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The Kambô, Iboga, Ayahuasca Spiritual Fast Track
« on: November 03, 2014, 12:01:49 PM »
Thank you for this amazing resource.

I had my Kambô initiation in March 2014, just a few days before I was initiated in an Iboga ceremony.
The Shaman was recently arrived from Brazil, and he placed 7 dots on the right side of my back, he played music and sang while I was getting more and more frog faced and finally had to lay down.
I felt the cleansing very deep in my system, and I felt my heart pounding like crazy, my body and throat was swollen and red, and I purged several times during about 1 hour, where everything twisted and turned inside me. I was swollen in the face several hours after.

A few days after I did an Iboga Ceremony with Sean and Paul from Worldbridgers. Everything was so beautiful and perfectly setup. However I didn't get any visions or feelings. I was purging 3 times during the night, for several minutes at the time. It also came out the other end and it felt like a very very deep cleansing of the whole system.

Since March I have mostly been living of raw fruits and vegetables, or the "diet" called 80/10/10 which is a low fat raw vegan lifestyle + I have been working with spiritual guides, tantra, meditation, breathing, yoga and a bunch of other spiritual matters.

In September I was invitied to an Ayahuasca Ceremony and gladly joined. I got everything I came for an even more, a really deep and profound experience and teachings about me, life and everything surrounding it - life changing.

On thursday last week I got the chance to do Kambô again, and I thought it might be time to clean out the system. The previous week I did a 5 day fast, only drinking purified water, and up until the Kambô I was only eating my regular fruit and vegetables.

After reading here about 2 and 3 Kambô sessions in one day, I was intrigued and wanted to try for myself to get absolutely cleaned out on all levels and planes.
The Shaman decided that we should go for 7 dots again, since it was quite some time since my last session. I got the first dots right next to my first 7, on the top right of my back. I sat back and waited for the medicine to work, and it did. Though it was way less powerfull this time, I felt the nausea and felt like I was just about to purge a few times, but I didn't. After 10 minutes of nausea and a slight swelling in the face, I stood up and started walking around the room (I read somewhere here that it is suggested) I felt it slightly coming back, and sat down for another 10 minutes.
About 20 minutes after the first dots was burned on my back, we decided to do another 8 dots on my right leg, and I purged white foamy bile with some green dots in it, almost immediately after. Right after that I was able to stand up and walk around without any effort, and I could feel the Kambô leaving my body already.
I got completely white in my face, with red bloody eyes, but I felt almost 100% back to normal within very short time.

I was considering doing a third time, however it just felt like I had nothing left to clean out, and I felt really good.
I grabbed a few mangoes and had some more water, and drove 2 hours in the car, feeling fresh, energetic and good about myself. I took a wet stinky dump when I arrived, and it felt very cleansing.

My question is, do I need more sessions to clean out? Or is the diet and lifestyle I am having simply enough to keep a pure spirit and body?

The Shaman might have another sessions next week, and I am considering giving it another go and hopefully get a stronger purging / cleaning going on.

I paid about 85 USD for the 2 applications, and would rather save the money if it is unnecessary, and do another Ayahuasca ceremony.

What are your thoughts?

Thanks :)

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Re: The Kambô, Iboga, Ayahuasca Spiritual Fast Track
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2014, 07:16:52 PM »
My question is, do I need more sessions to clean out? Or is the diet and lifestyle I am having simply enough to keep a pure spirit and body?

Only you can answer that question, the goal for me is not to 'clean out' but rather as a lifestyle choice to be a facilitator of healing or allowing my body as an apparatus for healing to flow through. 

On the contrary the diet that you mentioned I view as unhealthy long term and will inevitably lead to poor dental health as well as lack of minerals unless you are consuming your mineral supplementation as well as vitamins in a more absorbable manner than food.  I was a vegan for 13 years and a raw foodist for 5 and I must say that was the worst thing for my health.  I've had 2 years of eating a mostly primal oriented diet with many veggies and mineralization through herbs, the foremost of which is Coca.  If you want to talk about nutrition and health you need to focus on Coca leaves and the alkaline combinations that can literally heal any teeth problems as well as physical/mental/spiritual endurance. 

