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Messages - peacefull warrior

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i am not sure if the direct kambo compounds can be cycle but i can garantee when you puke and feel like your dying, thats what i call a dynorphin threshold experience, when the pain is so great, you actually learn things from it.

the dynorphin itself i am sure can be cycled, dynorphin has to be a part of the downstream effects of kambo.

i know dynorphin can be cycled because when i take the cycling method followed by peppermint EO and go exercise to the point of blacking out i wake up and have waves of dynorphin for hours coming and going, this only happens to an extremely small amount if i omit the peppermint EO, and its much harder to black out if i leave the peppermint EO out, this is because it supresses the endogenous opiate system temporarily, and if you exercise very intensely early after doing this your body does not recover from the peppermint EO's kappa agonism and dynorphin release fast enough and you cut off the fuel your body needs to push past its limits, after already having surpassed the limits, causing crash or black outs, i only get black outs because i am anemic and eat a very strict diet and lose myself playing the drums.

this feels so much like the time i cycled salvia and i have so much experience with exercise based entheogens (methyl chavicol, PEA) and drug free exercise that i am certain if you every feel like your dying on kambo its likely hitting SOME of the same receptors that salvia and intense exercise hit, as well as pepprmint EO.

this next part is somewhat related

because of thousands of methyl chavicol doses no matter if i am sober or not when i get to a certain point of exercise i get entheogenic effects as if on higher stages of methyl chavicol, its effects are like a cross between mescaline and lucid dreaming, its lucid dreaming quality is extremely present in the peripheral nervous system, your body and head feel the same way you feel the first few seconds after waking from deep dreaming, extremely relaxed but very much able to move any way you choose with no effort, extreme nerve control.

its effects also include being able to use your concentration to hyper effectively channel your bodies energy (from all sources, meridians and chakras and more) into any part of your body you concentrate on. i am talking about something scientific here, not just things that are difficult to attain because they require facing demons first like most energy matters.

it adds the qualities of a neanderthal on top of your regular brain power, so you can look at something (time will also be dilated) and think up all the possible ways to go about any intentions you have about that thing, and then you can enact the intentions with so little effort it is like your dancing, it makes it enjoyable, and you can do STUPIDLY amazing feats in this state.

in short it is capable of bringing out your latent pre-cognition, and then it makes nerve control so strong you have the plan, and the timing and skill, you literally can manipulate reality as if it were in the movie the matrix.

wait.......... are their native groups that micro dose iboga daily?... if so i have some insights to share about what they are causing to happen by doing this.

if you dose iboga for many days in a row and then stop 1-2 days before a higher dose or flood, you will get strong Noribogaine effects, because ibogaine inhibits CYP2D6 when the enzyme breaks it down, if you do this the same time everyday, then the body eventually starts to retaliate by overproducing the enzyme to compensate, so the first few experiences are mainly ibogaine and the later experiences should all be highly noribogaine.

"No one else has done this I suppose?"

untouched soil friend, tread lightly (:

"I'm considering now posting whatever you write on the eboka forum as this is some of the most advanced Iboga infor I have come across"

permission granted

"So are you saying rather than doing the "Aldehyde dehydrogenase inhibition + piperidine or dimethylamine supplementation" cycling for Iboga instead one would utilize the CYP2D6 INHIBITORS?"

i am saying combining for iboga to get Noribogaine to cycle:

piperidine (black pepper tea or L-lysine)
ALDH inhibitors (grocery store natural almond and star anise extracts) (or just tea made from whole star anises)

and then an CYP2D6 INDUCER like valerian, it could take anywhere from 30 minutes to over an hour after taking valerian for its induction to kick in.

so the timing would be for noribogaine:

pepper tea without solids (or l-lysine) and valerian at the same time

45 minutes later

20-40 drops each of natural star anise extract and almond extract from grocery store, sewing needle pokes small enough holes for drops in the foil seal, if put in gel caps with olive oil and taken followed right after by half peanut butter sandwich it is infinitely more enjoyable. or if your lazy you could eat 20 drops of each and apply 10+ drops to the skin above the liver and or along the meridians connected with the stomach and intestines and such, taking a caffeine tablet with these extracts at the same time will boost the ALDH inhibition very strongly.

