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Video / New Documentary "Huachuma"
« on: September 26, 2014, 12:25:14 AM »
Not specifically kambo media but I think some of you will enjoy this documentary
about San Pedro medicine.


Kambo & Other Sacraments / Tobacco Disinformation
« on: June 24, 2014, 12:23:41 PM »
Tobacco is a misunderstood sacrament. It's not the nicotine you have to worry about. The real concern is the added chemical poisons and radioactivity.

Nicotine is not carcinogenic. A carcinogen is any substance that causes cancer.

"The more you give nicotine to your neurons, the more the DNA they contain activates the construction of nicotinic receptors, within certain limits. Here, I thought, is the almost insatiable hunger of the spirits for tobacco: The more you give them the more they want. I was surprised by the degree of correspondence between shamanic notions of tobacco and neurological studies of nicotine."

"How was it that the shamans saw spirits by ingesting staggering quantities of tobacco.
Before continuing with this question, I will clarify two points. First, the discovery that nicotine stimulates the construction of nicotinic receptors was only made at the beginning of the 1990's; the connection between the phenomenon and the addiction displayed by tobacco users seems obvious, but has yet to be explored in detail."

"Second, there are fundamental differences between the shamanic use of tobacco and the consumption of industrial cigarettes. The botanical variety used in the Amazon, contains up to eighteen times more nicotine than the plants used in Virginia-type cigarettes. Amazonian tobacco is grown without chemical fertilizers and pesticides and contains none of the ingredients added to cigarettes, such as aluminum oxide, potassium nitrate, ammonium phosphate, polyvinyl acetate, and hundreds others, which make up approximately 10 percent of the smokeable matter. During combustion a cigarette emits over 7,000 substances, most of which are toxic.

Public health authorities have classified between 45 and 70 of those chemicals, including carcinogens, irritants and other toxins, as potentially causing the harmful effects of tobacco use. The Lung Association of America states that, "There are approximately 600 ingredients in cigarettes. When burned, they create more than 7,000 chemicals. At least 69 of these chemicals are known to cause cancer, and many are poisonous".

"Some of these substances are even radioactive, making cigarettes the largest single source of radiation in the daily life of an average smoker. According to one study, the average smoker absorbs the equivalent of the radiation dosages from 250 chest X-rays per year. This is the number one cause of cancer caused by smoking commercial cigarettes. Even 'Natura'" American Spirits, which are not grown by Native-Americans. Cigarette smoke is directly implicated in more than 25 serious illnesses, including 17 forms of cancer. In the Amazon, on the other hand, tobacco is considered a remedy. The Ashaninca word for 'healer', or 'shaman', is Sheripiari - literally, 'the person who uses tobacco'. The oldest Ashaninca men I knew were all Sheripiari. They were so old that they did not know their own age, which only their deeply wrinkled skin suggested, and they were remarkably alert and healthy".

There is certainly evidence that Western tobacco products contain many different harmful agents which are probably not present in organically grown plants. I have not heard of shamans developing cancers but that may, of course, be a function of several things, like lack of Western diagnosis, natural life span of indigenous people, magico-religious restriction of tobacco use in tribal societies, ect.

It seems clear that nicotine does not cause cancer, given that it is active in the brain and that cigarettes does not cause cancer in the brain, but in the lungs, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, rectum, kidneys, and bladder, the organs reached by the carcinogenic tars, which are also swallowed."
-Jeremy Narby, The Cosmic Serpent: DNA & the Origins of Knowledge


Tobacco smoking was widespread in North America at the time of the European contact. There are no confirmed reports of materials other than tobacco being smoked.
The high culture of the Maya that flourished until the mid-800s in Mesoamerica had an old and complex relationship with tobacco and the habit of smoking it. The tobacco of the Classical Maya was Nicotiana rustica, which is still in use among aboriginal populations in South America today. This species is much more potent, chemically complex, and potentially hallucinogenic than the commercial grades of Nicotiana tabacum available today. The difference between this tobacco and cigarette tobacco is profound. This wild tobacco was cured and rolled into cigars which were smoked. The trance-like state that followed, partially synergized by the presence of compounds that included MAO inhibitors, was central to the shamanism of the Maya. Recently introduced anti-depressants of the MAO inhibitor type are distant synthetic relatives of these natural compounds. Francis Robicsek has published extensively on the Mayan fascination with tobacco and its chemical complexity:
It also must be recognized that nicotine is by no means the only bio-active substance in the tobacco leaf. Recently alkaloids of the harmala group, harman and norharman, have been isolated from cured commercial tobaccos and their smoke. They constitute a chemical group of beta-carbolines, which include harmine, harmaline, tetrahydroharmine, and 6-methoxy harmine, all with hallucinogenic properties. Nicotine is a nootropic that enhances focus and memory. It stimulates you, helping to keep you awake, and increasing the bloodflow to your brain, while constricting other areas of bloodflow; While also calming you. Harmala alkaloids are anti-depressant, and anti-tumor compounds. Nicotine is a nootropic that enhances focus and memory. It stimulates you, helping to keep you awake, and increasing the bloodflow to your brain, while constricting other areas of bloodflow; While calming you, while also calming you. The harmala alkaloids are anti-depressant and anti-tumor compounds. While to date no native varieties of tobacco have been analyzed for these substances, it is a reasonable supposition that their composition may vary widely, depending upon the variety and growth, and that some of the native-grown tobaccos may contain a relatively high concentration of them.
Tobacco was and is the ever-present adjunct of the more powerful and visionary hallucinogenic plants wherever in the Americas they are used in a traditional and shamanic way.
And one of the traditional uses of tobacco involved the New World's invention of the first enemas. Peter Furst has researched the role of enemas and clysters in Mesoamerican medicine and shamanism:
It has only recently come to light that the ancient Maya like the ancient Peruvians employed enemas. Enema syringes or narcotic clysters, and even enema rituals, were discovered to be represented in Maya art, an outstanding example being a large painted vase dating A.D. 600-800, on which a man is depicted carrying an enema syringe, applying an enema to himself, and having a woman apply it to him. As a result of this newly discovered scene, archaeologist M. D. Coe was able to identify a curious object held by a jaguar deity on another painted Maya vessel as an enema syringe. If the enemas of the ancient Maya were, like those of the Peruvian Native-Americans, intoxicating or hallucinogenic, they might have consisted of fermented balche (honey mead). Balche is a very sacred beverage and it may have been fortified with tobacco or with morning-glory seed infusions. Datura infusions and even hallucinogenic mushrooms may have been taken in this way. Of course they could also have used a tobacco infusion alone."
-Terence Mckenna, Food of the Gods: The Search for the Original Tree of Knowledge; a Radical History of Plants, Drugs, and Human Evolution

"Tobacco fields in the U.S. have been fertilized with the radioactive
haillings from uranium mines, resulting in a tremendous increase in the incidence of lip, mouth, throat, and lung cancer. If you do not believe it, just look at the incidence of lung cancer per capita before 1950 and compare it to the lung cancer per capita at the present time. Are those who smoke committing suicide, or are they being murdered?"
-William Cooper, Behold A Pale Horse

"For myself, I am a devotee of history and (mostly) pre-20th century literature. I have read a great deal in my 40 years, and I can tell you that I found exactly ONE reference to cancer before the 20th century, and zero linking's of tobacco use to cancer, even in the works of 'natural scientists".

