Author Topic: Qualitative benefits in Pre Kambo ---=ENEMA! (direct to the source(Gut))  (Read 26029 times)

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Kampum, any chance you could give details on how you make your tea mixture? (Specifically the amounts of each herb?) Just wondering how much of each to put in the water

Offline darkstar01

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I know this is a mostly dead forum post, but I thought the information I had would be a great addition to the otherwise wonderful posts.

Things that will DEFINITELY help an enema get out ALL of the gunk... (Liver, Kidneys, healing fever, etc..)

1. ORMUS taken orally daily for a month before Kambo, Aya, or Iboga... ORMUS actually opens up the energetic channels along the Chakra system, plus it acts to detoxify the organs, the pituitary, pineal gland, thymus, etc.. Ormus is another state of matter that is created by using a type of salt with lots of minerals in it (Dead sea salts, Pink himalayan salt, Celtic sea salt, etc..) any salt with high mineral content. (But NOT Epsom salt) the salt is added in 1 cup to 1.5ltr of water until dissolved, then the PH is raised to 10.78 in which case the ORMUS starts precipitating until a white cloudy/milky substance is formed, let this sit over night and then siphon off the clear fluid from the top of the Milky ORMUS. You then retain the ORMUS into another jar, and repeat the process until you have about a gallon of ORMUS... take a large 5 gallon pot, pour the 1 gallon of ORMUS into it, pour 1-2 gallons of fresh filtered (NOT DISTILLED) water into the pot, dissolve the ormus, check PH make sure it is 10.78 allow to precipitate overnight, siphon off the clear fluid at the top, then pour fresh filtered (NOT DISTILLED) water one more time into the pot, 1-2 gallons, dissolve the ORMUS into the water, check the PH, make sure its 10.78 allow to precipitate overnight and then siphon off any water on top of the ORMUS... Finally you can consume 1/4th to 1 teaspoon daily, or add a few teaspoons to your Enema solution to greatly enhance the detoxification. The reason for dissolving into fresh filtered (NOT DISTILLED) water multiple times is to "wash" the excess sodium out of the solution, so your left with a lower sodium content which is healthier for you.  Plus the washing process removes impurities from the ORMUS.

Now that you've made Liquid ORMUS you could evaporate the remaining liquid and allow a white powder to form at the bottom of the pan, this is powdered ORMUS which can be added to anything just like the liquid can... this solution will not form any bacteria, etc... as the ORMUS is HIGHLY antibacterial, antiviral, and antiparasitic. The ORAC rating for ORMUS is insanely high too. There is ORMUS that was found in the pyramids in canopic jars which is still bacteria free. You should use GLASS JARS to make ORMUS, not aluminum or metal (EVER). Metal containers cause the solution to act like a giant Leyden jar, which can build up a dangerous electric charge.

2. SOLE (So-lay) SOLE is essentially supersaturated water with Himalayan Pink salt, you take 1/2 to 1 teaspoon in the morning as a mineral supplement. You can google SOLE for more information, I just think it's a good idea to add minerals into your enema as you will be flushing lots of minerals out with the enemas. Just redissolve Himalayan pink salt into the SOLE every once in awhile if the SOLE gets low.

3. Green coffee beans are the best for Coffee enemas as they contain all of the oils necessary for proper detoxification, you can obtain green coffee beans from coffee shops, health food stores, or online. Green coffee beans also contain more antioxidants that roasted beans.. You just grind the green coffee beans up just like regular coffee, cook the coffee grounds into a large pot on the stove until the solution is nice and thick. (sludge) You can also use "light roasted" coffee grounds for this.

4. Borax Food-grade can be added to any enema to help chelate excess heavy metals from your bowls, plus Borax kills parasites, bacteria, and is a remedy for fluoride poisoning. I suggest no more than a few teaspoons, as Borax does contain some sodium.

5. Combine the ORMUS, SOLE, and Green coffee brewed, and Borax into a large pot (no need to strain the coffee grounds out, unless you want too.) then the enema is ready to go. Once combined pour into enema bag for use.

I suggest abdomen massaging before, during, and after the enema to get any pockets of filth out of your large and small intestines. Lots of people neglect the power of massage.

This will make you have a "healing fever" your temperature will go up similar to Kambo(Not as high a temperature, but close, the fever will last for about 30 minutes, you will sweat like mad.), you may feel like you've drank 5 espressos :D If you have a heart condition I suggest using less SOLE. ORMUS is fine because technically if you did the washing of the ormus, the sodium content should be low enough that it won't raise your blood pressure. SOLE on the other hand contains sodium, unless you made a ORMUS-SOLE which is essentially ORMUS made with Himalayan pink salt rather than dead sea salt. You can also combine 1/2 cup of dead sea salt with 1/2 cup of Himalayan pink salt too. This will increase the gold content in the ORMUS end product, so the solution may end up being pink/red rather than milky.

Retain the enema as long as tolerable for maximum benefit, repeat as necessary.

ORMUS is essentially highly concentrated minerals that are colloidal and monoatomic in nature, they are generally North or south, but not both. ORMUS is also very alkaline, you can lower the PH back down to 7 but then the suspended particles start gaining electrons and stop being ORMUS. Essentially ORMUS is stabilized around 8.5 to 10.78 anything too far above or below can destabilize the ORMUS. (I could be wrong about this, but this is my observation.) The ORMUS minerals are lacking electrons so they are super-dense, which is why so little is needed.

Always use ORMUS combined with something else, like put in a bottle of water, or juice, or used in food, or cosmetics. You can also add ORMUS to mouthwash to remineralize your teeth over time.

For a mouthwash I combine 1/4th to 1/8th teaspoon epsom, 3-4 teaspoons of Food-grade borax, or unscented unenhanced borax from walmart You can also add a teaspoon of crushed tums which contains calcium,  I also add 1-2 teaspoons of ORMUS, and SOLE to the mixture, add to approximately 1ltr of water dissolve the mixture and swish the salty mixture 1 mouthful at a time until the whole cup is gone...(1 minute per mouthful is plenty) Do this once a day for a month and your cavities will start to disappear. After the month you can use 1 mouthful of the mouthwash a day after brushing your teeth with "Fluoride free toothpaste..." Like Tom's natural fluoride free toothpaste. You will notice a huge difference in the "smoothness" of your teeth after that first month as well. Unless of course you have major tooth decay already, in which case it will take several months to remineralize your teeth, Possibly longer.

BTW the most important part of this mouthwash is actually the Borax, it acts as a binding agent and forces minerals into your teeth/bones.

Oral Boron supplements from a healthfood store are also beneficial to help remineralize your bones and teeth, The boron is a safer edible version of borax and it will also remove fluoride from your pineal gland, as well as other places in your body where fluoride builds up.

Boron also removes any unnatural calcium deposits which helps arthritis, coronary artery disease, and forces this excess calcium into your bones. Once these deposits are gone the heavy metals that were bound to the calcium will also leave your body, you may feel sick for a few days after starting Boron supplementation because of this, once the heavy metals are gone you will have more energy, and after a few months of boron you will have less aches and pains due to arthritis, as well as more mental clarity. Possibly a more active pineal gland due to no fluoride poisoning it. Which means your third-eye may be more active, you may have very vivid dreams too.