Author Topic: Ojé Resin  (Read 22310 times)

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Offline lightswitchedon

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Ojé Resin
« on: August 21, 2014, 11:01:39 AM »
Does anybody have experience with this resin?  It has my interest after seeing it administered to some folks in an ayahuasca documentary that I watched.  One man in particular seemed annoyed and was pushing and feeling all around the gut as he purged deeply, indicating that there was likely direct action being taken on the parasites and/or impacted crud in there.  It is supposed to purge both ends.

Anyone know anything about it?  This could possibly be a powerful complementary to Kambo.

« Last Edit: August 25, 2014, 08:59:43 AM by lightswitchedon »

Offline lightswitchedon

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Re: Ojé Resin
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2014, 09:13:24 AM »
Some more info from:

Family: Moraceae

Latin name: Ficus insipida, F. glabrata, Ficus spp.

Vernacular name: Ojé

The white latex is taken to kill parasites, and its effectiveness is well documented by research. The latex was processed into powder in Iquitos and exported to many countries, especially for use by military forces. Many preparation methods exist. The latex is often fermented with sugar cane, orange juice or aguardiente, and then taken orally. If the latex is not fermented it will “burn” the insides of a person. The latex is toxic, and overdoses are dangerous. Despite its efficacy if correctly used, bad experiences make many people fear it and seek other methods to control parasites. Education programs have promoted ojé use in Peru. A common belief is that ojé trees attract mosquitos.


Also from:

Working with Parasite Medicine Oje ~ Nature of Parasites

December 10, 2013 | Joshua | Make A Comment | articles

Generally the first plant a person who comes to the jungle for cultural detox will work with is Oje.  Oje is a medicine that is used to treat parasites of all types, it is known to be one of the most effective treatments around the world and eliminates anything from intestinal parasites, to candida, even lymes disease spirochetes.
The Oje medicine itself is the sap of an oje tree, mixed with the base of something sweet.  Sometimes pure sugar, orange juice, soda, or honey to name a few.  While a person is working with Oje a person keeps a very specific diet, which includes avoiding spicy foods, citrus, oils, staying away from fire, and out of the sun and moon.  The Oje is very strong and a person often experiences heightened sensitivity and strong emotions.
This diet can be taken to another level where the individual will avoid all sweets, the only sweet being the medicine itself.  Parasites generally live on sugars – and with this diet it creates the necessity for the parasites to feed on the medicine itself, and then they are eliminated.
The Oje is eliminating parasites of all sorts.  Some people ask about energetic parasites, and yes it is working with this too.  Everything energetic has a physical manifestation of some sort.  As we work with the Oje many individuals experience strong emotions, as the medicine is cleaning out the little consciousnouses inside that are intent soley on survival and eating the sweetness – without regard for the whole organism – these same qualities begin to die within the individual.
The individual who may have been living for a long time identifying with these qualities – which were actually the parasitic qualities – may experience a complete personality shift, an increased sense of clarity and purpose, and generally much more inner peace and calm.
There are many different forms of working with Oje.  Anything from drinking half a teacup full and intense purging for half of the day – to our preferred method of dieting over the course of days taking only a spoon full with sweet base – keeping the very specific diet and receiving plenty of rest.