A radiation monitor used on Organic American spirit tobacco.
"'Natural' American Spirit is owned by RJ American, parent company of RJ Reynolds (Big Tobacco).
R.J. Reynolds owns brands like Camel, Pall Mall, Kool, Winston, Salem and Doral, ect. The tobacco that they use are in fact processed from genetically modified hybrid leaves with an ultra-high nicotine content that the Native-Americans had never traditionally used in any of their ceremonies. And if that weren’t enough Native American Spirits is said to use urea instead of ammonia in order to further enhance nicotine absorption."
This video shows that no US corporate, commercial tobacco products are safe and they have duped their customers with bullshit marketing tactics.
American spirits are still much better than regular cigarettes like Marlboro, but if you can't get tobacco that is both additive and radiation free, you're better off quitting smoking.

"Polonium-210 and Lead-21L0 accumulate for decades in the lungs of smokers. Sticky tar in the tobacco builds up in the small air passageways in the lungs (sensitive tissues of the bronchioles) and radioactive substances get trapped. Over time, these substances cause localized radiation doses and can lead to lung cancer. The CDC studies show that smoking causes 80% of all lung cancer deaths in women and 90% of all lung cancer deaths in men.
Polonium-210 (half-life is about 138 days); Lead-210 (Half-life = 22.3 years)."

"My old chemistry book tells me that the phosphate fertilizers used on the tobacco fields contain trace amounts of Uranium-238. This has been implicated in the link between cigarette smoking and cancer and heart disease. It seems the decay of Uranium-238 produces Rn-222. It also produces the radioactive nuclides Po-210 and Pb-210, (Polonium and Lead). Radon, Polonium and Lead!"

"I brought Mapacho (Nicotiana rustica) back with me from Ecuador, and I take Mapacho tea up the nose as I learned to do there. If the head is tipped back when it is taken into the nose, some of it runs down the throat. It burns the nasal membranes at first, then clears the sinuses and lungs, and then produces a powerful rush and a sense of clarity, centeredness, well-being and focused strength, and a mild trance.

But a shaman in training has to drink Mapacho tea - not through the nose, but simply drinking it - which simultaneously produces a sense of being poisoned and an indescribable sense of power. Drinking enough of it is supposed to produce visions. They have to drink those twelve Mapacho logs. Not for the fainthearted".

"The Tobacco shamanism of South America is a secret hidden in plain sight. It is mentioned by practically every anthropologist who has done work with Native-Americans in the Upper Amazon, yet it is invisible to them. Books about Amazonian ethnobotany and entheogen use often omit tobacco altogether.

Tobacco is used as a universal curing plant by some Amazonian peoples. I was reading a book by French anthropologist Philippe Descola about his work with the Achuar. In one part he talks about collecting information on medicinal plants. He was introduced to several dozen medicinal plants. Then at some point, it dawned on him that he never saw any of those plants actually used. The Achuar used Tobacco as the medicine for every sickness. So Descola lost interest in investigating Achuar plant medicines further. "
(Jeremy Narby in The Cosmic Serpent is practically the first anthropologist to question why Tobacco is dismissed this way.)

My friend was initiated as a tabaquero (tobacco-using) shaman in Ecuador. I talked to him today:

'The secret of tobacco is that the less you use the more powerful it becomes. Smoking on a daily basis accustoms the body to tobacco and we do not perceive the message of the plant as clearly when our brain is besotted with one pack a day level of nicotine in our bloodstream. Smoking once a day or less, you will feel the connection between here and now and the spirit world when you have that smoke. You will be a hundred times more attuned to every flavor and aspect of that one cigarette than if you smoked the rest of the pack. If you learn something about your tobacco's and use a pipe or roll-you-own you will deepen your enjoyment even more. Eventually you may become so sensitive to tobaccos power as to experience it while holding a pinch in your hand, and offering thanks to the four directions. Many who pray with tobacco only touch the pipe to their lips and do not inhale. But they look forward to the time they spend praying and making small prayer bundles with tobacco. The less you use, the more powerful tobacco becomes.'

"Amazonian tobacco shamanism is based on the other end of the scale. First, it is good to know about how herbalism in general is learned among Native-Americans of the Upper Amazon. It is learned through what is commonly known as 'dieta' The Napo Runa Native-Americans I lived with call it "sasina," which literally means fasting, although it is not usually a complete fast. 'Dieta' is a practice used throughout the Upper Amazon. It has many variations, but the core is always the same, which is remarkable considering that these are cultures who are extremely varied in other aspects of their culture. Essentially, dieta involves abstaining from foods with flavor, especially salt and hot peppers, and from sex, even with oneself. A person learning herbalism usually begins with a dieta with Ayahuasca, one of whose functions is to teach humans how to communicate with plants (another of her functions is to teach plants how to communicate with humans). Then the person learning herbalism will do a dieta with various plants, living alone in the jungle on a semi-fast drinking huge quantites of a single medicinal plant for a week to two weeks, to the point where they become sick from overdosing on that medicine, and then they know that plant spirit, or really that spirit is like part of them. It is kind of like a vision quest for each medicinal plant.

Tobacco shamanism is learned something in this way - using Nicotiana rustica, Amazonian Wild Tobacco, which is 15 to 18 times as high in nicotine as Nicotiana tabacum. Nicotine can be a deadly poison if ingested into the stomach in sufficient quantity (it would take much less pure nicotine to kill you than arsenic or cyanide). But nicotine also creates a tolerance. Nicotine is a poison, a nerve poison, and that is connected to his power. The tobacco shaman is basically poisoned, and survives this poisoning and comes out changed, with tobacco's power connected to his power. My friend who was initiated in tobacco shamanism compared it to the Sun -- you could get harmed standing out in the sun too long if your body was not used to it, but once your body is adapted, it can take any amount of sunlight. Tobacco shamans can drink quantities of nicotine that would kill a non-initiated person; and no amount of nicotine will kill them, it only keeps increasing their power.

