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Offline jimidcricket

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« on: April 12, 2013, 05:19:25 PM »
Hello everyone!
Universe is quite poetic (if you consider "coincidence" to be poetic)... I found this forum thru the eboka site.
about the same day as i found the eboka site I was gifted a few tablespoons of super friendly root bark and a decent sized TA booster (even tho I have gained a good 35 to 40 pounds since my last dance with bwiti)...
and then from another source I was surprised with the announcement of a kambo stick heading my way..

so, in all due respect for what seems to be my two favorite deep medicines.. I have begun research into providing myself for a most beneficial set of deeply needed sessions...

I have combined both substances in the past, over a monthlong set of fasting and kambo, and eventually some wood bark.
tho I am relatively schooled in basic iboga administration ..
I had only the skim basics of Kambo.. I had a whole stick and did 3 sessions within a month... two times with 5 points in the arm and the last with 9 in the arm..
they were awesome sessions that reaped great benefit.. however.. I have since learned that my kambo balls were too large
 (affectionatly called barf boogers... sorry if thats offensive for some... unfortunately my day job is a clown and my night job is that of sacred clown. I am forced to seek the ways to accept that. if for no other reason than the trickster within gets really problematic if I refuse to honor that)

there is soooo much to pour over in this forum as i prepare and concoct a detailed dual session with the frog and the forest..
point placement
why I have even seen reference to singing...

I just wanted to say hello and thank you for the forum..
in the meantime i will be pouring over as many mentions to iboga, fasting and application as i can..

I am also taking stock of the info and formulating the best intention and what I am attempting to address and consecrate.

how long does a stick usually last you if you tend to administer  5 - 7 points per session?
my first stick went WAY to quick.. about 5 sessions..

« Last Edit: April 12, 2013, 05:20:56 PM by jimidcricket »

Offline Kambogahuasca Panacea

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Re: greetings
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2013, 11:15:03 AM »
how long does a stick usually last you if you tend to administer  5 - 7 points per session?
my first stick went WAY to quick.. about 5 sessions..

It depends on where your getting them from.  I've had sticks last for what seems like infinity more than 100 dots on them (and I make rather large globules).  My source is very reliable though and I've heard that the companies vary quite a bit.  A good quality stick will go for 60-75 globules, most of mine go between 60-100+.  I've never had less than.  If it only goes for 5 sessions (25-35 dots) that is not a good stick and I would suggest ditching that source if they consistently have such low amounts. 

Offline jimidcricket

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Re: greetings
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2013, 12:55:45 PM »
I am pretty sure my stick came from a good source.. (given to me by friends who are associated with one of the well reputed ,traveling provider/teachers)
its about maybe a 3 or 4 inch stick wrapped in leaf.. I have seen pictures of larger sticks but i had the same stick my friend had and I am pretty sure HIS service work brought him a quality stick..

it is TOTALLy my doing.. as I read further i understand I had been making obnoxiously large globs.. (I was shown smaller but was told by the person who showed me that they werent sure how small was too small and how large was too large and my all to american upbringing kept saying bigger is better.. so when i was in the privacy of my own experimenting.. i went overboard)

without the benefit of proper training I am very glad to have found this forum.. once again THANK YOU for all who put time and energy into keeping this information on the table..