Nearly everybody has parasites of some sort.  A parasite is anything that is living within the physical organism that is feeding off of the well being of that whole system, not working with the system, and creating waste.  A parasite is like an uninvited house guest that is making a mess, making noise, eating all your food, stealing your money, breaking things, arguing all the time…
Most do not realize that much of the inner conflict they experience, the dis-ease, the dis-harmony, is directly stemming from imbalances & uninvited guests within the physical organism.  When we clean these things out, and assist the system to return to equilibrium we experience the sense of wholeness, peace and harmony that we often seek externally.  This external seeking can be seen as a quality of the parasitic consciousness.  In this way the Oje is also considered a Master Teacher as well as Doctor.
Working with this medicine an individual learns how to trust oneself more deeply, that there is nothing lacking or working against.  That the body’s health is working for the highest good, happiness, and wellness on all levels for the individual, as well as collective of humanity and our planet.  As the individual cleans out the inner conflicts, there is more and more peace, and what is revealed is the true nature of the individual – which just wants to be happy, and help others be happy.  When the individual is clean the desires for unhealthy foods, habits, thoughts, emotions and even speech disappear (this is a process of re-training the human instrument).   There is a natural physical pleasure, and intuitive understanding of what is good to eat in every situation, when, and how much.  We understand how to care for ourselves, how much rest we need, how much water to drink, we feel energy to use physically and want to move, we feel the natural impulse of life to grow, learn, and become something better and better.
Parasites are not just found in the intestines, but can be found in the blood. organs, the spine, bones, to name a few.  Most cases they will enter through the mouth – through what we eat.  If our immune system isnt strong, if we are eating foods which create an acidic environment, eating  in a way that causes fermentation (improper combinations), or eating too much food – these little guys will have the perfect environment to live.  Once the living conditions are established and they move in – its not always as simple to ask them to go.
Living foods, as fresh and unprocessed as possible, contain naturally occurring enzymes which help in the process of digestion.  They also help to perform other helpful functions within the human organism – such as rebuilding and more specific cleansing processes.  Fruits, vegetables, and many whole grains / legumes create an alkaline environment within the human organism.  In an alkaline environment these parasites cannot live.  The enzymes help to ensure that health is sparkling, digestion is fluid, and body is strong.  Like in a healthy garden, when the environment is healthy there is a vibrancy and diversity of life which naturally flourishes in beauty.  So too inside the body does healthy flora blossom, and an inner peace and harmony awakens – on the physical level – almost like a celestial world within.
On the other polarity is a body that is very acidic.  Acid has the quality of burning, heat, and pain.  In general acid forming foods are: most dairy, grains, alcohol, caffeine, drugs (pharmasueticals), flesh foods, , Generally most food-stuff that have been processed create an acidic environment – which is a perfect environment for these guests – but not your body’s wellbeing.  These foods have been heated and processed in ways that eliminate the naturally occurring enzymes, so your body must produce these itself, using resources and energy to do so.  They also are often laden with man made chemicals that were intended to preserve the food on the shelf, not for the health within the body.  The chemicals are unusable by the body and so must be eliminated, using more resources of the body.  Sometimes the chemicals are particularly harmful and must be handled with great care – the body encapsulating the chemicals in mucus, or pus, or another of the body’s natural defenses against intruders.  This inner landscape is more like a dry dessert with garbage scattered about.
A diet that lacks fresh fruits, veggies, and whole grains also lacks a vital source of nutrients and resources.  Instead the body must take from the tissues, bones, organs in order to perform the duty of digestion of all the food stuffs put in – and elimination of all the non food stuffs.  The body becomes weak, fatigued, imbalnced – natural processes are redirected to be taking from the whole – to ensure continuation of life – while the parasites are eating all that comes in.
A sick person may want to take medicine, but what good will it do if the parasites are eating all the real food, creating unusable waste which must be eliminated.  The environment is so polluted that its challenging to even imagine health.
This is what happens.
It is possible to return to vibrant health even from this state of dis-ease.  We start with the parasite medicine Oje in this process –  within the synergy of breathing, hydration, nutrition,  rest, movement, and ongoing process of detoxification as a way of life – and this is what we call Cultural Detox.
The individual, step by step, eliminates the noise, the distractions, the conflicts inside.  The body then can receive nutrition.  It will slowly eliminate what doesnt serve the whole and rebuild harmonious relationships of natural system processes within.  Gradually coming back into harmony and balance.
All of the plant medicines play key roles within this process.  And those who help facilitate this process understand the body and understand the process.
We consider the jungle to be the ideal environment to support this natural process.  You receive fresh air, clean water, fresh local organic whole food nutrition, all the rest imaginable, opportunity for yoga and walks, and supported by natural treatments – all guided by an experienced healer.