Tobacco is the number one power plant of the world. Tobacco is the plant of power. The name he has told me is 'Power Food'. Tobacco is food for the spirits. That is why we offer pinches of tobacco to herbs when we gather them. Tobacco is nourishment that feeds the spirits and strengthens them. You can use it for protection against negative energies, because if you dedicate it to protection it will feed the energies of protection. Like feeding your watchdogs to make them strong. In the same way, it makes prayer-energies more powerful. If you place prayer intentions and songs in tobacco when it is growing, it absorbs that energy and acts like a kind of spiritual megaphone for your prayers when you release them. You can enlist the help of elemental-type spirits that don't care about you normally by offering them tobacco as a kind of payment. The same thing is said among peoples here in Turtle Island and in the Amazon, that the reason humans were placed on Earth was to cultivate tobacco for the spirits, because they cannot do it themselves.

Tobacco feeds our own spirits when we consume it. We can become addicted to his food, more so if our spirits are starving, then we may crave him and his food. The trouble is, consuming Tobacco unconsciously means that only a little bit of the Power comes in, and, more important, it doesn't reach your Spirit, the depths within you that are crying to be fed. Consuming Tobacco unconsciously is like the unconsciousness of compulsive eating, and it becomes compulsive for the same reasons. Both of these compulsions are manifestations of a starving spirit. (You even see how people who stop smoking often gain weight because they take up overeating instead).

It also, because it magnifies the power of prayer and intention, magnifies the intention of tobacco companies to make people addicted and funnel money to them. The commercial tobacco growers and companies dedicate this intention to the tobacco they grow - to feed the spirit of addiction in us. That addiction is intentional and it is because the tobacco companies put that intention in, both physically (through the hundreds of additive chemicals that can legally constitute 20% of dry weight, not to mention tons of pesticides) and spiritually (through their Intent) dedicate this most sacred of power plants to this purpose, of creating addiction. This is a spiritually powerful plant - you try to get a lettuce leaf to addict people and place them under your command and intention, well, you might not get much results. You take the most powerful of power plants and say, 'addict millions of people and place them under our command so they have to feed us money' - that power plant will magnify your intent and give you powerful results.

Tobacco also shows how when sacred powers are used carelessly and unconsciously, they can cause harm and sickness. There is only one power, which can be shaped and used in different ways, up to us.

Blaming tobacco for how he is used is like blaming electricity for how it is used.

And with some sacred things, most sacred things, the power is fragile and must be protected. Tobacco's power is not fragile. It remains intact no matter how it is used or misused, no matter what other contaminants are also present. This is why ordinary cigarettes can even be used in ceremony. The Intent put in it by the commercial grower and cigarette companies can be cleared by your Intent. (And there are many ways to use tobacco besides smoking).

Tobacco is a plant that involves true secrets in its practice. There are things about his practice that are genuine secrets. What I have spoken of is only the public side of the shamanic use of tobacco, and that is powerful enough. I don't smoke cigarettes, except under certain circumstances, but I can never say "no" when someone offers me a cigarette, because they are offering me something so sacred, even if they don't know it."

Herb Info and Use / Cannabis for seizures
« on: January 17, 2014, 11:58:13 PM »
Cannabis; anti-convulsive

More recognition should be given to cannabis as a remedy for dis-eases involving seizures.

Journals / Ordeals / Kambo while Fasting.
« on: January 14, 2014, 04:16:43 PM »
Did a fast just under 72 hours. with spring water, detox herb teas, and one big juicing session of fruits and vegetables. wanted to experiment with a micro dose of kambo each day. Micro-dosing is ill-advised because without a purge, toxins are released into the blood stream and reabsorbed back into the body. But while fasting, I figured the toxins would be flushed out with an empty body and the intake of a lot of water and tea.

I didn't end up doing the micro dosing all 3 days but I did it the last day. I applied 2 dots on the Conception Vessel Meridian. about CV 13 and CV 4. I used a hand held acu-point locator and marked the 2 locations when it buzzed. I was to follow this with a couple herbal enemas to help flush the toxins.

The Kambo came on full bore. I left the globules on for a few minutes and removed as medicine was still coming up. i wound up on the bathroom floor and then sitting on the toilet while i asked my sister to bring me a bucket. I chugged a glass and a half of water and was able to purge by just ever so lightly touching the back of my tongue. I wasn't ready at the peak of the nausea and purged just after.

Just wanted to put it out there that Kambo seems much stronger while fasting. Although I am now using a chop stick which I never take the time to properly widdle down fully (it is widdled) because it takes time and then just burns off as ash after a few marks anyway. So the burns are quite a bit bigger, but the globules were the same size. And although the bigger burns probably make a difference, the burns i used to do were sufficient size for the globs. So be careful if doing Kambo while fasting. I'm so glad I didn't do a full set of burns then apply.

Was quite grateful after having purged tho. "Viva la Kambo!"

After all is done I feel higher energy; I've been waking up much earlier.
More positive, cleaner inside, a sense of clarity, & vision seems a bit sharper.

A good cleanse always shakes the negativity and stagnance away for me.

Sharing of the Healers / Kambo as abortifacient
« on: August 23, 2013, 09:03:29 PM »
Long story short, I have a friend who had missed her period by 2 months & was pregnant. She and partner mutually did not want and were not ready for any children. I applied a mere 2 kambo points on acupuncture points that are ill-advised for pregnant women as they cause contractions. (SP-6) Kambo itself is not recommended for pregnant women. Many strong immune boosting or detoxing herbs are also not advised.

A few hours later she had stomach pains; few hours later some pink coloration in the urine; few hours later still her period had started back up.

I had ordered her some organic Queen Anne's Lace seeds beforehand. a proven herbal abortifacient (a common example; a tsp of seeds chewed and swallowed after intercourse to prevent pregnancy) but she did not really use it. Ignored the problem thinking it was stress.

The longer one waits the worse off this becomes karmically and the harder and more dramatic the process. she did become a bit under the weather afterward. But a termination of a pregnancy is a pretty big energy change along with a pregnancy itself being a large mineral loss, ect.

I was going to put this thread in precautions because, for safety, it may be important to reiterate the fact that kambo should not be used during pregnancies. This is an example of using that knowledge to advantage, but this is not recommended to anyone less than an experienced kambo user and practitioner.

Be safe.

