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Messages - Elijah Phoenix

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Diet before and after / Re: POST Kambo diet
« on: June 16, 2014, 04:54:01 AM »
I would like to say that my fasting and pre-diet for my first experience was good, in essence, I was considerate of this.  However, I did not plan well for post diet and ate some fatty foods not long after the experience.  This was a mistake, and caused me some discomfort.  Honestly, listening to my intuition and body, minimal amounts of natural simple carbs is all that had any appeal to me.  And the mere thought of a fatty type food was repulsive.  I have a high metabolism, and I enjoyed the temporary reprieve from eating so much.  I want to try juices and raw fruit/maybe food as a post diet, this seems intuitive to me.  I'll post about my post diet experience after my second Kambo application.

Sharing of the Healers / Advice Requested
« on: June 15, 2014, 03:47:11 PM »
Dear Kambo Community,

I sincerely enjoy the plethora of information present here.  Working with medicine is a life path for me.  One of my main philosophies is that every person should have the right to healthy food and medicine.  I am a member of the Oklevueha Native American Church and have some very specific plans for the future regarding this value system.  I have decided that I want to work with Kambo and I do want to share the medicine *safely and respectfully* with others who need it.  However, we all know there is an appropriate way to approach everything.  I am humbly asking this of you Kambo community:
Please share, what you feel comfortable with, what I should be doing, where I should be looking, who i should get in touch with, what I should be reading, in order to become a practitioner and respectful holder of this medicine.  I chose to work with this medicine first on myself, to learn as much as I can, and I continue to do so.  My family is eager to work with it too, and I am grateful to have gone first and for all the wisdom i have already gained.  But...  there is much to be learned and I am requesting some direction from those of you who could show me where I should perhaps be looking.  This community is a wonderful resource, in of itself.  I thank you in advance.  I also would like to mention that I am more than happy to start sacramental and medicinal plants from seed to ensure their future preservation.  I learn about more plants that are necessary and complimentary everyday.  Some of these plants take a long time to grow, but it is part of the path I've chosen, it is part of the faith and religion as well.  Thanks for any and all advice and direction.


Introductions / Re: My Relationship Starts Now
« on: June 11, 2014, 12:13:06 PM »
Absolutely, I will listen to what is said.  I do regret not purging by vomit.  I dreamt so much since then and see where I can have bliss and also where there are emotions that need to be purified.  Also my diet and habits and life cycle have been more in my focus since the Kambo application.

Application / Re: Concentrating kambo into a liquid
« on: June 10, 2014, 05:24:10 AM »
what do you think about the claiming of Peter Gorman on the preferable use of saliva ?
See here:

This was extremely informative.  My first experience was with both saliva and water.  I intend to work with saliva exclusively. I will use a chopstick for dot application, allowing for a good diameter dot, while also ensuring the top skin is removed after burning to allow better absorption.  Although I intended to purge the first time, I will ensure my future experiences do include a vomiting purge because I believe this is very beneficial, and will allow for a fuller expression of Kambo medicine.  All and all, I have much to learn still.  The path of good medicine has begun.

Introductions / My Relationship Starts Now
« on: June 10, 2014, 03:51:06 AM »
Hello to everyone here.  It is an honor to have found these forums and I look forward to contributing to this community by way of sharing knowledge, wisdom, and experience.  My name is Eli, I've been passionate about plants my entire life.  They have been the most common element in my dreams.  I've always been passionate about all of nature as a whole.  Medicine has been one of the great aspects of this passion and since the age of about 14, I've sought out to discover as many ethnomedicines as I could find.  Ethnobotany became a deep field of interest.  This led me to discover other medicines like Kambo.  In the case of Kambo medicine, I've know of it for years, but only recently reached a place where I've wanted to really immerse myself in this field of medicine.  So, about a month ago I procured the Kambo and prepared the date to receive this.  Today was my introduction.  My chosen family and I are very close, I've my brother whom is a shaman, and my sister who is a witch, and my girlfriend who is a wonderful sheperd to the earth's plants.  My partner does not necessarily identify to any specific religion, but resonates with plant teachers and nature.  I had my partner administer the medicine.  I know of no-one who has done this before, I am the first.  I prefer to not publicly share the knowledge of this medicine, with great respect, I want to protect it.

About my experience...
We used an incense stick and put in 5 dots, I did not feel much, so we used part of a popsicle stick and put larger burns on my upper right arm, next to the first five.  Eventually as the medicine was worked in, I felt a little disoriented.  I had a subtle conversation with this very large female frog who told me I should do three more dots, but I ignored the advice.  Because of my disorientation, I don't know how much medicine I received but I chose to stop at a certain point where I was feeling poison (my own) in my stomach and I felt the likelihood of vomiting, which I knew would eliminate the toxins.  I unfortunately could not vomit even upon trying a few times to induce.  I upset my stomach but I decided to not 'force' the medicine or my body, and let it run its course.  I layed down on the floor for a few minutes and was up shortly after.  I did have my partner work the medicine in with some water and this definitely activates it.  I had her do this a few times as I was also trying to coax the purge via vomit.  I did have 6 bowel movements; the first three were bulky stools, the last 3 were peeing from my butt.  And I'm glad that I detoxed via this route too, it was very cleansing.  I am overall glad I went through with this and I am proud of my courage to do so.  I know this is a great medicine with profound effects and potential for healing.  It is my life calling to work with medicine, and this is the beginning of my relationship with Kambo.

My preperation...
I fasted from food for over 12 hours... this includes no salt
I had water, coconut water, and a little bit of papaya/apple juice (purest I could buy) shortly before the application
I consume on a daily basis, kratom, coffee, tea and abstained from these during my fast.

In conclusion...
I will not know the totality of effects until the following days/weeks have passed and the medicine fully integrates.  The next session is scheduled for 3 weeks from now, I will make sure enough is administered to induce vomiting for a fuller detoxification.  In keeping with what I've studied, all consecutive doses will be done within one moon cycle so the medicine can work at an optimum.  Very important!!!! -I will not administer during the moon being void of course or full.  I would recommend this to everyone as a good guideline.  I only read of the contraindication for full moon, but understanding the void of course bit, this is also not the best time for this medicine as well.  Better off meditating during this period and choosing a different date.

This was the first experience, there is much to be learned regarding all aspects of this medicine.  I look forward to learning more and consequently helping others learn more as well.  Please feel free to comment or ask any question you might have.  If you have any advice for application, please let me know as well.  I will continue to conduct my own research and welcome the wisdom of others.


       Elijah Phoenix

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