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XXX one year after
« on: April 07, 2013, 01:04:26 PM »
Hi all Kambo Nation,

It has been a year since I started my Kambo miracle. I've done it at least once a week, up to 3 x week.

On the good side, this Sunday I was doubting if I should go for a motorcycle ride or do Kambo. I did Kambo, since my husband is not feeling good. But the point is that for the first time in a year I didn't feel the need to do it.  This is great!

A member Hip has asked me some questions by PM, but I will make them public so other can share the info:

1. How are your CFS symptoms at the moment, by the way? Still in remission?

I am not well, it is still long way to go.  But there are days when I forget i have CFS/ME, and as I mentioned, this Sunday, I was to skip my session. I used to do weight lifting, this will be a true test... physical stress is the true test if I am really getting to be a normal person.

2. Are you continuing to take kambo once a week? I am amazed at your courage in taking kambo. Do you find taking kambo weekly a bit of a chore, or don't you mind? Do you have to kind psych yourself up for doing a kambo session, or are you just calmly taking in your stride now?

Yes, when it hits you to vomit, and feel you are kind of dying, you go, oh not again, (it is so short, anyway)... But every time I am looking forward to do it, BECAUSE I FEEL BETTER, so I would and will do anything to feel better.

3. I am just too apprehensive about going through the full kambo experience at present, which is why I am hoping that taking just dermorphin might work. But as you say, it could be a combination of ingredients in kambo that act together.

Actually, it is not a big deal, I think that there is a lots of info on how to do it, start slow and build up.  I think Kambo is much more then dermorphin, but let us know.

best to all Kambo Race

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Re: XXX one year after
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2013, 10:07:41 AM »
Furthering Jox's Experiments With Kambo as a Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Treatment

As Jox has explained, Jox found that kambo dramatically improved his chronic fatigue syndrome symptoms (you can read Jox's account of his kambo treatment for CFS here).

I wanted to see if taking pure dermorphin — one of the opioid compounds found in kambo — would have similar beneficial effects as a treatment for my own CFS (I have had chronic fatigue syndrome now for 8 years).

My thread here (on fully details my experience and methodology using pure pharmaceutical grade dermorphin as an experiment to treat my CFS. A summary of my experience is as follows.

Brief Summary of My Dermorphin Experience

I took a dose of 100 micrograms (mcg) of dermorphin intranasally, by snorting dermorphin powder which I had carefully diluted down 250:1 with a second inert powder. 

Interestingly, there were virtually no physical or mental effects whatsoever arising in the period immediately following this 100 mcg dose of dermorphin (unlike kambo, which as we know, induces profuse vomiting, diarrhea and significant tachycardia minutes after taking it). 

However, very noticeable effects did appear in the 3 days that followed my single dermorphin dose. These effects were:

Effects of a Single 100 Microgram Dermorphin Dose on my CFS Symptoms:

Positive Effects:

• My chronic inflammatory sinusitis disappeared.
• The constant sense of inflammation in my brain and head disappeared.
• Chronic fatigue syndrome symptoms such as the brain fog (mental confusion), sensory hypersensitivity (the horrible autism-like over-sensitivity to sounds, light, etc) were noticeably improved.
• My energy levels increased, but this was just a mild increase.
• My generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) symptoms disappeared (I have GAD as a comorbid condition with my chronic fatigue syndrome).
• A large patch of psoriasis I had on my leg for years substantially cleared up around 24 hours after taking the dermorphin, which was quite remarkable.
• After taking dermorphin my constantly cold hands and feet (bad blood circulation and vasoconstriction) became warm. So dermorphin seemed to temporarily improve my blood circulation, though this only lasted a day or so.

Negative effects from taking dermorphin:

• In the 3 days following my single dermorphin dose, I felt emotionally and intellectually a little "flat", especially the first day after taking dermorphin, but this mental flatness slowly wore off as the days went by. By contrast, all the positive effects of dermorphin seemed to actually increase as the days progressed.
• Some mild insomnia.

So for the first three days after taking this single 100 microgram dose of dermorphin, things were going quite well, and many of CFS symptoms were noticeably improved.

