
Kambo Synergies => Kambo & Other Sacraments => Topic started by: jimson on August 21, 2017, 08:11:18 AM

Post by: jimson on August 21, 2017, 08:11:18 AM
Quality of iboga rootbarks have been discovered in Gabon , from old shrubs .
This sacramental wood is so effective and I  as a  Bwiti  priest      for   15years .
I have seen and experience the wonderful and luminous deeds of this holy sacramental wood.
So I supply in Kilograms with bonuses for those who can purchase as from 5 to 10 kilograms(Kg).
NOTE: My prices are so good I am here for you, for more information please contact me via my e-mail address:jamescurative@gmail.com
This wood is been harvested and prepared in the best and clean environmental conditions and made ready for shipment. For every detail for individuals who are interested please reach out to me via the above e-mail address thanks.
Stay safe as you journey with this Sacramental wood of the gods.



We don't allow free advertising on this forum with no do way of knowing vendor legitimacy.
We do not okay with the idea of putting our users at risk to me scammed.

Things we look for: a legit and decent website, possible user reviews, or a free sample sent to a trusted user in a country where laws permit.
I will leave this thread up long enough for you to see the response.

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preferably with the caveat that you may be willing to send a free sample.

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