Kambo Synergies > Kambo & Rapé / Nu-Nu Snuff / Singado internasal tea

nu-nu to attain visions

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I think it depends on the batch. I have add nu-nu in the past and never got headaches. This time, I got very mild positive effects (such as the relaxed, tranquil state) but a great deal of negative effects (headaches, nausea, fatigue).

Anyhow, I tried to reach this visionary state, but no luck. I think the fact I had low quality nu-nu, played a role in why I was unsuccessful.

Kambogahuasca Panacea:
I've tried several batches from several companies and have not had a positive experience with nu-nu.  Periodically I try again and keep that door open but these effects you mentioned...

--- Quote ---but a great deal of negative effects (headaches, nausea, fatigue).
--- End quote ---

Are what keeps me diving into Hop-A from Acre and not the snuff from the other side of the border. 


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