Author Topic: Just saying hi & looking for some safety info about high blood presser & kambo  (Read 13501 times)

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Offline Pete1979

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Hi everybody,
My name is Pete and i am a 36 year old recovering drug addict, i been clean and sober for almost 4 years now. I recently started working with iboga. When i first got sober i was put on antidepressants (cymbalta) which for the first year it really helped with my anxiety and depression and i also suffer from chronic back pain and cymbalta is marked as an anti depressant and it is also used to treat chronic pain so it made sense to try. After the first year i felt like i didnt need it anymore for the depression / anxiety but it was helping a lot for the chronic pain so i continued to take it and around 1 1/2 years into taking it i noticed that i felt numb, not physically numb but more so emotionally numb, i felt like a zombie, i was perfectly ok with just sitting on my couch not doing anything, but the problem was i really wasnt ok just sitting around and about 2 years into this i fell back into a severe depression and my anxiety was worse then it ever was. i felt like i was wasting my life, but i wasnt able to do anything about it. after suffering like this for another year, i finally decided i had enough and something told me to try iboga. this was a very difficult decision for me to make, because i am in recovery from drug addiction and i still go to regular AA & NA meetings and i love AA and NA they saved my life and the philosophy in the rooms is " A drug, is a drug, is a drug" meaning any mind altering chemicals i put into my body would only lead me down the same path of destruction i was on, i lost 10-15 years of my life because i couldnt stop using drugs and i dont ever want to end up like that again, My life is good today, i run my own home based business, i have a nice condo by the beach, but most importantly im happy and i dont ever want to do anything that could jeopardize that!

Back in my early years i experimented A LOT with different psychedelics like lsd, 5-meo-dmt, 4-aco-dmt, mushrooms, you name it and i saw there potential. my problem back then was i couldnt tell the difference between a drug and a medicine and i abused everything, but im sober now, i work a good program and most importantly in my heart of hearts i knew iboga was a medicine and i knew i was only taking it to try to heal myself from this damage these psych drugs did to me. i contacted a well known vendor and at first i was going to do a flood but something told me to try micro dosing first, so thats what i did. i bought a bunch of the powdered root back capsules and i started with taking 2x 300mgs around breakfast, lunch and dinner i did this for the first 2 days and i sweated my balls off, i was sitting in the A/C just sweating for 2 days. on day 3 i took 3x 300mg after a light breakfast lunch and dinner, by day 4 i really didnt notice any effects other then the first 2 days of sweating and music sounded better, but there was time distortion everything seemed to slow down which was great for me because i run my own business and im always in a hurry. this showed me by slowing down and taking my time i would actually get more stuff done.

On day 4 and i was on my way to an AA meeting and i would always experience a lot of anxiety in meetings. this time it was different, i started to feel the anxiety and at that point in time, i detached from the anxiety. i was still able to feel it but it wasnt in me anymore, it was out side of me and i heard a voice say " This is why you are feeling this way". it was right there in front of me and i was able to see it for what it really was.  then it just went away and hasnt come back since that was 4 months ago. the whole time this was happening, i was still totally aware of everything that was going on around me, it was just like for 1 second time slowed down doctor iboga can in fixed what needed fixing and then i went about my day. it was amazing and so much more was said in that time, but i cant for the life of me remember what it was. all i can remember is the profound sense of amazement i felt at the very end of it. the next day the center of my forehead felt weird. i felt pressure in my 3rd eye and saw and felt and saw the calcification break away. in the very moment i saw myself plug into the cosmic energy grid. i saw and felt this enegry serge up through my chakras and shoot out the top of my head, then my energy field started to spiral around me, opening me up and kind of knock off this stuff i been carrying around with me, as i saw all this happening i heard a voice say "sometimes we pick up things that are not our own and if we dont rid ourselves of them they will bog us down, this is how we rid ourselves of that energy". now keep in my i was in no way shape or form experience any "psychedelic" effects. these were true visions and they seemed to take place in the moments between time, outside of this realm. it was like doc iboga was saying, "look here, see" it was one of the most profound experiences of my life and there were no "psychedelic" effects at this level when these visions were happening. i was sitting in my office at home talking to one of my helpers, just going about my day, i went outside after this and everything was glowing. i saw very mild trails coming off lights, i saw that as a sign that i was cleansed.