Here are 10 common candida symptoms (type of common parasite)
1.Skin and nail fungal infections (such as athlete’s foot or toenail fungus)
 2.*Feeling tired and worn down or suffering from chronic fatigue
 3.Digestive issues such as bloating, constipation, or diarrhea
 4.Autoimmune disease such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Ulcerative colitis, Lupus, Psoriasis, Scleroderma or Multiple sclerosis
 5.Difficulty concentrating, poor memory, lack of focus, ADD, ADHD and brain fog
 6.Skin issues such as eczema, psoriasis, hives, and rashes
 7.Irritability, mood swings, anxiety, or depression
 8.Vaginal infections , urinary tract infections, rectal itching or vaginal itching
 9.Severe seasonal allergies or itchy ears
 10.*Strong sugar and refined carbohydrate cravings

Offline lightswitchedon

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Re: Ojé Resin
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2014, 09:17:56 AM »
I am going to continue seeking out information about this medicine as well as a reliable source as I consider its use.  If I do decide to give it a go at some point, I'll be sure to document my experiences.

If anyone does happen to have any knowledge or experience pertaining to the use of ojé resin, please do share.

Offline caiano

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Re: Ojé Resin
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2014, 11:51:01 AM »
Thanks Light !
Keep us informed if you find more.
I too would like to meet this medicine.

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Re: Ojé Resin
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2014, 09:49:00 PM »
I had experience with the sap from Maya Ethnobotanicals, I used it in enemas during these series of Ayahuasca enema healings with dieta.  This was actually a miraculous time for me over 5 years ago where I had my life saved facing rather insurmountable ummm... challanges. 

I reported it on the Aya forum some time later and was surprised when people said what I had done was extremely dangerous...

If only they knew the other remedies I've stuck straight to the gut since then. 

My motto...
If it tastes too damn disgusting...
stick it direct to the gut brain. 

Thanks for reminding me as actually the warnings I got on the Aya forum made me reluctant to venture that route again but YES it is CRUCIAL! 

I can't remember how much I put in at one time but I likely combined it with Guayusa back then...

Ficus insipida, common names: Chilamate, Higueron[6], is a tropical tree in the Fig genus of the family Moraceae (Mulberry family), It ranges from Mexico to South America, and is commonly found in cloud forest above 1,550 meters. A tropical tree with big plank buttresses. The trunk is smooth and gray brown, and the buttresses have rounded tops that are characteristic. Leaves are bright, shiny green, with yellow veins. The tip of a branch has a long, yellow, pointed stipule, which falls as the branch grows past it; this leaves a circular scar on the branch at the base of each leaf. Broken leaves drip white latex rapidly. On the ground beneath large trees are typically bright yellow fallen leaves.[2]

Offline lightswitchedon

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Re: Ojé Resin
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2014, 12:52:18 PM »
"Thanks for reminding me as actually the warnings I got on the Aya forum made me reluctant to venture that route again but YES it is CRUCIAL!"
Absolutely!  I am also thinking it is 'crucial' and believe my recent intensive work with Kambo is pointing me toward oje.

So I noticed that maya's product is rather inexpensive and is said to be extract from the leaves of the tree.  I believe oje is generally the latex taken directly from the trunk of the tree and is usually milky white.  One vendor claims to have this milky white substance extracted from the tree trunk, but the cost is an outrageous 6x more than that of maya's.  What to do!?!

Offline demyanabakan

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Re: Ojé Resin
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2014, 11:29:31 AM »
Nothing against Maya, I love them. But can you please share the link for the 6x more expensive site.
Sometimes you get what you pay for, and for medicine like this it sounds like it is worth having someone else prepare it properly for you .

Offline lightswitchedon

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Re: Ojé Resin
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2014, 08:29:18 AM »
Nothing against Maya, I love them. But can you please share the link for the 6x more expensive site.
Sometimes you get what you pay for, and for medicine like this it sounds like it is worth having someone else prepare it properly for you .

Well I cannot confirm the authenticity of this seller since I haven't actually ordered anything from them.  I am just a little leery of this source because everything is $100 across the board, however they were prompt and corteous with email responses and seemed knowledgable enough.  I have not spoken with them over the phone, yet.

