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Messages - Jox

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Working with CFS/FM.

To understand how Kabmo reacts with CFS/FM and how the healing process may take place can be tricky, for the reason that this is a chronic condition that has been with us for months and years.

It is more than normal to be psychologically challenged with his condition, and it could be good idea to clear the mind form depression/anxiety,  and then to face  its immunological aspect with Kambo.

For this purpose I suggest working with Caapi and Iboga root bark, as microdosing. If interested, we can right guide for there practices.

I am not implying months of work with the mind plants, just a couple of weeks. The work can be continued while with Kambo, but it will give an important balance of body - mind interaction.


It is good to know where we are as regarding our health before we start the Kambo healing.  The reason why is that as patients we are highly unrealistic regarding our present condition, as well as our expectations of how and when we will get better. I wrote a simple guide to see how deep we are limited with CFS/FM.

Here are 3 states of health we may find ourselves:


This doesn't mean that we can't get out of the bed and that we are in dippers. For our purpose it means:
- that every hour we must lay down
- every activity is a shore, we must schedule around the bed time. So lets say we have to answer some e-mails: we have to plan ahead of time that we will have a rest before doing it, and not that we are doing the dishes and then going to our mails, we can't do it.

- when we leave the house we carry money for the taxi in fear that we may not have the energy to come back home.

- we leave the house, but after few minutes waling we found out that we actually "can't" continue, and we better walk back to the house, because we are not sure if we will be able to do it after the errand.

- If we have to see our doc. we schedule it ahead of time and try to get enough rest two days before so we can make it. If our friend is living next door to docs office, we can't see him, it has to be one shot a day.


- we can leave the house to see our doc, and then we can stop by to see our friend, but it can't pass 15:00 hours. We prefer to be at home in the afternoon, whole day out of the house is " a lot". We may be envious of other being able to spend the whole day out, and "even have a dinner", but we are wise to stay in. So lets say we have half day "safe" and doesn't have to be planned.

- we can't do dinners, after 17;00 hours we better be at home.

- we can't free lance job, since we never know if we can get out of the bed on time in the morning, and the afternoon is not much of functioning time.  The daily life take much too much of time.

- we don't know when we are going to be hit with 3 months of BED BOUND episode, but by now we know that that episode will end eventually.


- we go to work ( probably the work that is on chair, standing works of any kind, or works that have lifting or a lots of walking will be impossible)
- we have to go home after work most of the time. Sometimes we see friends for dinner after work, but it feels as "too much".
- we may take yoga class in the gym, and maybe do weights once, twice a week, when we used to do weights and yoga 6 x week.  Now we do yoga, even light yoga, Ashtanga would be too much, and maybe prefer steam room instead of any activity.
- maybe we go drinking Friday night, but we realize that we need a whole week end to recuperate, so eventually we see that it kind of doesn't make sense to do it.
- our social life is dying off slowly.
- if we get a cold/flu, it takes us a month or two to get where we were before. It happens few times a year. We start getting to be fearful that our boss is going to notice that we are sicker then normal human being, and affecting the business...
- we go to see a doc and no diagnosis, our blood work is fine, we are send to se a psychiatrist and we are fine too, we may be prescribed antidepressants but we see no change...
Usually this is how it starts, and ends as BED BOUND.


Now we see the seriousness of this condition.  It is totally unrealistic to be healed quickly, if at all.

Yet Kambo offers very impressive healing powers, and I invite you to try them.

Even though there is a change after one treatment, (sometimes to worst thought), In the world of CFS/FM every change and progress is measured in months: you ask yourself: - last month how did I do, 3 months ago how did I do comparing to now. This is the attitude.

good luck to all
and hope you take the ride, it has a lot to offer

Physical Cleansing and Healing of Illnesses / Re: CFS FM and ME
« on: May 01, 2013, 04:43:04 PM »
Hi Hip,

your questions are so precise and to the point that I see that you understand CFS/FM very well. I saw your question couple of days ago, but it came exactly when I was going through that process, so I waited to see exactly how it was going to unfold:

1. I have been struck with a common throat infection, which made my doc. give me antibiotics. This was three Fridays ago. Today, the day of writing this is Wednesday, and I did Kambo past Friday.

Here it is important to note that in my body reaction to common infection is different than the normal folks' would have been: I don't get a strong immunological response, high fever, ext, but I have increase in CFS/FM symptoms and drag on like this for a month up to three months, pretty much in bed  all of the time.  With Kambo this is changing.

2. It is important to note the condition I am in, if I am under some infection that goes around or I am in my "normal" CFS/FM state of health. If I am in the later one, the recovery form Kambo is much more difficult. Since this is the condition that I am in now I will elaborate on that one.

My "normal" state reaction will be one day house bound, with increased body pains, increased lymphs node pain, maybe diarrhea. The following day I would be better functional, yet I would have some body pain.

