Author Topic: Creating Globules  (Read 3783 times)

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Offline ladyofthepines

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Creating Globules
« on: December 29, 2017, 12:06:04 PM »
Hello Kambo family.  I cant express how grateful I am to have this resource as I am about to venture into my own shamanic practices with this medicine.  I have received kambo 2x from practiced shamans, and I have a stick with 60 "dots" on it coming in the mail directly from the Matise tribe.  I've scoured most of the posts to educate on the application process.  I would love some insight on how to make these globules accurately.  Ive gathered I need a small knife and water to thin the medicine, but that is the extent of my knowledge.  Do I assume the medicine is evenly spread on the bambo stick and divide the doses into thin strips with the grain?  I do need to get a vial of dragons blood and burn sticks to make holes.  Is there a difference what medium I use for these burn sticks, would regular incense work?  Any information would be honored.  Of all the traditional medicines out there, ayuhuasca, rape, and sanaga; kambo is my favorite.  Ive had a close connection to frogs my whole life and feel grateful this has become my path.