The Kambogahuasca fast track is nothing of that sort but rather a practice to re orient the soul to a path of rites of passages.  It has to do with getting back to simplicity through nature rather than the blaring distractions all around us.  It's not a fast track at all in my opinion and often leads to so much reflection that it will cause many pauses and meditations.  If the term fast track or short cut is used to describe a choice for these paths than I think a reflection on searching for healing inevitably leads to searching for healing and in end result your always searching.  Once you've found your path then it's all underway to be content. 

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Re: The Kambô, Iboga, Ayahuasca Spiritual Fast Track
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2014, 03:52:00 AM »
I'm all about raw and vegan foods. but if you choose to be vegan there's no reason to focus specifically on low fat. plant fats are all healthy. they're very good for you. And i believe if someone is going to eat meat they should in some way earn it (like hunting for it yourself and facing and being a part of that process) or earn it through physical exercise. And give thanks for it. I also eat meat in moderation and look for sources that are wild (fish) or free-range organic. Cholesterol is a pre-cursor to many anti-estrogens and androgenic hormones in the body. I enjoy dairy when it is cruelty free as in free range goat milk or organic free range eggs. Factory Farming is sickness & pain. If your spiritual choice is to eat vegan, have some avocado and coconut and/or coconut oil for fats. Hemp oils high in omegas and has the perfect ratio of 3 & 6. fats are good for lubricating the joints and brain health.

Plant diets are very healing, nutritive, and cleansing. They raise our intellect. Plants are intelligent and they transfer that to us. you are what you eat. To see the intelligence in plants and nature is very important. And to connect with it. Different plants and their compounds are designed for us as medicines. Everything has a purpose. Everything has to die. The most important thing is that we don't become a part of the problem and contribute to species slavery, through factory farming. We ourselves are experiencing what it is like to be slaves, to government, negative entities, sickness, addictions, corporations. Every animal seeks freedom.

Plants have been shown to communicate. Plants hooked up to lie detector tests (polygraphs) have been shown to register fear when someone would come in the room with scissors with the intent to harm them. the polgraphs would go crazy. Plants when eaten by bugs, give off pheromones to attract predators, to signal them that there's food for them to come and eat. they signal predators to come and eat what is eating them. So plants are intelligent creatures. Tho I am not sure whether they experience pain like us but I believe it is important to use them properly, to not destroy them for no reason. I believe they want to be used as medicines and in magick rituals. That gives them purpose. Plants live a very low karmic existence if they have to deal with karma at all. They are givers.

At the same time wild and free range meat is good for us. They live out life in and connected to nature, which is why we all are here. At the same time there are buddhist monks who can and have gone months living off the energy of the sun. look up the documentary buddha boy. I believe dairy farms should take care of their animals as pets. I believe animals raised for food should be taken care of and given a natural life. I believe we should eat high % raw plants foods, and get lots of sunlight. vitamin D is actually a hormone and not a vitamin, and raises hormone levels like testosterone. But animal meat is more yang (warming) than most plants, and benefits those more that have to deal with long winters. They're slower digesting and satiate people for longer periods of time when the harshness of winter has made plant foods desolate. I believe animal sacrifices for meat should be older animals and thanks should be given to nature and they should not be used in wasteful manners such as trophy hunting to make plaques on the wall. As much as possible of them should be used.

People need to reconnect with nature and tribalistic culture. hunting can help with that. If people ate bugs world hunger would be eliminated. And gardening of course. Be sure to give intention to helping to create and helping to allow life to reproduce, more than what we take and consume. It's time people start giving back to nature, plants, and animals.

We must also fight back against GMOs. because corporations like Monsanto do not have our best intentions at heart.
We have been like a virus on the earth but through genetic modification science has shown us that viruses can be changed to be used as anti-cancer medicines, for example; scientists have experimentally genetically modified a strain of HIV and claim it can attack cancer cells. So viruses could potentially be transformed into a positive. We too must seek our transformation and become butterflies.

At least that's my perspective.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2015, 12:38:30 AM by λlτεrηιτγ »

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Re: The Kambô, Iboga, Ayahuasca Spiritual Fast Track
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2015, 12:25:46 AM »
Vegan diets are more useful for cleansing. I also believe that experimenting with diet also helps you learn the energies of different foods and how they effect you; And that it's useful to change up diet as a progression in honing and refining it. Raw vegan diets are much more Yin and can cause Yang deficiency, while eating lots of cooked meat causes excess yang. So it is important to have knowledge of balancing yin and yang.