15 minutes later

take ibogaine (possibly best if taken in gel caps, mixed with olive oil might help as well, and with very small bite of peanut butter sandwich)

if one cannot get valerian, they could take any of the short lasting INHIBITORS listed, the day before taking piperidine and ALDH inhibitors, and the next day after taking the short lasting inhibitors they will have long worn off with a high probability of the body slightly inducing the enzyme upon recovery from the inhibitor, you could do this by combining inhibitors under "weak" or "moderate" in extremely small doses the day before trying to cycle Noribogaine.

ibogaine without noribogaine:

if you wanted to cycle ibogaine alone without noribogaine effects (or very little noribogaine) you would do the same thing but make sure not to take valerian and instead ON the day of the cycling you would take strong CYP2D6 inhibitors at the same time as the ALDH inhibitors, in both set-ups you take the piperidine or dimethylamine 45 minutes before the ALDH inhibitors.

"Many seek the Noribogaine effects as this is filled with positive bliss.  If you can hone this one out...BOOM BUHM!  "

do you mean what needs to be done to get only Noribogaine? simple, dose valerian an hour to an hour and a half before iboga, if you cannot get your hands on valerian, then the day beforehand dose a combination of short lasting weak-moderate strength inhibitors from the list, then the next day when you take the iboga, you take it EXACTLY 15 minutes after the time you took the inhibitors the day prior.

your bodies enzyme runs on a tight schedule and if you inhibit or induce something they get written down in the schedule and your body expects to be repeating that act at the same time everyday this becomes more and more strong the more days on the EXACT same timing you take an inhibitor or inducer.

i have a high level wizard friend who can distinguish most of the dopamine receptors by the color of hallucinations they cause.

personally the only thing i can think of that is similar to that is from dosing yin on left and yang on right half of body i can feel dopaminergics or serotonergics very distinctly when taken now.

yin = serotonin

yang = dopamine

also if you take these you will get more Noribogaine effects and less ibogaine effects:


Valerian root
Valerian root EO: 2-5 drops

i am still looking up the effects of ibogaine alone without noribogaine will post when found.

now both ibogaine (12-Methoxyibogamine) and Noribogaine (12-Hydroxyibogamine) both seem to be able to be cycle because they are amines

i am currently looking up the receptors ibogaine alone hits, wile wiki lists the following for Noribogaine:

"Noribogaine is most potent as a serotonin reuptake inhibitor and acts as a moderate κ- and weak µ-opioid receptor full agonist"

the serotonin reuptake inhibitor part means temporarily during its effects the serotonin system is somewhat suppressed but upon the effect wearing off their is a permanent increase in the reuptake of serotonin, that is only reversed with continued over-activation of that system most usually by drugs of abuse.

one of the iboga effects are hallucinations from 5HT2A agonism, this is the primary receptor most psychedelics effect, downstream (downstream means activating this causes the activation of) this agonizes dopamine 2 receptor (D2), some compounds don't start with 5HT2A at all and instead directly effect D2 like salvia and cannabis, the primary effects of cannabis are D2 agonism, hard drugs like meth and cocaine the dream states these can cause are also caused by D2 agonism. lsd has a D2 agonism component.

now iboga is good in chronic micro doses (multiple reasons this is just one) because its kappa agonism increases the amount of D2 receptors in the brain, so that its 5HT2A agonism has more D2 receptors to flow into downstream.

the kappa opiod agonist part means you will get dynorphin, and your D2 receptors will be upregualted meaning increase the amount of receptors on the cell (addiction downregulates, anti-addictives upregulate)

dynorphin is the primary feeling of dread or loathing or dysphoria produced by drug withdrawal, intense exercise also produces dynorphin release. dynorphin itself agonizes kappa receptors. agonizing kappa receptors also releases dynorphin.

regardless of the means of activation agonizing kappa receptor reverses addiction in many key areas, it does not fix it, it pushes the bar in the right direction, in the same way abstaining from drugs for long periods would, so its kind of like speeding up time, agonizing this receptor as far as drug withdrawal is concerned because you can concentrate strong withdrawal of the drug into a short period of time and be done with it instead of dragging the dread out for weeks and months.

