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Topics - Ajayana

Pages: 1
All right guys, here is a report for my first attempt at self administering Kambo.
Please stick along cause I have some questions!

So it's a big of an introduction as well I suppose :)
So I have contacted some sort of mistery illness 2 months ago or so, I spent quite some time and money on doctors and they are still unable to tell me what's up. This is not the end of the road - as I have some more checks coming up - but 1 month in I had the chance of doing a Kambo ceremony, held by a practicioner who took his job pretty seriously, connected it with the shamanistic traditions, etc.
The experience was very powerful, I remember the moment he applied the first bit of kambo on my arm, my blood started rushing in, my face started swelling up, my fingertips got electric, etc, all the good stuff. Then he went on and applied 5 more, and I had a really powerful cleanse. I had my intention on spot, the medicine was powerful and he was doing a great job singing an icaro and such.
I was charged up afterwards.. mentally I got lifted, and physically I had noticed an improvement in my symptoms.
The very experience was super phyisical, blood was washing through my entire body.. my lymph nodes the day after were slightly swollen, and I am convinced it was helping me in the process of healing.
So that was a month ago.. ever since I ordered some Kambo online, thinking it's still way more affordable, than paying for the "pros".
Now, got the stick from waking herbs, I fasted 18 hours or so, meditated, prepared myself..
...and made four dots with the vine thing that came with it. It wasn't as thick as the ones I have gotten. In the meantime I made my "globules".. or an attempt for making them you could say. Not having any experience I was keeping in mind it should have the consistency of "mustard", as I read in Peter Gorman's epic. I was kinda messing with them for a while, not knowing what is too little / too much. Then I got these goo-balls, and I think they were too dry.
Anyway, the moment I placed one on my sp6 -es (somewhere by your ankles) I could kinda feel something coming over me, "hurry, hurry!" I thought, but somehow these things (to stick to the truth I wont call them balls) were maybe a bit dry? And drifting all over the place. I used my own saliva due to to enzymes for mixing btw.
So there was a big messing around with this.. then I couldn't really feel it, I took them down, mixed in more saliva.. then I could feel my heat rising, fingers getting electric.. but this didn't last long either. Like those early 1910' aviation experiments, where they are keep trying to take off with those low tech aeroplanes, but were keep crashing somehow.
After waiting some minutes I have gotten a bit frustrated by this, burned three new marks on my chest and reshaped the kambo into actual balls. Then again.. my body started heating up.. getting a bit of a sensation, and then.. nothing again.

Actually I managed to purge (or puke at least) like 5-6 "units of vomit" sometime during when kambo was placed on my leg, but I do not feel it was much of an actual purge. I didn't feel my body working hard and collecting dead cells / toxins etc.
Way more like.. "ey, we got too much water in here... ok, out!".

So my question is... what is your take, what went wrong?
Clearly I am an utter rookie at this, so I screwed up much of it, but I kinda wonder.. regardless, shouldn't I have experienced more? May the kambo I bought just be weak? I was even spraying the globules to kick in. How fast do they "expire?"

I was lightyears away from the frog face I feel like, while during the actual ritual I could hardly speak.. the whole experience was like 5 minutes, while at the ritual at least 25.. I was puking, sweating, crying, and so on.

I will have another go tomorrow or the day after.. bigger holes.. better placement maybe, a bit less amateurism. Let's see.
If anyone interested I can attach a photo of my Kambo stick.
Feedback much appreciated!

General Discussion / Music during self administration
« on: August 28, 2017, 03:33:13 PM »
Hey people of the frog!
I have been wondering on your take about playing some music (mainly I've been thinking of ambient / shamanistic / atmospheric stuff) during a Kambo session.
My only experience of Kambo comes with a practicioner who paid attention to ceremonial details and sang and Icaro when I was on the verge of purging.
I am wondering - if I am on my own, could some music as supporting presence aid / enhance the trip?

Video / Kambo: Frog Doctor of the Amazon (Pyschedelic Awareness Salon)
« on: August 24, 2017, 08:37:24 AM »
A pretty interesting and throughout presentation by Edward Deull, an IAKP (International Association of Kambo Practicioners) member.. based on what I managed to put together about the medicine online, it's a great introduction for anyone who's interested.

Cannabis / Cannabis + Kambo?
« on: August 21, 2017, 11:08:41 AM »
Hey fellas,
does anyone have experience in combining THC with a Kambo cleansing?
I experience THC to put me in a rather meditative, "healing" if needed state of mind.
As Kambo works on multiple levels I assume it could be easily synergistic with THC as well. Has any of you tried it?

General Discussion / Question of safety // Blood-brain barrier
« on: August 21, 2017, 03:30:48 AM »
Hey guys,
I am pretty new to Kambo, I have taken part in one ceremony until now and I've become really interested in this medicine.

I've got a question in regards to its safety, especially when it comes to the blood-brain barrier. My medical / anatomical knowledge is pretty limited at this point, but a little bit of google search resulted in this one:
The blood-brain barrier is a complex that surrounds most of the blood vessels in the brain. It acts as a barrier between the bloodstream and the extracellular space of the brain, allowing only certain substances like water, oxygen, and small lipid-soluble substances to easily cross from the blood into the brain. This prevents toxins, pathogens, and other potentially dangerous substances from crossing from the circulatory system into the brain.

Kambo is considered to contain peptides which open up this barrier, see e.g. Giovanni Lattanzi's paper
Phyllomedusin strongly affects intestines, bowels and contributes to deep purging.  Phyllokinin  and phyllomedusin are  potent  vessel  dilators,  increasing  the  permeability  of  the  blood-brain  barrier.

So my question is.. could the use of Kambo adversely result in the transmission of pathogens into the brain, that otherwise wouldn't be able to get there?
Especially in a situation when someone is attempting to fight a systematic infection in the body.. is Kambo safe in this regard?
Thanks for the input guys!

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