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Messages - Kambogahuasca Panacea

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Energy Cleansing (Treatment for "Panema") / Re: Query
« on: May 03, 2012, 06:40:48 AM »
I can't attest to traditional protocals exactly but I know how it works for sure.  So definitely if it is energy based or spiritual then left side.  But if it more something of physical lethargic energy or laziness then it is good for right side.  Always odd numbers 3,5,5,5,7,7,7,7,9,9,9,9,9,9,9.  For me it had those funny math patterns.  I know it's time to up the dose when it didn't challenge me as much the previous time.  I would suggest you do 3 again but maybe this time not directly on the brachial vein.  I think you will still purge and all but not as painful.  Then even for your 3rd time since that will be the first time it works on you at full go 100% I would still suggest 3 dots.  But after that you will be stuck on 5 for a while I would rationally guess.  Make sure you are pushing it but not to where it becomes a hazard. 

I hope you stick with it brother, it really starts to get good and after about 5 times the spirit of the frog enters your every day awareness. 

I was told to do it when the moon is waning on the last quarter right before the new moon.  To me this makes more since than the new moon as it would mirror the most powerful symbol of detoxification.  But gloriadeo knows what she is talking about so the new moon is obviously a great time too.  I am trying to fit 2 into that small space but lately Kambo really destroys me to near death levels so as of yet I can't manage a double like that. 

It depends on what Panema you are talking about.  Would need to know if you have Panema and if so the description of it.  Sometimes people do a little on each side to great effect.  I have to do it on one side each time as I am at a high number of 11 and I treat myself.  By the time I get to 7 I am already getting overcome and it is a challenge to put the last 4 on.  If I switched from side to side it would be even harder.  Ooooohhhhh Kambo how you scare the living daylights out of me with your love.  Every time I do it I am so utterly scared.  And yet the rewards are so beyond measurement that I would be a fool to stop working with this magic sacrament. 

Application / Unlimited Samahdi (Kambo Combo) Recipe
« on: April 30, 2012, 05:49:14 PM »
I discovered another ticket to heaven if anyone is interested here is the recipe...

*Fast for 1 whole day
*Prepare 1.3 gallons of a lukewarm tea mixture made of healing herbs (Guayusa, Pau d' Arco, Cat's Claw, fill in the blank____)
*With this water do 3 enema treatments and attempt to hold each for 5 minutes.  This will not only cleanse your bowels but also greatly enhance the Kambo experience as Kambo works best with the modality of water.
*Light 2 charcoals and put on top Palo Santo preferably using stones so as to alleviate any chance for fires.
*Light 2-3 candles
*Directly before burning your arm drink 1.3 liters of water take your time though.
*Get ready to burn your arm(men) or legs(women) use a thin stick preferably carved to an oval at the end.
*Do not be afraid to burn for up to 3 seconds to assure that Kambo will enter you properly, remember pain is just the other side of the hill of heaven.
*Rinse the burned skin extremely thoroughly with a cloth of some sort make sure to add water to the cloth but dab dry at the end.
*Directly after burning drink 1 additional liter of water try to do this rather effeciently.
*Get ready to add drops to your Kambo stick.
***Have another stick or as stone with a similar texture as a stone in order that you can put your globules on something else other than the main stick you are scraping from.
*Add 8-12 drops of water to your stick the more the better believe me for both effects and even more so for application purposes.
*Using a small sharp knife begin to scrap your globules into a matchhead size but if at all possible enough to cover each burn (this is optimal but will take practice) and scrape onto your second stick or stone.
*Apply the Kambo using the tippity tip of your knife it should be sheer perfection but once again this will take practice.
*WALA vomit 3-7 times.
*30-45 minutes after you initially applied the Kambo wipe off the globules from your arm, it will have dried up by now so you might need a bit of liquid to help get it off, make sure the to wipe it clean in dry.  Then add 3-5 layers of Dragon's Blood Sap---2 drops for each burn=1layer so in total each burn should get 6-8 layers, wait 5 minutes after each layer until it forms the "liquid bandage" (I like the quality of Amazon Therapeutic Laboratories and Botanical Preservation Corps respectively), then let this stay on for an entire week-9 days when it will peel off on it's on you will be left with beautiful and honarable scars.  For me one should not even think of doing Kambo unless they have a supply of Dragon's Blood it is a MUST!
*Continue fasting
*Follow this 1-3 hours later with 1-3 grams of Iboga root bark (depending on your tolerance), an MAOI inhibitor (Caapi, Rue, ext.), and digestive enzymes from a reputable company.
*1 hour later Iboga will tell you everything that Kambo just did and why as well as putting you in an absolute state of bliss, you should feel somewhat like "If I died know I would be perfectly happy with everything".  Iboga will then download a heap of knowledge to you it is on the fringe of overwhelming but you should not have much nausea at all.  You will have to pee up the yin yang from that enema you did earlier.
*Lasted me 5 hours of somewhat Ayahuasca like effects with the vocal tone of pure Iboga...hmmm makes me wonder once again.
*Next day will feel totally charged, musically enhance to the max, and unbearbly happy, ready to accomplish tasks.