the next day i woke up refreshed with no withdrawls at all from the antidepressants, my depression and anxiety has been gone since, after this experience i started learning everything i can about iboga, the bwiti and other sacred medicines. my search first lead me to ayahuasca, then to kambo, i still have a lot of negative energy and patterns i picked up from years of drug use. im sure these medicines can help me, i recently signed up for a weekend retreat here in the states for kambo and aya ceremony. i wanted to go to peru but with my busy work schedule and the fact that i dont have a passport yet so i guess i will have to wait for that. before i try to apply the kambo myself i thought it best to go to someone who can show me how to do it properly. i want to try kambo because i am tired all the time. i just have no energy at all and it sucks. i tried coffee, energy pill and drinks, all kinds of vitamines and nothing helps. my mom is the same way and says she has been like that since she was about my age. i also have chronic back pain and i have read that kambo can be helpful for that too, because i cant and wont take any kind of opiate and non narcotic pain meds really dont help much. i am hoping that working with these medicines can help me with that. The only thing that concerns me is that i do have high blood pressure. its very mild and my heart is fine.

i guess it just runs in the family because my sisters, mother and father all have high blood pressure. i think alot of it has to do with me being so depressed and unactive for 2-3 years and i just have poor circulation. i have been exercising a lot and im not on any other kinds of meds, does anybody have any advice or personal experience having HBP and using Kambo? should i stop taking my meds 72 hours before? from what i read kambo causes your heart to race and blood to flow quickly and it also lowers BP? which i dont understand because one would think the heart racing would cause the blood to flow faster which would make the BP go higher? i dont know, kambo is very new to me and i dont want to die  :( thants for taking the time to read this and thanks for all the great info here.. Love & Light Pete 8)

EDITED: Added line breaks to help readability.
EDITED: Combined posts.

Im looking into my first Kambo experience and i want to be safe, im a 36 year old over all healthy male, except i have mildly high blood pressure and what i mean by that is im on the lowest possible dose of one of the weakest bp meds on the market, my heart is heathy. HBP just seems to run in my family,  so my question is 1. is it safe for me to do? 2 should i continue to take my bp meds or should i not take them the day of, 2 days before or 72 hours. from what i read kambo lowers bp and i dont want my bp getting too low. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2016, 10:21:30 PM by λlτεrηιτγ »

Offline ―λlτεrηιτγ-

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Hello Pete1979; And welcome to our community.  ;D

one of the most profound experiences of my life and there were no "psychedelic" effects at this level when these visions were happening.

I would consider that a sort of of psychedelic effect or at least a stimulation of thought. But entheogenic medicines can have the effect of sort of beaming beneficial thoughts, ideas, and perspectives into your head which seem to come from outside of yourself.

I definitely recommend keeping up with the exercise for helping to regain energy, energy within muscles, and improving cardiovascularity / blood-flow and vein tissue integrity.

Look into NMDA antagonists.
Ibogaine, Noribogaine, harmine, harmaline, magnesium, zinc, german chamomile, methoxetamine, eticyclidone, deschloroketamine, dextromethorphan, memantine, etc.  all have NMDA receptor-site affinity.

NMDA antagonists can cause euphoria like opiates but NMDA antagonists inhibit withdrawals of other drugs, help reset the brain by lowering tolerances to all other drugs, resensitizing the brain to serotonin and dopamine.

If you are still looking to come off any drugs, prescription or otherwise, these chemicals (Ones which are legal in your country of course!  ;D) can be beneficial.
As always, be careful with any possibility of adverse interactions if taking multiple drugs. Harmalas like harmine/harmaline which are NMDA antagonists, are also RIMAS (reversible mono-amine oxidase inhibitors) and caution must be taken with what you take, while on them.
They can also effect coordination and motor skills and one should not drive or operate heavy machinery on strong doses of them.

If you are looking for an alternative antidepressant, you may possibly want to check out memantine. It is a long lasting NMDA antagonist which at regular doses in not too strong in psychoactive effects. People report it helping them with ADHD, some have reported it causing their allergies to go away after a single or few doses, I have read one report of someone stating that their tinnitus was completely cured after a use of it, and others report that it has lowered their tolerances to other psycho-active chemicals. Which is also something to take into account if using other drugs, they may become more potent especially if synergizing or potentiating, in combination, and caution might be merited.

