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Messages - n3ur0h@ck

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Most people probably don't find the matter of electromagnetic pollution to overly important to pay attention too. It's that the consciousness in the form of the individual and it's subconscious collective are the top layers of a kind of structure that has in some ways a connection to a pyramid, though don't go for the 1 on 1 analogy here.
Anyway, on the base level there are the cells, trillions of conscious units that form a solid base. The communication from this ground level up to the levels of subconscious, ego and above, is in most people not functioning. So the cells receive a battering each day but their messages do not reach high enough to get noticed. In this way the routines of the higher levels, ie waking and sleeping for example, are not affected right away. It usually takes a prolonged period of overload on those ground levels to upset a disbalance on the higher.
This way someone can go through life for years in excessive artificial lights, EM radiation and other pollutants. Only very few people have to sensitivity that in combination with periods of excessive overload trigger such a inbalance. I don't know what exactly defines such a inbalance, but my guess it has to do with hormones. When it goes awry then, it's not likely to settle back soon.

In light of this, I started this topic to look into healing possibilites for issues that won't heal properly. The shoulder impingement is a example of a inflammation that keeps going on. In other words, inbalance has been induced and the system as of yet has kept in this state.
As I've progressively moved through different variables that are connected to this manifest inflammation, such as diet, setting bones, resolving psycho-energetic issues (with aya, kambo & iboga), taking rest, reducing stress levels, yoga, tai chi and mediation etc - a process of development takes place. All kinds of detrimental influences on health, enviroment and consciousness become more and more obvious and ignorance is shed. This is something I don't see happening in those people who are in a so called positive spiral, those that are apparantly happy and seem to prosper.

So a absent healing does trigger a development and in the long run this could be the healing. But right now it's terribly upsetting, a state of inflammation triggers an inflamed mental, emotional and spiritual state. The presence of a throbbing pain in a particular spot drags all day long and this does not promote the release of feelgood hormones. Maybe the best healing right now would be a by girlfriend and moving to a hut in the forest...   :P Anyway, the epsom salt does help with footbaths and coral magnesium seems another good to treat it. Acid/ alkaline foods could a variable that may help tip the balance.

He PW, this list is very helpful. It may be a very good way to go. But I have to find out which supplements I need. The coral magnesium/ calcium seems very okay. So I may try this first. On what you wrote, I may have something to add:

This fluoride detox might be worth looking into. I have been going without fluoride toothpaste for a while now. Going over to baking soda could be next step. But I'm not sure yet if baking soda is good for the gums as well. Mine have receded very far and I'm not too fond of this.

Anyway I do have the luck of not having mercury fillings. That's a relief. But I am certain the mercury poisoning is bad. Next to that, how about the radioactive elements? Living in Europa, Chernobyl is past now. But now Fukushima is going on and it's not too well.

I am getting the picture how all this is adding up to imflammation. Already found myself very sensitive to excessive street lights and wifi radiation. Besides that extreme bad neighbours for years. Extreme constipation and then continuous diarrhea/ A decade of insomnia as well. For it's a very complex issue. The most gain it seems I can derive from food. I did fix the insomnia by melatonin intake and stopped that as well, most nights I can get sleepy without. But overstimulation from bad neighbours is still a problem and this probably adds up the inflammation.

I don't know how this for you people, but for me living in our western society with all it's technology is a negative spiral. Progressively I find myself abandoning all these things, luxuries and niceties and instead go for hardship and more or less ascetic life. Just because all those things I grew up with prove to be so detrimental for health, enviroment and such. People are degrading over the generations, that I see so clearly now. I often think that if you don't choose an alternative, then you may find yourself or your children to be infertile.

But back to practical matters, I need to find a starting point. Whether it's a water filter or magnesium/calcium coral or DMSO etc... It's good to get advice, but choosing which will best help is hard. As well whether or not stop dairy (since I make my own quark and kefir from very good quality milk)...

Allright, I read a bit on those foods - some of them are in my list, others not. Maybe take a look and give a say on it:

- rice
- buckwheat
- germ spelt bread
- tahin
- natto miso
- eggs
- cheese
- quark
- kefir (both water and milk)
- meat
- chlorella
- spirulina
- kelp
- gelatin
- coconut fat
- dairy butter
- various nuts
- line seed
- bouillon without yeast
- pepper
- celtic sea salt
- green clay and loss soil
- sauerkraut
- buckthorn berries
- various vegetables (different each week depending on the season)

I use various herbs for tea, a very long list that would be - so I leave those out here.

