Author Topic: Kambo for poppy tea addiction  (Read 23220 times)

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Offline Luna_mama

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Kambo for poppy tea addiction
« on: May 20, 2012, 08:14:47 AM »
Hi everyone.

I posted on another forum and don't think it was the correct place so thought i'd try and get your thoughts/opinions here.

I was a heroin addict then moved to poppy tea and stopped everything else (have been clean of heroin for a few months). Anyway, i am now very keen to come off the tea and live my life without opiates. I take the seeds out and blend then soak the straw in lemon (2 washes of 2 pods daily).

Someone I know who is experienced in kambo gave me the treatment (i was already in withdrawal), i gave it an intention and was a very intense experience. I was very sick and this went on for a few days. After, even though i'm not sure if i needed it i couldn't keep the poppy tea down anyway so i'm not sure if my extended sickness/purging was due to the kambo or opiate withdrawal.

I am now able to keep food and the poppy tea down and i need less then half as much to feel ok to this has been a good step. I am still feeling very tired and not myself. What do you think thats down to and where do you think i should go from here??



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Re: Kambo for poppy tea addiction
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2012, 01:57:05 PM »
I am still feeling very tired and not myself. What do you think thats down to and where do you think i should go from here??
Many people seem to attribute Kambo to giving unlimited or great lifts of energy.  I find this to be much more of a long term result that one gets after treatment(s).  I would not be alarmed from still feeling tired and to the best of your ability try to trust this pinnacle doctor spirit of the phyllomedusa bicolor.  It knows what it is doing.  If you could microdose with Iboga at about 300-500mg 2x a day either bi-weekly bi-2-3 weekly or bi-monthly taking breaks in between, it will resolve your energy issues.  It is important to put intention into this treatment though.  Later on I will provide some writings that Giovanni did on these topics.

Also the Ilex species is a healthy way to energize and find metabolism homeostasis on a quick term basis, Ilex Paraguenseis (Yerba Mate') or Ilex Guayusa.  Fine long term adaptogenics Immunostimulants) are even more key to supplanting a healthy system and internal energetic hard drive.  Notables that work much quicker than others include Rhodiola or better yet for the spiritual effects to Tibetan Rhodiola.  For much of these I admire the quality of Botanical Preservation Corps...
But for a nicer price with still high quality reference Mountain Rose Herbs. 
This book is the key one on Adaptogens...

Many Amazonian herbs as well far too many for me to reference really but Amazon Therapeutic Laboratories is quintissential unless you want to source direct from the Amazon then Kiwiboancaya but they are a bit um...unreliable at times. 

I have to say sometimes I am sick for a while after Kambo.  I get torn to shreds sister.  It is just the way it is for me and I totally trust the Kambo spirit.  Sometimes I am a bit uncertain but those are just my ego fears.  Notice on a much more long term basis say after 1 week-1 month the overall benefits of Kambo.  Short term results are not nearly as beneficial from my experience.  Although we are trained to go after those in the West, Kambo is training us back to nature.

You will have to flood with Iboga to resolve this.  Don't be scared.  If you practice consistently with Kambo and Iboga microdosing you will do quite well.  Then when you do flood take your doses very incrimentally.  Like say you weigh 130 pounds.  Since you are trying to break an addiction you need about 1gr more Total Alkaloid Extract (TA) to break the addiction.  So about 3.4gr of TA is what I would give to someone at that weight for just psychospiritual reasons at that weight.  But since you are trying to defeat an addiction I would up it to 4.4gr of TA.  But the way to administer is very important.  To do no more than 2gr within an hours time.  Preferably breaking that dose into 3 increments over 3 hours.  (TA)About 1.45gr first hour, 1.45 second hour, and 1.45 hour third hour.  Wait for 2 hours and if you need more take more in a dose of 1gr.

That will be the only way to guarantee a break in the cycle.  And have a space to start again. Fresh like the breeze on a hot day. 

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Re: Kambo for poppy tea addiction
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2012, 02:02:48 PM »
Also for such an intense treatment of resolving such issues with Kambo.  Should have done multiple Kambo treatments over the course of 1 or 2 days.  Preferably 3 treatments.  Sounds like it would have made you sicker but in reality I have found just the opposite.  So you would spread out the treatments until you felt decently recovered from the previous one and then do another.  That way those withdrawal symptoms would have been dealt with much better. 