its effects on µ-opioid receptor are weaker than for kappa this is good, this receptor will give it a little bit higher of a serotonin phase in the beginning, it also makes this compound very useful for pain treatment and addiction treatment, because the NMDA antagonism makes its µ-opioid agonism non-tolerance creating, and the kappa agonism reverses the tolerance the user already had before ingestion.

the more CYP2D6 enzyme present in the stomach the less ibogaine you will get and the more Noribogaine you will get below is a list of inhibitors for that enzyme witch will cause ibogaine to be active alone taking much longer for the enzyme to recover and turn ibogaine into Noribogaine.

i will post more when i find out what ibogaine does alone.

i realize all this sounds fairly complicated at first, but you have to understand i am no student in any university or college, the psychedelics lead me to interest in how ABSOLUTELY everything effects the way i feel and my health and i take it as a form of creative expression to find out these things(there is no right or wrong just learning), once you truly understand the connectivity of all the systems in the brain and body and have a good relationship with psychedelics you truly hold the keys to the the mysteries of nature, the physical design and structure of the physical body and its micro systems, reflects perfectly the structure of the spiritual bodies and realms and their structure. the design of the structure comes from the same source.


Cannabidiol (from Cannabis)
Echinacea purpurea
Pomegranate juice (Punica granatum): 1 cup
Saint John’s Wort (high dose)
Starfruit juice
White grapefruit juice: 2 cups

Black pepper: 5 grams (ingest the solids, it's an ineffective inhibitor as tea)
Calamus EO: 3 drops
Pi. cubeba
Zingiber aromaticum

Alpha-asarone (found in Calamus EO)
Black cohosh
Capsaicin (found in cayenne pepper, habanero peppers, etc.)
Cayenne pepper
Common sage
Curcuma heyneana
German chamomile EO
Ginkgo biloba
Habanero pepper
Milk Thistle
Tanshinone I

Kambo on Acupuncture Points / Visible Meridians
« on: November 27, 2012, 01:12:55 PM »
this is something all need to know of:

for meridian points:

tapping - slows down
massage - speeds up
holding on spot - clears mind and improves brain power (makes changes in meridian more noticeable)

yes this is just with your finger tip, nothing else.

"  I want to start a thread on this cycling method at some point"

actually you may find this funny but the title of this thread IS the cycling method i just did not put the word "cycling" in the title lol

"When you had your spirulina Aya like experience was it with this method?"

it was not like aya with just caapi it was like full aya brew with dmt and maoi admixtures.

yes i supplied lecithin (becomes dimethylamine) and aldehyde dehydrogenase inhibitors, causing the tryptophan in the spiralina to turn into its alcohol when mao a or b break it down, then the alcohol passes through alcohol dehydrogenase turning it into an aldehyde, witch WOULD pass through aldehyde dehydrogenase but that is strongly inhibited, so the aldehyde of tryptophan condenses with the dimethylamine from the lecithin, this new molecule basically does not pass through mao a or b as strongly as the ordinary version so it becomes extremely potent(, it shifts its metabolism over to the alcohol system, witch if the alcohol route ends up breaking down it then passes through the mao a or b again becoming a alcohol and starting the cycle again.  ( spirulina is very bad choice as it contains extremely little, i took around 20 gel caps lol)

dimethylamine metabolites may pass through mao or b somewhat, wile piperidine metabolites will pretty well not pass through them at all, so a weak non-complete inhibitor for mao a or b could help when using lecithin and making dimethylamine versions of things, wile the piperidine versions of things will probably not matter much if you inhibit mao a or b at all.

"When you do the EO transdermal do you cycle or do it as is?"

when using allylbenzenes EO's transdermally yes i cycle them, i never do allylbenzenes without cyclign them regardless of ruet of administration (even vaporized is possible, but very strong because the metabolites are almost created solely in the brain)
on the other forum we ditermined that all the allylbenzene EO's could be cycled (things like basil EO, nutmeg EO, persley seed EO, etc etc)  some oils do not have allylbenzenes in them, but some do have aldehydes or alcohols as some of their active ingredients, these aldehydes and alcohols can be cycled, any amines can be cycled, anything that can be broken down by the body into an amine, aldehyde, or an alcohol can be cycled.

