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Topics - holybark

Pages: 1
General Discussion / Is Kambo an Effective Treatment for Allergies?
« on: February 23, 2015, 02:21:41 PM »
I have a loved one suffering severe allergies, and has tried nearly everything to make them at least ease up. Would Kambo be a feasible treatment to combat allergies? Has anyone experienced this before? Thanks a bunch.

Hello, I just had a simple question about these two medicines, and getting the most out of the experience.  What is the recommended period of time to space out a Kambo session and an Ibo flood to get the synergistic effect from the Kambo?  Thanks for any replies!

General Discussion / Kambo and upper respiratory infections
« on: August 09, 2014, 03:41:43 AM »
Does anyone have any information on, or personal experience with the efficacy of Kambo for upper respiratory infections?  I greatly appreciate any replies, thank you.

Kambo & Other Sacraments / Kambo and Peyote
« on: July 20, 2014, 04:37:30 PM »
Hello.  I have the opportunity to do Peyote in the next few weeks.  I have Kambo, and was wondering if anyone has used Kambo to synergize with Peyote or Mescaline.  Any advise is much appreciated.

Introductions / Hello Kambo
« on: June 19, 2014, 04:56:24 PM »
Hello everyone.  I am just a week away from my first session with Kambo, and I'm just starting to dig into this forum and all of its valuable resources.  I have experience with such healers as Bufo, Iboga, Changa, and Psilocybe, and I have had my eye on Kambo for quite some time now.  I will be given the medicine by one of my siblings whom is not familiar with the medicine.  I myself have little experience with it (I sat with someone who was given Kambo once while working in Mexico with Iboga).  I am currently amidst plenty of research on this medicine, but all the same, I would really appreciate any advice/pointers from people who are seasoned users/practitioners.  It is an honor to be a part of this forum, and I greatly appreciate the efforts of those dedicating their time to spreading info on this subject and building a community.  Many thanks to all of you.


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