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Messages - Galega

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Hip, yes that's exaclty what I'm saying. I have treated several people with CFS. They way that the treatments are given is very important. I start low to guage the persons tolerance. You can see how weak or strong a person is by how long it takes them to recover after Kambo.  The key is to build up slowly but to treat frequently. I have learnt this through experience. The first people that I treated were wiped out for days afterwards. I noticed that with subsequent treatments this period of time got shorter. So first few treatments, it was maybe four/five days before the person started to feel some benefit and the benefits wore off within another four or five days. With subsequent treatments this recovery period reduced and the benefit period increased. In most cases the person felt worse after the treatment than before. This puzzled me and din't fit what I know about how Kambo works until it occured to me that maybe the Kambo was working so hard in their body that it was wearing them out. So, more recently, I started with 6 tiny dots and encourage them to purge as much as possible, masses of water, rape', rattle work and even fingers down the throat if need be. They didn't feel so great after but they felt ok the next day. I started to slowly increase the dose at each treatment and it solved the problem. The client grew stronger as the dose was increased. As she grew stronger, she was able to cope with a higher dose.  And as she received the higher doses, she was feeling better and better and the good effects started to increase.  Once you reach this stage, you should space the treatments out a little more. Moving them further and further apart, whilst increasing the dose by one point each time and if possible, moving the points closer to the heart.  I have used this technique a couple of times now - I think its unique in the kambo world and it works. You can also improve the efficacy by thoughtful use of the meridians but you must ensure that you get this right or you could be setting up a kind of self-defeating energy circuit. Every person will have some key issues in CFS, whether it be pain, depression, fatigue or some other issue. Pick what's most prevalent and work with that as far as meridians are concerned. Eventually you will be taking kambo once every 2 - 3 months which is easily sustainable and you can reuse the points. Because of my background, I think its also important to address the emotional aspects of CFS - life with it and life without it - especially for a long termer. I tend to do this alongside of kambo treatments and I also use other plant based remedies and supplements too.

It's true that you absorb less kambo with smaller burns but then you do more of them. Its a choice, less bigger ones or more smaller ones. I tend to use small on sensitive areas and for 'pretty' patterns. You can also mix the size of the burns. One central larger burn and a circle of smaller burns. Another way to get more kambo into small burns is to do one treatment, remove the kambo after the purge and replace it to bring on another deeper purge. I don't recommend this until you are strong with kambo though. The burns on the guy's back in your link are what I would consider large, the ones on his arm are normal. If I could work out how to upload pictures on here I'd show you. As you get healthier, the burns heal faster and I make plasters from plant extracts to heal them even faster. When they are fully healed and faded to white, you can reuse them, no problem.  The other thing that I see, especially with self administered burns but also with some practitioners is deep burns. This is not necessary, you only need to scrape off the top layer of skin - there should be no blood or redness, just a small white patch. The burn is so 'on the surface' that it will heal really well.  This just takes practice. Its a light touch and a downward flick of the wrist rather than a pressing in action.

Have a look at this video - this is nice burn work and notice the wrist action.....

As for the Indian disease, I think that one of the functions of the lymphatic system is to beat anything nasty to death as soon as it tries to enter the body so that may be part of why it needs to go in that way. When the skin is burnt, all the bodys' defences rush to that site and attempy to anihilate anything dodgy. There are many stories about how they worked out how to administer it but mostly they say that it came from the spirit of intelligent plants in the forest - can't argue with that.

Will PM you too

Hi all,

I have been consulting with one of my Kambo teachers about these issues and trying to get some more info. He is Kaxinawa by the way

Firstly, Adding dry kambo to rape' and Frog Disease.

By my best interpretation - he told me that frog disease is a viral type illnes that cannot be gotten rid of. It is unknown to the outside world. Amongst other things, it can apparently weaken the heart muscles and cause cardiac arrest and have some effects on the brain - he described it as 'eating the brain'!. Indians who snort snuff with kambo in it do so only very occasionally and always in conjunction with heavy kambo sessions so the live kambo acts as a kind of anti venom/viral. Even so, it is still considered risky he says and only for those with strong hearts and systems (eg, regular kambo users). His view is that kambo taken orally could also cause the same problem. In order to do its work, Kambo needs to enter the body via the Lymphatic System. The only way to achieve this in sufficient quantity is by breaking the surface of the skin. Whilst some may absorb through mucous membranes you may simply be releasing toxins into your body (see below)

Secondly, microdosing with Kambo. This practice will almost definately cause more harm than good. Small doses of kambo cause a release of toxins into your body which are not then expelled but are instead absorbed back into your cells. The point of purging is to release the toxins so they are out of the body and don't cause any more harm.

