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Offline souljacker78

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Stick handling
« on: May 11, 2018, 08:04:22 AM »
Dear members and experienced community,

I´ve recently had my initial 3 sessions of Kambô and couldn´t be more thankful and grateful for what it´s done to me. I felt such a strong calling, effects and lifechanging occupation of my whole mindset by Kambô, that my practitioner told me after the second session I should really work with it and since he´s out of country now for months he´d show me how to self apply. Unfortunately he had an accident before leaving and couldn´t find the time anymore. Because of upcoming events in my private life I´d like to self apply or have the option to do when the frog calls me again. What I don´t find in detail in any forum or video etc. is the proper handling of the stick. It´s said, dependant on natural variety one stick may serve from 60-70 points. Sometimes more or less - that´s not my main issue. I´ve seen my practitioner and others mix it, scrap the wooden stick with water, saliva, build the dots etc. but don´t know -because after application it was not my main interest anymore ;) how you make sure to use the amount needed and let the rest untouched on the stick. Do you scrape off just a bit, put it on another wooden stick (my practitioner did it all on the one stick where the dried secretion was on - guess because he´s more experienced than I will be the first time on my own ;) ) and mix it with water/ saliva? Do you scrape off some from the whole stick (in layers) or just in one corner of the stick? How do you make sure when you do it all on one stick that the rest of the secretion is not watered-down by the mixture/ less effective after us? Think what I´m asking for is a detailed description how to prepare step by step since I don´t wanna waste this wonderful medicine and feel like having pure trinity in my hands that I´m scared to pollute or destroy and don´t wanna throw away like "oops, second try". And by the way - since it will take a while until 2 reliable sources of mine will return fron their journey to the jungle, does anyone know of a good source that´s really transparent where their Kambô/ Sapo comes from and where the money goes to (the tribes!)? I´d appreciate any recommendation and experience and advice. Don´t wanna "overthink" but be cautious and mindful with the medicine. Thank you in advance.

Offline lightswitchedon

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Re: Stick handling
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2018, 09:53:15 PM »
Promise, it is beyond simple.  Get a dropper bottle and apply 5 or more drops of water to the end of the stick that you will be working from.  Let sit a minute or even less.  Use small knife and scrape gently, preferably in one direction.  The globules form naturally and will stick to the knife or spatula.  The "loose" dampened venom has an affinity for itself, but if a small bit gets away from the rest of the globule just move the big one toward that small piece and they will stick together.

Once you have the right size dot transfer to a different block or stick.  It may or may not be necessary to add more water while forming globules.  Rinse and repeat to get the desired # of dots.  After getting those, 3,5,7 or however many dots, then perform the burns.  Next place one drop of water over each globule / dot then apply one at a time.  You do not have to press too hard, it will stay on the burn.

Another thing, make sure the burn is deep enough.  The initial burn does not need to be made by pressing that hard, but scrub firmly with a paper towel to open up the wound.  You will be able to tell that you have an open wound, although nothing serious.

Also, re-wet the points once during the session, probably 5 minutes in.  This gets it all in there.

Final thing, tangent -- this practitioner thing is getting to me a bit.  How long have these people been working with the medicine and what are they charging?  If you lived up the road from me you would get it for next to nothing and I have self-applied nearly 50 times and applied to others nearly 20 times.  Seen many things.  No formal training, just DIY with some help from the one who started this forum who I believe had some teaching from Giovanni Lattanzi.  What I am saying is that just because someone is a practitioner does not mean that they are experienced.  I think it is much about money.  I digress.

Good luck, you should have no problems, but be safe.  Do not over do it, simply because it isn't necessary.  Just get that purge.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2018, 09:57:43 PM by lightswitchedon »

Offline Runasaga

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Re: Stick handling
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2018, 10:43:05 PM »
I agree with your information and think that is good information.