"For piperine they use black peppercorn fruits, is that the same I use for my tea?  Or just regular old black pepper?  "

yes you want regular ground black pepper i think 1-2 tablespoons, put in coffee filter, twist the opening closed and seal with twist tie and put into cup of boiling water let steep for maybe 5-15 minutes and drink either stand alone or with noodles or soup as the broth.  you want to avoid piperine (in the solids, will not extract into water) and go for piperidine (gets extracted into the water), this is why you put the ground black pepper into a coffee filter and twist the opening closed and then seal it with a twist tie so none of the pepper solids go out into your water, so when you drink it you only get the piperidine that got extracted into the water, and none of the piperine from the solids.

"Does the effect of cycling make it stronger or just last longer?"

both, very strongly.

"As you may or may not know Iboga is officially endangered in it's home country of Gabon, so looking for extreme potentiation is a vital resource.  Is it your understanding that this method could conserve Iboga by making effects stronger and last longer, therefore needing vey minute amounts?"

yes this could be used to make massive shifts towards saving the species, EXPECT literally expect the plant teacher to gift you EXTREMELY strongly if you sit down hone your intentions in a pure heart attempting to work and do what you CAN do from your position to help prevent its endanderment, and then partake in seremony, you can almost EXPECT the plant teacher to extremely strongly favor you and show you many extremely deep wisdoms and magics with witch to accomplish the goal, and then you can expect that if you dont first use those magics to aid the plants survival before other uses, you will be punished by yourself for squandering the gift, as the plant will contract with a part of yourself that is sensable and knows their must be pure intentions every step of the way and this part of the self is the guide for the ordinary self we take part in.

i found on wiki data detailing metabolism, i will soon post what needs to be done to cycle ibogaine, and potentially how it could be diffirent from traditional iboga.

other things that will very strongly potentiate iboga are the list of NMDA antagonists i PM to you, take them all 30-60 minutes before iboga.

"Or is it only through the stomach?  "

it is NOT only through the stomach, first ask ware you want to do this on the body, and what ingredients then i will see what needs to be done.

if you drink pepper tea without the solids for a few days 2-3 cups a day and or supplement with L-lysine daily  you can easily cycling things that are applied transdermally (through the skin)

after a few days your body gets filled up with piperidine and then the brain starts to get filled, this is why it helps to do it multiple days, as long as you have piperidine in your brain in decent amounts you can do this conversion inside your brain, some of the most powerful experiences i have had with oilahuasca and other cycling experiences were when it did not activate until it reached my brain(i would not be using this specific of descriptions if i had not had 1000-2000 basil oil experiences, so i KNOW when its at what stage of activation and what metabolite i made and how long its going to last and sooooooooooooo many more variables i KNOW instantly as soon as the first shift from baseline occurs.

i can feel the amount of weight behind what i am riding and the channels it is flowing through.

i somehow missed this post, sorry.

this is posted in detail on herbsmax and drugs-forum, drugs forum responded negatively, it originated from herbsmax when 69ron said that when he took PEA after pepper tea it lasted for days at a time and was scary. i started trying almost everything in this way after this, only few things are not capable of doing this with.

i would prefer you ask the largest most hideously massive list of questions you can possibly muster, the more the better.

with some of the entheogens i partake in the way in witch you ask and word the questions and the content of the questions themselves teaches me more than you are gaining from the answer, among many things one of witch is how to translate complex ideas into the most easily digestible format for your perspective.

"Or I also wonder with these entheogenic eye drops that I use/make called Sananga and the other called Becchete.  Or is it only through the stomach?"

if you know the species names for the ingredients i can look for listed chemical constituents and give you my uneducated guess based on the presence or absence of alcohols or aldehydes or the presence or absence of amines

" I apologize if you have previously addressed some of what I have asked,"

i do not mind at all please ask away, the vast majority of the info is held in the memory of a small handful of individuals and scattered very randomly at herbsmax, this will be one of the first times the information gets compiled into one place, i would like to eventually add posts to the herbsmax wiki.