However, on the forth day after taking dermorphin things turned bad, as I developed a state of mild psychosis, with severe emotional flatness, which was very disorienting. I have experienced days with mild psychosis symptoms before (I have anxiety disorder, and mild anxiety psychosis is not uncommon in people with anxiety disorder). However, I had not had an anxiety psychosis attack for a long time, and dermorphin seemed to bring this anxiety psychosis back.

On the fifth day after taking dermorphin, most of these mild psychosis effects disappeared, and I was back to normal. But the good effects of dermorphin on my CFS also wore off by the fifth day, so it was back to square one at that point.

So the effects, both good and bad, of a single 100 mcg intranasal dose of dermorphin seem to last for around 4 days.

The unpleasant anxiety psychosis experience on the forth day was off-putting, and the general emotional flatness symptoms of dermorphin were not so nice. Though I think this bad experience may just be something particular to me, as I have had some mild psychosis symptoms before, due to my anxiety disorder, and I also suffer from a bit of anhedonia and emotional flatness in general. So these negative effects of dermorphin probably will not manifest in other people; they are probably just peculiar to me

So all in all, pure dermorphin may be a viable means of treating chronic fatigue syndrome for many people.

Dermorphin has the advantage of much easier administration than kambo: you can easily snort dermorphin, thus no skin burns are required; there is no nasal irritation at all during or after snorting dermorphin (unlike kambo, which is irritating to the nasal mucosa); and there are no adverse physical or mental effects at all when you take dermorphin — you don't really feel anything when you take a dose of 100 mcg of dermorphin (the beneficial effects of dermorphin on CFS only appear on the next and subsequent days). 


Note that dermorphin can cause fatal overdoses in microgram amounts, so you need to know what you are doing before experimenting with pure dermorphin, and you need to be able to measure out minute microgram doses very accurately, else you may accidentally kill yourself through overdosing.

Intranasal doses of around 500 mcg dermorphin have been used recreationally, and these higher dose levels apparently do have psychoactive effects. Doses above 1000 mcg will likely prove fatal (remember, dermorphin is an opioid like morphine and heroin, and the lethal dose is not that much higher than the therapeutic dose).

Note also that dermorphin is a compound untested and unlicensed for human use. Chemical laboratories that sell dermorphin do so on the understanding that it is not to be used for human consumption or for human research. Thus the details given here are for information purposes only, and I do not advise anyone to do what I did. That is my disclaimer.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2013, 11:32:26 AM by Hip »

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Re: XXX one year after
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2013, 04:56:14 PM »

how long have you been taking it? Like a month by now? Tell us exactly how you administer it and how often.

Do you have lymph nodes problem or not? if yes did it change anything?

If you have body pain like flu like febrilas, did that change?

the sleep problem is "a problem". What do you do for that, is it ever present, or you sleep ok normally?


Offline Hip

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Re: XXX one year after
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2013, 05:35:40 PM »
how long have you been taking it? Like a month by now? Tell us exactly how you administer it and how often.

Do you have lymph nodes problem or not? if yes did it change anything?

If you have body pain like flu like febrilas, did that change?

the sleep problem is "a problem". What do you do for that, is it ever present, or you sleep ok normally?

I have only taken dermorphin once so far. I took a single dose two weeks ago. Because I got this unpleasant anxiety psychosis side effect from dermorphin, I am not sure if I will take it again. I am still debating this with myself. However, dermorphin did improve many of my ME/CFS and anxiety disorder symptoms, and I think dermorphin might be a good treatment for ME/CFS (provided you don't get this bad anxiety psychosis side effect).

I don't have body pain or flu-like fevers, so I don't know if dermorphin would help these. I do have swollen lymph nodes (not painful though), but the single dose of dermorphin I took did not improve these lymph nodes.

I did not find any solution for the insomnia, but it was only relatively mild insomnia, not a major problem.

I took dermorphin by snorting 100 micrograms of it intranasally. Full details of how I was able to measure out and snort this precise and tiny amount are given as follows.

