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Messages - holybark

Pages: 1
General Discussion / Is Kambo an Effective Treatment for Allergies?
« on: February 23, 2015, 02:21:41 PM »
I have a loved one suffering severe allergies, and has tried nearly everything to make them at least ease up. Would Kambo be a feasible treatment to combat allergies? Has anyone experienced this before? Thanks a bunch.

Hello, I just had a simple question about these two medicines, and getting the most out of the experience.  What is the recommended period of time to space out a Kambo session and an Ibo flood to get the synergistic effect from the Kambo?  Thanks for any replies!

General Discussion / Re: Kambo and upper respiratory infections
« on: August 13, 2014, 07:00:25 PM »
Update: The individuals cold is slowly subsiding.  I figure their immune system is regenerating much stronger than it was before the Kambo, and is slowly fighting off what ever illness they had.  They told me they have a marked increase in energy, and they're very emotionally sensitive, describing their emotional state as a "exposed nerve".  They also said that since their treatment, they have been very receptive to energies/emotions ect.  They have no prior experience with Kambo, and had 5 dots applied to the upper arm. She is a female with a rather small build. Burnmark:  Yes it actually happened the very next day, to the exact same person it happened to in the dream. 

General Discussion / Re: Kambo and upper respiratory infections
« on: August 11, 2014, 05:06:55 PM »
Just spoke with the individual who is still suffering slight symptoms of a URI.  I suspect it will slowly get better, as her immune system regenerates to a higher level post treatment.  I suspect this because for me personally, the energetic properties of Kambo did not arise for about 4-6 days after my session. However they stated they have a certain mental clarity, and a mood uplift. 

Another very interesting note, this person slept with ease the night and had a vivid precog dream.  This is odd.  The said individual dreamed of my sister having a really really heavy period with a massive clot, that flopped around on the pavement as if it was living.  The very next day, my sister had a very heavy flow, with a huge blood clot in it! I joked that it was an immaculate miscarriage, as she is not sexually active. 

I hope you all find this as interesting as I have, and I will post as long as I see and hear results from the individual whom had the treatment. 

General Discussion / Re: Kambo and upper respiratory infections
« on: August 10, 2014, 04:03:01 AM »
Just had a wonderful/strong Kambo session with the individual who has a possible upper respiratory infection, or cold, about an hour ago. Will update this post in 24hrs to let everyone know how he/she is.

General Discussion / Kambo and upper respiratory infections
« on: August 09, 2014, 03:41:43 AM »
Does anyone have any information on, or personal experience with the efficacy of Kambo for upper respiratory infections?  I greatly appreciate any replies, thank you.

Kambo & Other Sacraments / Kambo and Peyote
« on: July 20, 2014, 04:37:30 PM »
Hello.  I have the opportunity to do Peyote in the next few weeks.  I have Kambo, and was wondering if anyone has used Kambo to synergize with Peyote or Mescaline.  Any advise is much appreciated.

Application / Re: how often should one do kambo
« on: July 08, 2014, 08:32:36 PM »
I have only done Kambo once, and with my limited experience I would say listen to your body. 

Recently I've also started nerding out on essential oils.  I'd say thieves oil  thyme, eucalyptus, and  peppermint would help with congestion or cold like symptoms. Thieves oil has a neat history.  During the plague of the 1700's, thieves used to put it in their nostrils so they could rob the bodies of the dead safely.  Here is a good bit of info on it:

Introductions / Re: Hello Kambo
« on: June 27, 2014, 08:19:35 PM »
Wowee!!!  Just had my first experience with Kambo about 2 hours ago.  Decided to start with only 1 rather large dot on the right arm.  It started with a stinging on the burn, then a warm rush of blood up the back of my head.  Then my heart rate went up and my head was full of pressure.  My hands and arms started to fall asleep and vibrate, and my ears started to ring like I was on the verge of passing out.  I could feel where in my body the Kambo was working as it passed from head to toe.  It made it's way to my gut and I puked up about a liter and a half of yellow and black bile.  After about 15 very unpleasant minutes I was feeling better and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth (the taste in my mouth was like bitter acid).  Decided to hop in the shower, but the shower was immediately interrupted by the need to have diarrhea.  There was little to no fecal matter, almost all bile.  Afterwards I finished my shower.  I felt my spirits lifted and felt a calming presence within.  Still a very fresh experience.  What powerful medicine this is!

Introductions / Re: Hello Kambo
« on: June 21, 2014, 04:29:31 PM »
That is very valuable advice Elijah, thank you!  My medicine will likely arrive this week, and I am very excited and nervous.  I will go first, then my sister will go afterwards.  We have planned out a week long diet of mung bean soup after the session.  If you don't mind me asking, where did you apply your burns?  Is it difficult to walk (in case one of us needs to make it to the toilet)?  Once again I really appreciate your input, and will definitely let you know how it goes.

Introductions / Hello Kambo
« on: June 19, 2014, 04:56:24 PM »
Hello everyone.  I am just a week away from my first session with Kambo, and I'm just starting to dig into this forum and all of its valuable resources.  I have experience with such healers as Bufo, Iboga, Changa, and Psilocybe, and I have had my eye on Kambo for quite some time now.  I will be given the medicine by one of my siblings whom is not familiar with the medicine.  I myself have little experience with it (I sat with someone who was given Kambo once while working in Mexico with Iboga).  I am currently amidst plenty of research on this medicine, but all the same, I would really appreciate any advice/pointers from people who are seasoned users/practitioners.  It is an honor to be a part of this forum, and I greatly appreciate the efforts of those dedicating their time to spreading info on this subject and building a community.  Many thanks to all of you.


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