Complementary Modalities / Re: an end to the space between
« on: November 25, 2012, 03:49:46 PM »
i added this thread here maybe the glitch will stop over here, it also falls into this category regardless, thinking about how much left or right brained your writing your posts and how a left or right brained approach would most readily interpret the text when read.

i have learned from meridian charts that:

the left half of your body is female
below your waist is female
the right half of your body is male
above your waist is male
the front half of you is male
the back half of you is female

and that yin(serotonin) helps the female parts
and yang(dopamine) helps the male parts

i recently was in hyper dimensional robot mode (when you become the elves) and i used yin EO on some of the back parts of my body and yang EO on some of the front parts, and then i was reading and read the part about "the front half of you is male
the back half of you is female"  i stopped for a few seconds... and then realized our PERCEPTION is aimed behind us, wile our attempts at CONCEPTION are aimed ahead of us forward, i could see behind me, as if looking that way, i could hear behind me better than in front of me, i could act all my senses directly behind me tens of times stronger than they usually are, and in front of me their was a reverse black hole pressing against the front half of my body along all the yin areas, wile equal force was pulling the back half of my body behind me.

wile i was sitting their, it felt so weird and strongly dissociative, its like the ordinary vortex that pulls you in was behind me, but my spirit was reversed and turned around in my body and stretches through the vortex without leaving my body as like superheroes who can stretch to any length, this was very very uncomfortable, in front of my was emotional and electromagnetic energy and weight of the color and form of void black pressing and nulling everything it passed through, wile my mind and etheric body were being stretched through the vortex behind me, as if... the parts of quality (etheric body) were displaced temporarily, will the physical body and survival were overwhelmed by the all dampening energy void in front of me, or perhaps i was traveling part of me through the portal and it came out in front of me to help quell unwanted parts of the whole.

i recently sat down and extensively tested many EO with varying yin/yang qualities on all chakras and on hand and foot minor chakras, this yin left body, yang right body relationship is extremely strong.

i will be adding yin or yang qualities to my long color chakra/EO chart

myrrh is a strong yin
frankincense is a strong yang
both balance crown

i may make a colored picture to illustrate the complex arrangement of energies as male or female in percents

Complementary Modalities / an end to the space between
« on: November 25, 2012, 02:58:41 PM »
i like the idea of this section.


now if you don't mind let me deconstruct the prejudices, "facts to convince left brainers" first i realize this is not intended as an insult but more of a humorously slanted honest opinion.

the initial problem seems to be left brainers usually are hungry for the information to be reconstituted into a more digestible form for their (initially) left brained perspective.

the way in witch, we play with the words we choose to use, allows us to construct mental "water slides" that once the left brainers start reading are lulled into a sense of left brained comfort and they get right to the end and at the end their right brain starts filling in gaps ware the left brain only understood half the meaning of each word.

this is how you spoon feed them out of the 3rd dimensional hell, and DISMANTLE the barricade between dimensions.

for me, not one voice or direction, but the MULTITUDE of dimensionality seems to be screaming at the top of their lungs in every language they can directly into the center of my existence that, those who discredit "spoon feeding" or advise against doing so, are likely those who don't truly understand the ramifications of their actions and choices.

i have come to understand that what is often classified as "spoon feeding" is actually one of the highest forms of love, yes pain and discomfort are also higher forms of love, but you have to understand that their are multiple reasons for witch spoon feeding is greatly valuable for the present, past, and future community and individuals, first off, baby steps, you start them off spoon feeding and before you know it they are spoon feeding you from inside a higher dimension THIS IS HOW IT WORKS set the example EXPECT to be surpassed by those you consider below yourself.

furthermore if spoon feeding leads to you doing everything for them, soon, they will stop wanting to take part, for some misguided illusory sense of fear of losing self identity because they are just watching it happen and have no say, no glory for them to learn and grow to feel they themselves made the growth occur, these individuals are not ready to come up right away, they must be coaxed into thinking they are making the steps of their own free will and no other person is giving them the first push forward, pain and discomfort come in right about now this is when these two forces when used in secrecy and ignorant on the recipients part of the senders true intentions allows the recipient to grow, because the recipient must feel threatened by ordinary attacks on their illusory sense of self identity and must learn to stand up and bite back before they no longer must rely on pain and discomfort to grow, baby steps, always.