Kambo & Ayahuasca / Mama Kambo Mama (The Mambo)
« on: April 30, 2012, 05:45:33 PM »
This is from an experience I had on the first of the year...

Yesterday I took on the Kambo Mama journey I am calling it.  Let me say I don't recommend this and it was the most difficult/rewarding experience I have ever encountered.  It was the most scary/beautiful of experience and I need some help trying to figure out what happened.  Let me say that this was so far beyond any experience I have ever heard of or thought possible.

It trumped an Iboga flood by a great deal.

Here is what I did on New Year's evening I had a moderate amount of Ayahuasca about 1/2 a portion with a great experience and mild overall changes.  The next morning on New Years I drink 1 small gulp at 11am to prepare for administering Kambo to 8 different people multiple times starting at 1 pm.  The spirits of these two energies advised me to do this to get into the proper state of mind and mentioned I should do these every time now that I care for individuals with Kambo, to know what they need in the moment and such.

So I think giving so many Kambo experiences had a huge effect as not so oddly enough I could taste the frog in my mouth and feel it working in my stomach, contact experience.

Then as I always do I did Kambo last to myself at about 8pm.  It was intense but very managable, I only vomited 3 projectiles with no yellow bile.

Then I did drink a regular portion of Ayahuasca at 11pm.  It only took 30 minutes until I realized I was in waaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy over my head.  I started seeing the most illustrius pyrimad fractals of colors I can never describe and I could feel something like a locomotive rushing in.  At 11:45 I vomitted out the Ayahuasca.  At this point I could hardly control my body which has never happened for me with Ayahuasca.  I was on auto pilot body and totally engrossed in spirit land.  Then I went back to music which always helps me so, Diego Palma.  The music was slowed down 10 fold and I could feel every intention of love placed by Diego Palma his wife Milegros and their friend Jarah Tree.  The song Angel Heart.  Now fractals are off the charts, undescribable and teachings are flooding in at warp speed.

At about 12:15 am I was immediately struck to vomit and this black muck flew out of my mouth projectile like it was an olympic sport.  Then as I thought would happen the Kambo yellow bile started coming out.


I ended up vomitting over 100 times through every "chamber" I will call it a vomit pocket.  Kambo was working with Ayahuasca to reach deep into every region associated with certain and direct negative vibe experiences which were coming out.  After the yellow bile came a bright green then came a dark green then almost immediately came a red.  Then the most difficult was a dark red.  At this point I began singing as I do when I need help.  I felt I was clinging to life and I was channeling teachings from the voice of "the mother and father of creation".  I was learning so much and at this point because I was being so loud I had awoken about 5 people from the cabin friends were at.  They were in shock at what they were witnessing.

I had to struggle with song to stay alive and yet I was experiencing the most profound experience I have ever heard about.  I think doing it this way had made the Kambo COMPLETELY ENTHEOGENIC and I felt the way I do when I do Kambo for the first 10 minutes when I have to fight to live or at least convince myself.  During this experience I actually experienced death at one point and went to spirit land for one brief instant but because it scared me I would not be able to return I immediately "jumped out".

I'm gonna cut it short.  I need some opinions of what happened.  I voiced during the experience to those witnessing, directly after I had vomited 100+ times that doing a treatment in this way Ayahuasca then Kambo then Ayahuasca will cure all illnesses for all lifetimes.  It is the reincarnation panacea from what I have downloaded.  I hope it is not my ego tricking me, I really need your all's help to figure this out.  It is the ultimate healing tool as far as I have experienced but it was so difficult that I am the only one crazy enough to do it.  I will need to do it again sometime soon because of the mission it prescribed to me and work I need to do.  But please I advise no one should do it the way I did it. If you do decide to try it I suggest 1 gulp of Ayahuasca 5 hours before Kambo, then Kambo then about 1/4 of a normal Ayahuasca dose to get a feel of what I went through.