Thirdly, Dermorphin dosing. Check out Opiod/Opiate Induced Psychosis. Usuallay resolves with a few days but has been known to occasionally trigger more lasting mental health problems (my background is psychology by the way).

Not sure I understand what the issue is with the skin burns. They can be very small - ranging from 2 - 4 millimetres across. You can do tiny ones with an ultra fine incense stick - just do more burns or do two back to back treatments on the same burns. They heal pretty much invisible.  If you are taking Kambo on a regular basis you can reuse the same points over and over. Just wait until they are fully healed -2-3 months and use them again. I have burns that I reuse 4 or 5 times a year.  If you are doing cigarette sized burns and spacing them out then that's a little ugly. Small burns, strategically positioned (if you need discretion) and close together in a pattern are no worse than a tattoo. I love mine and I'm very proud of them. For those of us that have used kambo to aid our recovery from illness, they are a reminder of what we have overcome on our journey.

This is the guy who died of a cardiac arrest in 2008. Its a well known story in Brazil. His autopsy showed that he had a previous history of heart problems and should not have been given Kambo either at all or at the dose that was administered. When there is a pre-existing heart condition, you need to start very low and build up the dosage which can actually sterngthen the heart. If the person has had a bypass or similar surgery then Kambo is a complete no no..

Of course kambo can kill if its used improperly but so can many pharmaceuticals. Keep it safe people!

'Antes que continue, um detalhe importante: no caso da morte supostamente causada pelo kambô em Pindamonhagaba-SP o laudo do IML não detectou a presença dos peptídeos da rã,  o que significa que para a ciência médica, a morte foi causada por problema cardíaco anterior à aplicação.'

Introductions / Re: Hello!
« on: May 02, 2013, 02:40:13 PM »
Greetings Lu and welcome!

You don't need to stop using anything before Kambo if you need it. Kambo will lessen your desire and need for these things. 

Be careful with Aya tho. You cannot take it with what you are taking. You would need to be 28 days clear of Ritalin, 14 days clear of benzos, kratom and ecstacy, 7 days clear of Tramadol depending on your dose and ideally a few days clear of alcohol and red meat.

Bear in mind that if you self administer at this point, you may not get the best from Kambo. Panema and Depression are not the same thing but Kambo can help in both cases.

I would recommend kambo first to help you get clear of the pharmas and then Aya and/or Iboga depending on where you are after that.

I have burns on my legs, back, arms, feet and ears so they're obvious now. I just say that they're kambo, a medicine from the Amazon - and this is how its applied - and that's it!  So many people have tattoos, piercings and body mods these days that I just see it on a par with these - except mine have helped me to heal. I also point out that lots of mainstream medications are made from snake venom etc so I'm just cutting out the middle man.

I do spirals, infinity symbol, crosses, stars, muraquita - which is an amazonian frog symbol and lots of others

Viva kambo!

The Process / Re: "Purging" - what exactly does this mean?
« on: May 01, 2013, 04:05:39 PM »
Purging refers to the action of throwing out toxins from your body. Everyone needs to vomit - this is a given but not everyone gets the violent bowel movements. It depends on your individual digestive/waste system. I tend to fast for 24 hours beforehand so there's very little to come out. When it does, its usually about 40 mins after I take the frog and it is loose but never god awful and violent.

So you may be one of the lucky ones or you may not not - I'd say from observation that its about 50/50 and every time can be different.

Enema is great idea if you're concerned about it - easy to do and effective. Coffee is a favourite!

Gotta love the snuff!!

Hi Jox

Thanks for your response. Its fine because you are totally entitled to your view and to express it any way you wish. Thats a given.

I can't comment on or answer for how anyone else works, only myself.  Whilst Kambo is clearly not administered in a clinical environment, I hope that my training and experience enables me to understand what is an abnormal reaction and how to deal with that calmly. 

My point was simply

1.That this woman has an extremely complex and highly individual set of health issues going on here and that in my view, because of that alone, she should exercise a little caution. Of course she has free will and can do as she chooses and you are free to disagree with me.

2. That there is always a bigger picture to consider and that its important for those of us that believe in this medicine to do the best we can to protect it and preserve its integrity.

Sounds like you've had a rough time with MDs and APs. I'm sad to hear that. I trust there are some good people out there doing their best to help others, being accessible and setting reasonable rates but agreed, there are also some rotten ones. I can't say much more about that.

