Author Topic: Rash/Healing as heat  (Read 6269 times)

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Offline Obsidian

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Rash/Healing as heat
« on: March 21, 2017, 04:53:57 PM »
I have received healing from kambocito five times. 3/5/7/9 dots on upper left arm and then last time 5 dots on my right wrist. My last experience was with a different practitioner and she left the kambo on for 1/2 hour, where previously it was removed soon after obvious purging was over. Before the half hour was up, I began to break out in hives all over my legs. She did not seem concerned, and the hives did eventually abate after a couple of hours, but THEN after several hours I developed a hot/swollen/bumpy rash on and around the site of my old points. Several of the old points even began to weep. I contacted my normal practitioner who said the healing was erupting as heat (my dosha it quite pitta so it made sense to me) and suggested I do things to cool my body. It helped, but I did have a spot near the old points that scarred deeply from the rash.
So my question is this, I am beginning my solo work with kambo soon and was wondering how many have had hives or rashes break out this way, and what, in your opinion can be done to help this healing occur less dramatically in the future? Also, if you were the practitioner and had hives begin to break out, how would you handle it? I have never had an issues with breath constriction, but does this kind of reaction lead to it? Thank you for any responses.

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Re: Rash/Healing as heat
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2017, 05:30:21 PM »
I developed a hot/swollen/bumpy rash on and around the site of my old points.

I have also had this occur once and I thought that was quite interesting. I am also pitta dominant.
Leaving kambo on for a half hour is okay so long as you don't have a weak heart. This is up to to the practitioner, provided they have experience.
It is a way of conserving kambo, and not needing to add more. It does not do much unless the points are misted with water to rehydrate the kambo and the tissue to allow absorption,
as the areas and globes begin to dry out.

A normal effect of kambo is skin flushing and blotched patches of red skin.
I would not be concerned with it, and your first practitioner had insight.
As well as the fact that the lymph system works with the cardiovascular system to circulate and filter waste,
which could lead to you seeing bumps and rashes on the surface of your skin.
You didn't get any pictures did you? I wish I could have seen the condition, esp. the scarring at the old points.
Update and let us know if this eventually clears up.

I'm sure a few methods would help to prevent that from happening again, but I would have to think on this, as far as not going against the functions of the kambo.
Afterwards you could take a shower and turn the water to cold as well as focusing the cold water on the areas with the inflammation to relieve the inflammation.
Cold water will also help flush the circulatory system/organs and bring down inflammation and cytokines which cause inflammation.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2017, 05:32:01 PM by λlτεrηιτγ »

Offline Obsidian

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Re: Rash/Healing as heat
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2017, 06:04:01 PM »
Thank you for your thoughts. Very interesting to know that you have also had this occur. It has since healed except for a scar near my old points, which was left where it took quite a long time for this particular hive to heal. I have several health issues, so it's difficult to pinpoint precisely what was going on. It occurred to me that perhaps my kidneys were not functioning at an optimal level, or there were some emotional issues going on at that time also.
I will be interested as I go forward to see if the old points act as some sort of escape portal for heat or toxins, in the future  :P

You didn't get any pictures did you
I did get pics, but would prefer not to share them publicly. Let me know if you want to see them They are of my old points just before they started to weep. Granted I was only two months out from my last ceremony, but they were nearly completely healed.

I did several things to help cool my body after the rash erupted. Cold shower, aloe vera, drinking cooling teas and eating cooling foods. It went away within a couple days, except the one place that scarred. I think if it happens again I will do what you suggested and go in a cool bath or shower as apply aloe.

As far as the kambo being left on, I don't remember if it was misted again or not, as kambocito had taken me pretty deep. :)
Thanks again for your response!

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Re: Rash/Healing as heat
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2017, 09:14:17 PM »
Let me know if you want to see them

I would if you find the time. PM me link/s.

It went away within a couple days

Oh, I hadn't realized this took days to go away. That's odd. The release of toxins could have caused an acute/temporary eczema/psoriasis type of condition.