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Topics - mycotheologist

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Diet before and after / Eating beforehand
« on: August 12, 2012, 05:03:02 PM »
I'm thinking of doing kambo for my first time in the morning. Should I avoid eating breakfast and instead just drink a large amount of water?

Application / How to apply via the burning method
« on: August 12, 2012, 04:59:39 PM »
I heard in the Kambos Kiss radio interview that the way they do it in the jungle is they use a vine thats a lot like incense to make the burns. Would incense itself work or do you need something that burns hotter? How do you know if the burn is sufficient? In this video:
after the shaman burns his arm, he picks at the burns with his fingers. The English guy says "he opened a wound". Is the idea there to pick off some of the layers of skin?

Secondly, I'm wondering how to apply kambo sticks. In that video, it looks like they put the venom (its solid and white so I'm guessing its mixed with something) on the end of a knife and apply it so it sticks to the burns. For my first time, I will be using a kambo stick though. Do I need to wet the stick or the burn so that some of the kambo can dissolve? I have not yet seen one of these kambo sticks but I'm wondering how to gauge the amount one applies with one of these sticks.

I am a full on visual thinker and do not even have an internal dialogue, meaning I don't speak inside my head unless I'm rehearsing something I'm about to say. For example I rapidly sound out these words in my head right before I type them but when I'm just thinking and not communicating with anyone, I think in pictures supplemented by the other 5 senses (i.e. I use tactile sense to think about things like pressure or I'll use auditory sense to think about sounds). Right now I have atypical depression which manifests as drowsiness/lethargy as well as other things like physical and emotional numbness. How I'd naturally state my intention is to picture myself the way I want to be (having lots of energy and feeling good etc.). Is this a valid way to state my intention or do I have to word it out? The problem with wording it out is I need loads of words if I'm going to describe every part of my intention whereas with the mental image I can do it in a single thought that takes about a second to think.

Precautions / Getting home afterwards
« on: August 08, 2012, 06:41:48 PM »
For my first time, I'm planning on doing it in a secluded spot which is a 60 minute walk down a rocky beach. The reason this stretch of beach is so isolated is because every square inch of it is covered in rocks making it tricky to walk on. Will I have the energy to make it home after the experience? I can lay in the grass for an hour or so to regain my energy if I need to. I hear that one becomes very clear minded and energetic as a result of the experience but I don't know if this is directly after the experience or in the days that follow or what.

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