This was not an Ayahuasca experience this was the Kambo Mama precipice.

Please help me I am somewhat desperate with questions.  Has anyone ever heard of vomiting 100+ times so many crazy colors?

OK, ok.  Wasn't blood for sure.  Quite sure in the arena of 100+ vomits.  I am quite sure it was a spiritual battle in other words not an actual physical death but one of unfamiliarity with the psychological atmosphere.  It made ayahuasca more practical somehow, for instance I can remember the details.  I am a risk taker but I am quite sure the experience is never going to kill me it is just so difficult and intense that like Kambo it knows your limits and takes you to the edge.  I feel like I detoxified everything in my body, EVERYTHING.  Took 2 shits yesterday afterwords they seemed to be like pure plaque and both somehow plugged up toilets because of their solidity.

Uh this is hard to express.  Can't compare, please try not to compare, different entirely.  Bore very little resemblence to any aya experience I have ever had.  Reached down into vomit pocket compartments to gain access to "spiritual vomit".  Past lifetimes of bad vibes got vomited I believe, in my perspective.

All of my words had meaning to the people that heard them, like teachings.  Sort of like "channeling the oracles" but the words were 100% fluid and direct.  Each statement each teaching was new to me and others.

This is so hard to explain, but I know it wouldn't kill me.  Kambo always knows how to take the body to the edge so the body can awaken dormant cellular mechanisms to resurge the system.  Somehow this got ayah involved in the act.  I am very sensitive and have low tolerance for things so in all likely hood this same experience would not hit someone else quit as hard.  For instance out of the 15 people I have worked with Kambo, I am by far the most effected, like everytime I have purged and for others their first couple of times they usually don't illicit purging.

Like it presented obvious teachings, for instance...

Kambo is for hunting right?  Yes the native peoples use it for hunting animals.  They don't just mean animals.  We think they just meant animals but they mean HUNTING.  For anything.  In other words the way to do Kambo to gain the most is to set your intention on what you want to hunt and you shall receive the serendipidies to make this possible.  But just like the Matses do you must know what you are hunting first to be able to make sense of the signs and signals you will recieve afterwords.  For the indiginous people Kambo is always successful for hunting but this is mainly because they know what they want to get.  When doing Kambo one has to know what they are hunting.  For instance I am a herb/medicine/people to administer healing to hunter.  It always works for me because of this, I know what I am hunting.  Other people don't seem to know it's clear purpose for HUNTING your spirit purpose.  Or if you want can hunt for women, or whatever I don't care as long as you know what you want.

Mother and Father of creation make all things possible but only through the simlicity of cognizing their simple names...Mother and Father of creation.  They have stored everything and nothing is ever lost.  Nothing is extinct.  They hold the containers of all languages, ext.

I have never felt BETTER.  I feel 100% reborn.  No sins ever!  I feel like it was by far by very far like 10,000 miles the most healing experience ever.  I have only done 1 flood of Iboga but to me this Mama Kambo Mama experience was sooooooooooooo much more beneficial and healing.

The 100 vomits were the best thing for my body, soul and spirit...I wish you all could understand what I am trying to say.  It has to be seen and felt to be understood.

I think I want to do it for the rest of my life, once a month to twice a month.  But I will lesson the amount a bit and then every once in a while I will do Papa Kambo Papa to switch it up.

It's like the energies of these medicines did a complete and utterly thorough scrubber wash to all my energetic systems.  I can see so clear in every way.  I know what's gonna happen before it does now.  I'm ready to hunt for my heart's desire.

If I could I would plaster this remedy on billboards everywhere but instead I will talk about it on our quiet little forum.  If it catches on it will have to be word of mouth or from here.  So be it.  People want healing they can have it if they really want it.

Recipe for...
Mama Kambo Mama:
(1)1/5 portion Aya 3-5 hours before Kambo
(3)1/3 portion Aya 1-3 hours after Kambo (if you are risky like me have a full portion)

Papa Kambo Papa:
(1)1-3 grams Iboga 3-5 hours before Kambo (depending on tolerance)
(3)1-5 grams Iboga 1-3 hours after Kambo (depending on tolerance)

:::I don't really think people should even do Kambo without this type of treatment it makes it so much more informative and beneficial.  I was originally told one can either do it like 5-8 hours before OR 5-8 hours after and it will be like 1+1=3.  What I did this New Years was like 1+1+1=100.  When I asked this individual (Rogier) if one can drink a full cup of Aya directly afterwords he said he assumes so but that he likes to take it easy.  Personally I like to go hardcore direct to the source of the earth!!!  I'm a weirdo though and an admitted KAMBO NERD!