General Discussion / Internet Security
« on: July 27, 2013, 05:59:29 AM »
Even tho the government has been spying on people for years it is now fully known. Edward Snowden, former employee of the NSA, has released documents to Wikileaks proving that the NSA, through it's PRISM program, has been spying on people through phone calls, call location, text messages, emails, ect. Knowing that some people on the internet use natural medicines deemed illegal (i.e. not fundable to corporations) for health, wellbeing, and spiritual applications, I'd like to share some links, software, & services.
When you search with Startpage, we remove all identifying information from your query and submit it anonymously to Google ourselves. We get the results and return them to you in total privacy.
URL to add in chrome for it to allow you to set it as default search engine is: (A more comprehensive list of links & descriptions)
Opt out of PRISM, the NSA’s global data surveillance program. Stop the American government from spying on you by encrypting your communications and ending your reliance on proprietary services.
Share a confidential note via a web link that will self-destruct after it is read by your intended recipient.
Tor is free software and an open network that helps you defend against a form of network surveillance that threatens personal freedom and privacy, confidential business activities and relationships, and state security known as traffic analysis.
Tor Mail is a Tor Hidden Service that allows anyone to send and receive email anonymously.
PeerBlock lets you control who your computer "talks to" on the Internet.  By selecting appropriate lists of "known bad" computers, you can block communication with advertising or spyware oriented servers, computers monitoring your p2p activities, computers which have been "hacked", even entire countries!  They can't get in to your computer, and your computer won't try to send them anything either.

A secure solution for file and email encryption.
GPG how-to

Complementary Modalities / Herbal Nervines
« on: July 16, 2013, 01:37:55 AM »
Thought this article was pretty good, thought I'd share:

Ever had a problem or person "get on your nerves"? Or felt certain sensations to be "nerve-wracking"? Or lived through an experience that turned you into "a nervous wreck"?

Popular figures of speech attest to the importance the nervous system takes in our daily lives. Most of us know of at least a few things that seem to weaken our nerves: aggravating noises, overwork, relationship problems, lack of exercise or natural light, and excessive use of stimulants such as coffee, tea, chocolate, and caffinated soft-drinks. Almost everyone has had insomnia from nervous tension at one time or another, and some of us may even suffer from more extreme nervous conditions such as heart palpitations or depression.

But whether we suffer from mild or severe conditions, occasional or chronic, much of the solution is always the same: better living habits to restore overall health, and gentle but effective natural medicines, like herbs.

Herbalists use a class of herbs known as nervines to help with many different kinds of nervous disorders and imbalances. These herbs are especially effective when combined with other natural healing methods such as deep breathing, hydrotherapy, exercise, meditation, visualization, and nutritional counseling.

Undoubtedly one of the most important ways to create a healthy nervous system, reduce the ill effects of stress and eliminate depression and anxiety is to rest. Resting the body is not hard, we try to do this every day when we sleep. But resting the mind--that is a different matter! Today, as we become more and more information-oriented, and less physical in our work, the mind and nervous system is ever active. Mental fatigue is probably one of the most devestating influences in the health and sickness realm. Sevo Brooks, a European-trained health counselor extroirdinaire has this to say. "Our appetite for speed and information seems insatiable; we are constantly encouraged to ingest as much of life as we can -- in the shortest possible time. As a result, our nervous systems gradually become strained and overloaded, overstimulated and overextended. After months and years of incessant intellectual activity, often combined with decreased physical activity, the deterioration begins to show: we feel tired; our neck is stiff; we have to strain to mover our bowels,; we are easily irritated; we spend more time worrying." Brooks emphasizes that many of the common activities usually associated with realaxation really are not so. Watching TV, reading and talking are still activities. Instead, he says, " a feeling we get while not doing something. It is a resting state, a time when we are doing nothing. After a period of true relaxation we feel refreshed and invigorated, the way we do after a pleasant nap.

Herbs have a special place in healing the mind-body connection. We have a history and connection with them that is long-lasting as we are. Plants and animals co-evolved and turning to them to help us soothe our nerves or lift our spirits is perhaps an instinctive behavior. David Hoffmann, a leading herbal spokesperson for a return to herbal medicines based on our connection with all life here on planet earth says, "....our unquestioned materialism has created a deep split in the collective consciousness. No wonder that our modern scourges are anxiety and fear." But Hoffmann emphasizes that "Herbalism is based on relationship -- relationship between plant and person, plant and planet, person and planet. Using herbs in the healing process means taking part in an ecological cycle."

Concentrated herb essences have been known to have a healing action on frazzled nerves, as well as more deeply-seated emotional and nervous conditions. Edward Bach, the great English doctor and creator of the Bach flower remedies, which work with the finer vibrations of healing plants hints at one of the most important aspects of nervous and mental health when he says, "It is when our personalities are led astray from the path laid down by the Soul, either by our own worldly desires or by the persuasion of others, that a conflict arises." Bach prescribed "flower essences" to help harmonize conflicts between our soul and personality. He gave (xxxx) for nervous states relating to (xx).

Essential oils are distilled essences from plants that are receiving increasing attention world-wide for their healing properties. Robert Tisserand, a leading French aromatherapist recommends plant essences for therapy as both stimulating and sedative nervines. He says, "Essences can be of use as therapeutic agents in a similar way to ordinary trnquillisers, although they work organically, and in a more subtle way. At the same time they uplift our spirits they have a calming effect on the nervous system. He praises the virtues of oil of bergamot, camomile, camphor, geranium, jasmine, lavender, rose and sandalwood for anxiety and nervous tension and frankincense, neroli, patchouli, peppermint to counteract depression and melancholy. The essences can be smelled directly from a small container, or used in a commercial "mister," which can spread the aroma throughout a larger living area. A sort of environmental herbal treatment. Best of all, try taking a hot bath using herbal bath salts (such as lavender), and experience the healing aromas of plants and hydrotherapy together.

Most nervine herbs that herbalists use--among them valerian, hops, kava-kava, and camomile--have a long history of use and have more recently been scientifically supported with clinical and laboratory tests (want refs?). They are safe and effective medicines when taken in the right dosages and in high-quality preparations. However, they are sedatives and stimulants, and as such should not be abused.

The term nervine usually encompasses several different kinds of therapeutic activity. For instance, an herbalist might prescribe an herbal nervine to calm and sedate the nerves in cases of anxiety or insomnia. But he or she might also recommend a nervine to perk you up if you're feeling run-down, depressed, or have low energy.

Sound like a contradiction?--Not to the way of natural medicine. What is needed in both cases is fundamentally the same:

* increased nourishment to the nervous system

* a restoring and balancing action.

To understand this paradox, we need to know a little bit about what the nervous system is and how it works.