I am not completely sure how to answer your question in regards to blood pressure. I myself don't have experience with this.
What are your blood pressure readings; Just how bad is it? What are you prescribed for it?
That would help us to answer you, and I will let someone else chime in about that question specifically.

Best regards.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2016, 10:24:27 PM by λlτεrηιτγ »

Offline Pete1979

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Hi Alternity,
Thanks for replying. Fortunately I am off all drugs & Medication, Except amlodipine 5mg for my high blood pressure & flexeril for my bad back. Since i found iboga and had my first experience i havent had any depression or anxiety at all. My bp is under control as long as i take the amlodipine and my concern with Kambo is from my understanding it can lower blood pressure and i just dont know if it is safe for me to take my bp meds the same day i do kambo for fear it may lower it too much. I did end up purchasing some but before i apply it myself, i figured i would go to the local SQ retreat and have them show me how to properly apply it, i made an app for july 8-10 for the kambo/ aya ceremony, which i am very excited about, i have been preparing myself all this month by taking Rape' 2 times a day and eating a healthy diet. I did buy some of those eye drops and i tried appyling them myself which was a big mistake because i was only able to get it into one eye and now my energy is all off balance, i knew it burned but i was not expecting it to be that bad. At the time i swore i would never do it again, but 24 hours later when i saw how beneficial it could be i was convinced that i need to experience it again. It is a very powerful medicine. I suffer from chronic back pain and im always tired and the flexeril only makes me more tired and thats why i want to try Kambo and i just want to make sure i am as safe as possible and well prepared.

Offline ―λlτεrηιτγ-

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Hey Pete, sorry I never gave any substantial answers about blood pressure. I was waiting for someone more knowledgeable about that to chime in. I'm gonna order one of these soon and when I eventually do Kambo again, I will take some blood pressure readings before, during, and after.

Yes, strong sananga burns! Has be holding my head in the fetal position on my bed kicking, lol! If you'd like to work with eye-drops that don't burn as much get some Piri-Piri. The medicine really changed my life. It made me dream vividly for every night that I did it that day. It also gave me a strong sense of being guided on the right path, like I was more on autopilot and making the best decisions without much pre-thought or questioning. Strange. I believe it helps open up the third eye.

All the best.

P.S. someone just asked about help with anxiety here:
Perhaps you can share any info on your experience with iboga helping you in the matter.

Offline Pete1979

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Thank λlτεrηιτγ,

I just ordered some Piri-Piri. I plan on going to SQ july 8-10th for an ayahuasca ceremony and they provide kambo, but they charge $150 for a session and everybody i been talking says thats really high and they pay $50 per session. I dont have much money and all my friends say its not safe to apply kambo by myself. They say that if i dont have proper protection "evil spirits" can cause me harm and if i dont respect any medicine it can lead to addiction, which i totally understand. I do respect it, i just really cant afford $150 per session. I already bought some and i dont want anything bad to happen, so i was thinking i would let SQ do my first session and if it goes well then i might try applying it to myself in the future. Is there any truth in what my friends say or are they just being overly cautious?

PS i replied to that post  ;)

Offline ―λlτεrηιτγ-

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There's no way you have to worry about becoming addicted to Kambo. Kambo is not something that is enjoyable. It is healing and cleansing but a hard and intense experience.

I've never heard of the evil spirits thing associated with kambo, if anything I feel that the deep cleansing it could potentially keep one free from negative spirits or at least energies and sickness, from harboring in a person. I've heard that psychedelics open the door to the spirit realm and that could potentially be a concern with them, have also had a bizarre experience or two where I felt the presence of evil spirits. Kambo helps purge negative things out of the body. Anyway, it's not something you should worry about or let prevent you from taking kambo. Be strong in mind and faith in good. Kambo is warrior medicine and helps purify you. Worry more about proper procedure, safety, and learning enough so that your experience can go smoothly. Give the medicine respect and put intention into it. Kambo itself has a spirit that helps you, acknowledge that, not evil spirits. The use of florida water and palo santo are used for purifying and smudging space and self as well, and should be used with kambo before, during and after; At least before and after.
$150 does sound way expensive. Unless it includes a place to stay for a day and food, it sounds overpriced.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2016, 07:04:38 AM by λlτεrηιτγ »