Of note about the vomits...they were pronounced Kambo vomits.  In other words Kambo makes one vomit like nothing else and they are extremely healthy and safe productive vomits.  You will never get a dry heave from a Kambo vomit it always reaches down and finds a toxin or memory poison to extract and get out of the body.  A normal Kambo successful vomit will reach down into the gall and liver and get a lot of yellow stuff out this I will call going A-D in vomit sequence.  Mine went all over in regions/organs but I have to term it vomit pockets and went through the complete A-Z in purifications like I would to have to do maybe 10 Kambo treatments at least to achieve such results.  It was a miracle.

It was because (now I have even better access to the Akashic Field) doing the aya in a small amount before Kambo gave permission then Kambo gave the Aya permission then the Aya after gave them all permission and they quantitatively multiplied something verifiably magic on earth.  No I can't recommend this full amount afterwords (thanks for the reinforcement Cal) but if someone has a terminal illness or desperately needs spiritual healing this would be the path I think.

I was transmitted that it will work with Iboga as well before Kambo and after but to honest with you I grew up praying to the the Divine Mother so I have a natural fondness for her.  People think you are drinking ayahuasca but it is really THE MOTHER.  Regardless I will be doing it with Iboga as well because I need to get to know my father better.

In honor of the Bwiti / Kambo in Bwiti Lexicon
« on: April 30, 2012, 05:39:55 PM »
Kambo (Ekambo)
ordonnateur de la cérémonie, "gendarme": est là pour faire respecter le rituel, surveiller la participation de tous, réveiller les mous ou les endormis (a une épée ou une torche)

Kambo (Ekambo) officer of the ceremony, "gendarme" is there to enforce the ritual, monitor the participation of all, wake up the sleeping or soft (a sword or a torch)


Also if you check the Bwiti music files here...

#11 on the Prosper Album is all about Kambo!

This was an experience I had on August 19, 2011.  It was what stopped my migraines, I have not had one since.

Katukina treatment:

You get 3 Kambo treatments in 3 hours. That`s an advisable treatment for people who need to get a deep healing. I advise it to people with chronic pain or illnesses or other heavy diseases. This treatment is also good for healthy people when you are looking for a streaming of new, positive energy in your life or, like the Katukina hunters do before their hunting sessions, you want to be succesfull in reaching a certain goal.

I had to begin a new thread for this as to me it differed so much from my 1 previous time of doing Kambo just once.  A couple questions I will ask myself and answer myself as a reference point.  Can Kambo be entheogenic?  Yes extremely although doing it 3x in 3 hours creates such an intense entheogenic reaction that I cannot honestly compare it to anything.  Is 3x in 3 hours adviseable? I would not reccommend it unless you are attempting to deal with all of your issues in 1 lifetime and become a boddhisatva.  How does it compare to an Iboga flood?  In the sense of a rebirth experience I would say it barely surpasses it but at the same time being reborn is being reborn.  What were the entheogenic effects?  Music extremely enhanced, felt the medicine performing surgery on every little part of my body (this is one of my favorite effects of any entheogen), color spectrum enrichment creating Shipibo art like fractals that were somewhat compareable to Ayahuasca.  Was it taxing on the system?  Extremely do not do unless you can have a couple days for rest.  When returning the next day you will need a great deal of nutritional uptake as everything comes out of your body.  How long were the entheogenic effects?  At least 10 hours but right now after 30 I feel like it is still working on me at a subtle level.  What do you absolutely need for treatment?  Sangre De Drago!!! Put on directly after removing Kambo from the burn sites 30-60 minutes after initial burning.  Doing so many burns does not hurt at the time but 1 hour later and it is very painful Sangre De Drago will stop the pain and cover the wounds immediately, I get mine from Amazon Therapeutic Laboratories I have found their supply to be superior.

I did this by myself on myself...not reccommended you have to realize I am a little crazy in aspects of going to the extreme.  I did not anyone around to be worried, scared or liable for my well being.  The experience puts you into the entheogenic realms at such a deep level that conversations are not palatable or helpful.

