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Offline Kraken

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New Ottawa (Canada) Member
« on: December 07, 2014, 12:24:41 PM »
Hello everyone,

I live in the Ottawa, Ontario area of Canada. I have received Kambo by a Matse warrior in 2012. It was presented with the name of Sapo as a warrior and dream medicine. There was not much ceremony surrounding the application by the tribe elder as it is not how they do it.

I have recently received fresh Kambo sticks from the Matse tribe and have begun my path of initiation with this medicine. Perhaps because of how it was presented to me strong dream work is a definite effect of the alliance with the sapo spirit. As I practice this medicine with self applications and applications with friends my goal is to deepen my relationship with the medicine spirit as well as introduce it to other seekers. My practice is grounded in a spiritual path with multi-dimensional cleansing.

I am still refining the technique on the application of Kambo, specifically time of burn, how to promote optimal (and infection free) healing of the marks, how best to connect with the spirit, and ceremony for application. Any advice pertaining to these topics would be greatly appreciated. My disregard for ensuring optimal recovery of the marks and preventing infection means that I am even more open to advice on these topics. The Matse simply did nothing around this important topic. My understanding is that the inner warrior would rise to fight off anything that is needed. This might be a new dimension to working with it but is not very appealing to my Western friends.

For ceremony, I do drumming and chanting to guide participants into a meditation to clarify their intention and invite the spirit of Kambo (I call it Sapo). There is a sharing of intentions. After the application I mix drumming / chanting and didgeridoo with a focused intention on activating the inner fire. The intention also is joined with their personal intention and an invitation for the spirit of Kambo to form an alliance so that all may benefit (including Kambo). I did not promote purging and it happened if it needed be; this was the method taught by the Matse. I already received tips on application (burn time, enema, consistency of Kambo and water mixture - this last one was also new as I had first been administered fresh Kambo) A sharing circle closes the ceremony.

A lot of water is consumed prior to the ceremony while a fast is undertaken. A shower is recommended in the hours following the application as well as the consumption of a lot of water.

It would be great if I could get a dialogue going around any of these topics. Feel free to direct them to the right sub-forum or to discuss directly here if appropriate. I would also be thrilled to find someone to work with within a 7 hour drive, making a circle that extends slightly beyond Toronto, Quebec City (past Montreal) and New York at the edges.

I am happy to join your community!

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Re: New Ottawa (Canada) Member
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2014, 05:01:29 AM »
Hello again Kraken,

Very cool that you received Sapo from a Matse. Sapo is also another common name. Feel free to express it.
Dream medicine it is indeed.
After every kambo use, my dreaming becomes stronger.

how best to connect with the spirit,
My advice here is to always have an intention. That is you initializing dialogue with the medicine and respecting its sentience.

For ceremony, I do drumming and chanting to guide participants into a meditation to clarify their intention and invite the spirit of Kambo
Great. I've seen some shamans use certain kinds of palm leaf rattles that are also used to smudge a person by wiping them off.
Sometimes hard to manage making your own drumming, or rattling when juggling Sapo stick, burning stick, knife, spray bottle, smudge, ect.
I had one friend who I must have applied like 20 or 30 burns too, till purge, and even then only purging through sweat and a bowel movement.

To the indians, a purge might not be necessary. But their diets are cleaner and they consciously do things to purge themselves of toxins.
I would recommend pushing the person till they purge. This is a significant part of the healing.

I think a shower following is a fine idea, it is grounding. And cleansing to the largest organ in the body, the skin.

Sadly it would take me about a 7 hour drive as well to meet you at the edge of N.Y / Ontario.

Again, welcome to the forum, and others will chime in soon.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2014, 05:05:03 AM by αlτεrηιτγ »