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Re: Ojé Resin
« Reply #8 on: October 16, 2014, 06:37:37 PM »
I ordered oje and paid extra for immediate delivery.  Im hoping to do a 7 day cleanse.  I talked to the folks at  From his personal experience, 7 days was good.  Anyone take the leap of faith yet.  Im hoping to receive next week and start in 2 weeks

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Re: Ojé Resin
« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2015, 03:21:11 PM »
Hey guys, how does one apply the ojé resin? I ordered a bottle of liquid extract from maya, but as to how much and with what to mix it, I have no idea. This doesn't seem like the remedy to just try along with. Sticking it straight into the gut might also be a bit to heroic for me...

From what I've gathered it's to be mixed with some kind of juice, like orange or lemon. But how much actually? Also for how long to apply, these kind of questions. Hope you have some answer.

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Re: Ojé Resin
« Reply #10 on: February 10, 2015, 08:08:51 AM »
Ficus insipida (Moraceae), ‘ojé’ or ‘renaco’, is used for its latex in
some parts of the n.w. Amazon. When consumed under diet, it is said to
be a very powerful plant-teacher. The latex is also a strong purgative; it is
usually taken for this purpose mixed with ‘aguardiente’ liquor [2tsp per
bottle], in a dose of 1tsp 3 times a day. It is also sometimes added to aya-
huasca [see Banisteriopsis], and contains biphenylhexahydroindolizines
and phenanthroxoindolizines. F. ruiziana [‘renaco’] is also sometimes
used in ayahuasca, and contains triterpenes and furocoumarins. The juice
of the shoots of Ficus spp. may be taken under a 6 month diet, to be able
to “travel under the water”, where shamanic knowledge is learned (Bear
& Vasquez 2000; Desmarchelier et al. 1996; Luna 1984; McKenna et al.
1995; Schultes & Raffauf 1990). A Ficus sp. known as ‘renaquilla’ is used
by the Shipibo, who ingest it under special diet conditions, so that the fe-
male spirit of the plant will teach them to heal in their dreams (Luna &
Amaringo 1991). F. anthelmintica fruit is taken in Brazil as an aphrodisiac
and memory stimulant, and F. atrox latex is used as an ingredient of one
‘curare’ arrow poison (Schultes & Raffauf 1990). The Nkopo of PNG use
F. gul [‘kildsek’] in their initiations, and they use another Ficus sp. [‘kwa-
nam’] in rituals to achieve harmony with natural forces (Schmid 1991). In
that continent, the use of Ficus spp. in rain magic and to combat sorcery is
widespread (Paijmans ed. 1976). The Mbowamb of Mt. Hagen eat leaves
of a Ficus sp. [‘mbon’] to protect against the ‘spell of death’ (Stopp 1963).
On Rossel Island, near PNG, F. subnervosa leaves are chewed as a betel
nut substitute [see Areca] (Thomas 2001a). In Africa, Zulu men drink a
decoction of F. soldanella bark as a ‘strengthening tonic’ (Watt & Breyer-
Brandwijk 1932). In some parts of Africa, unspecifi  ed parts of F. sur have
been used as a homicidal poison (De Smet 1998). The phenethylamine al-
kaloid synephrine has been obtained from the ‘banyan tree’, F. bengalen-
sis [0.0081% (w/w) from leaves] (Wheaton & Stewart 1970), which is
considered sacred in India and Sri Lanka (Schultes & Raffauf 1990).

Here's some additional info from Garden of Eden by S Voogelbreinder.

Initial experience using the latex suggest to be very cautious and adhere to diet strictly...

Offline Dudezy

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Re: Ojé Resin
« Reply #11 on: August 07, 2017, 04:53:58 AM »
Information can be brought to reality

Offline Samuellove

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Re: Ojé Resin
« Reply #12 on: June 05, 2018, 06:50:45 AM »
I think your information is very useful for me. 

Offline alchemizt

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Re: Ojé Resin
« Reply #13 on: June 16, 2018, 03:57:38 PM »
I can't find oje on Maya Ethnobotanicals, maybe they stopped stocking it? I've been looking all over for a European source for Oje but can't find one. I've only found 3 sites which stock the resin:




Does anyone know a European vendor which stocks Oje milk?

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Re: Oje Resin
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