The nervous system is the "hard-wiring" that connects all of our organs, muscles, and other functional parts with the control center of the brain and spinal cord. Our nerves also bring in signals from the outside the world, and send signals to our body telling it to move or react in various ways.

Nervous Connections

Doctors have known for a long time that stressing the nerves can weaken digestion. But recent studies (source--Advances journal) have found fascinating connections between the nervous system and other systems in the body, especially the hormonal and immune systems.

For instance, we now know that certain neurotransmitters (the chemicals that make connections between nerves) interact with immune cells. This new information seems to point the way for future studies which may explain the workings of other phenomena we have already observed--for example, that feelings (both positive and negative), nervous stress and general outlook on life can affect both the immune system and digestion.

What we're interested in for our purposes here is the autonomic nervous system, which energizes and regulates automatic functions like breathing, heartbeat, release of hormones from glands, dilation of the pupils, etc. These functions are usually considered to be outside of our conscious control--that is, unless we train ourselves to affect them.

The autonomic nervous system has two sub-systems: the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.

The parasympathetic nervous system is most active when we are at rest. It controls the digestive tract as well as the eliminatory and repair functions of the body.

However, in times of stress, energy is diverted from the parasympathetic to the sympathetic nervous system, which activates the famous "fight or flight" reaction--our most primitive survival mechanism. This reaction prepares us for danger in a number of ways: by decreasing digestive activity, diverting extra energy to the muscles, increasing the heart rate, and telling the adrenal glands to secrete stress hormones such as adrenalin and cortisol.

Unfortunately, the fight-or-flight reaction is indiscriminate. That is, it occurs during any stress, whether it is a real threat to our lives, or only common life-problems such as traffic jams, deadlines at the office, or a strong emotion.

Thus, chronic activation of the sympathetic nervous system can harm the entire body in two major ways:

1) It can rob the digestive system of energy, thus interfering with proper assimilation of nutrients, which in turn can eventually weaken the immune response and nervous function.

2) It can cause nervous energy to get trapped in the muscles, which leads to tension and fatigue. For instance, if you have a fight-or-flight call to action, yet just sit in your car or at a desk in the office, all the nervous energy mobilized by the stress finds no release. That's why it is good to work off nervous energy by engaging in sports or some other physical activity.

Fortunately, many herbs help restore balanced nerve function. There are four basic categories of nervines:

Sedative nervines are prescribed for anxiety, over-excitement, and sleeplessness. They include herbs such as valerian, hops, passion flower, lavender, and lemon balm.

Stimulating nervines are for low energy states, lethargy, and depression. These include theobroma extract, rosemary oil (which contains natural camphor), green tea, ma huang, and St. John's wort (used especially for mild depression).

Functional nervines are needed to repair actual nerve damage or weakness. St. John's wort and wild oats are functional nervines. (The tincture of fresh wild oat seeds is a good nerve tonic, and is particularly useful for nerve weakness while trying to "kick the habit" of smoking or drugs.)

Antispasmodic nervines are prescribed for muscle cramping or twitches, especially of the colon, bronchi, or uterus. Thyme is used for coughs (bronchi), while camomile and peppermint oil are good for painful digestion (colon).

Note: antispasmodic nervines are not used for sore, tight muscles, as in the back or neck. For these conditions try external applications, such as camomile oil or tiger balm.

Choosing an Effective Herbal Nervine

With most herbs, the fresher the better. Herbal sedatives, especially, lose their strength if they are too old. Herbs such as valerian, hops, and passion flower retain more of their medicinal properties when they are extracted fresh or are fresh-dried. You can often find the expiration date of a given sample, or even its manufacture date, on the bottle. If you can't find these, ask the store manager for information, or call the manufacturer.

A second principle with herbs is that quality counts. Look for "Certified Organically-Grown" herbal preparations whenever possible, because these are the only ones that are guaranteed to have been grown under optimum conditions and without the use of pesticides and herbicides.

Also, liquid-extracts (tinctures) retain their properties longer than any other type of preparation. The next best is a powdered extract or a freshly-dried powdered product. Whole or cut-and-sifted herb in the bulk bin is the least reliable, because it is exposed to air, which can cause sensitive ingredients to degrade.

Valerian--a Proven Herbal Sedative

Valerian has demonstrated decidedly relaxing properties in clinical trials. For example, in three separate sleep tests (two of them double-blind) people who received a valerian preparation fell asleep up to 50% faster and had a sounder, more restful sleep than people in the placebo group (Hobbs, 1989). Another study found that a preparation of valerian and hops caused "significant improvement" in both subjective and objective measures of stress-reduction (Moser, 1981).

One researcher has stated that herbal sedatives such as valerian not only can help old people who have trouble falling asleep, "but they also can make it easier to put up with lying awake at times, so that it becomes a restful, relaxing experience." (Weiss)

It is important to remember that herbal remedies need to be tailored to a person's unique constitution and condition. No one herbal nervine is a panacea for a given type of problem. For instance, valerian alone will not cure all cases of insomnia, especially where a weakened immune system or low vitality due to poor living habits are involved. Often a whole constellation of complaints need to be treated at once, or in the proper order--which is why it is advisable to consult a trained herbalist.

The following case histories should illustrate situations in which each of the four categories of herbal nervines is best used. Note well how other natural treatments interact to support the herbal formulas.

Sedative nervines

Joseph was a 25 year old student at a junior college. His family expected high things of him, but didn't have the money to put him through school. So he attended classes during the day, studied hard in the evenings, and worked on the weekends. His routine left little time for relaxation.

Eventually Joe began to lose weight. The muscles in his shoulders and neck were often ached, and he had trouble falling asleep. He tried sleeping pills and muscle relaxants, but had little luck.

In desperation he visited a natural health practitioner, and was advised to take at least 15 minutes to walk and think of nothing but relaxing. He was also told to take a brief cold shower in the morning after a hot one, to help restore nerve strength.

The herbalist gave Joe a tincture of valerian and hops (2 droppersful, 3 times a day), plus digestive bitters to be taken in the dose of 1/2 tsp. half an hour before meals. Within two weeks, Joe was sleeping better and felt more relaxed. He liked his walks so much that he began to lengthen them.

Stimulating nervines

Emily was 35 and had a job as a bank teller. She had been married for 5 years, but had no children. Her problem was exhaustion. She couldn't take any interest in work, and just wanted to lie down when she got home. Although she enjoyed going out with friends on the weekends, she often had to stay home due to lack of energy.

