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Messages - kambofriend

Pages: 1
Psi and KP,
the level of knowledge and clarity you both offer is amazing, thank you!

Based on your indications I did my first ever enema with salt and a little coffee 2 days ago. 
The process was straight forward ... and after doing 1.5 liters in 3 separate stages, i felt well, good empty feeling,
But nothing special.
I then went to the gym to do cardio ... after about 1 hour of sweating i was feeling fantastic!  literally i could feel all my chakras open wide, wide open and shinning. 

Enemas will become part of the weekly program :-)


Thank you Psy and KP,
Will try the Enema (my first ever) after the Kambo session
Just bought the Enema kit today ... have been reading about Enema's ... there's a whole mix of opinions on what's the best way to go:  some people that say plain water or water with salt is enough ... other's say coffee (with the coffee grinds) is the best way to go. 
Still not sure what way to go ??

Any thoughts on doing Kambo right after an Enema? 
Will it work well ... ?

Thanks guys

Kambo & Ayahuasca / Re: Mama Kambo Mama (The Mambo)
« on: March 17, 2013, 12:06:29 PM »
KP,   just read this report ... unbelievably HERIOC

You are a true pioneer!

Blessing to you brother

One last thing,  the initial fire feeling the opens in the body right after the application of the Kambo medicine ...
Wow, that is amazing!
I felt it heating up my throat, hands, stomach ... fantastic.

KP, wonderful thread! 
wanted to underline something you mentioned in earlier in the thread, our body has memory ... meaning that
the memory of a shock/trauma will get "anchored" to an entheogen.  So if the first dose is way to powerful for someone, as you well said KP, their body will remember and it may make it much more difficult to come back. 

If someone's motivation is initially very strong, then that may over-rule the lingering body memory.

Something to think about for people doing therapeutic work with the amazing Kambo.

Today I did a 7 dot Kambo session, and what a fantastic reset it is.
My aura, and chakras literally feel so clean!

Also, something I'd recommend, which i do at the end of my Kambo sessions is putting some heartful music and and letting my body spontanesouly move to the sounds.  I like some world music, or gentle brazilian.
I find a whole dimension of heart and joy to the Kambo opens with movement/music/celebration at the end.
I find myself spontaneously sharing all the blessings to all Beings.

Great weekend to all

Excellent ... thank you KP !!

General Discussion / Re: is kambo+caffeine dangerous?
« on: March 03, 2013, 04:49:08 AM »
Great thread!

Jox,  wondering if you notice any differences in your Kambo ceremonies when you have something in your stomach? ... say protein shake or something light earlier in the day

General Discussion / Re: Question about Energy High after Kambo
« on: March 03, 2013, 04:45:29 AM »
KP, as always, thank you ... that's starts to make a lot sense!!
Woke up this morning with an insanely sore throat, i think the bile or the stomach acid burnt something in my thoat :-) 
Really intense cleaning yesterday!

General Discussion / Question about Energy High after Kambo
« on: March 02, 2013, 05:05:30 PM »
Hello Friends,

Today I did a second Kambo ceremony today.
I had received 9 dots, and soon I started to feel a slight nausea.
Soon enough I vomitting hard.

Then amazingly i started to feel the medicine working in my guts, intestines ... i could literally feel
it cleansing and working deep in my guts.  Also lots of cold sweats.
After 1.5 hrs of deep wrenching energy work in the guts, cleansing deeply, it all came to a restful end.
I then had to take a nap.

Here's the question: 
The last time I did, I began to feel a rise in energy and TREMENDOUS clarity opened up.
I was truly happy, expansive, empowered.  I mean it was a such a powerful clarity.
Now I assumed that this would be the case after every Kambo session, however it didn't happen after today's ceremony. 
Would love to hear if you guys always feel this powerful clarity and high-energy after your Kambo ceremony's?
Or is it completely different

I thank you in advance for your thoughts and insights

One last thing, I did Kambo without any food?  I think this intensified the process

Hello Friends,

Today I did a second Kambo ceremony today.
I had received 9 dots, and soon I started to feel a slight nausea.
Soon enough I vomitting hard.

Then amazingly i started to feel the medicine working in my guts, intestines ... i could literally feel
it cleansing and working deep in my guts.  Also lots of cold sweats.
After 1.5 hrs of deep wrenching energy work in the guts, cleansing deeply, it all came to a restful end.
I then had to take a nap.

Here's the question: 
The last time I did, I began to feel a rise in energy and TREMENDOUS clarity opened up.
I was truly happy, expansive, empowered.  I mean it was a such a powerful clarity.
Now I assumed that this would be the case after every Kambo session, however it didn't happen after today's ceremony. 
Would love to hear if you guys always feel this powerful clarity and high-energy after your Kambo ceremony's?
Or is it completely different

I thank you in advance for your thoughts and insights

The Glow (After Effects and Affects) / Re: After effects
« on: February 27, 2013, 04:27:04 PM »

I can completely relate with your comments 100%!

I took my first Kambo medicine as I was getting a cold.  Had push myself really hard at work and my immune system went out of balance.

Here are the effects I noticed absolutely clearly:
- after about 20 minutes of cleansing (feeling the Kambo really working my guts and also my throat), the way of clear energy starts to build and build.  I am now out of the charge and I am feeling GOOD! 
Like all my system has been rebooted and my energy is absolutely clear, radiant, and expansive.
This expansion gives a tremendous feeling well-being, joy, self-confidence, and a deep renewed sense of basic Trust in my Beingness!

Very noticeable clarity of mind.

All the sluggishness of the cold is gone!
Runny nose, gone!
Soar through, gone!

24-30 hours later, working out at the gym ... cold is gone.

- 100% agree that I am able to wake up much earlier than before, and that is not something i can easily do.

- The day after I notice that my energy was focused (rather than scattered) and I was working through my projects at steady focused pace.  I think this is in part what is meant by the Panema being washed by the sacred Kambo!  I was on point, following what my goals were.
Panema is different for different people.
As I see it, it is the your particular energetic/mental/emotional habit patterns that are getting in the way of a focused and flowing Purpose oriented Life.  And by doing this we become a vibrational match to the people, situations, opportunities that will further our Life Purpose!  This is the true "Luck" as I see it.

- Also noticed a reset in my sexual energy

Hope this helps.
Thank you Psylocibe for the thread, and special thanks to KP for the inspirations.

p.s. Psylo, would love to know if you have done Kambo followed my the sacred Psylocibine mushrooms?
Would love to hear any experiences?

Blessing to all

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