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Messages - avocado

Pages: 1
Who can and can't do Kambo? / Kambo and cancer (chemotherapy)
« on: February 04, 2016, 05:28:24 PM »
Hello Brothers and Sisters :)

A good friend had lymph gland cancer in May 2015 also with a big chemotherapy .. now she wants to do much healing with kambo and ayahuasca and she are very interested to Do kambo with me.  I am Not a Profi practioner. I have only do kambo other People maybe 5 times.  My question is, there are maybe some risks to give her the kambo medicine?  She would like to do 3 times in one month period first 5 dots then 7 then 9.

Thank you Very much

Precautions / Re: some questions for my first experience
« on: April 01, 2015, 10:20:06 AM »
Hey alternity

thank you for the answer :)

Ok I do in the next days my first experience with kambo, I never tried it and I never seen the aplication before. I will burn on my left shoulder first time maximum three dots. or is better more in the first experience? I do it in main because of panema and my imune system.
I read that I must drink 2 litres water direct before and after the experience, is that right?.
I would like to do it in the evening, alone.
I understand it so in other threads that I must do one drop water on the stick and than mix with the kambo an than roll small balls. how large must they do? I can not imagine how big?

is my nutrition important the day before and after? There are food I can not eat?

to what I have to think also ?

I am really excited and I have a little fear. I never had fear before aya, but before kambo I have.

thank you very much

much love
avocado :)

Precautions / some questions for my first experience
« on: March 28, 2015, 03:17:05 PM »
Hey Kambo friends,

After 4 years working with the teacherplant ayahuasca I heard really good things from the medicine kambo.
So many people speak in this time from kambo and I am really interested to try it. unfortanaly at this moment I dont have the possibilities to go to a ceremony with a shaman or leader. so I bought a big stick from maya last week. Now I try to find enough infos for the ritual that I need, but I cant read good english. So I asked in an extra topic my questions.  :)

1.) I read that kambo can do very danger when the aplication is not right, but why is kambo danger? can kambo dead people, and when yes, with how much dosis?

2.) What do you think is enough points in the first experience? I have a ceremonyroom and want to do it for a sacred sacrament.

3.) I have seen movies from kambo aplication and the persons have do the kambopoints next to the burningpoints, is that right must I do it also ? and why?

4.) Can my girlfriend do kambo when she is in breastfeeding time? my son is 6 month old.

5.) I have an other question for the frogvenum hervesting, why the frog must pinioned on the arms and legs by the harvesting? is that ok for the frog? He donĀ“t must suffer? that shows a littlebit crazy.

6.) maybe anybody knows a real introduction or a thread for a kambo aplication?

thank you very very much for answer my first questions :)

the avocado

Pages: 1