Emily had been to several doctors, who had diagnosed chronic fatigue syndrome and candida. Then one day she read an article on herbal medicine and decided to try it. She visited a naturopathic doctor who prescribed regular daily walks and foods with warming spices such as ginger, mustard, and cayenne, to increase circulation and enhance metabolism. The doctor also prescribed 1-2 enteric-coated capsules odorless garlic extract (also to boost circulation and metabolism). The herbal combination for Emily included ginger, damiana, and rosemary to gently stimulate her natural energy. She took this as a tea, one cup each in the morning, afternoon, and evening. The dosage was 1 tsp. of the mixed herbs added to 1 cup of boiling water and simmered for 10 minutes, then steeped for 15. Or she could substitute capsules of herb powder (4 to 5 = 1 cup of tea), or a tincture (2 droppers = 1 cup of tea).

After ten days, Emily started to feel better when she got up in the morning. She began to read all she could about other natural ways to increase her energy. She discovered that she was wasting energy by worrying about her illness. Soon she found that when she turned her mind to more positive thoughts, and took an interest in painting, she really began to improve. Several months later, Emily had regained her full health and joy of living.

Functional Nervines

Jody had been working as a computer operator for nearly four years when her right wrist began to feel stiff in the mornings. She visited a doctor, and thought he was joking when he told her that she had Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

But soon Jody began to feel more and more pain; her wrist even got swollen at times. So she went to an acupuncturist, who gave her treatments, a warming analgesic oil consisting of camphor and camomile, and encouraged her to take up Yoga exercises to stretch and strengthen the joint.

The acupuncturist also recommended that Jody put hot- and-cold compresses on her wrist (4 minutes hot, then 1 minute cold) for a half hour in the evenings, followed by rubbing oil of St. John's wort on the joint. (St. John's wort is excellent herb for joint, muscle, or nerve trauma; it has demonstrated anti-inflammatory effects in scientific studies (Hobbs, HerbalGram). After 5 weeks, Jody began to feel less pain, and learned to relax her wrist at regular intervals during her work time, which led to a complete recovery after 3 months.

Antispasmodic nervines

Steve was a contract lawyer who ran a very tight schedule, slept little, and ate on the go. After years of this lifestyle, his digestion became very weak. He suffered from excessive gas, abdominal pains, and constipation. He felt nervous during the day, and noticed his hands shook in the mornings. That's when he decided to seek help from an herbalist.

Steve did well on digestive bitters, 1 tsp. half an hour before meals. He was also advised to take 15 minutes in the afternoon to relax, breathe deeply, and to have a bowel movement (one movement a day is average for many people, though three is ideal--one after each meal).

Steve also took a an infusion of camomile, which he could drink as much as he desired (up to 1 quart a day).

All of these treatments helped restore proper digestion. Steve's condition improved significantly after several months, and he became interested in vegetarianism. He read everything he could find on the subject, and soon began to tell his friends that he felt more energetic and relaxed.

Complementary Modalities / Weeds that are really Herbs
« on: June 05, 2013, 03:27:19 AM »
Many people have about a half dozen herbs right in there backyards. Many people pick these out of the grass as weeds.
I say pull the grass and let the weeds grow! There is a viable pharmacy right in your own back yard.

I am in the East Coast U.S. The farther from here you are located, the less applicable to you this thread may be. Many of these species are still abundant in most of the U.S.

Dandelion (lots of vitamins and minerals. Liver detoxifier.

Plantain (Useful to put bruised leaves on insect bites, stings, snake bites, poinson ivy, stinging nettles. It will pull toxins from the skin. Even if you stepped on a rusty nail.)


Red Clover (blood cleanser; great against cancer)

Purslane (One of the most nutritious plants)


Queen Anne's Lace aka Wild Carrot

Lamb's Quarters
see also

Rich in Beta Carotene, Vitamin B1/Thiamin, Vitamin B2/Riboflavin, Vitamin B3/Niacin, Vitamin B6/Pyridoxine, Vitamin B9/Folate, Calcium, Copper, Iron, fiber, folates, Phosphorus, Vitamins A and C, Vitamin K, Manganese, Magnesium, Potassium, Protein/Amino Acids, Zinc, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids.

one site states: "Lambs Quarters is the second highest in nutrition of all wild foods. Amaranth is #1"

Eat Lamb's Quarters raw in salads, prepare like spinach.  Like spinach, Lamb's Quarters contains Oxalic Acid so should not be cooked; so be sure to get adequate calcium if you’re ingesting a lot of this plant.
Lamb's Quarters absorbs nitrates readily, so avoid gathering in contaminated/polluted soil.

Kambo for Restoring Innate and Dormant Instincts / Dreaming
« on: May 28, 2013, 05:10:08 AM »
Since my last Kambo experience I have had the ability to recall bits of my dreams every night since. It has been about three weeks now. I am kind of surprised and very happy about this. Has anyone else experienced a return to dreaming after multiple kambo sessions?

I do a lot to detoxify my body and around the same time as my last kambo experience I started taking a tsp of calcium bentonite clay each morning in my smoothies. I have pondered if this could have been the cause. But I am thinking the Kambo experience was the biggest contribution to this, tho the clay and other lifestyle choices may have helped the full benefit

Thank you kambo

General Discussion / New URL
« on: May 02, 2013, 05:23:52 PM »
Hey guys, for some reason does not work, and must be used.
This becomes a pain in the ass if your browser doesn't remember the URL once you start typing kam..
For instance if you clear browser history.
Or if you don't always access this site via your bookmarks.

So I registered a URL mask/redirect at still works. just is a shorter simpler way to get there.

Someone was actually using to redirect to a page which sells .com and other such non-tk domain names.
And was trying to make money off the .tk free service.
So I had to email them and report abuse before I could register


Complementary Modalities /
« on: April 29, 2013, 12:34:18 AM »
I'd just like to share this site I find cool. 3,500+ videos on natural healing & wellness.

Anti-Cancer / The Cancer Thread
« on: March 05, 2013, 12:36:10 PM »
Anti-Cancer Foods thread at Dmt-nexus forum

The Beautiful Truth
"Raised on a wildlife reserve in Alaska, 15-year-old Garrett was interested in the dietary habits of the farm animals. After the tragic death of his mother, Garrett's father decided to home-school his son and assigned a book written by Dr. Max Gerson that proposed a direct link between diet and a cure for cancer. Fascinated, Garrett embarks in this documentary on a cross-country road trip to investigate The Gerson Therapy. He meets with scientists, doctors and cancer survivors who reveal how it is in the best interest of the multi-billion dollar medical industry to dismiss the notion of alternative and natural cures."

