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Topics - mauvestar108

Pages: 1
Precautions / Expired Kambo
« on: July 26, 2017, 01:25:43 PM »
Hi all -

Can you please talk a bit about how to know if the Kambo is good to use, or whether it might have bacteria?
I purchased my first stick of kambo and it has little black specs on it. I can't tell if it's bubbled but it's not laying smooth on the stick. I have been storing it in a cool dry place. I used it once and I used water to scrape the kambo, and later learned I should have been using saliva. I don't think this impacted the quality of the stick but I don't know. I have already had 3 ceremonies with a practitioner but I want to be able to apply it to myself.

Any details you can give about safety around the quality of the kambo would be helpful.


Pages: 1