Acu-points & Meridians > Kambo on Acupuncture Points

Acu Chakra Kambo


Kambogahuasca Panacea:
This thread is just the start of a research project I began about a week ago.  I did my first application on the Sacral Chakra doing a Mascal (Ethiopian cross) design that covered 3 meridians on my conception vessel as well as 2 on my kidney.  I read in a book about Acupuncture Chakra also called Spiritual Acupuncture and was immediately riveted to invest my energy into this. 

The outlook I have for this is to include as many meridians as possible in the design of beautiful Mascal's which resemble perfect crystals.  At the same time covering meridians from front to back.  The opening and the release.  Here is a book on the subject but I read it in a different book...

My first application was rather amazing.  I'm still digesting the experience after doing it on Thursday.  I did 11 dots on the sacral meridian in this beautiful design.  I also did one on a huge red mole I had, I burned the mole like 30 times and then when I applied the Kambo on it I was immediately hit full throttle with the Kambo.  I think the mole (or a wart for that matter) is a sign of an energy blockage.  I'll need to integrate the experience more before I can fully report it.  I also need to hire an assistant to begin helping me applying to my back as well so I can open up both sides of the chakra force.  It's a theory so far but to me it feels just right. 

One may ask what about the brow chakra?  or the root chakra? or the crown chakra?  No way one can do burns there right?  So my view at the moment for that is to find the reflexology acu points for the top of the feet, the top of the hands, the ears, possibly the bottom of the feet, possibly the bottom of the hands and so on.  I think this would also work in a good way to accomplish opening the chakra fields.

Looking forward to making this a life goal project to delve in head first with a good oxygen tank. 

Hi, I've also got some blockage at my sacral chakra, can you please explain at exactly which spot to burn, to get the energy there flowing.


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