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Messages - peacefull warrior

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Kambo & Iboga / Re: Kambo then Iboga Rootbark micro dosage?
« on: October 05, 2012, 09:50:31 PM »
everything you search on google you should also search on duckduckgo, google only gives you happy comforting information that reaffirms all the ideas related to everything your ip has ever searched with it, ware as if you use duckduckgo standalone or to do a google search you get both sides of the story, the conflicting information that standard google keeps hidden, that your well being is reliant on.

unless you are extremely experienced with entheogens i would advise one then the other multiple days later then both many more days later, often your bodies ability to clearly imprint the feel of particular healing journies is impaired with multiple modalities this i am referring to ones first few times trying most things.

you could stand to have a much greater appreciation for all the various levels of "uniqueness" a medicine has individually, so that you may more effectively interpret the manner in witch further combining of other modalities, could improve or dis-improve the medicine, and help to then have a foothold with witch to reference the effects of other medicines.

you could study witch to best first stand alone, and come up with some reason trying one before the other would be best, or you could flip a coin and let your imagination make the experience of coming to know the medicine with YOUR uniqueness all the more powerful.

i would advise for your first time with kambo (although i have yet to partake) to combine 2 known to be linked meridians either the first and end point of each or possibly those 4 points with the middle 2-3 points included. (it may not be a good idea to make a burn on every point on a single meridian the first time you are working on them kambo or not, this is fairly jarring if you have not worked on meridians before) would suggest instead only making half or less of the points have burns and slowly working up to a full meridian.

my slightly-educated guess of how kambo imparts long lasting powerfully healing effects is at least in part that the extremely potent compounds that over-activate certain receptor sites to a degree for a specific time, that also happen to have a particularly convenient bi-phasic like effect. what i have read on the secretions is very similar to the way in witch salvia is said to act, first it causes intense pain and terror for a short period, proceeded by extremely powerful improvement in homeostasis.

blue lotus acts somewhat like this i find, sort of different though. many of these medicines that deal strongly with the dopamine system either positively or negatively seem to have a profoundly powerful anti-addictive(pro-homeostasis) potential latent in them at least for the ones not already known to have such properties.

Acupuncture & Acupressure / Re: Locating Meridians
« on: October 05, 2012, 11:24:01 AM »
i should mention as it seems it could be of value here, i have many times successfully got the aldehyde system to cycle various forms of aya for days or more at a time, this method is extraordinarily powerful tool with witch to extend the supplies of things ordinarily needing to be rationed, and also it allows things normally not strong enough, to be made entheogenic, some of these things ordinarily never thought to be entheogenic, in fact the most profound deepest realization i have come to from all my experience with entheogens is that there is no "entheogens" everything is an entheogen, the ones we call "entheogens" just happen to coincidentally appear to be speaking in a more easily interpretable language from our ordinary perspective.

but further we can go to, it was not coincidence these ordinarily thought of entheogens wished for us to learn of their teachings and the teachings of those we do not consider entheogens, the ones we do not consider enthogens yet, may be unable to so far "reach down and share" or the way in witch they reach down and share is difficult for us to interpret as language to be learned from from our ordinary perspective, and so the ones we consider entheogens may be helpers who are full of so much inconceivable love for everything including their plant brothers and sisters that they feel sorrow for all the endless lessons their brothers and sisters sing out loud, witch seem to be falling on deaf ears, and so maybe they wish to fix this disconnect.

surely, we will likely never come to known the depths of the compassion of plant teachers.

and of course i use the term "plant teacher" out of habit, i by no means confine my pupil-ism to plants. learn from the air itself, if you can imagine it, if you can remember it, if you can experience it, all of everything is to be learned from.

Acupuncture & Acupressure / Re: Locating Meridians
« on: October 05, 2012, 11:09:45 AM »
i find it interesting that you say there was no mental anguish from salvia for you, for me i felt like a million elephants were jumping on my chest but the mental anguish came after the hallucinated physical pain left.

my first time taking part in salvia, i was overly adventurous due to much experience with enthoegens.

and so i went right ahead and made salviahusca, actually thats not fair salviahuasca would be a walk in the park compared to the portal-portal i opened that day, no amount of mortal trickery or magic can reverse what was set in motion.

before hand i applied an oil mixture for balancing all chakras on all my chakra points, and took a relatively good dose of prolactin inhibitor.
i smoked a strong aldehyde dehydrogenase inhibitor with peppermint oil and lemongrass oil and applied both transdermally to throat, third eye, and crown chakras, waited 10 minutes and smoked salvia combined with the ALDH inhibitor and peppermint oil and lemongrass oil. the lemongrass was to temporarily make the bbb more permeable. the peppermint for kappa agonism.

it lasted 12 days, the first 3 at about 75-100% threshold effects the 4-8th days at about 50-75% and 9-12th at about 25-50% threshold effects.

for an individual having their first salvia experience this was.... rather jarring
in fact for months afterwords likely to this day, sitting in the exact spot on the specific coach i was sitting on when it happened makes me progressively more antsy the longer i sit their lol

also ever since that i now get profoundly hallucinogenic effects from mustard, especially if coupled with black pepper, and no i don't mean a lot of both i mean normal amounts you put on a sandwich and interestingly i am able to "divine" information and future events wile meditating after eating mustard alone and even more so when combined with black pepper, its much like a combination of the salvia feeling and a strong cannabis hash experience.

