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Newbie from Switzerland
« on: November 03, 2019, 12:02:41 PM »
Hello to everyone,

I went through the forum a lot and looked for information on the internet about Kambo. I found here much more experienced and advanced opinions than on the rest of the net. For example, some sites say that you should not do enemas before Kambo and here you have the experience to do and to get
 benefit from it.  There is also a whole range of added substances such as iboga and of course Ayahuasca. So I'm in the right place because I have 2-3 questions to ask connoisseurs.

A little about me: I have experience with Ayahuasca (about 15 ceremonies) with Ayahuasca analogues like Syrian Rue and Acacias Confusa and especially many ceremonies with sacred mushrooms (about 80).  I am attracted to Iboga but no one in Switzerland can initiate me or even in France.

My favorite combo is Ayahuasca but just the Banisteriopsis Caapi liana with sacred mushrooms. I would like to include Kambo because I need a helping hand to purify some emotional, psychic and energetic aspects. And on the other hand, I need to regain physical energy, I am very thinly built. If it can be useful, I am also autistic (asperger) and I have just come out of a depression that I treated by drawing and with the help of mushrooms. I also have anxiety disorders, of course, especially in groups.

I am registered for a Kambo initiation but will then give myself the Kambo. And then I would need your help with a few questions:

1. The Ayahuasca I ordered from Maya is a "TA alcohol extract" 10ml tincture equivalent to 300g of vine. I'll take 5ml of it so 150g of vine. I saw that with Kambo you had to remove the alcohol 1 week before... but given the small amount, can this really be a problem? (I will take the Kambo before and after the ceremony).

2. I normally fast on the day of the ceremony but I saw that with Kambo it is good to eat after... If I do Kambo in the morning and I want to do Kambo again before the Ayahuasca-Mushroom evening ceremony, is it possible to eat just after the morning ceremony, I mean how soon can we eat after the kambo? Any advice on food?

3. I was very interested in the acupuncture mentioned by some of the members here, particularly ear acupuncture... A tip to treat physical fatigue ? I know we could put the Kambo towards the adrenals ? or the meridians but... there are plenty of meridian points to choose from.. ? rather by ear ? If it helps, I often have problems on the right side of my body and I am left-handed.

4. Will it be too strong to start with acupuncture points ?

Sorry i wrote a lot and that's a lot of questions but I want to be able to give medicines the best working conditions... so thanks for have reading until here ^^.

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Re: Newbie from Switzerland
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2019, 04:30:10 PM »
so on the initiation side it's good but no answer as to my questions...
maybe not the right section but I wanted to enjoy putting all my questions in the same place...
I'll manage...

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Re: Newbie from Switzerland
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2019, 09:27:37 AM »
so on the initiation side it's good but no answer as to my questions...
maybe not the right section but I wanted to enjoy putting all my questions in the same place...

Hello, welcome to the community! Sorry the forum is a bit slow, especially lately.
With the more advanced users (experienced, have been a member for a while, and readily contribute information when they can) having been absent or not very active.
The latter applies to me as I have not been able to be as active as I'd like to be.
And often when I log in, I spend my time behind the scenes working on the forum itself.
E.g. am looking into purchasing and applying a nice new theme / layout to the forum. I think a dark one would be cool =)
And working with the admin who actually runs our server to try and get the "" base link working again.
If he wasn't so busy, I would try to pay and get the website a TLS certificate - which is why your browser might say "Not secure" before the url in the address bar.
This means there's no encryption from you to the server. Which isn't too important for this site because no one is inputting credit card information, etc.;
And also look into perhaps a .com domain name.

1. The Ayahuasca I ordered from Maya is a "TA alcohol extract" 10ml tincture equivalent to 300g of vine. I'll take 5ml of it so 150g of vine. I saw that with Kambo you had to remove the alcohol 1 week before... but given the small amount, can this really be a problem? (I will take the Kambo before and after the ceremony).

FYI to anyone who doesn't know, TA = total alkaloid. A shot in the US is usually 30ml, sometimes up to 37ml according to Wikipedia. Perhaps about 40% ethanol (drinkable alcohol).
So you have about a 3rd of a shotglass of alcohol contained in your extract. The proof of the alcohol (percentage), is probably a bit stronger than a normal drink you would shoot. For example, it might be extracted with Everclear at 120, 151, 189, or 190 U.S. proof (60%, 75.5%, 94.5% and 95% alcohol by volume, respectively). Proof # = twice the percentage of the alcohol content. The higher the better for an extraction. I use 190 proof, for example, when soaking absinthe herbs and distilling their essential oils (I word it this way because although making absinthe I've not distilled alcohol, the alcohol percentage of the final product is less than the everclear tea I started with so it's really an infusion even though alcohol is run through a still. Nothing illegal.

