Kambo Healers Space > Sharing of the Healers

What to do when someone doesn't purge

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Kambogahuasca Panacea:

--- Quote ---On more than one occasion he has suggested that I stick my fingers down my throat to get the purging started even though each time, I knew instinctively that I was going to purge so just shook my head and waited. Its never taken me more than 3-4 mins but for him that's almost too long a time to wait.
--- End quote ---

Personally I advocate against doing this.  I do not (ever) allow people to do this, it is against indiginous practices (not that they are always right) and it just doesn't feel right for me.  IMO/IME things should move naturally.  If people try or suggest to put a finger down the throat, I will immediately prevent them from doing so.  It is not allowed in ceremonies that I conduct.  That is my way at least (and that used by indigenous peoples) and maybe it can serve as a native reference point.  Or alter native or whichever fits, just purrr spective. 

It never felt right to me to induce the purge like that, I always want it to happen naturally.

Now I'm curious why Giovanni thinks its so important to purge quickly by any means possible. Seems like adding kambo to an unused burn point or replacing a point or two with fresh kambo or misting the kambo with water would accelerate the onset of purging - it has worked on me.

Good (and important ) topic Xoch - thanks for bringing it up (no pun intended)

None of you mention Palo Santo

Bringing out the Holy Wood (not to be confused with that other Sacred Wood - Tabernanthe Iboga) incense has an almost miraculous effect on the purge.  And how they moan, "take it away, take it away!"

. . its other great gift is that it cleanses any negativity hanging about that is released with the purge.

i generally keep it going while they are waiting, during and a little after the initial purge.  and i sing my little Kambo song all the while.

after this it loses its power a bit and annoys the celebrant with its vile smell!   lol  maybe its job is done. . .

i also have Palo Santo handy during Aya ceremonies.

Kambogahuasca Panacea:
I just thought it was a given.  Had been mentioned in the past.  More like if someone doesn't purge from Kambo+Palo Santo+Tibetan Singing Bell+Icaros+Gemstone tuners+Rattles+Moving all around positions+Inner Burping...and still no purging then what? 

So just add 2 more dots.  A very simple and effective solution IMO. 

ahh. . Basse'
just checking. . .



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