General Category > Introductions

Just wanted to pull up a log and say hi


I am so super impressed and honored to find this little gem of a site. So much info in one place. I will try kambo soon. I intend to absorb as much of this forum in the mean time. I have recently cleared up some serious digestion issues with Pau d arco and cat's claw. I still have the low energy and can see kambo helping kickstart a new diagnostic. The iboga combo has me interested too.

Is there a section or thread on reliable vendors? I see maya has some. That is all I know

Thanks for being here

Kambogahuasca Panacea:
Welcome to our quiet Bonfire where Kambo is the hottest blaze in the world.  Yet to be discovered by the masses and regarded as sacred for our studies to proliferate it's natural wonders.  Thanks for joining.


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