For me this was great the ultimate in rites of passage initiation.  I feel like a true human now, it was something I was longing for which although Iboga and Ayahuasca really helped me they didn't quite quench my never ending thirst for healing.  This experience is beyond work you have to want it bad do it once and never think of doing it again the same day do it twice and you are repulsed at the thought do it thrice and you feel like you have accomplished the greatest task known to man.  Well this will be my path now for at least a bit the Katukina secret knowledge comith to all of humanity for the ultimate healing.  Next week I will push myself further in combination with my Mother Ayahuasca for now I leave you as a new body with a realighned soul protected and watched over by an ancient spirit as old as the trinity Iboga, Ayahuasca and Kambo.

Please watch this video to see how the Katukina extract the sweat or venom, they do it in a much more ethical fashion then the Matses.

Journals / Ordeals / Re: First XXX
« on: April 30, 2012, 05:27:36 PM »
That is great to hear Jox, a true success story.  I knew that since it "cured" my migraines that this medicine is the highest form of a panacea on the earth.  That is one of the main reasons I fell in love with it so hot and heavy, I knew it could help others with their "incurable" illnesses. 

I am happy for you!

Introductions / Re: Congratulations KP
« on: April 27, 2012, 02:26:53 PM »
I'm really happy to hear it helped.  I think I can remember the first one didn't do a lot for you, but I'm not sure.  So, the third one within a 3 month time period especially will make for 100% cellular uptake.

People interested in Kambo...?...?...seems like once David Wolfe (Raw Foods Guru) tries it word will spread like wild fire.  I am already aware of Daniel Vitalis (Surthrival) recently did Kambo.  I lost contact with his people.  Seems like those either wanting to desperately heal or to be as optimal health as possible.  Maybe I should join some Raw Food Forums and see if they are interested.

Also Giovanni is really start to be recognized I believe at a larger world stage.  That could really help the spread of knowledge. 

For me the miracle of why it drew me to love it so much was when I did the 3 times in 3 hours treatment and I haven't had a migraine once since 8 months ago.  I had incurable migraines for 30 years of my life too.  I had tried a lot of different options and nothing had helped.  Only Kambo worked.

I really like that it is not something one can do for fun, makes it almost more authentic and impactful to me in a way.

Introductions / Re: Congratulations KP
« on: April 27, 2012, 08:44:23 AM »
Thanks Jox, it was hardly me that got this started though.  It was The Traveler that was kind enough to start the forum on Kambo.  Probably will be a quiet place here.  More for those interested with deep healing. 

Complementary Modalities / Re: In love with Sweat Lodges
« on: April 24, 2012, 05:59:56 PM »
I'll have to try it next time then LLP.  Thanks for paving the way, as otherwise I was very nervous about trying.  Now I feel it is quite safe.  Just will need lots of water after the sweat.

General Discussion / Re: What is too much?
« on: April 24, 2012, 05:56:36 PM »
I am curious if you purge sufficiently from Kambo?  To me this is when I get the most benefit.  I know others may feel very different.  But this is a very personal thing form me...the more I purge from Kambo the stronger the long term effects of Kambo essence infused in my being.  Also have you tried it in combination with another entheogen?  Iboga seems to be Gloriadeo's, Love Light Power's, and my personal favorite to use with Kambo.  I like having about 1.2 gr. of RB about 2-3 hours before Kambo and then if and when I can stomach it afterwords I have about 2-3 gr.  This makes the effect of Kambo much more obvious.  Otherwise it is so subtle.  Ayahuasca will make it even more obvious IMO.  You can be a risk taker like me if you are a bit on the wild side and have 1/5-1/3 of a portion of Aya 2-3 hours before and when you can stomach it afterwords have 1/2 to a whole portion.  Will make the Kambo benefits very very obvious and undeniable. 

But your correct otherwise it comes with time or a 3x treatment within 3-10 hours will make it really obvious too and then more love will be cultivated for the sacrament. 

Introductions / Re: hello
« on: April 24, 2012, 05:42:49 PM »
I hope you can share some of your wisdom with us too.  Feel free to share as much as you want and please don't feel limited, whether you have done Kambo or not.  I have learned a great deal from you in short time and others would be very blessed to get that same opportunity.

If we can figure out a dependable way to do Kambo without burns many miracles will develop from the the likes of yourself.  Kambo=Sacred Manifestation among other things.  But there are plenty of other boards here you can feel free to write in and then we can learn from you. 

Also if you have any suggestions I will be happy to implement them.  In a certain way you are a teacher of mine and I have great respect.

Great to have you here!!!

