Author Topic: Which Meridian/Zone For Right Side Congestion  (Read 17366 times)

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Which Meridian/Zone For Right Side Congestion
« on: June 17, 2014, 04:28:31 PM »
To be honest, before I saw the meridian and point applications I had a revelation in the shower that applying to the meridians would be helpful.  You can imagine my elation when I saw that this was indeed a viable practice.  I am not very familiar with the meridians but understand there are 10 zones/meridians running through the body on each side.  I have a lot of mucous production, not sure why, and when I get colds I always have more congestion in my right nasal passage.  I would like to apply kambo to some very intentional spots next session.  Could anyone with more experience suggest a specific point or meridian line to target based off this information?  I am studying diligently for the time being.  I have some foot reflexology information, maybe I could target from the feet, that would be interesting territory, and easier for me to target since I already have charts for that.

Offline Elijah Phoenix

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Re: Which Meridian/Zone For Right Side Congestion
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2014, 04:40:10 AM »
Okay, so I believe I may have pinpointed the meridian I am having difficulty/congestion in:  Large intestine.  I have also two bad teeth, with cavities that have rendered these teeth unsalvageable.  A week ago, the dentist removed the decay, and put in cement.  He also put me on a round of antibiotics, which I'm strictly against but have decided it would be in my best interest to take and finish the rx. I haven't taken antibiotics in half a decade, whatever.  I plan on replenishing my gut with probiotics from different formats, kefir, kombucha, etc.  I had to go to the dentist because the nerve pain from the teeth was becoming unbearable and going into my ear, and my throat on the right side is sore, but not like a sore throat from a cold.  It is very possible that bacteria drained into my throat and my body is fighting it off.  Regardless of the details, the hows and whys, I think all of my symptoms are and have been indicative of congestion in this particular meridian zone.  I also have stiffness and mild pain on the right side of my neck.  Believe me, once I finish these bastard antibiotics, I'm going to dive into natural options and am considering doing kambo mastes style to clear this zone.  I think some e.o. applications for the meantime would be good.

Part of me wants to access the meridian point directly from the neck.  I'll let you know how this progresses.  Wish me luck on my personal exploration of the meridian zones and points.  I feel this is my personal work, to heal this part of my body that has been sending me signals that is needs attention.

I took a look here and found the zone with points exactly where I am having sensations/issues.

If someone has any suggestion for essential oils, I'm all ears.  I've got a variety in house, my brother and I collect different ones for different purposes.  I'm going to guess anything with antibiotic properties/relaxing will be good in this case.

I do want to invest in one of those acu-check devices, my brother was elated when he heard they exist.  My sister was asking if there was any sacrament that could be used to help actually see the meridians.  My guess is Kambo might let you see it if you're fortunate; also spirit tryptamine plants would probably be revealing as well.  I've heard some blind people can just feel them.  Makes sense.

Offline holybark

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Re: Which Meridian/Zone For Right Side Congestion
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2014, 01:15:37 AM »
Recently I've also started nerding out on essential oils.  I'd say thieves oil  thyme, eucalyptus, and  peppermint would help with congestion or cold like symptoms. Thieves oil has a neat history.  During the plague of the 1700's, thieves used to put it in their nostrils so they could rob the bodies of the dead safely.  Here is a good bit of info on it:

Offline Elijah Phoenix

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Re: Which Meridian/Zone For Right Side Congestion
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2014, 03:00:53 AM »
Holy cow!  That's an awesome article, I knew of four thieves vinegar, allegedly used in the same way, for looting during the plague, but not the oils.  Thanks for this one!