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Messages - ethancollins1989

Pages: 1
Introductions / Re: Just another new member
« on: January 03, 2020, 02:36:59 AM »
I'm new here too!


EDIT: Nice to see new members, but is there a reason you're spamming the forum with casino game links with your first post?
You've been issued a warning through the forum, you will see.
I removed your links and PMed / DMed them to you so you don't lose anything that you might've considered important.
You can explain why..? Or your post and account is subject to ban.
This forum is important; And also moderated and filtered of bullshit when necessary.
I never mean to be excessively rude, but I have limited time to contribute here, I'd prefer to use it in a more meaningful way.

Pages: 1