I would say that this amount of alcohol should not have any noticeable effect on the ayahuasca session. But you could pour it in a metal shot glass for example and put it somewhere warm.
Like an oven set to "warm" with the door open (due to the alcohols aromatizing / evaporation and flammability). You could just put a fan blowing over it to help evaporate it faster. Optimally low heat + fan. Alcohol will evaporate faster than water. Which is why you could add water first and then evaporate. When the liquid gets low, it should be only water left over. That way you wouldn't need to evaporate it into a goop or hard resin to be scraped up into a crystalline powder or whatever it's texture. Adding water will reduce the flammability when working with a heat source.

2. I normally fast on the day of the ceremony but I saw that with Kambo it is good to eat after... If I do Kambo in the morning and I want to do Kambo again before the Ayahuasca-Mushroom evening ceremony, is it possible to eat just after the morning ceremony, I mean how soon can we eat after the kambo? Any advice on food?

You can eat after kambo, after the nausea subsides and you feel the strength and hunger enough to feel up for it. Afterwards you feel sober but wiped out which is why you may have seen food recommended. You may feel like eating and sleeping immediately after. I would not do kambo in the same day as an ayahuasca ceremony. There are experience reports here of that, and it can be extremely intense with hours of vomiting. Yes, I recommend enemas of herbal tea and clean water before and / or after kambo to help for a deeper cleanse. Before kambo helps the most because it helps to hydrate you from the other end. Your body can absorb a lot of water easily through an enema. More so if the medicines in it are on the gentler side, else your body will be quicker to purge it out the back. Remember that one should be fasted at least 6 hours before taking kambo.

You didn't ask, but I would eat light before ayahuasca and space it out. It is up to you, eating nothing, and you may feel a little shakey and whatnot. I definitely don't recommend eating within an hour of Aya (really any drug) - at least an hour and a half. The best Ayahuasca experience I've had was culminating a 3 day fast of spring water, fresh fruit and vegetable juicing, and herbal tea enemas. I took yagé (Chaliponga + Bannisteriopsis muricata). I had been doing enemas, maybe daily? (I try when fasting) And I think I may have ended the fast with an enema just before the yagé. I do remember though, that instead of nausea with the yagé, it went through me, surprising me that I had anything more to expel.

I see that you are looking for healing but I would not do the aya in the same day as kambo, because of the Bannisteriopsis' purgative / emetic effect.
I once did some dried peyote and methoxetamine at the end of the day after doing kambo in the morning / afternoon and felt amazing. I was at a  lounge (bar / club) with friends with a DJ who was also a friend playing dubstep and drum & bass style music. I felt very clean, inside and out, and light in my body; And like I was resonating at a higher frequency. I felt spiritual like my third eye was open and

Anyway there's infinite medicines you could work with for healing without needing to do those two in the same day. That's my opinion. I want to work with the herb Cleavers together with kambo. Cleavers grows in my backyard and works on the lymph system (which is what kambo does, and why we apply it under the top layer of skin via burns.

3. I was very interested in the acupuncture mentioned by some of the members here, particularly ear acupuncture... A tip to treat physical fatigue ? I know we could put the Kambo towards the adrenals ? or the meridians but... there are plenty of meridian points to choose from.. ? rather by ear ? If it helps, I often have problems on the right side of my body and I am left-handed.

Ear acupuncture is called auricular acupuncture. Significant because all parts of the body can be stimulated via points on the ear. I believe this is also true of the face, feet and hands. I imagine the ears to be a very uncomfortable place to do kambo. As it feels like the blood is pumping into your head and like blood pressure has gone way up (because you hear your heart beating in your head) and you become red and flushed. My ears having been burnt with kambo applied would probably be too much for me to deal with while undergoing the effects of kambo.

4. Will it be too strong to start with acupuncture points ?

No, not sure I can really even feel a discernible difference in strength either way. Others report that they do, and that people should do less points.
In the circumstance, if I do less, I won't purge. 6 points is perfect for me with me occasionally needing to force purging with my fingers.
The more hydrated you are the easier the purge will be. Usually 1-2 liters is recommended but I recommend at least 2.

Read this as a cautionary tale about combining kambo and aya:

Hope this helps =)
Glad to have you aboard. Sorry for the delay in receiving a response.
I hope for everyone to have enough patience to stick around, as it would be worthwhile. Sometimes others are quick to help and other times a response may take some time.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2019, 10:27:18 AM by ―λlτεrηιτγ- »

Offline Shakuna

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Re: Newbie from Switzerland
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2019, 02:46:35 PM »
wow, I thought the forum was dead and now I have a very complete answer to all my questions...
thank you very much for taking the time and effort to write all this.