pain and discomfort are among the highest forms of love, because you cannot know what you were squandering till its gone, because you genuinely had yourself convinced you HAD it.

but you never have anything because if you think you have something you are INCAPABLE of adequately appreciating its temporary luxury.

a few of the extremely old incarnations of the atlantis story involve the "group" being wiped out because they became selfish and decided to not (through direct or otherwise) methods attempt to bring the left brainers, onto the higher planes.

we have the opportunity to prevent this from happening again, all we have to do is use left brain methods to teach them right brained principals, if you don't think this is a simple task, then your right brain is not working at full capacity yet(you have not allowed it to dance with your left adequately) your being logically faithful in your right brain wile the people you refuse to help are faithfully logical in their left brained approach... you see what i am getting at here?   

from my perspective using either method to teach either side any principal is as simple as pouring a cup of tea.

if they CAME from left brained background and your right brained, then when they (and they inevitably will) surpass you in particular aspects then if you made attempts from your right brain before this happens to reach out and teach them right brained principals with left brained language, then you will have SET THE EXAMPLE for them to return the favor forever, and we will spiral as yin and yang forever in infinity upwards and onwards TO THE FARTHEST REACHES, time and space do not apply, their are things to be considered beyond infinite to the power of infinite dimensions LETS GET DANCING.

eventually for everyone the conductor calls "allll abooooard" and even if your not on board, your still coming along, until you get on board.

if you don't face all fears and forgive all trespasses (past, present, future), then your negativity will consume you, you will be pulled by hooks through heels through the sands behind the train, the relief of death is a hoax, the pain keeps getting worse exponentially, your physical body just decomposes, eventually you start adapting to the pain and growing, and then you get bored of the pain, its not fun to play with when you have won that game infinite times over, so you pull the hooks from your heels and climb the chains onto the back of the train, and at this moment you become aware of what is going on, and for a time you stay upset, on the back of the train negatively cursing those who made it off the desert floor before you "i cannot believe you all just left me their , wile you were living THIS on the train" and eventually they let go of the fun of playing with this negativity as well, and FORGIVE. then they slowly make their way to the front of the train, and at the front, their are individuals without pain, fear, discomfort, and all transgressions forgiven, these individuals have time frozen, and wile riding the front of the train, are laying the tracks in front of the train for it to travel upon.

the hooks through heels are achilles heels (your weaknesses) even the things you have not yet categorized as weaknesses yet, and when these have all been conquered and become massive strengths is when you start climbing the chains to begin on the back of the train.

i like the idea of this section.


now if you don't mind let me deconstruct the prejudices, "facts to convince left brainers" first i realize this is not intended as an insult but more of a humorously slanted honest opinion.

the initial problem seems to be left brainers usually are hungry for the information to be reconstituted into a more digestible form for their (initially) left brained perspective.

the way in witch, we play with the words we choose to use, allows us to construct mental "water slides" that once the left brainers start reading are lulled into a sense of left brained comfort and they get right to the end and at the end their right brain starts filling in gaps ware the left brain only understood half the meaning of each word.

this is how you spoon feed them out of the 3rd dimensional hell, and DISMANTLE the barricade between dimensions.

for me, not one voice or direction, but the MULTITUDE of dimensionality seems to be screaming at the top of their lungs in every language they can directly into the center of my existence that, those who discredit "spoon feeding" or advise against doing so, are likely those who don't truly understand the ramifications of their actions and choices.

i have come to understand that what is often classified as "spoon feeding" is actually one of the highest forms of love, yes pain and discomfort are also higher forms of love, but you have to understand that their are multiple reasons for witch spoon feeding is greatly valuable for the present, past, and future community and individuals, first off, baby steps, you start them off spoon feeding and before you know it they are spoon feeding you from inside a higher dimension THIS IS HOW IT WORKS set the example EXPECT to be surpassed by those you consider below yourself.

furthermore if spoon feeding leads to you doing everything for them, soon, they will stop wanting to take part, for some misguided illusory sense of fear of losing self identity because they are just watching it happen and have no say, no glory for them to learn and grow to feel they themselves made the growth occur, these individuals are not ready to come up right away, they must be coaxed into thinking they are making the steps of their own free will and no other person is giving them the first push forward, pain and discomfort come in right about now this is when these two forces when used in secrecy and ignorant on the recipients part of the senders true intentions allows the recipient to grow, because the recipient must feel threatened by ordinary attacks on their illusory sense of self identity and must learn to stand up and bite back before they no longer must rely on pain and discomfort to grow, baby steps, always.

