Kambo Experience > Kambo as a Divine Catalyst for Opening up Doors of Opportunity

Future of Kambo (thoughts and questions)

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Kambogahuasca Panacea:
I feel like we are on the cusp of something that could ultimately prove very beneficial for a much larger population.  Of course this increase in interest has it's positives and negatives.  With the solstice arrived I felt it an apt time to present some interests I have with working with Kambo.  Ultimately I can see it becoming a "legitimate" medicinal practice akin to Reiki, Massage, Acupuncture and other similar healing modalities.  What I am trying to get at is I see a coming (maybe soon) where the practice of Kambo can be more formalized into a certification process.  While this might sound controversial I would at least like to state the cause for this and then express an interest in the pro's and con's from others.

I can see if there could be a more public consensus type of certification for a Kambo healing practitioner there could be much greater accountability as well as connecting those that need healing.  This could also get word out about the infinite capacities of this medicine and finally get it recognized by alternative medicine.  I could see that practitioners could form cooperatives and alliances that would give back to native tribes as well as making sure that conservation is mantained for the Phyllomedusa Bicolor. 

In my personal opinion there is no greater healing technique than Kambo and to have it in the shades, as it currently stands, is doing no justice.  While Giovanni Lattanzi (with the highest regards and respect) is able to make a profitable income with his Kambo healing, other practitioners (myself included) are not recognized by and large and therefore not given the proper energy exchange value that other healers are given.  For instance I currently charge $30 a session for Kambo and many times this produces great results, but I often have folks that seem reluctant to even pay that fee.  When I told Giovanni what I charge he told me it was way too cheap.  It's hard to explain that folks don't recognize the value of this healing technique.  So that would be another reason.

While I can see many arguments to this.  At least for now the seed is growing in me to see Kambo healing be a certified and verifiable practice rather than an avant garde fringe mystery. 

Other's thoughts?  I would appreciate any input.  I put it in this catagory as I will be pouring my intentions into this, to see to it that this dream is realized in it's fruition materialized. 

Yeah, I understand what you mean. I can't imagine even being able to get $30 out of most of the people I know for it. The idea of even charging for the things I hold most sacred to my heart is an inner-conflict. How do you find customers? I know a few friends that would be willing to experience it but none that would be too happy about me asking for a decent amount of money. I also can't help but feel that if this gets to publicized the powers that be will eventually begin attacks on it. But maybe it's been long enough. maybe the right time is now. maybe it can help support our species and it's evolution in the coming times. There's also only so many things people are going to be allowed to be taken away in the name of protection and freedom. So I think it's a worthy risk to stand for what you believe in.

Kambogahuasca Panacea:

--- Quote ---How do you find customers?
--- End quote ---

I started by doing it for free, when results went really well for people then I saw a need to charge a fee as it is in my opinion taxing in both energy and time.  When I do it for free (for instance some poor folks don't have $ at that time) I feel slightly taken advantage of, to be fully and completely honest.  People take this sacred practice (IMO) for granted if it is free.  This is my experience at least.  Charging a fee makes them realize that it is something worthwhile (IMO/IME).

We live in a very entitled society.  I don't like that one bit and I also don't like energy sucking vampires that don't give back anything.  Causes me resentments which is not a place I want to go to. 

interesting topic kp - you raise a lot of valid points/questions.

I really like the idea of some sort of kambo certification. This would have many benefits for both the practitioner and their clients. I think it would make it easier for the practitioner to request an adequate fee and would reassure the client that they aren't being had by some sort of imposter. You just have to see what goes on with Ayahuasca to see how its important to have some sort of standard - there are so many fake shamans out there.

Even Giovanni has run into problems because kambo is so unknown and people get angry if their addiction or whatever they want fixed persists.

The bigger question is how do we protect the magical frog from extinction - as kambo use increases, more pressure is being put on the frog and the enviroment it lives in.

I think you need to double your fee. If you don't charge enough, people will feel like you're not qualified and that the medicine they are receiving isn't of value - its strange psychology but if you get something for cheap, then you feel like it isn't worth much and if they have to pay a good amount, they are more likely to have more respect for the medicine they are receiving. There will always be troublemakers but the vast majority of people will honor this.

Kambogahuasca Panacea:
More soul stice revelations on the topic and thanks for the helpful and thoughtful replies,
As of right now (actually yesterday afternoon) it occurred to me that a good way to make this happen is to get my Acupuncture License.  Of course this would take a lot of time and money but I can see some amazing benefits when combining this with my dream job, Kambo healing.  Then once the Acupuncture License is in tact I could begin combining this much more potent healing technique while having credentials in both ways.  This might make it possible to have a tangible development for creating a branch off of Acupuncture for Kambo healing.

Otherwise I might just not have the cred to make it happen.


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