Kambo Protocol's > Who can and can't do Kambo?


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I am looking for ANY info regarding having a Kambo treatment while being on suboxone. I did see 1 small thread and would appreciate any other info regarding this.
I am looking for a practioner in the northeast. I apologize if this is not appropriate to ask.
Thank you.

I think it's fine to do on suboxone. We will try to get an answer from someone who has specific experience with it though.
Yes, it is fine to ask for a practitioner in your area here. Perhaps you want to be a little more specific where you are located.

best regards

I was on suboxone during my first 3 Kambo sessions and I didn't notice any sort of negative interaction or much of a difference between those sessions and the many after I was no longer on suboxone.  It shouldn't be an issue.  The only thing to note is that I was on a very low dose at that time, something like 0.5mg / day.

I believe Kambo helped me a great deal in moving past opiate addiction and providing strength for going through the difficult withdrawal from suboxone (which I was on for 3.5 yrs).

Thank you. ...I appreciate you checking around.
I am in maine and willing to travel. I have spoken with 2 separate providers in NY and NJ, but they weren't willing to work with me until I was completely off. I take less than .5 mg as well.
In gratitude~

Hello all, I have quite a lot of personal experience with suboxone. I actually began using kambo as a means of helping me end my suboxone addiction. And for me it was certainly an addiction, I did not use it in the proper fashion or in regular doses, I do not reccomend this to anyone. I even developed a habit of IVing suboxone and subutex as I was still fixated on use of the needle from my heroin addiction. I understand that suboxone helps many people and some even say its saved their life. I personally hate the stuff, in some ways I think its worse than heroin, for me it deepened my dependency to opiates as I now had a reliable source of some opiate daily. Also, the withdrawls from suboxone last longer than from heroin. But for people who really need to break their behavioral habits, stop shooting up, ween down and stop putting themselves in dangerous situations to cop heroin it can be helpful.

Suboxone in general makes me very constipated, its hard to piss and damn near impossible to shit anything other than rabbit turds. With this in mind, kambo is used for cleansing, so I really would not recommend kambo if you plan to continue your suboxone use, however, if you want to get off suboxone, which I strongly advise you to do, kambo will help you, and expedite the withdrawal process IMO. Once off suboxone you will notice that you gain your senses back, suboxone seems to put a filter around all your senses, you will begin to see, hear, feel more as you come off you will see your pupils again, I was very happy to see mine after months on that stuff. Regaining your senses can be uncomfortable after getting used to being dulled, but remember this is what you want, you're here on earth to feel not be numbed.

Personally, after a fairly strong ayahuasca trip, before which I had stopped using suboxone for two weeks (which again, I do not advise, everyone is different, I would suggest at least a month of subs before ayahuasca, it will make the trip easier as well). The whole theme of my trip was gaia showing me the habits that no longer serve me for what they really are and not how I view them, showing me how ugly what I was doing really was. After that I have sworn off suboxone.

In closing, using kambo and suboxone at the same time seems kind of contradictory to me. But it will help you get off, and at .5mg a day i would suggest you do so. The physical withdrawal should subside after a few weeks at most, the emotional withdrawal and stabilization may take months. Good luck


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