Introductions / Re: Hello, Everyone
« on: April 24, 2012, 04:44:31 PM »
Such a blessing to have you here.  I hope I can be clear that I wanted this forum to learn first and foremost from folks like Peter and Giovanni(hopefully even indigenous practitioners too).  I am so gracious that you got the word out in 84' and even informed scientists while you were at it.  That paper on your site about it is remarkable.  With your permission I would like to repost that wonderful article on the forum.  I think it would give people a good idea of the origins of Kambo in the West.  As word slowly trickled out from your findings and kind extension to Scientists around the world.

Thanks again we owe you a huge debt...
To be paid in love!

General Discussion / Re: Hyperventilation.
« on: April 23, 2012, 06:36:10 PM »
Not normal from my experience.  Breathing is very essential in the experience.  You can transmute the pain by singing high pitch noises and Icaros from your essence of eternity.  But I would only guess it is not to your advantage to breathe so intensely.  The breathe is severley tested with Kambo and even an experienced meditator might find they can't keep track. 

I find solace through song, and honestly that is the only way I make it through sometimes.  Kambo loves singing, it is the epicenter of the musical harem in the perils of heaven this frog keeps the peace between heaven and hell. 

General Discussion / Re: What is too much?
« on: April 23, 2012, 06:32:43 PM »
I asked Giovanni that very question this morning, not knowing you had asked it, a question I had wondered for a while.  He basically said in a Zen way,"it is to much when it becomes an obsession".  He referred me to Eckhart Tolle's book "A New Earth" as a way of finding moderation.  For about two months I did Kambo once a week, and it certainly became an obsession. 

I have read how in Brazil the indigenous people got offended because the people in the city were apparently over using Kambo.  Gio said that there is no set amount for Kambo.  But for me once a month seems appropriate and a way to tamper down my enthusiasm to a manageable level of smooth conduct.

Your dots are sufficient given your experience I would say.  I know you are a warrior and living up to your name.  Some how I remember you from both the eboka forum and the nexus, I know you are on the right path of respect for the medicine.  I would say that to me this medicine is holy, sacred and above all one of the most precious gifts on earth.  As long as the respect is in tact in your heart and soul your spirit will respond in kind.

Lately I have younger people in their younger 20's very much wanting to do Kambo, but for now I deny them because I feel their enthusiasm is largely based in curiosity rather than legitimate respect for a sacred essence of healing. 

Putting them off and being evasive will allow them to see that this is to be regarded with the highest respect above silver and gold.  As someone that purged crude oil for an hour straight I have now a newfound genuine respect for Kambo.  What it took out of me there is no scientific explanation and a new found energy I have found is simply a beaming fire gifted by the Frog God.  Like a tank that never goes empty. 

So as long as you put that respect deep into your valves of intuition every time Kambo will reward you.  You will know you have been rewarded by how frog faced you get, how close you come to knocking at death's door, and what precious sentence it has to tell you.  If it is easy and breezy than you are doing it too much.  IMO.  Unless you have become experienced at microdosing.

I have a very different technique than our elders of Kambo.  Mine is to make the experience as intense and grueling as possible.  When I learn the Meridians better I hope to adapt to the wisdom my teachers have to offer.  But for now the indigenous panorama looms larger like an umbrella over a hallo.  The crucifix of Kambo should twist and turn your every being and squeeze all the trash out.  Then it is proper. 

It can last from 15 minutes to 2 hours.  My longest was 2 hours.  If it is not as intense than up the dosage the next time.  Always pushing further with bravery and love for what the Kambo has to teach your deepest being of sacrifice. 

Introductions / Re: Signed up to learn...
« on: April 21, 2012, 06:10:26 AM »
I think I get it better.  So one still does the burn technique but the accupuncture is used for activating the meridians, then one applies the burn there...I think.  Now I just wonder how the auriculortherapy works into this, but honestly it is so ingenious I should travel to where Giovanni can train me properly.  I am very intrigued by your micro dose method too, I would like to start a new board if you are interested in managing it. 

I'm just so old school with my application it can only be defined as "How to make it as intense as possible", but this is so difficult for other people.  I make it required in order to treat people with Iboga I have to give Kambo first (really for the divine ointment of propelling them on the right path) for detoxing well, but they are so intimidated and scared of the frog. 

So I think it is ripe I evolve to the modern technique.  Do you recommend I start getting some acupuncture done to get a feel for it?  I have never gotten acupuncture. 

Thanks so much!

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