The flaws and deficiencies of a vegan diet come more from our inability to monotonously eat large amounts of fruits, vegetables and nuts. If a vegan did not eat any junk food like potato chips n shit that some do, if they didn't eat processed foods, and ate large plates of fresh raw fruits, vegetables and nuts, and cooking them when beneficial as Chinese and ayurvedic medicine has knowledge of.. If we could graze on green leaves as cows do grass, keeping ourselves satiated, getting lots of sunlight, I believe the vegan diet would be extremely healthy. but no one eats like that, it's very difficult. Our tastes have been conditioned. And it's much harder still, if you live in a climate that experiences cold winters. It then becomes more difficult to satiate hunger and have warmth.

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Re: The Kambô, Iboga, Ayahuasca Spiritual Fast Track
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2015, 02:19:00 AM »
How diplomatic can I be on an issue so close to my life lived experience?  The obvious answer is I will bluntly refuse diplomacy in favor of what I know from experience.  My true feelings are that the vegan diet and promotion thereof is a propoganda mechanism to deplete humanity of our essential needs for sustenance.  Ultimately i feel people like you are spreading misinformation clothed in a false altruistic ethos of blind optimism.

Poplulation control even dressed in a hippy long stocking peddling dogmatic opinions learned through a clever brainwashing campaign to detest the ingestion of animals.

I was a vegan for 13 years and a raw food it's for 2 years and for much of that time I was abiding by the raw foodist superfood lifestyle.  The result of this was my teeth losing mineralization and intense pain.  So I take this issue personal and give my word that I was extremely particular in the quality of vegan food that I ate and I still failed.  So did friends of mine on this die it but worst of all were the teeth problems that there children had.

I'd be happy to start another thread on this so you can wake up from the nightmare of your fallacious argument.  Frankly I don't have time to dig up the overwhelming evidence that the vegan diet is a death trap towards infertility.  I will warn you that I don't have much tolerance for this bullshit or the spread of silliness here. 

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Re: The Kambô, Iboga, Ayahuasca Spiritual Fast Track
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2015, 05:44:27 AM »
Was I being "dogmatic"? I stated that it was just my perspective. I stated that I myself eat meat and stated that I believed the diet had potential but that I'd never met anyone who does it as I would see fit. You do realize that your experience doesn't void or deny others experiences? And that lifestyle and every food, herb, supplement, vitamin, mineral, the amounts, body type etc. can be vastly different then another person also using the same diet? What didn't work for you could not possibly work for some one else? There's no one who can or has had success and health on a vegan diet for more than 13 years?

Friends of mine have not experienced any problems with teeth. I have one who is getting a book on veganism published. I've heard of a fruitarian regrowing 5 sets of teeth. A gorilla and rhino's teeth and horn are made of minerals as are ours, and they are herbivores.

I had hoped that my frequent posting would help to revive this forum and not piss anyone off. Anyone who works in the field of healing is going to have advice on diet.  I stated that this was just my opinion and mostly advised him to change from a low-fat vegan diet. My intention is not to deceive or mislead anyone, just openly communicating thoughts and perspective on an open-forum. I didn't know that I had to abide by refraining from speaking of any diet other than yours. I was going to write in the beginning of my message that I was not trying to go against what you were saying or your experience. Last time I mentioned smoothies and shit you blew up on me unexpectedly that you knew how to take care of your own diet. I apologized and deleted my comments. Now though I'll just state that being "diplomatic" was something that, yeah, maybe you should have taken a bit more into consideration rather than being so insulting. This is your forum so I'll bite my tongue.

This is a place for healing and I'm putting in time and energy here, only trying to be helpful. Not trying to preach sermon from the mountaintop.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2015, 06:28:05 AM by λlτεrηιτγ »

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Re: The Kambô, Iboga, Ayahuasca Spiritual Fast Track
« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2015, 08:19:54 AM »
Right on brother, I'm a blatant dickhead harsh and rude I think we can all admit that and I make no qualms about that.  But I always try to be brutally honest to the best of my abilities. 

