joy, self-confidence, and a deep renewed sense of basic Trust in my Beingness!

Very noticeable clarity of mind.

All the sluggishness of the cold is gone!
Runny nose, gone!
Soar through, gone!

24-30 hours later, working out at the gym ... cold is gone.

- 100% agree that I am able to wake up much earlier than before, and that is not something i can easily do.

- The day after I notice that my energy was focused (rather than scattered) and I was working through my projects at steady focused pace.  I think this is in part what is meant by the Panema being washed by the sacred Kambo!  I was on point, following what my goals were.
Panema is different for different people.
As I see it, it is the your particular energetic/mental/emotional habit patterns that are getting in the way of a focused and flowing Purpose oriented Life.  And by doing this we become a vibrational match to the people, situations, opportunities that will further our Life Purpose!  This is the true "Luck" as I see it.

- Also noticed a reset in my sexual energy

Hope this helps.
Thank you Psylocibe for the thread, and special thanks to KP for the inspirations.

p.s. Psylo, would love to know if you have done Kambo followed my the sacred Psylocibine mushrooms?
Would love to hear any experiences?

Blessing to all

Hi everyone, I'm new here.

I'm from Poland so please notice that my English might be not so good. Well I start with Kambo about 2 years ago, in this year after few strong application things start to take a new way. I did one month ago application for my self-3 dots and after this I got a fever for 3 days about 38,5 C and lots of phlegm started coming out for the next few days. After this I felt so good like never before. But I decided to do it again and so I did. 5 days ago I did the same 3 dots and got a fever, only 37.6 C for just one day but the phlegm, strong dry cough, and sore throat as well are still with me today. Well to be honest I didn't realize that Kambo has such a power to boost the immunity system so much. Please let me know if anybody has had experiences like this before? Today I'm better but these few days was not so easy for me. Like I was asking my self and the spirit when will this curing power come?
But to be honest, I had the problem with my immunity a long time; I'm not sure that it will ever work good, since I remember I always had the cold a few times a year and lots of yellow phlegm every morning in my sinuses and lungs. Hope now is the time to move on and cure this forever.
Have to say as well that 2 months ago, I was in a Kambo ceremony in Norway and I received 3 dots on my chest; Well visions after kambo is something not from this space - it took me to the place of golden light and it was so peacefull and the love that I received for about 30 minutes like this.. The girl who did the ceremony was amazed because she never seen something like this; I spend all Kambo ceremonies in a cross-legged position with my eyes open at all times and with no sign of life from me. I believe, because like I said, I was in Kambo world :) The spirit blessed me with this kind of experience. Now I know that I will work with this medicine more and more
even after this strong purification . Wish you all the best dear Kambo practitioners.

Sat Nam

EDITED to help correct spelling. Although your writing was quite good and understandable. :)


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