Author Topic: Writeup from first 2 sessions.  (Read 5240 times)

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Offline NuvianSilvyr

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Writeup from first 2 sessions.
« on: February 28, 2017, 07:37:40 PM »
Its been about 3 weeks now since my first experience with kambo. I decided to just jump in feet first and do it myself. I was really a lot more fearful of the burning that was warranted. But nonetheless I had a fair bit of anxiousness before hand. Anyway.... I drank my 2 liters of water...more like 1.5 this turned out to be a regret should have drank more. Made my six dots of venom ready to go and wet, I was a little unsure of the size but i think i got it right. The burning is easy once you get the hang of it, doesnt even really hurt all that bad. You definitely learn quick to make sure the ember on the end of the stick is flat and not pointy, really helps make good burns. I made mine on my right inner forearm (left handed). Upon application of the venom i felt my body get very warm and a pressure mount in my head. It comes on very quickly, i could feel it before i finished applying dots. I then rushed to the bathroom and wasnt sure if i was gonna puke or shit because it felt like i had to shit. I then puked sitting on the toilet with a bowl in my lap, and eventually switched to the toilet. Some coffee and water came up first, then the thickest most bitter bile ive ever tasted. Then just a bunch of dry heaving since there was no more water in me. I then just brushed my teeth and showered. My face was very very swollen, was back to normal in about an hour.

Next I applied Kambo on my girlfriend. She suffered a bite from a brown recluse spider some time ago and we are hoping this helps. I applied next to her spider bite on her leg. She drank two liters of water but had to force herself to puke and what came out of her was more watery and not as thick as what came out of me, and she said she wouldnt have puked if she hadnt forced herself. Perhaps I used less venom on her, I tried to keep the dots small because she is very sensitive to a lot. Maybe we'll try more next time.

And finally for this post my second application. I had actually been up all night, I had court the next morning and was a bit worried. Figured Id do some kambo for the "ridding of bad luck" aspect. The moon was in its final quarter phase, and I prepared the kambo at sunrise. This time choosing to make the dots on the same forearm but on the outer side. I may have used more venom this time, my face swelled much more, i purged less fluid it seemed, but over a longer period of time.  And it seemed to take the whole day for the swelling in my face to subside.

I will save my some anecdotes and other observations for a different post.
