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Topics - AmazonForLife

Pages: 1
General Discussion / Placed to study kambo in the Amazon
« on: June 26, 2016, 03:14:14 PM »
Hi all
I did my first Kambo ceremony in Pisac, Peru four weeks ago, and it was the best thing I have ever done for myself. I had done Ayahuasca and San Pedro before but without any real health benefits.
Can anyone help me with contacts in the Amazon? Peru, Brazil or another country.
I would prefer a place that is not commercial. A place where I can study with native people, where they want to share their knowledge of this great medicine.
I speak basic Spanish.
Any help will be very much appreciated, since I am having trouble getting any information about placed where I can learn about Kambo. People donĀ“t seem to be interested in sharing their knowledge about places in the Amazon where you can learn about Kambo.


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