I now have all the tools in hand to do my ceremonies.

Fortunately, you put the link on the effects that the kambo / ayahuasca combination can have because I was going to do it unconsciously...

Well, what could I add to all this? You have been very precise and complete on all subjects... so again a big thank you to you!

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Re: Newbie from Switzerland
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2019, 02:34:39 PM »
You are very welcome! =)

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Re: Newbie from Switzerland
« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2020, 01:36:54 PM »
I have a lot of experience with auricular application of Kambo. It is very beneficial, but get with an acupuncturist and get a paper diagram of the ear and have him/her tell you where to apply based on needs or ailments. I miraculously applied it to my ears several times with good results and somehow hit the points. I think it is best to have someone else apply it, but I wasn't in a position to do so. This was 7 years ago and I am just beginning to work with Kambo again and will likely go for meridians and possibly the ears quite soon. I just completed my second session in 3 days and am very happy to be working with this medicine again!

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Re: Newbie from Switzerland
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2020, 01:00:55 PM »
well I finally wait for the equinox and did my initiation to kambo alone ... especially because of the financial burden that would have been too high for me ... I know it's not very "responsible" on my part but on the other hand I'm used to do my ceremonies alone (I'm autistic asperger so more able to manage my perceptions properly when I'm alone).

In short, everything went well, I was still surprised by the acceleration of the heartbeat and the heart beating hard in the chest... I did 3 stitches in the ankle, then the next day 4 and I'll do 5 tomorrow.  I feel afterwards really well after the ceremonies, lucid, light, present, I appreciate very much the contribution of the Kambo at this moment of my life where I try to free myself from some energies that I no longer need.

However, I still had pain in the solar plexus area, during the ceremony during the purging and until now 10 hours after the ceremony. So I hesitate to do the 3rd ceremony tomorrow... I will see tomorrow morning but if one of you see my post before tomorrow, I'll be happy to take some advice!


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Re: Newbie from Switzerland
« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2020, 08:29:57 PM »
I've never had anyone apply kambo to me. I learned myself. So nothing wrong with that as long as you do the proper research to do it right.

I was still surprised by the acceleration of the heartbeat and the heart beating hard in the chest

It's still surprising every time, I can feel my heart beat pounding in my head.

Trying to remember if pain in the abdomen is an occurrence for me.
I think once when I was sick, I applied a few points while doing herbal enemas and had pain.
Kind of a burning sharpish pain above the belly button, if i remember?

Pretty sure I never had any issues hours later. Hours later sometimes just loose stools with the body still eliminating.

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Re: Newbie from Switzerland
« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2020, 06:32:43 PM »
to lightswitchedon : sorry i forgot to thank you for the information on ear acupuncture ! i don't know any acupuncture that i can speak of kambo but .. maybe after i'm already used to work with the medecine..

yeah the heartbeat is really strong.. it's like it's echoing all over the room... and i feel it in the head too..

i didn't do the third ceremony because of the pain that last, but will do it tomorrow, this time on the arm to see the difference.

I have to say that I may know where the pain I felt after the 2nd ceremony came from: At the first ceremony, I made my intention clear before I started. At the 2nd, I forgot... and I couldn't vomit... until I noticed that I had forgotten and I put my intention down, and then I could vomit. Except that before that I had tried to make myself vomit by putting my finger on it. I felt that the medicine didn't appreciate what I had done and said, "Let me do it! The pain I felt all day was the same as when I put my finger in and had a vomiting reflex and nothing came out. Well, I've learned, I won't make that mistake again.

In any case, I already feel that there are things moving in me... especially towards the region of the thymus. Different perceptions, more precise and also a stronger attachment to the earth than before. On the other hand, I have fears and sadness that come up and I don't yet understand what is going on inside me, I try to welcome these sensations. We'll see what happens next.

One thing is for sure: this medicine is a really good one, a gift from nature. I'm grateful for it.

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Re: Newbie from Switzerland
« Reply #9 on: April 13, 2020, 05:52:03 AM »
Yes, and a lot of times after having applied the burns, I feel like, where did the all the water go that I drank?
It feels like it's dissapeared deeply into the body, so I force myself to drink more water down during the ordeal, to help with the purging.

On the other hand, I have fears and sadness that come up and I don't yet understand what is going on inside me
I hear that my friend.

Best regards.