All good wishes

Hi there

I've given this a bit of thought overnight. This may not be a very popular response but that's ok.

I am not against self administration as a general rule. If you take the time to learn how to administer kambo properly (there's lots of info in this forum about that) and you do it safely with a sitter, then all good, I welcome the spread of this fine medicine. However, if you have complex and multiple health issues such as yours (artycok) then I would advise caution. The fact that you have had unusual and allergic reactions to common herbs and supplements means that you need to be a little more careful than the average self administrator. I suspect that this may be why Giovanni told you not to do it. I would tell you the same thing. For most of us kambo is 100% safe but for the occasional sensitive person, extra care is needed. I appreciate that money is often an issue with these things but if you think about the cost of all the supplements you're taking and the cost of not being able to work properly and live your life, then the cost of the kambo may be seen with a different perspective. It's hard to put a cost on your health when it is impacting you in this way. Personally, I would cut out everything else for a short while and focus on the kambo - but that's just me. Possibly, you could speak to the person that you will go to once a month. Explain your situation and ask her to help you. If someone comes to me with a genuine health issue and cannot afford the treatment they need, then if I can, I will help them by reducing the cost to a level that is comparable with or lower than self administration. I have also traded treatments for other things, everyone has something to offer. Unfortunately we are in different parts of the world or I would offer this to you.

The bigger picture on this is that kambo is legal at the moment and I want it to stay that way. In fact I want to see manistream medicine developed from it (even though I despise big pharma) and I want to see the original, holistic medicine thrive alongside it. For this to happen, those of us that are using at this stage must proceed with a little caution. I'm by no means risk averse or I would never have discovered these amazing medicines in the first place, but, I don't want to see accidents happen. So far these have been low key and happened in the forest ( as far as I'm aware). 

Its not my intention to spread fear about this, simply to ask you to be careful. Kambo has been around a long time but we still have a lot to learn about it. I applaud those who are pushing the boundaries and extending our collective knowledge but we must also know when to apply caution. I have been present when a person experienced a severe allergic reaction from kambo despite having taken it on a previous occasion. We don't understand all its interactions with other substances so this can happen occasionally. You're taking lots of things, trying lots of new things - and that's great. You're pro-active and you're fighting it. I feel sure you'll get through this.

Ahh, getting my ginsengs mixed up.  :)

Best to spread the maca powder out on a baking tray and bake it in the oven on a low heat for a while. Then you can make tea from it or put it in a smoothie/juice.

Yes, you must take gelatinized Maca capsules - it should never be taken raw, organic or not. In Peru, Maca is always cooked - seems to be part of the raw/organic movement in Europe but this is misguided. Anyone taking raw Maca will experience all the issues you describe. If you can get gelatinized Black Maca - even better.
I would go with capsules because they're easy and Maca doesn't taste too great to me!. One capsule is 500-600mg and the optimum dose is 1200-1500 but go slow.

I know of a good few people who have succesfully used Maca for adrenal fatigue, even one person whose adrenals had completely packed up. This guy below is an Adrenal Fatigue expert and he advocates Maca too.
He also says that Siberian Ginseng should never be taken by women!

You could be right about the candida but if the tests are not available in CR maybe you would consider getting them done outside CR? You can get the blood drawn locally and post it.

I'll let you know if I ever come your way.

All blessings

General Discussion / Re: Kambo Circles around the world 2013
« on: April 25, 2013, 05:34:33 PM »

Yes, I'm very happy for you to share on other forums but maybe just give the full details of the US ceremonies as the others are pretty near full or just wait listing. Perhaps just mention the cities and use the kamboamerica email address for everything. Thankyou! You may have to add in the fact that they are Kambo ceremonies. Silly, I should have said that specifically.


Kambo circle are where people come and take Kambo in a safe and sacred space. They include a short discussion, intention sharing, breathwork, rape' ceremony, sensitivity/allergy testing, treatment in a tribal/caboclo/contempory style, aftercare (i.e. natural bandages, herbal infusions) live medicine music, icaros, percussion etc



General Discussion / Kambo Circles around the world 2013
« on: April 25, 2013, 07:52:57 AM »
Hi All

Just wanted to share with you the dates of some of my public open circles that are coming up soon.

