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Messages - Jole39

Pages: 1
Application / Re: Taking Kambo alone first time
« on: April 14, 2016, 03:34:23 AM »
Thanks for your reply. I didn't do it one more time. After having  thought about it, it was kind of late and i didn't have food all day so i was  little bit afraid that i would faint because i already had that feeling the first time. I do feel a small difference today. My eyes are more open and i feel that i have more energy but that could also be from sleeping alot because i slept 8 hours this night and i slept for 2 hours after the kambo. I just woke up but i will try to do it once more in a couple of hours. I will only make 3 dots this time because i feel that 5 was way to much.

I tried to sit and be calm, focusing on breathing but after a while i naturally went to laying on the floor. I enjoyed how cold it was. And there is my fear. Maybe my heart can't do this and thats why i am sweating too much? No, i don't have an heart issue but my heart was beating like i was running really fast or like in a sauna. I didn't have music though but i will try to find some shamanic music today. Maybe it helps.

As for the burns, i didn't really have an issue. I followed the advice of burning the skin for one second and that worked fine. It didn't hurt but afterwards it did a little bit. The area around it was red and swollen. I used dragons blood though and today its fine.

I will get back with a report how it went the second time. Cheers!

Application / Re: Taking Kambo alone first time
« on: April 13, 2016, 01:29:04 PM »
Hi again,

So i did it. Where do i start? The delievery guy was late so i sat there hungry as hell. When he came i drank about 1 litre of water(drank 2 more during the day) and i started to prepare everything. I had some issues with making the kambo. I didn't got any dots it was mostly fluffy from bubbles. I burned 5 dots and that wasn't hard at all. There was no real pain in that. I tried filling one dot first and it did hit me straight away. I don't know but it feels like i should have stopped there because it was really intense but i didn' and i applied the four that was left. I don't really know how to explain it but it ended up with me crawling on the floor. Sweating like i was in a sauna. And then i think the mistake happened. I rubbed my arm against my head from agony and i rubbed of the frog venom. 2-3 minutes later(i think) i started to come back. I was on my way to purge before i ended up on the floor in agony but i never purged at all. It felt like all my liquid went for the sweating. I fell asleep for 2 hours afterwards and now  i am thinking about doing it one more time with fewer dots. I just feel that i didn't really go to the end although it was hell when i was in it. I thought i was going to faint for a while. I have started drinking water again so i will do it. I will be back with another report. Cheers!

Application / Re: Taking Kambo alone first time
« on: April 12, 2016, 06:38:26 AM »
Hi guys and thank you for the welcome.

Thank you for the advice and sorry for the late answer. I still haven't got the order but tomorrow they will deliver it and i have taken two days off work so i can make this properly.

Yes, i seem to be more resistant to heavy medicine. The couple of times i have been given morphine at hospital they always need to give me extra injections because it doesn't really bite on me. After 3 injections i could still feel alot of pain. It always ends with me being so high that i am puking all over the place but the pain was still there. I will try with 1 dot first just to see if i get some bad reaction and if its good i think 6 dots will be fine. I will try to prepare everything before so it goes smoothly when i am actually doing it.

The question i still have is if it recommendable to have 2 sessions in a day or should the second session the second day?

About the dosage. I don't need to measure it in someway? It will naturally bee dots that fits in one burn mark?

Application / Taking Kambo alone first time
« on: April 07, 2016, 03:34:33 AM »
Hi guys,

I have just ordered the kambo sticks from Maya. I have been reading alot about this in the last 2-3 weeks and i am determined to test this out. Why? Because i am sooo tired every day. I feel like my eyes are hanging by my knees. I can't wake up in the morning. Its been like that for months. I always look angry because i am so tired that i can't open my eyes totally. In one way i think i have that cloud over my head like many say. All this leads also to that i am not in a good mood. I have read that Kambo might help me with that too. Now to the issue. I will do this totally alone and its my first time. I am not afraid but a little bit unsure of the dosage for example. I am planning 7 dots the first day and maybe the same the next day. My plan is to do this two days in a row to maximize the effect. Is that a good idea? Is it important to use to light up the stick that makes smoke? Can't remember the name. As i am doing this at my place and i don't really like smoke in my appartement. So thats my questions.. Cheers!

Pages: 1