Offline Pete1979

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Thats what i thought, my intentions are pure. I suffer from chronic back pain and refuse to take any kind of narcotic pain pills, they give me a non narcotic muscle relaxer Flexeril and i dont even like taking that unless i absolutely have to. Since i got sober 4 years ago i been tired all the time, some of it has to do with the fact that i run my own business and sometimes im working 12-16 hours a day. I try to exercise as much as possible and ill do good for awhile hitting the gym a few time a week but them my back goes out and im forced to stop for a few days and then its really difficult to get back to it. Its a cycle i go for a few weeks and stop for a few weeks and i was hoping if i use kambo when i start to get out of that healthy cycle it will give me that extra push to stay with it, because i know if i can just keep going and build up my core like i have done in the past my back wont hurt as much. From my understanding kambo can help with the pain and its not like im going to rely on the kambo to treat my pain but only use it to be able to continue to go to the gym and get physically fit enough where i wont need to take anything on a regular basis And i dont know what this being tired all the time is about? I tried coffee, energy drinks all kinds of herbs and vitamines and they make me more tired then i was, my moms the same way. Doctors told her it was chronic fatigue syndrome and i been reading that kambo works wonders for that. Im just trying to live a healthier natural lifestyle. i would rather do kambo 1 or 2 times a months then have to rely on pharmaceuticals.

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Coffee has also had that effect on me for a long time. I've been drinking it a lot lately and keeping a pretty clean diet so don't really notice it's side-effects. But feeling jittery and than tired 20 minutes later was an effect I would experience from coffee. You could try guayusa or good coca tea, which give much better energy than coffee. Guayusa is stronger, more stable, longer lasting, less jittery and edgy, tastes a little like coffee but a bit more like tea. Coca is pretty good energy and makes you feel a bit more sociable.

Perhaps you have a hypothyroid condition where your thyroid is outputting low amounts of hormones. But maybe not.

For non-narcotic painkillers, I recommend Tetrahydropalmatine and Glaucine, which are extracts of the herb Corydalis. You can also buy extracts of corydalis or the pure root powder, which would contain both. There was a really good deal on eBay for 10g of THP for like 20 bucks, but I don't see it at the moment; Will perhaps be relisted.
But they are good painkillers that are not super euphoric or addicting, but are analgesic and relaxing. You can look around for a deal online.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2018, 11:55:18 PM by λlτεrηιτγ »

Offline Renoxz

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There is good information that can be obtained 24 hours

Offline Dudezy

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A good choice to find information quickly

Offline Ilya

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Hello, Buddy! You may be very surprised but your problem with blood pressure(more likely also with back pain) will be solved by taking long term fast. No less then 25 days on water. I did this way - went into raw food 7. days prior to fast, meanwhile made 3 colonoterapies(to get into fast with clean digestion system, one colonotherapy 2 or3 d day of fast when you are already off food). First 7 days I was taking water, then 7 days complete dry(even no touching the water), the rest days on water. Going out of it is most important part. First 4 days only juices. I took pinaple/apple. (First 2 days juicec should be dissolved with water minimum on 50%). After these 4 days integrate digestion preferably with fruits-veggies-juices(pressed of course), raw food diet, on the second(or better third week), starting to take cooked foods.(like like porrigies amaranth, buckwheat etc). At least 1 weak with no meats. Better 2. I had very similar problem then you. With bp and b pain. This completely healed. I am prepairing to my Iboga experience now(having issue with anxiety and depression). Believe me buddy, just do it. But stay alone all these days you will be very sensitive. Better in nature. If you cant, do your work no problem, but it ll be more difficult to overcome issues that will raise up durin fast. I also no thinking should i do Kambo prior to Iboga(1,5 months left) or not) I had several kambo experiences before as well as 11 aya. Good luck to you buddy! (!Just do it no douts, you will be amazed, trust me).

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Forgot to mention. Very portant, dry days with no water is the hardest part but is the main work so it is obligataory, minimum 5, I madeand r commennd 7. I am also not a pro fast guys, it was my first long f. So that anyone can donit if I did, no douts. Im very skinny tall no fat etc. many people start telling no dont do ot it os dangerous etc. never listen, it is distractions, feats. Theirs but not tours if you are willing to get off pills and forget about these helth isuues.

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+- in the begin / middle of the fast issues may worsten- this is the best it means that the problem is being healed(rooted off the body). The worser it worsen the better being healed. But you will survive no worries))