The Gerson Miracle
"The Gerson Miracle examines many of the elements of the Gerson Therapy, explaining why we are so ill and how we have in our grasp the power to recover our health without expensive, toxic or mutilating treatments, using the restorative forces of our own immune systems. Even the most advanced cases of cancer can be successfully reversed using this method. While the results seem miraculous, the real "miracle" lies within our own body and its healing processes."
Get yourself some clean spring water

Anti-Tumor & Immune System mushrooms

Paul Stamets on Mushrooms & Cancer

David Wolfe on Chaga as Cancer Fighter

Cat's Claw & Jergon Sacha
"But that wasn’t the only time that happened. A friend of mine, Alan
moved to Peru in 1993 and within a year or
two learned that his mother, who lived in Kentucky, was dying of liver
cancer. She had been
given just a few weeks to live. In desperation,
Alan asked me to drink with him at Juan’s and
try to see his mother and see what she might
need to get healed.
It was a crazy request: I wasn't a curandero;
I didn't know his mother; I had no chance of
finding anything that might help her. Nonetheless, because he asked, I
agreed to try.
During that dream, I thought of Alan’s
mother and when I did found myself hurtling
through space and winding up on a street in a
small town in what felt like the United States.
I imagined Alan’s mother must live nearby and
wondered in which house she lived. Instantly I
was moving again, but surprisingly didn't come
out into a kitchen or living room. Instead I sort
of wound up in someone’s insides. I guessed
it was Alan’s mother’s insides. I’d never seen
a human liver before but was looking at one
the moment I thought of it. On top of the dark
brown mass was a twisted clump of some sort
of tubing. I thought it must be the cancer and
lifted it to see what it was made of. I realized it
didn't seem like cancer—whatever that would
seem like—but rather that the tubes bringing
things to the liver for cleaning were all tangled
and nothing could get through them and so
were sort of killing the liver. I thought that
if those tubes could get untangled somehow
then the junk in them could pass into the liver
to be eliminated. I silently asked if there was
anything that could do that. In a moment I
thought of uña de gato, cat’s claw, now well
known as a medicine but hardly known at all
15  years ago.
When I came out of the dream I wrote the
words “cat’s claw” down on a piece of paper.
In the morning Alan asked me what I’d
seen. I was embarrassed to tell him for fear of
misguiding him with the uña de gato. When I
relented I showed him the paper. He laughed.
“Yes. I saw uña de gato and I also saw sacha
jergon,” another Amazonian medicine.
That day or the next he made up a good
batch of the two medicines and sent it off to
his mom. She drank it religiously and within
a few weeks or months the cancer was in total


Also in the authors book Ayahuasca In My Blood: 25 Years of Medicine Dreaming,
they talk about combining Cat's Claw (Uncaria tomentosa)
with Jergon Sacha (dracontium loretense) as effective against cancer
and aids.
You can go here and click search within this book for "claw" "jergon"
and "cancer" to see a bit of what they say about it.

The shaman gives it to a woman with cancer and declares that she will
be cancer free in a month of using the combination.

"The spirulina-treated children showed bone marrow, spinal fluid, blood cell and liver regeneration.
Dangerously low white blood cell counts of about 1,000 (typical of leukemia) rose to 3,000 in only 20 days.
Urine radioactivity levels decreased by 50 percent in 20 days."

"Spirulina has a number of blood-strengthening properties, as found by this 2001 animal study from China. The study concluded that spirulina has chemo-protective and radio-protective capabilities and shows potential for fighting cancer. Immune cells in your blood are highly radiosensitive and considered to be good indicators for biological effects taking place at the molecular level.

Spirulina somehow helps shield cells from gamma radiation, as shown by this study on the bone marrow of mice.

Spirulina helps to protect your kidneys, which are some of the FIRST organs to suffer damage after significant radiation exposure. Research suggests spirulina helps protect from the nephrotoxicity of cancer treatments, antibiotics and analgesics."

Agaricus Blazei for Cancer

Kava Anti-Cancer & Anti-Anxiety is one highly regarded vendor of kava.

"– Chaga – loose mushroom tea has a pleasant flavor (it is one of the best medicinal mushrooms
for the immune system) and Herbalist David Winston’s favorite for cancer."
"I believe that chaga may be the most powerful of the immune enhancing fungi” David Winston.  It grows on
birch and alder trees in the extreme northern latitudes of Russia, Canada, and Scandinavia.  Caga is a rich source of
betulinic acid. Betulinic acid has shown strong anti-tumor activity and virtually no toxicity in human trials. In Russia,
chaga is used to treat cancers of the breast, uterus, lip, stomach, lungs, skin, bowel, Hodgkin’s lymphoma and

"One of the primary ways exercise lowers your risk for cancer is by reducing elevated insulin levels, which creates a low sugar environment that discourages the growth and spread of cancer cells. Controlling your insulin levels and optimizing your vitamin D level are two of the most powerful steps you can take to reduce your cancer risk. For example, physically active adults experience about half the incidence of colon cancer as their sedentary counterparts, and women who exercise regularly can reduce their breast cancer risk by 20 to 30 percent compared to those who are inactive.

Additionally, exercise improves the circulation of immune cells in your blood. Your immune system is your first line of defense against everything from minor illnesses like a cold right up to devastating, life-threatening diseases like cancer.

The trick about exercise, though, is understanding how to use it as a precise tool. This ensures you are getting enough to achieve the benefit, not too much to cause injury, and the right variety to balance your entire physical structure and maintain strength and flexibility, and aerobic and anaerobic fitness levels. This is why it is helpful to view exercise like a drug that needs to be carefully prescribed to achieve its maximum benefit."

Diet before and after / Kambo while fasting
« on: February 26, 2013, 04:03:48 AM »
I am about to begin day 4 of a fast. I'd like to pretty much end the fast with a kambo ceremony. Has anyone done kambo while fasting? I'm wondering how much stronger this could make the kambo. Meaning my energy is cleaner and more sensitive and I'm thinking I may purge with less points. I'm wondering also if being clean from fasting and enemas will make the experience much easier. mother aya really likes a fasted body. I'm also slightly worried about fainting. I do kambo alone on myself but I'll be sitting/laying on my bed before standing up/leaning over to purge.

I'd also been rolling the idea of Niacin flush + Kambo in my head, wondering if this could help the cleanse. Obv starting low. any thoughts?
EDIT: Just found out apparently there's not really any proof of niacins detoxifying abilities and there's discrepancy about it.

It helps to inhibit the development of addiction and also prevents the withdrawal symptoms. 

