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Messages - caiano

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Physical Cleansing and Healing of Illnesses / Re: CFS FM and ME
« on: May 02, 2013, 06:04:55 PM »
you could add microdoses of San Pedro in your daily menu: i'm not joking.
SP is another good universal medicine and for your conditions is probably better than ayahuasca:
I think it is possible to have shipped the flour from Peru.
Another useful plant would be coca leaves or mambe to take regularly.

Introductions / Re: Kambo information : Zipped Files from Caiano
« on: April 30, 2013, 07:07:24 AM »
Chegando em Brasília na reunião conheci vários pesquisadores, entre eles dois médicos do Instituto de Coração da USP e um deles já tinha tomado a tal vacina duas vezes. Um bioquímico que tinha isolado alguns peptídeos de algumas espécies de Phyllomedusa e que estas moléculas apresentavam "in vitro" (fora do corpo de um animal) em meio de cultura de células humanas propriedades antibióticas contra a Leishmaniose, Malária e Doença-de-Chagas. Li artigos a respeito que alguns peptídeos destes anfíbios do Gênero Phyllomedusa apresentaram propriedades antibióticas contra a bactéria Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Uma das mais resistentes do Planeta e muito associada com casos de infecção hospitalar!) e também impediram a infectividade do vírus HIV em células humanas sem destruí-las (Isso "in vitro").

In Vitro the peptides of Phyllomedusa showed antibiotics properties against  Leishmaniasis, Malária and Chagas Desease, against the bacterium Pseudomonas Aeruginosa ( one of the most resistant and often associated to hospital infections) and also they blocked the infectivity of the HIV virus into the human cells without destroy them..

Introductions / Re: hallo kambo
« on: April 24, 2013, 05:11:54 AM »
Macaco, what do you mean with the term Panema ?
I know the meaning it has for the natives, but how it affected - and is affecting - you   ?


I'm sorry you had no benefits.

It was a intense treatment, so i would expect it has or will have some consequences.
A recrudescence of symptoms is normal and expectend with many methods of purification, but in your case only you can tell and recognize the difference between a mobilization of toxins  - namely the effectiveness of the cure, and the intolerance to it.

What Giovanni told you ?

Thanks to keep us updated.

Introductions / Re: Hello, Hola, Oi!
« on: April 19, 2013, 05:52:27 AM »
Is the  kambo' you use  collected in your area or have you to purchase it elsewhere ?

Do you know if there is really some difference between the kambò collected from male or female specimen of the frog ?
And do you cook your own ayahuasca ?

Introductions / Re: Hello, Hola, Oi!
« on: April 19, 2013, 04:59:48 AM »
No, I'm italian. I was there 4 years ago, in Trancoso and then at Flor do Ceu, near BH,  the church  of the padrinho who gave me the  farda.

WOW, what a beautiful place is your town !

Estou procurando por ambil (no Brasil, eu acho que é mais conhecido como jita): você pode encontrar algum?

Introductions / Re: Hello, Hola, Oi!
« on: April 19, 2013, 04:24:52 AM »
Welcome, irmao !
What part of Brazil are you ? Do you attend Daime trabalhos ?

General Discussion / Re: Bowel movements and Kambo.. SERIOUS QUESTION
« on: April 14, 2013, 01:19:32 PM »
My favorite place during a kambò session is sitting on the toilet with a bucket in front

Introductions / Re: Saying Hi...
« on: April 12, 2013, 02:12:52 AM »
welcome !
see the section APPLICATION of this forums:

waht are exactly the meds you have to take ?

self-administration requires a sitter and low doses, ***to be on the safety side.***
Kambò has to be "practiced" repeatedly  to manifest its potentials, mostly in cases like yours, where\when many body functions are compromised and need to be re-balanced.
Becoming more confident and accustumed to this medicine one develops naturally a safe approach.
The enhanched sensitivity of your body induced by Kambò would gradually lead you toward new choices of life, nutrition, and so on...
Try to see Kambò as a guide, a teacher, a wise friendly Wild  Angel. 

To me it seems evident your system is using the skin to get rid of toxins and kambò "poison" triggered that response. The dose was not enough to squirt your bile and expell deep storages of toxins. You have only touched the surface of the healing process. But it's fine; maybe your body could not have sustained immediatley a strong purge, and\or you need more trust in the medicine to flow and pass through the process. Now you have more experience and know better what is expecting you, and you could resolve to afford it with a brave heart.

sodium or potassium bicarbonate are better than salt.
Also it happened I once  added a bit of Magnesium Chloride. Magnesium is important for health.

But remember: every salt in its inorganic form has a low cellular absorbtion rate and then it has to be expelled as any other intruder. That said, I think that a little alcaline solution is preferable.

Guayusa ! yeah,  is an excellent substitute to coffee... and then Yerba Mate if one has not guayusa.

Other herbs could be added to the enema infusion: camomile, tumeric and  mallow for example.

I wonder what might be the effects of coca leaves... with its properties to be slimming, analgesic, antirheumatic, energizing, good for gastritis, osteoporosis, chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis, hemorrhoids, stress, insomnia, colon inflammation, triglycerides and cholesterol, altitude sickness .. among others.

Application / Re: Flipping the globules over
« on: March 06, 2013, 10:46:36 AM »
 to moist the globules with saliva is almost the same thing: where is the difference, in you experience?

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