3. So I will be back to the symptoms of Kambo and common infection:

day 1Friday: I felt horrible, couldn't even move arrround the house for the first few hours. My nose got very congested. My lymph nodes, especially behind my ear was very sore. My body was changing temperature from cold to hot all day and night.

day 2. I could function in the day, but I felt very weak in the afternoon, the throat was hurting me, as well as the sinus, I was sure I was getting sick again, full blown. I decided to take Caapi brew in the afternoon (this is becoming fundamental).

day 3. I didn't feel well, and even worst in the afternoon, BUT because of the Caapi brew of last day, I felt very, very tired, so I had to go to bed, and I could't move for a couple of hours. My body was feeling very tired BUT NOT PAINFULL. I just want to digress and say, that I always feel worst in the afternoon, much worst, and I have overall fever like states, in the past I would have jumping fevers, or febrile: my body temperature would go from 35.0 C to 37.2C within one hour. That would make me totally fucked up.  All this is happening now but to a much smaller scale.

day4. I felt tired again in the afternoon in the same way, and had sore throat, and stuffy nose, I was thinking that I was getting sick again. I spend the afternoon in the bed, same as day 3.

day 5. Suddenly I felt OK all day at night I felt little off, but really well

day 6, or Today, Wednesday, I feel OK, yet I know that underneath I am still sick in a common way....

So practically Kambo made me sicker for 3 days.

To things to take a note:

Caapi brew:

is fundamental, if you see I take it a day AFTER, the Kambo, since the same day it kinds of clashes  ( may be different for others), but the following 3 days, I have SPONTANEOUS naps, and my body goes to relaxation mode...

THIS IS REVOLUTIONARY, my body has not been able to do so in past 25 years. Instead of this, my body would have gone to pain and sweating, and increased head acke. And actually I am writing this now, and it is 15:31 and I have a head acke, slightly sweaty, but my body doesn't go to relaxation, tiredness mode, but tension and pain.

This lasts only 3 days after Kambo. Caapi only without Kambo doesn't produce this effect at all.  Also this time I took smaller dose, had it been stronger, I would have been sleeping, which for me is impossible act, I am on prescribed sleeping aid for past 22 years.

Also this has to be seen from the perspective that without Kambo, I would have been bed bound for all this past 3 weeks, and I was in bed only 3 days...

hope it is of some use

ps. Hip, I wrote this, before rereading your questinos, which are how it has improved.  Since I am in this stage, I am writing what is happening now. When I get out of it, I will write to you the answer to your questions: how it feels when I am "well".

Journals / Ordeals / Re: XXX one year after
« on: April 28, 2013, 10:11:59 AM »
Poooffff, this sounds scary, and $$$sive.

Seriously Hip, try Kambo, we will guide you through... If you had courage to do dermorphin, you have no problem with Kambo.


HI Galega,

this is an immediate response, and unfiltered one, but I have a doubt:

Giovanni, is he an MD, is he doing his treatments in a hospital fully equipped with, tubing, reanimating, heart monitoring equipement? Can he apply all sorts of medications for allergy reactions, hart failure... If not, then what are we talking about.

I am 46, and been sick with CFS/FM for 22 years. Do you know how much $ I have spend over that period of time. And to ALTERNATIVE practcioners, since offical has noting to offer, which in a way is more honest.

None of the treatment worked, and you know what, NONE practicioner would say anything, suddenly the door was closed, and I would became a "persona non-grata".

We should name names, I don't know Giovanni, I don't know how much he charges, and by no means, he/she should charge for the service reasonalby, but also give free treatments, and also instruct self use if necessary. Maybe he dose all that.

But making oneself indispensable, especially the sick, is a borderline to a crime, and MD's and alternative practicioners are borderline criminals, just compare them to nurses.

puffff I let myslef go
hope this is not confrontational

Journals / Ordeals / Re: XXX one year after
« on: April 27, 2013, 04:56:14 PM »

how long have you been taking it? Like a month by now? Tell us exactly how you administer it and how often.

Do you have lymph nodes problem or not? if yes did it change anything?

If you have body pain like flu like febrilas, did that change?

the sleep problem is "a problem". What do you do for that, is it ever present, or you sleep ok normally?


Hi Artycok,

I am glad you are considering doing it yourself. I am under Kambo just as writing this... but start a new tread, I don't like long threads, since I think they got confusing for others to read.

I just did with my new stick, from maya, as mentioned above, it actually felt different, I will write about it later.

Kambogahuascangapé has another porvider.


General Discussion / Re: Kambo Circles around the world 2013
« on: April 25, 2013, 03:35:35 PM »
Hi Galega,

can you tell me what are these events about?


Why not "do it yourself".  Patients with chronic condition must be independent.

Is Giovanni charging or it is for free, would he come to your home and do it any time you need?

I would do it once weekly for 3 week in a row, and if after 3 weeks nothing happens, then it is not for you.

Pay attention if you are sick from common cold, flu, or some infection, at the time you are doing the treatment. This can confuse the result.

best to you

ps. for depression do Iboga microdosing daily, or Aya 100g brew once a week.


I think you said it felt better for a day, 3rd day after the treatment.