Glastonbury UK    9th, 10th, 11th and 12th May - This is an open 4 day festival - PM for more info
Oslo, Norway       2nd, 3rd, 4th June - PM me for more info
London UK           9th, 10th, 11th June - South London, Private space. Limited availability - PM for more info
New York             15th -19th June - 2 Circles a day,  20th June - Intensive Day - email
Miami                  23rd-27th June - 2 Circles a day,  28th June - Intensive Day - email
San Fran/Santa Cruz     1st - 5th July - 2 Circles a day,  6th July Intensive Day - email
Los Angeles         9th - 13th July - 2 Circles a day,  14th July - Intensive Day - email
Germany             23rd July – Single large circle in the open air - waiting list only but may extend - PM for more info
Central Portugal   August 2013 Dates TBC – Open air circles in the mountains 1 hour from Coimbra

September onwards I will be in my usual place in Brazil.
These are Kambo circles only.
So far all of my circles are organised by individuals I have worked with and the majority are private and closed. if you are interested in organising a private circle in your location in 2014 then please feel free to contact me.

"If we can discover the meaning in the trilling of a frog, perhaps we may understand why it is for us not merely noise but a song of poetry and emotion" Alan Forsyth

Maca - start with a low dose around 600mgs per day - that should be one capsule.  Maca stimulates and regulates the production of a normal level of hormones - that includes testosterone in women too.  I think that the side effects you mention must come from serious overdosing so start slowly and build up over time. There are signs with Maca to know if you're taking too much. Breast tenderness, similar to that which some women experience Pre Mestrually is the best one. Stick with one capsule a day for the first month and then increase by one capsule a month until you're on three per day. Then ou can increase/decrease until you find the right level - everyone is different.

I'm not suggesting that you should do your own Kambo treatments, Giovanni is 100% right on that but I was unsure if you had access to a decent practitioner on a regular basis. Once a month will be good for you anyway.

You could also try enteric coated oregano oil capsules for the Candida.

I totally agree with Jox. Every person that I have treated with CFS (or any compromised immune system) has felt sh*t the day after and improved over the next 5 days. I have found that as they progress with kambo, this drops from 5 to 4 to 3 etc until eventually it starts to kick in. Keep going!

Hi all,

Just read these posts and still digesting but a couple of thoughts came to me.

Firstly, I totally agree that Kambo is a path of commitment and devotion. Regualr practice is key if you are trying to shift complex health issues. You learn it as you go along and it learns you as it goes along. In time you develop a relationship with the spirit of the kambo allowing it to move deeper and deeper in to you. This is where long term healing arises it seems to me.

Artycok, reading your posts I feel enormous compassion for your situation, you seem to be dealing with so much all at the same time.  Some things occured to me and you may have already looked at them so please bear with me. Firstly, everything with the exception of Lymes can be linked to extreme stress response, even Endometriosis. I'm assuming that you've completely destressed your life/diet/environment and taken up lots of anti stress practices and you've been checked out for adrenal fatigue. If not, it may be something to think about. Secondly, Candida (also triggered by stress sometimes). This alone can be so debilitating and also trigger many of the other responses you speak of. Have you been tested for it properly? It seems to me that there are clear links between your various conditions and that stress/adrenal fatigue is the common factor again.
Thirdly, hormone balance. Again, linked to adrenal fatigue. I have found that Peruvian Maca is a great way to naturally balance hormones. It rejuvenates the entire endocrine system. I personally know literally dozens of women who have used it for this same reason and had huge success. Maca can undo the damage caused by taking synthetic hormones (as in the Pill). Maca is an adaptogen which works in harmony with your body and is also used for CFS because again, most people with CFS have adrenal fatigue.

So, check out the Adrenal fatigue and the Candida and get one of the natural supplements for that if its positive
Start taking Maca capsules everyday - can take a few weeks to see results
Keep up the with the Kambo. As others have said, patience and determination is the key. With enough of those two things you can overcome anything.  If I were treating you, I would recommend, intensive treatment (which you had) followed by 1 treatment a week for 6 weeks and then review it.  If all is well and you're improving then drop down to one a fortnight or one a month. I have used this with people with CFS, Fibromalgia, IBS and Stress/Anxiety with very good results.

Ok, apologies for dropping in to this post at such a late stage but I hope it helps in some way.

Much respect and good health to all

Introductions / Re: Hello, Hola, Oi!
« on: April 23, 2013, 04:24:42 PM »
Great, got it. I'll put you on the list and you'll get an invite with all info very soon. Feel free to pass it on to your friends. Spaces are limted so its first come, first served etc

Hoping to do one aya in each location - still sourcing the right venue in NY. Its going to be strictly invitation only because of the legal issues but until the venue is confirmed I don't know what kind of numbers we will have.  Should know soon.

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