Matricaria chamomilla extract inhibits both development of morphine dependence and expression of abstinence syndrome in rats.
Adel Gomaa, Tahia Hashem, Mahmoud Mohamed, Esraa Ashry
Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University, Egypt.
The effect of Matricaria chamomilla (M. chamomilla) on the development of morphine dependence and expression of abstinence was investigated in rats. The frequencies of withdrawal behavioral signs (paw tremor, rearing, teeth chattering, body shakes, ptosis, diarrhea, and urination) and weight loss induced by naloxone challenge were demonstrated in morphine-dependent rats receiving M. chamomilla extract or saline. The withdrawal behavioral manifestations and weight loss were inhibited significantly by chronic co-administration of M. chamomilla extract with morphine. Administration of a single dose of M. chamomilla before the naloxone challenge in morphine-dependent animals abolished the withdrawal behavioral manifestations. The dramatic increase of plasma cAMP induced by naloxone-precipitated abstinence was prevented by chronic co-administration of M. chamomilla extract with morphine. These results suggest that M. chamomilla extract inhibits the development of morphine dependence and expression of abstinence syndrome.

I believe the specific constituent of German Chamomile they're describing is Apigenin. Which can be bought without prescription. It's a potent CYP1A2 and CYP2C9 digestive enzyme inhibitor. And also an NMDA antagonist, which, by the way they work, help to prevent a wide range of addictions. This may not be super strong in effects but could be supplemented with Iboga, magnesium, zinc, and other nmda antagonists in someones arsenal against addiction.

Complementary Modalities / Entheogenic Medicine Documentaries
« on: January 29, 2013, 04:10:38 AM »
Stepping Into The Fire
STEPPING INTO THE FIRE is a feature length documentary that tells the story of a seemingly successful man living an unfulfilled life and his journey towards truth and happiness. What if the thoughts, values and philosophies that guided our lives were at the root of our misery and there was ancient and time honored knowledge that could truly heal our soul. This compelling film provides insight into ancient shamanic practices from deep in the Peruvian jungles, and a thought provoking commentary on human spirituality and wellness.

The Jungle Prescription
The Jungle Prescription is the tale of two doctors treating their addicted patients with a mysterious Amazonian medicine rumored to reveal one's deepest self.
Dr. Gabor Maté has a revolutionary idea: to treat addicts with compassion.Dr. Gabor Maté had a revolutionary idea: to treat addicts with compassion. His work as the resident doctor in Vancouver’s Portland Hotel – a last-chance destination for lifelong drug abusers – has been courageous, but incredibly frustrating. Maté hears of an ancient medicine beyond his imaginings: one that could provide his patients with a solution. Its name is ayahuasca: the vine of the souls.
Deep in the Amazon jungle, French doctor Jacques Mabit is using this medicine to treat hardcore addicts. Mabit runs a detox centre in the Amazon (Takiwasi or “The House That Sings”), using the plants and methods of traditional medicine. Ayahuasca is a visionary formula that unlocks emotional memory; causing life-changing catharsis in those who drink it. The reported success rates for curing addicts at Dr. Mabit’s detox centre are quadruple the average.

A film documenting the experience of a group visiting an ayahuasca clinic in Peru. The clinic, Blue Morpho,, was opened by an American from California who went to Peru in his early twenties to become a shaman. This is one of the best documentaries I've seen on the topic thus far.

Manifesting The Mind
Bouncing Bear Films is proud to announce our first documentary film. This film is the first in a series of three films discussing various aspects of shamanism. This first film, Manifesting the Mind, is a broad look at psychedelics in general. Why are psychedelics so brutally suppressed in our culture? What exactly are some of the psychedelic plants and chemicals and how can they benefit us? With philosophy and insight from Dennis McKenna, Daniel Pinchbeck, Alex Grey, and many others, this film is not to be missed by anyone interested in psychedelics and shamanism.

Shamanism - Other Worlds - Ayahuasca Documentary
Ayahuasca is used largely as a religious sacrament. Those whose usage of ayahuasca is performed in non-traditional contexts often align themselves with the philosophies and cosmologies associated with ayahuasca shamanism, as practiced among indigenous peoples like the Urarina of Peruvian Amazonia. The religion Santo Daime uses it.

While non-native users know of the spiritual applications of ayahuasca, a less well-known traditional usage focuses on the medicinal properties of ayahuasca. Its purgative properties are highly important (many refer to it as la purga, "the purge"). The intense vomiting and occasional diarrhea it induces can clear the body of worms and other tropical parasites, and harmala alkaloids themselves have been shown to be anthelmintic. Thus, this action is twofold; a direct action on the parasites by these harmala alkaloids (particularly harmine in ayahuasca) works to kill the parasites, and parasites are expelled through the increased intestinal motility that is caused by these alkaloids.

IBOGAINE - Rite of Passage
A Revealing documentary about the most promising treatment modality for drug dependance available. It is the only substance we know, which is capable of blocking acute withdrawal in opioid addicts as well as cocaine and alcohol. Although the FDA decided in 1993 that Ibogaine showed enough signs of being an effective tool in the treatment of addiction, money is the problem; this natural occuring molecule cannot be patented and is not a maintenance drug with addictive properties; reason for the pharmaceutical industry not to invest in its development... Educate yourself about this unique tool!

Tribe: African Vision Quest (Bruce Perry)
The Babongo of Gabon used to be known, derogatively, as pygmies. They're still treated as second-class citizens by their neighbours. But their expertise and knowledge of the forests is unique and their use of Iboga, a powerful hallucinogenic which lies at the heart of Babongo culture, makes them famous throughout Gabon.

Shamans Of The Amazon: A Timeless Journey
A personal account of filmmaker, Dean Jefferys, returning to the Amazon with his partner and one year old daughter.

They journey deep into the heart of the Ecuadorian rainforest to meet two Amazon shamans to learn about and experience the ancient hallucinogenic ayahuasca ritual.

The film brings to the viewer an intimate and fascinating look at the shamans of the Amazon, their culture and their rituals that are fast disappearing.

African Iboga: Ibogaine for Addicts Unmasked
Documentary on the healing properties of a African psychedelic..

Natural Healing - Ayahuasca Documentary
This exciting documentary deals with a natural medicine/drug called Ayahuasca .. which is a mix of leafs and roots - used by indigious people for natural healing, rebalancing all body/soul/systems and "Ego-issues" and known for a very long time. No factory, no lab...pure nature!

I nor own any rights to these films. They are not hosted on this website. And are linked to for educational purposes only, and in no way for any personal gain. All rights to these films belong to their copyright holders.
U.S CODE title 17, article 107 allows me to use this copyrighted material and is not an infringement of copyright.

Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright.

If the owners/creators of any of these films would like them taken down, please message me or any moderator of this site.

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