i think it could be extremely good idea for somebody with the means to try seeing if they can get kambo to cycle through the aldehyde system, this could possibly allow one to use extremely small doses of kambo to achieve the same effect and reduce damage to the frog both directly and conservation wise, and it could open up the ability to go much farther with kambo than is known how to go, its possible the natives using this already know of the tricks needed to get this working, its also possible they don't, its also possible it wont work at all, considering the structure of the compounds present in the frogs nectar this is likely possible. considering the natives likely strive to reduce pain and danger to the frog if they DON'T know of this yet, and it is found to work, efforts should be made to bring this information to them. considering stories about natives doing 100 dots in a day you know these guys are craving for the pain and would likely be happy to learn how to extend the supply of nectar much farther than what can be done as is.

also i have found that if you don't touch the hot ember to your skin but rather hold it extremely close 1-5 mm away from the skin and do very slow circles on the spot it will cause the same burns as pushing the ember into the skin, without having to introduce carcinogenic compounds to an open wound. and yes this way the skin still peels off after just like pushing it into the skin, also the burns are much more controlled and less messy running of the wound occurs.

i have noticed something, i don't know how to properly express this but i will try, when i have been using this no-touch method i find the burn is TREMENDOUSLY more painful than sticking the ember into the skin, and it goes a little weird here when using this no-touch way on open burns it seals them shut after careful small slow circles are made but before it closes as the ember is dying it seems like my body is DRINKING the energy from the ember, my scientific mind could only grasp perhaps the heating of the blood, and drawing it to the skin/wound reduces the bodies energy load in having to heat itself because blood rushing to a wound is being heated apon its further circulation improving internal temperature, this may have something in common with northern chinese moxibation to help deal with the cold climate.

its very profound when you notice that, as you hold the ember closer (and do small slow circles) your body drinks the energy from the flame faster and in larger amounts per time interval, and when the ember dies, their is a sort of grief that someone has died that you knew this "energy absorption" may only work with specific meridians the one i was working on when i realized what was happening was SP-4. its funny how at the beginning i was thinking oww this burn is stealing my enjoyment by causing pain and then after a wile i came to understand it was the opposite and i was being given from something offering, and this was not a bad thing. 

Acupuncture & Acupressure / Re: Locating Meridians
« on: October 03, 2012, 05:01:19 PM »
Have you done Kambo yet?
...nope lol much shaking and quivering like a leaf i have done since reading all the posts here (:

can you give examples in order of closeness to other medicine journeys with similar "mental pain" to kambo
possibly salvia?
 i have partaken in 5 meo dmt and bufotenin hundreds if not thousands of times, and finds aya made from 5 meo and bufo to be extremely deep visionary experience.

if the mental pain has similar qualities to salvia i have information that may be of great value here, i tried to post it before 3 times my internet crashed when the post was sent 2 of the 3 times it was a page long post ): lol

Acupuncture & Acupressure / Re: Locating Meridians
« on: October 02, 2012, 10:28:53 PM »
i also used nail clippers to cut through the tough top layers of skin present on the bottom of the big toe, doing this with other areas that have tough skin will also likely lead to powerful effects.

i made 4 burns total one on each of the points shown circled here:

this image i put together with various internet diagrams of the points (i cannot upload the image now for some reason), to be entirely honest i am not sure at all if any of these 4 points even reach the surface, i also apply saliva before and after each burn, wikipedia claims it contains pain relievers on par with morphine. 

and on these burns i applied peppermint EO before and after as well as a blend of EO for balancing all chakras after and then later lemongrass EO and tangerine EO, lemongrass because it seems to have powerful effects against viruses, infections, and bacteria and tangerine because it is anti-cancerous.
after applying the chakra balancing mix and before the lemongrass and tangerine i also applied pressure to these points as directed on many sites, my impression is that it might have gone much much better with adding the lemongrass and tangerine to the peppermint before the full chakra mix was applied, the lemongrass burned like ... well lets just say A LOT giving me the impression that when applied to fresh burns it highly improves the absorption rate of any compound hitting the spot specifically because of how fast and hard the lemongrass EO was felt i have never experienced anything as strong as that from a single EO from any method before trying this BE VERY CAREFUL those less experienced with the strong effects produced by some oils might be incapacitated at the first open burn application.

since having done this i can now feel the entire beginning to end of each of the 4 channels effected anytime i even slightly move any of the 4 limbs the burns reside on.
considering i am very experienced with heavy intoxication of many forms and that i nearly passed out when the lemongrass entered the burn, i will be looking into possible other locations of application, and trying to find EO tailored to specific meridian channels instead of using a blend intended to balance all 7 main chakras.

not that i did not like the "wave" of intensity that washed over me when the lemongrass hit, in fact for those preferring very strong sensations this is highly advised. only after having tried smaller amounts of lemongrass on unburned skin first of course encase of allergy or other bad reactions it always best to patch test oils.

Complementary Modalities / Re: herbs for mind , brain awareness etc
« on: October 01, 2012, 12:17:37 AM »
brazil nuts and kelp or kelp capsules i have found to be dramatically effective at upregulating endogenous release from my thyroid and pineal, this makes dreaming deeply profound as well as most healing journeys.

Acupuncture & Acupressure / Re: Locating Meridians
« on: October 01, 2012, 12:02:59 AM »
i would like to deeply thank each and every being that partook in me coming upon the information regarding meridians, i recently made a burn on the pineal point on my left big toe with VERY noticeable visionary effect without kambo. i remembered many very very old dreams from early childhood. thank you all deeply, i now am extremely curious as to how this and other important points on other reflex areas will be effected by plant teachers of various kinds.   

also i was wondering if it is allowed to simply upload databases of charts and diagrams i have been gathering in the weeks since first coming here, i have quite a few regarding specific body areas and many diagrams showing combinations of points that when used together activate various functions.

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