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Messages - Lakshmi

Pages: 1
Introductions / Re: Hello! Herbalist from VT
« on: July 04, 2015, 08:28:56 PM »
Hi May,

I just wanted to say hi, your post resonated with me... I feel very close to the plant world, and the healing power of botanicals, and nature in general. I use a lot of flower essences, and find them very useful.
Anyway, I would suggest you try the Kambo first with someone that feels right, maybe before you try to get it yourself. It's nice to do it in a supported group of likeminded people. I live in California, and was shocked to find a Kambo practitioner practically in my back yard. : ) It kept coming up for me as well in very interesting, winding ways. As in one thing I read,
"Kambo finds you, you don't find it".. So true.
I find it very powerfully healing, and it works in many ways that are totally subtle and unexpected.

Introductions / Greetings from California
« on: July 04, 2015, 07:25:57 PM »
Hello Everyone,
I wanted to check in and say hello... I did my first Kambo cleanse in the beginning of
June 2015, and just did my second round 4 days ago. I will be doing two more cleanses this month, to get 3 rounds in, in a 28 day period... I'm not sure if you all follow that protocol or not, but that is the way the Shaman I see prescribes it. We also used Sananga and Rapé.
I have a pretty big history with meditation and healing, Ayurveda, Marma therapy, and different modalities from amazing healers...My child goes to a Steiner school, so we follow a lot of Rudolph Steiner's ideas and methodologies... It has been decades of research, and experiences that led me to Kambo, and I feel like I found the motherlode... It's the ultimate reset button.
I'm looking forward to my next 2 sessions this month, and I'm enjoying all the reading on here... Thank you!

Pages: 1