pain and discomfort are among the highest forms of love, because you cannot know what you were squandering till its gone, because you genuinely had yourself convinced you HAD it.

but you never have anything because if you think you have something you are INCAPABLE of adequately appreciating its temporary luxury.

a few of the extremely old incarnations of the atlantis story involve the "group" being wiped out because they became selfish and decided to not (through direct or otherwise) methods attempt to bring the left brainers, onto the higher planes.

we have the opportunity to prevent this from happening again, all we have to do is use left brain methods to teach them right brained principals, if you don't think this is a simple task, then your right brain is not working at full capacity yet(you have not allowed it to dance with your left adequately) your being logically faithful in your right brain wile the people you refuse to help are faithfully logical in their left brained approach... you see what i am getting at here?   

from my perspective using either method to teach either side any principal is as simple as pouring a cup of tea.

if they CAME from left brained background and your right brained, then when they (and they inevitably will) surpass you in particular aspects then if you made attempts from your right brain before this happens to reach out and teach them right brained principals with left brained language, then you will have SET THE EXAMPLE for them to return the favor forever, and we will spiral as yin and yang forever in infinity upwards and onwards TO THE FARTHEST REACHES, time and space do not apply, their are things to be considered beyond infinite to the power of infinite dimensions LETS GET DANCING.

eventually for everyone the conductor calls "allll abooooard" and even if your not on board, your still coming along, until you get on board.

if you don't face all fears and forgive all trespasses (past, present, future), then your negativity will consume you, you will be pulled by hooks through heels through the sands behind the train, the relief of death is a hoax, the pain keeps getting worse exponentially, your physical body just decomposes, eventually you start adapting to the pain and growing, and then you get bored of the pain, its not fun to play with when you have won that game infinite times over, so you pull the hooks from your heels and climb the chains onto the back of the train, and at this moment you become aware of what is going on, and for a time you stay upset, on the back of the train negatively cursing those who made it off the desert floor before you "i cannot believe you all just left me their , wile you were living THIS on the train" and eventually they let go of the fun of playing with this negativity as well, and FORGIVE. then they slowly make their way to the front of the train, and at the front, their are individuals without pain, fear, discomfort, and all transgressions forgiven, these individuals have time frozen, and wile riding the front of the train, are laying the tracks in front of the train for it to travel upon.

the hooks through heels are achilles heels (your weaknesses) even the things you have not yet categorized as weaknesses yet, and when these have all been conquered and become massive strengths is when you start climbing the chains to begin on the back of the train.

do try, but keep in mind the mods over their are ... dead i think?  don't know everyone vanished,  69rons store says he had his passport stolen and is staying at an embassy in another country trying to get back.

there are no sections on that forum that are member only, you can see the whole thing registered or not, if you have any question about anything over there, feel free to ask me, i have read every single post on that entire forum, yes all of them.

please read my PM

i think the thread is created but the actual post is awaiting moderator approval, its still in red saying this for me, no rush.

i understand very much about not wanting to share certain things, because of the ill fated intentions of others to abuse such info, you may grow much from reading these links :


i do not advocate this book (have not read it) nor the author, i simple understand that when i read even a little bit if this article it sparked amazing amounts of resonating in me and the way i have come to understand the state of affairs, the frog and a handful of other teachers has certainly passed through this or a similar system of initiation, i know it must be so for the way it is described.

your also going to like this page quite i bit i would imagine:


i would advise downloading the pdfs they have there i have not gone through them yet but the subject matter is very good.

i also like the "oh shit...i might die straight up for real here". feeling.

i break so much new ground every hour of every day and pioneer so many new forms of exploration that for most of the entirety of the experience starts and plays with "i just combined something that is going to actually kill me....of shit.....) and then the atom bomb goes off and theirs no running away your chained to the bomb on its decent  > . <

it helps me ground myself in appreciating the temporary luxury we are afforded with the sensation of material reality.

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