This is a lot already. Can't expect more. But be realistic, and ask yourself in the past if you ever felt better for a day and how? Keep a diary of all the symptoms, and see how they change.  If you have a partner or a family member, have them observe you: before the treatment, during after.

No matter how bad we are, we, the sick want to be better form day one, and it makes sense. But at the same time we are very unrealistic how bad is our condition, and we brush off small improvements.

Do it again, and see if you are going to feel better day #4 or not. Yet if the improvements of the day 4 is not motivating you, there is no way that you can keep on with the treatment.

More or less, in my case is the same, I feel better for a couple of days, first 2 is worst, day 3 is better, day 4 is best, and then it goes back...

If you really feel worst, then it is not for you... yet I doubt it. Learn to do it yourself and

I have been acutely sick with CFS/FM since 1994, it started in 1989. In 2001 I got be bed ridden. I got "better" in 2006. I was in constant pain and sweating, I couldn't even walk two blocks and always had taxi $ in the case I wouldn't be able to make it back home.  If I had started Kambo in 2001,  I doubt I would have had much difference, or it would have been as you describe it, or in other words if you are in really bad shape, then it will take some time.

I think I over spoke, but if you have specific symptoms questions ask me.


ps. Also Kambo is the cheapest treatment by far.

General Discussion / Re: Kambo for CFS? Can anyone help?
« on: April 22, 2013, 12:08:46 AM »
Hi Matt608,

I am so glad you heard of Kambo, and it can help you a lot, I will not say cure... It is late night here in Mexico, but I can answer a lots of your questions, what worries me is this POTS. I know nothing about this, but it brings a point that I never mentioned in my posts: I used to get very light headed when getting up, after Kambo treatments, so much that all would turn white, and I had to hold myself for few seconds. This had been happening for months, and now is gone.

I am not a doctor, and can't tell you on this, the rest count on me.

take care

General Discussion / Re: Only Natural Sacraments Please
« on: April 19, 2013, 05:43:01 AM »
Isn't it Chaliponga, Diplopterys cabrerana, 5meoDMT?

Application / Burning Stick
« on: April 17, 2013, 11:20:15 AM »
Hi Kambo Nation,

I want to share my experience with the burning stick.

First I had BAMBOO stick send to my by Maya. I used it, and had "normal" marks, light color change. I am a white boy with darker shade of white, and no matter what I did it always left the mark. For that reason I started doing it on my legs...

Then I ran out of bamboo, and I just took some random branch from the nature. At first i was very pleased. The branch would burn and have the red very strong and long lasting (don't know the word in english for red after fire...). I would have just to touch the skin, and would have nice burn.

Yet at the same time I started to use some strange desinfectant, blue of color, like violet. I did my burns above the ankle, and sometimes they would get infected, so I would put few drops on the burns.

I started to notice that my skin got colored, but I thought it was going to go away, or it was due to the desinfectatnt. Well it DIDN'T... After few months by now I have many dark, very dark burns on my legs.

I eventually stopped using my favorite stick, and got back to bamboo, and the marks are "ok", I do have to hold a "red" on the skin for 2 quick seconds, I count one, two quickly ( when with the other one I had to just touch the skin).

So don't use the wood that has strong temperature, the marks are like tatoos.

My English is kind of wrong, so if moderator can correct it ti would be appreciated.


Journals / Ordeals / Re: Kambo Caapi
« on: April 11, 2013, 05:10:58 PM »
 Hi Kambogahuascangapé,

it is first Kambo, and 2nd or 3rd day Caapi only. I am still working on the details and quantities.

If taking it together, or the same day, it is too stressing to the body, it doesn't feel right.
Caapi only in my case doesn't improve the sleep.
Kambo only makes sleep worst, especially 2nd and 3rd night after.

I am just starting to work on best combo of the two, and if anybody has any input will be great.

The MHRB is a new thing, just curiosity, and more for my husband who has Borderline Personality Disorder.


Journals / Ordeals / Re: Kambo Caapi
« on: April 10, 2013, 10:37:57 PM »
I just did Kambo, three days ago, or Sunday. Last night which is Tuesday night, I woke up at 330 am, and couldn't get back to sleep, at all.

I took Caapi only brew this afternoon, light dose, I did 25g brew, and took 1/4 of it, and I felt better, got relaxed, and could get a nap.

I think now on, or every week, I will do Kambo 2 days follow with Aya only. Kambo seems to stress the body in a strange way.


Journals / Ordeals / Kambo Caapi
« on: April 07, 2013, 01:11:44 PM »
Hi all,

I have found out that taking 100g of Caapi brew, 2 days after the Kambo treatment, puts me to nap. For my condition CFS/ME, napping with no drugs has been impossible for past 25 years. This goes away in 4 days.

I have now 1/2kg of Caapi so I will see how this will play out. I intend to take Caapi 2 days after Kambo.

I found out that the body needs 2 days to kind of settle after Kambo, when i took Caapi the same day, my body didn't react well

I am wondering if I can take the actual bark instead of cooking it for hours? Also I will do it weekly. I will not take MAOI daily... What about syrian rue?

Any thoughts?


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