I bought 5,000 micrograms (mcg) of dermorphin powder from a chemical supplier (cost was $200). 5,000 micrograms is about the weight of 50 tiny grains of sugar.

To prepare this dermorphin for taking intranasally, what I did was mix my 5,000 micrograms of dermorphin powder with a second inert powder, in a ratio of 250:1, so that 25 mg of this powder mixture will contain 100 mcg of dermorphin. This then makes it easier to weigh out doses for snorting. For the inert powder, I used inositol (a B vitamin).

Because dermorphin is a opioid like morphine, it is easy to overdose on dermorphin and kill yourself of you take the wrong amount. As little as 1,000 mcg taken intranasally might kill you. So you need to know what you are doing, and you need to follow procedures with scientific accuracy.

I was concerned that if my mixture of dermorphin powder + inert powder (inositol) was not very well mixed, I might run the risk of snorting up an overdose of dermorphin, as a result of having a non-uniform mixture . It took this possibility seriously, and came up with the following system to mix the powers very thoroughly:

I placed my 5000 mcg of dermorphin powder, and 1245 mg of inositol powder, as two separate piles on the surface of a flat mirror. Then, to the dermorphin pile, I added 16 pipette drops of distilled water (about 1 ml of water), which turned my little pile of dermorphin powder into a tiny puddle of water on surface of the mirror. Dermorphin is highly soluble in water, and dissolved into these drops of distilled water immediately. I gave the water in this tiny puddle a good stir anyway, to make sure the dermorphin was fully dissolved in it.

I then pushed the adjacent pile of inositol powder into this tiny puddle of water + dermorphin, using a Stanley blade. There was just enough water to soak into the inositol powder and turn the pile of inositol powder into a damp sludge. I thoroughly mixed this damp inositol powder sludge, so that the inositol powder was evenly damp. This ensured that the dermorphin dissolved in the water was evenly soaked into the inositol powder.

Then, using the Stanley blade, I spread the damp inositol powder sludge very thinly over a large area (say 20 cm by 20 cm) of the mirror surface. I placed a weak fan next to the mirror to blow a very gentle breeze over this area of damp powder, in order to dry it. 

After an hour or two, the powder seemed completely dry, and I used the Stanley blade to gather up this power into a pile. Just to be doubly safe, I mixed this pile of dry powder for while, using the Stanley blade.

So now I had 1250 mg of a perfectly mixed inositol + dermorphin powder combination. I placed this powder mixture in a small container for storage.

To administer dermorphin to myself intranasally, I just weighted out 25 mg of this powder mixture (I have a digital scales that measures down to 1 mg), and snorted it up the powder using a wide drinking straw. This 25 mg of powder mixture gives me a dose of 100 mcg of dermorphin.

« Last Edit: April 27, 2013, 06:18:18 PM by Hip »

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Re: XXX one year after
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2013, 11:11:12 PM »
I bought 5,000 micrograms (mcg) of dermorphin powder from a chemical supplier (cost was $200). 5,000 micrograms is about the weight of 50 tiny grains of sugar.

Was this easy to purchase over the internet?  I was thinking of ordering some peptides, but the sites I looked at said to call for prices. 

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Re: XXX one year after
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2013, 10:11:59 AM »
Poooffff, this sounds scary, and $$$sive.

Seriously Hip, try Kambo, we will guide you through... If you had courage to do dermorphin, you have no problem with Kambo.


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Re: XXX one year after
« Reply #6 on: April 28, 2013, 12:01:06 PM »
Seriously Hip, try Kambo, we will guide you through... If you had courage to do dermorphin, you have no problem with Kambo.

Thanks for the encouragement and support, Jox. It's much appreciated. A kambo session is on the cards at some point soon. I am focused on the dermorphin experiments for the moment though.

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Re: XXX one year after
« Reply #7 on: April 28, 2013, 01:34:33 PM »
Was this easy to purchase over the internet?  I was thinking of ordering some peptides, but the sites I looked at said to call for prices.

It took a lot of hunting down. I am not suggesting anyone should take dermorphin; it is untested as a drug, and can be lethal in microgram amounts.