Kambo Protocol's > Who can and can't do Kambo?

Snake Bite Antidote

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Well, what do you fellow enthusiasts think?  Would Kambo be effective along these lines?  I hike a lot and am wondering whether Kambo should be in the pack.

If bit by a venemous snake, could one apply Kambo to counteract?  If so, what would be the protocol for treating a Kambo naive individual?

"It is used to get rid of ‘panema’, the name they give to bad luck, as well as for ‘hunting magic’ and as a powerful medicine against snake bites, malaria, yellow fever and other epidemic diseases."

Kambô: Scientific Research and Healing Treatments
by Giovanni Lattanzi

No experience but if the natives use it for that than I would trust that it would be helpful medicine and I'd probably carry it with me haha. Wild plantain is a super common herb that's good for pulling toxins out of an affected area. once the leaves are bruised and mashed and moistened. As well as other plants that are effective. that is just one that springs to mind.

I've never actually seen this being done but one of my Brazilian Indian teachers told me that Kambo is indeed applied after a snake bite. He told me that the points are made between the bite and the heart, so usually on the leg or the arm and the number of points depend on the person and the type of snake. So if the person is already taking Kambo as would be usual in his tribe then a large number of points would be applied otherwise who knows? Something I would only attempt in an absolute emergency where there was no possibility of other help and a fatality would occur otherwise. Who knows what the results of mixing Kambo with a neurotoxin would be?

Lets hope you never have to find out  :)

Well it would be nice to know whether or not it is a surefire thing.  If it is then the need for an antivenom that might result in a $20k - $50k hospital bill would be eliminated.

Hopefully we never find ourselves in this situation, but I think the boyscouts have it right with their motto.

You should contact Steve Ludwin about this. I'm sure he'd be willing to put this to the test. He has enough experience with self administering snake venom to safely set this experiment up. BTW I'm not taking about self administering a fatal dose of a neurotoxic snake venom to test if kambo will save ones life, I'm talking about administering a small amount (just enough to cause a localised reaction) of a hemotoxic or neurotoxic snake venom to an extremity (not on a vein) and seeing if the kambo reverses the reaction.


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