Some things are acidic, like sauerkraut, buckthorn, kefir and quark. Those I choose for aiding digestion and vitamins. I also wanted to start kombucha, but that is for the future.

Due to this chronic inflammation I changed my diet into this. Before I have to recall, but I ate fish instead of meat and 'normal' fruits instead of buckthorn and sauerkraut. I removed all wheat products, all processed foods and unsuited oils. The kefirs came in about a year ago, together with the algea and kelp. But the shoulder inflammation has been consistent over the past 3 years.

Basically I've been working toward a so called 'Weston Price' diet, though reading the book I noticed that the alleged diet has not so much to do with what the man wrote there. But I try to eat as naturally as possible. Obtaining diary products from the best possible sources and such. For a while I seperated the more carb meals from the protein/ fat meals. Though recently I have combined both again.

So I have to find out about the acidic/ alkaline diet. The bloodgroup thing has to wait a bit, since I don't know my bloodtype right now. Hope to get some advice on how to proceed. I would prefer to skip the trial and error phase right now...

Fast healing is wanted yes, but the issues lie down the ankle in the foot on the outside. Down there it is due to a inflammation of the ligaments. Lately this has become more severe, but thanks to that I can be fairly certain the ligaments are the issue. The bones seemed to be allright on x-ray, if there was a microfracture it has healed already by now.
The DMSO, MSM and epsom baths are good advice. I have epsom at home so that's going to be a good idea. Did MgCl baths, but the salt is too expensive, really stupid I didn't thought of epsom instead. Right now I walk on crutches for lack of anything better.

But the part of cutting the carbs. I tried that a while ago. It resulted in sweating ammonia, so I brought back the carbs to my diet. I thought about this a lot and though I am not completely certain, but I think blood type may have to do with it. It could be that bloodtype O will benefit from a low carb diet, whereas certain other types won't.

Hi all,

I've been homebound for about 10 months now due to a bad foot. It happened whilst running in a forest. I made a bad step and hurt my foot. Since then it's been very painful to walk and there's something inside the foot that is not really okay. By now I know it's not the bones, but probably with the ligaments and possibly cartilage tissue. The hospital despite their expensive equipment and so called 'doctors' were unable to give me any kind of diagnosis or treatment. So I'm looking for another way now. How could I use kambo for this? Should it be applied directly on the spot for example, or find the meridians that go through the spot or any other way of treating this?

Next to that I've been going on with a shoulder impingement for more than 3 years now. Despite my efforts not to use this shoulder in any way, it just won't go away. It's not infected but there is a inflammation going on. Basically it just hurts all the time and after 3 years and one therapist after the other I'm a bit out of ideas how to fix this. I did apply kambo directly on the spot but it made no difference at all. Somehow this shoulder won't come out of being inflammated or something, I really don't know anymore. Has anyone a idea how to treat this?

I would gladly come to know some suggestion as I'm increasingly more disturbed by the non healing of these issues... Thank you.

Journals / Ordeals / Re: Journey to find some healing
« on: January 06, 2014, 09:09:58 AM »
So I'm continuing this journal. It's were I like to post some experiences. There is remarkable development in the whole process I'm describing here. When I started it was like a nightmarish mystery concerning how on earth things could go the way they went. Now I'm feeling I entered the center of the whole complex and am adressing issues that concern something very holistic, namely the connections between inner and outer, yourself and others etc.

At first I saw a mystery that was dark and impenetrable. It brought bizarre conincidences that reinforced a loop of negativity. The real damage was done here and too it laid the foundation for a neccesity to overcome it. I actually met someone whom I now know has been gone something similar. The guy spent whole his life running behind chances but always missing them, being denied the chance to fulfill himself. Not understanding how or why, just being confronted by something that's more or less like a gameplay with someone infinitely smarter without any compassion.

Anyway for me, through persistant practice it came to a realization of surrounding factors before adressing the core.

First of the make-up of the various traits from ancestors that combined into something more than their individual traits, but becoming a vexation because of the uncompatability with life. Sorry for the vagueness here, but I'm trying to tell how some traits combine in such a way that the negative aspects of them weigh very heavy and need a lot of character development to become managable.