Other entheogenic forums seem to romanticize veganism/vegetarianism/raw foodism/breatharianism and other isms.  Because of my life lived anectodatal evidence I take a no tolerance approach with that fantastical propoganda here.  Were already ingesting the frog here so it's a no brainier that the Kambo forum is anti-vegan.  And yes I will function like a dictator if posts are made to extol the lies disguised as virtues in tes of the vegan lifestyle.  If we are here for health than vegans have no place here because they are setting themselves up for dimenarilzation.

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Re: The Kambô, Iboga, Ayahuasca Spiritual Fast Track
« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2015, 05:31:24 PM »
All good. If you feel that strongly about it, after that many years experience, you'd feel hard pressed to say something. No question.
I wanted to message you personally in response but felt a bit harshed n wanted to stand up for myself where it stood.
It's hard to read the true demeanor of someone over the internet and it perturbed and stressed me a bit that I could have made you really mad.
I don't really believe in censorship, but this is a Kambo forum, and I post about a lot of other things. I specialize most with plant medicines.
Feel free to let me know if you ever feel that these other non-kambo focused posts may be too much.
Also, you can feel free to delete my posts if you feel they're doing any disservice, just pm me why and send me a copy of them via pm if you would so they aren't lost, in case there was something about them I didn't want to lose. I post with enough frequency that I don't need to post about everything. lol

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Re: The Kambô, Iboga, Ayahuasca Spiritual Fast Track
« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2015, 10:40:50 AM »
After some sincere reflection and space away from forums I have to apologize for my conduct.  No censorship.  Sorry again for the threat or insinuation there of.

At the same time this forum and others like it walk the tight rope between practical and genuine application and trendy fascinations of what is hip.

I will always be attempting to weed out the wheat from the chaff as I certainly don't think anyone benefits from the exploitation of the sacred.  The vegan lifestyle and even more so the raw food lifestyle and propoganda by the authorities in those fields is a fine example of this.  The thread title in this one is even a better example and we or I need to press upon people that there is no fast track w/o practical hands on application.  If you can be in samadhi when're you decide but can't pay your bills you've done nothing of value in my opinion.  We've been brought up in this entheoculture to look up to Sadhus and Ayahuasqueros but have often forgotten to be practical in order to succeed with lasting happiness. 

It's a whole mind warp in my opinion and the Huxleys and McKenneas that popularized a lot of this psychedelic craze and to detest meat eaters were operatives for the beast.  Jan Ervin of Gnostic media though he's an a-hole continually exposes the psychedelic agenda and to me it puts a lot of the pieces together.  We all chose our programming and it's always good to check there origins.  I use to listen to this podcast by a guy named Alan Watts (not the zen guy) where he was continually exposing the melding of the vegan and psychedelic culture to make children detest there parents and break apart families.  It all makes sense to me as this is what I did unconsciously in my younger years. 

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Re: The Kambô, Iboga, Ayahuasca Spiritual Fast Track
« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2015, 02:35:20 PM »
I hear you dude. I rather you post how you feel then to not comment at all. I look forward to everyones posts. Together we'll help spread truth and make healing more to the point. The deepest truths will shine the brightest.

If you can be in samadhi when're you decide but can't pay your bills you've done nothing of value in my opinion.
Totally agree with you, tho I feel sometimes it may be necessary or beneficial in ones life to let go and live free of societal constructs and programming for a period. I took a few years after high school where I kind of did nothing career-wise, for better or for worse, but I feel like I really learned who I was and how to live, in certain respects, during that time. I had always wanted to spend some time in a buddhist monestary, tho never did, but feel more on a track now than then. The silence of meditation tho, and not constantly trying to transmute all thoughts and feelings into words, can be a beautiful space for a sort of resetting/cleansing.

I used to listen to the gnostic media podcasts as well, but got bored of them. He thought Mckenna worked for the CIA because of something Mckenna said. It was the dumbest implication. God I love Mckenna tho.

Are you talking about Alan Watt? Alan Watts is the zen guy and there's another really intelligent guy by the name of Alan Watt.
A great little clip from him here,

BTW on an unrelated topic, check your PMs!
« Last Edit: February 02, 2015, 07:53:23 AM by λlτεrηιτγ »