Acu-points & Meridians > Kambo on Acupuncture Points

Lymph Kambo


Kambogahuasca Panacea:
I have now come to the conclusion that there are 2 major meridian points and there associated lines around the armpit area that will transmit the greatest power and effectiveness of Kambo.  This is what (by accident) caused me to purge black bile (melancholy in the humours system) for 2 hours, and recently caused a patient to do the same.  So it has become completely obvious that these points are the best for strength of treatment.  Personally when I treat an addict the day before their Iboga flood, my basic attempt is to make them detox as much as possible.  Meaning I go HARD at them head on collision style to make them purge as deeply as possible. 

Here are the points I am mainly referring to...

HT 1
PC 1

And the lines

HT 1 along the above arm pit/inner arm region
PC 1 - PC 2 "  "

This is the most powerful treatment modality as well as the best preparation for the heart before an Iboga flood (initiation).

peacefull warrior:
thank you so much for sharing this this information is astoundingly useful for myself, i tried applying a mix of essential oils for balancing all chakras to the point next to the nipple, i have used this mix on all the chakra points before at least 100-200 times by now and with various carriers, this time no carries added this was the most powerful chakra opening i have ever experienced to date, the energy was so radiant and the WARMTH was tremendous, down and out my palms and soles of feet, firing out eyes, ears, nose, mouth.

there is something to this, this needs further investigation, i will be testing these points with mixes designed to balance the respective meridians the points are sitting on next time instead of using a mix for balancing all chakras.


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