Second the innate load of guilt and other unadressed issues because of ancestral trauma's. Stuff that for generations wasn't talked about and due to the first point I stated, were brought up in full. In fact it was trough a lucky conincidence that I finally found out that in one branch of my familiy there was a serious skeleton in the closet.

Third a lack of connections with the world and life itself. Possibly due to the two previous factors, maybe that unconsciously or maybe conscious, people notice the somewhat unlucky dispostions and avoid them. So being neglected in terms of affection and missing the opportunities to develop relationships. Basically becoming a loner.

Then the last, fourth, is not receiving adequate 'education' concerning how to deal with these issues. Just noticing that people are not up to helping you. Having to invent the wheel all by yourself.

Now these were things that pointed to various factors that surround the center of selve. Once you manage to get past the surroundings, then the real work can begin.

Basically I found out that there was feeling and thought there, a lot of feelings that got stuck because the surroundings brought so many deviations. Also not understanding that the surroundings are not the center.
I just recently managed to penetrate this deep and I can tell you that to get there required a certain maturity. From then till now I have been going through a lot of stale emotions and their thought patterns. All these had to be released. Mostly through deep breathing. Just feeling what's there and breathing deeply. No purge could help with that, in the end you can't escape your own feeligns. Though I wanted to do just that, it's not that much fun to be confronted with the stuff that's there.

Anyway this is the introduction  :P. I was going to tell that for weeks I've been living toward a Kambo purge and had a very specific application in mind. Namely to cure a issue with a joint. One that has been very painful for 3 years now and won't go away. Yesterday I put on 8 dots right on the spot, with the intention to clear the emotional debris that is stored around it. Somehow this was right on. I drank 2 liters and with the first dot being Kambo'd I felt it come. Just when the last dot was done I started to puke real hard. First clean water, then green bile followed by yellow and deep orange bile. Continued till there was no liquid left in my stomach. I sweated like a shower. And my lips, throat and face got swollen. Got heat everywhere and having it cold at the same time. First time I ever has this kind of purge, before I had sweat and some swelling but never like this or yellow/ orange bile.

I'm to believe this was right on the spot. A lot came out and though I planned to do at least 2 purges, but I couldn't get anything past my throat after this one. So one it was, but a real good one... 

General Discussion / Re: please HELP - could this be from kambo?
« on: December 31, 2013, 06:24:39 AM »
Hmm, I read past the insufflation part. But I am to think that the insufflation must have played a part in it. Probably not just that, but a combination of other factors as well.

In regard to iodine overload, how severe can this be? I've been using kelp in my diet for a while now and though I do not experience any adverse effects. In fact my thyroid seems to be functioning normal these days.

But the inflammation being under the chin, is this likely to have a connection to the thyroid gland?

If I may suggest, there could be that some material got stuck and provoked the inflammation. So besides the already stated advice, maybe to clean the nasal passages & oral cavities. One way to do this is to snort salted lukewarm water and blow it out and also to gargle this in your mouth. This is called neti in yoga and it is a cleanse.

Anyway good luck and hope this will go soon.

The Process / Re: possible sepsis/blood poisoning?!
« on: December 30, 2013, 06:12:29 AM »
Could be a poisoning occured in the process. The tools you've used (knife or spoon etc) would be my guess.

Also, I've never left it for 45 minutes, usually 5 to 10 minutes are enough.

One of the things that can happen if you do too much Kambo is that it leaves you vulnerable for example to infections.

So if some uncleanliness, combined with a too heavy purge, it could lead to something like this...

General Discussion / Re: please HELP - could this be from kambo?
« on: December 30, 2013, 06:05:09 AM »
Did you do Kambo in the past six month, while the chin inflammation was already there? And if so, did you notice any response of it on the Kambo.

There is a direct link between Kambo and the lymph system, for it is understood Kambo enters the by this system.

What you could do is check out which meridians run through or near the inflammation and check on which meridians you have placed dots in the past half year. Cause it seems a channel is blocked under the chin and that may be due to issues elsewhere.

Maybe this is a hint to take it easy, that somehow you've adressed some issues in your body and the inflammation is a way in which the body trying to clean things up... So waiting it out could be an advice.

Application / Re: Rectal administration
« on: December 23, 2013, 02:04:26 PM »
Ah if the burns can be problematic with sight to others, the upper part of the upper legs serve. When I was learning the process and didn't want to wear excessive amounts of burns on my arms, I did upper legs and that is out of sight most of the time.

Application / Re: A more moderate approach
« on: December 23, 2013, 02:01:53 PM »
First treatment always try to get the 2 liters down. Second treatment can be less, like 1,5 liter. For third an on maybe 1 liter, but I can't be certain cause I haven't done the 3 in a row (yet).

Application / Re: Concentrating kambo into a liquid
« on: December 07, 2013, 10:56:33 AM »
Yeah this saliva things got my attention as well. Has anyone tried this already?

Really interested, especially how the dosing comes out this way.

Next time I'll try it as well, though it would turn my established kambo routine upside down, because need to figure out the right dose from start from what I gather.

Are you confident about that, becuse it seems counterintuitive to do kambo after an iboga flood. The levels of noribogaine will amplify compounds.

Kambo has these opiate like compounds, and as known with other opiates they will esaily cause an overdose after iboga. So in the light of this, how safe is it to do?

Journals / Ordeals / Re: Journey to find some healing
« on: November 26, 2013, 12:21:33 PM »
So to continue.... It's been a while since I last posted on this topic. Anyway I finally got my joints fixed and got a few lessons on how to feel what is allright for them. Setting the corkscrew in the back straight equals letting go of a habit to get into negative spirals. Though nothing lasts forever, this is a milestone that I feel for sure...

Anyway that cleared the way for, yes, kambo   ;D

Today I did a 2 times in a row.... and I had my first kambo patient as well. Couldn't be any better, I knew this person beforehand and also knew that it was going to be allright. She knew for herself how much was neccessary and had undergone it before.

First I did it myself. Applied it directly on my liver, because that had been hurting a few weeks now. Was having gall attacks, probably due to constipation in the liver. Very nasty and the treatment had to be directly on the organ itself. Drank 2 liters straight and set 7 large dots. It went almost perfect, agony in the beginning and then purging all those 2 liters plus yellow bile. Then relief and energy.

Next I applied it to my friend. Very thankful cause it was a first timer for me to do. It went allright. Had to add 2 dots during the purging and most of it came out. However she declined a second round, but instead opted for a yogic cleanse, which basically comes down to kambo without kambo. So she drank 2 liters, did some jumping and shaking and purged her stomach. Maybe purging like this is prelimenary to kambo, since it's a skill and takes some getting used to.

For the second round I wanted to have it on my back, on a sour place that I felt had to be the place. I had my friend do the burns and apply the kambo  :P. She did it very well, 8 dots, and I purged again. It was a heavy purge, but okay. Not too much nor too little. Was very happy when it was over. Again a knot tackled.

I feel that the thick of this process I've described here is past now. Yes there are going to be many itches and bumps to come, but the almost bizarre panema I've been through is over now. Hasta la vista!

General Discussion / Re: Conditions for healing and it being granted
« on: November 22, 2013, 05:11:00 AM »
Hello Kampum,

thanks for your support. Your understanding makes a difference. As you said, my intention here is to put in words some things that arise, thoughts or understanding, of the process and especially the difficult phase of dead moment in between. Somehow it seems to me very relevant for this forum.

To make use of this opportunity to discuss this I find it most difficult, to find the right words and concepts to express myself. I guess that's what most people would have. The urge in dire situations is to complain and express the suffering. But back to the point of this thread, namely the subtle touch that allows healing to take place.

Being on this dead point things become treacherous. It's like compass needle spinning around. There's no clear direction to go. Feeling this or that is unstable, so I found out. One the one hand you're good then, cause the negative spiral has come to a halt. But to establish a new situation, the positive spiral, is the next step. This negative/ positive is a mere simplification. It comes down to the dead point, that is the most tangible thing. Kambo pushes you through this, on the momentum carried by the frog spirit or it's potential build up through it's evolution.

But one can do kambo often, however when the real issues at stake are not resolved this can be in vain. For healers-to-be outside the amazon this is, in my opinion, a very important lessen. Using kambo outside the amazon is without it's support. Maybe understanding how things work can be support. Anyway one may not always be able to do kambo due to bodily issues for example. That doesn't mean one cannot work with the kambo spirit.

So here the focus lies on the dead zone in between phases. The one that kambo masters at great lenght. I prefer to call it a granted process, because I strongly feel there is divine grace that - in the end - will determine if you can go through or bounce back again. That doesn't mean one hasn't a say in things, it's just that the fate of life itself is something we cannot control only attempt to steer.

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